Page B2 The Portiani» (fibaeroer April 7,1999 Montrai Darret G et ready for the future, because it ju st arrived. The nam e is Montrel D arrett, and the m ind-boggling, solo debut album is called Chronicles ot the Soul. “ I w anted to go out kind o f raw and create som ething that’s not happen­ ing anym ore,” explains M ontrel. “T h at’s w hat a lot o f cats in the ’60s and ’70 w ere so good at. The instru­ m entation played a big part in bring­ ing across the feel and the em otion o f the words. Itw asn tju st there filling up space. It was a little sparse, but it w ashappening. T hat’s w hat 1 tried to caoture. 1 w rote every song on the album on a funky old blue electric guitar in a little studio in downtown N ashville. The passion o f my songs all begins w ith that guitar.” Passion indeed. Echoes o f past guitar masters from Jimi Hendrix, Ernie Isley and Led Zeppelin’s Jimmy Page filter like lasers through the montage o f Montrel’s almost limitless imagination. With amazing musical breadth and dept, Montrel also arranged and produced all 12 songs that the alternately delicate and downright combustible Chronicles __” “ ac M o n tie d e liv e rs delivers a on Issues,” as l Montrel a riveting, m ulti-layered v ocal pei loi m ance that deals a dead-on body slam against racism, ego an denomi national divisiveness. Not since the early '70s-w hen one o f Montrel ’< mentors, soul superstar Marv inGaye, asked a troubled world “ W hat’s Go ing O n,” and M otown legends I he Empowerment Healing • Deliverance Breakthroughs • Restoration oky chorus that rings with a classic R&B move. Rain" smolders with a quiet tiic sparked by a slinky, too-cool vv ah w ah guitar and vocals as fervent as Sunday m orning church. A hat A Friend” resounds with in uiihemic pow er unheard since ( in us May field & the Im pressions added their music to the ’60 Civil Theme: “A Time o f Restoration” G od’s Anointed Preacher, Teacher, Evangelist & Pastor: The Reverend Dr. F. Ron Mays Pastor o f C harity Non- D enom inational C hurch In Forth W orth, Texas Three Days of Life-Changing Revival Wednesday, April 14,1999, starting at 7 :00 p . m . Thursday, April 15,1999, starting at 7:00 p . m . Friday, April 16,1999, starting at 7:30 p . m . Allen Temple CME Church 4236 NE 8* Avenue • Portland OR 97211 m uch w ho I am. M ellow Rhodes pianos are offset w ith a ferocious, pow er-chording guitar and relentless bass and drum s • (503) 287-0261 Pastor: Dr. Le Roy Haynes. Jr. FUNERAL SER V IC E y ¿z?/z f f i / w i c / i o f the Soul comprises. A fter big-league training singing w ith m odem G ospel m aster John P. Kee, and three years as lead vocalist and songw riter w ith urban Gospel pioneers Com missioned, Montrel has m ore than proved his mettle as he now em barks on a trip that s decid­ edly his own. “This album is definitely my heart and soul right out there on the line,” states Montrel. “ I know that radio and formats and markets are all important, valid considerations, but overwhelm­ ingly, my thoughts were to create something that w ould impact my gen­ eration. I w ant to m ake lasting music that satisfies the people’s souls." It’s been a long process," M ontrel continues. “A ll different kinds o f m usic I ’ve soaked up in my life have becom e a huge part o f who 1 am , who G od has m ade me. 1 love everything from rock and folk to hip-hop and stone-traditional G ospel. “I ’ve tried to show respect to those w ho’ve com e before me, w ithout being imita­ tive. Chronicles o f the Soul is very Leviticus 25.10 Sunrise December 11,1950 Sunset April 1,1999 April 8,1999 1:00 p . m . QB Williams Convention Center Tem ptations declared this earth a “ Ball ofC onfusion" has an artist s, > daringly broached the quandaries o f a culture spinning out o f control “Issues’ deals with breaking down the barriers that w e'v e built between the races and the cultures," says Montrel. “And there are mus i c a I w a 1 f that talk. They say, ‘You can 't sing soulbecause y o u 're w hite.’ O r ‘\ ou ca n ’t sing country because you re black.’ W e’ve got to teach our kids about good m usic-and good lives that know no color. That’s the day I’m looking for." A mesmerizing hip-hop groov e ani 1 to p ic al ly ric s on the v erses ot "Sakedow n” segue intoan irre sist ibly M ovement, singing a w hole ultuic from bondage to freedom with People G et Ready ." Baby boom ers might hear shades o f the C hi-L ites or D elfonics in the gorgeous ballad H old O n ," th o u g h o n ce ag ain Montrel turns tim eless tradition into s< 'inething uniquely his own. • I his song is m e reaching out to be a friend and helper to people w ho are hurting’.' ■'ays M ontrel. “W ith­ out a doubt, that’s how w e bring people to Christ Jesus won the hearts and the trust o f people by reaching out t o them, and inviting them to com< Him. He opened up the door ii« .1 relationship w ith them, and in so doing won their souls.” Portland to Welcome National Convention of the NBEA The 36,h A nnual Convention o f the National Black Evangelical Asso­ ciation (NBEA) w ill m eet this year at the E m bassy S uite at Portland A ir­ port, A pril 22-25. T he general theme is “ R edeem ing and R estoring the C ity. Rev. A aron H am lin, p asto r o f M allory A venue C hurch o f C hrist, 220 NE Beach Entrance on Garfield R ig h ts is the national president of N BEA , and Rev. H enry G reen id g e. pastor o f Irvington C ovenant C hurch, is the local chairm an o f the conven tion. G reenidge included the fol­ low ing in his w ords o f invitation to the entire church com m unity: “This is a pivotal tim e in the his tory o f our country! The NBE A is uniquely positioned to pro­ vide inform ation, inspiration, and fellowship as we seek to be th e “p eo p leo f G od" in thecity. We can no longer rely on “rheto­ ric” nice slogans or merely “hopes and dream s“ Along with national board o f N BEA , we have brought together a wide variety of speak ers, m inisters, clinicians, theo logians, effective grass roots program s dealing with the full range o f need-m eeting m inis­ tries. The convention is a time for us to com e together to w o r­ Rev. Henry Greenidge ship. share strategies and resources, and build relationship as we labor together for righteousness, justice and reconciliation. W e look forw ard to seeing you. There will be youth and children’s program s every day call 288-8550 Dinner St. Pauls Cogic 2859 NE Rodney O B IT U A R IE S n Loving M em ory o f Timothy Jerom e Ross. Sunrise A ugust 3, 1962, Sunset M arch 18,1999. Timothy JeromeRoss,affectionately known to his family as “Buckin Hoss” was bom to Henry and Sadie Ross on August 3,1962 in Portland, Oregon. T im othy attended G rant H igh School w here he excelled in basket­ ball and football. After leaving high school, T im othy held various labor jo b s and perform ed com m unity ser­ vice work. Tim othy loved giving back to the community where he lived. W hen Tim othy was ready to give his life to the Lord, he was baptized at M orning Star M issionary B aptist C hurch. Tim m y later united with B ethel A .M .E . Church w here he served faithfully for many years. At B ethel,Tim m ysanginthechoir. After leaving Bethel, Tim m y united with I penalty in the United States It was inspired by Pope Paul II s words and actions in St. Louis last January. TheCatholic community speaks out from a perspective, which is uncondi- tionally prolife. Not only do wedefend innocent human life, as in our opposi­ n Loving M emory o f B em ice Jean G oulsby. Sunrise M ay 15, 1925 Sunset M arch 27,1999 Funeral services w ere held for B em ice Jean G oulsby on April 2 at D aniel’s M em orial C hurch in P ort­ land, Oregon. Mrs. G oulsby passed away on March 27,1999 in Portland at I fore retiring in 1995. M rs. G oulsby is survived by her children, W illie G raham o f M adera, C A ., Shirley B enson o f Los A nge­ les, C a., Eligha G raham o fP o rtlan d , O R ., Leon G raham o f M adera, Ca. and Jam es D ixon o f P ortland, O r., o n e siste r, Id ella A rm stro n g o f A laska; 23 grandchildren and 49 great-grandchildren. Interm ent was in W illam ette N a­ tional Cemetery. Arrangements are in care o fC ald w ell’s C olonial Chapel. Birth Announcements Baby’sN atne G annon Andrew Connelly Sex: M ales Date ofB irth: 03/21/99 F ather’s Name: Andrew F. Connelly M other's Name: A lison E. ( iildersleeve-C'onnelly Baby's N am e A lexis! M cK enzie Stetson Sex: Female D ateofB irth: 03/25/99 I ather: Jeremian Stetson Mothei Alysia A. Stetson Statement of Archbishop John G. Vlazny Urging an End to the Death Penalty Today I jo in m y brother bishops in a G ood Friday A ppeal to End the D eath Penalty. O n the day w hen we recall the execution o f Jesus Christ, the A dm inistrative Board o f the Bish­ ops ’ C onference has released a state­ m ent calling for an end to the death the age o f 73. She w as b om on M ay 15,1925 inM adera, C alifornia to Eu­ gene and V iola (Payne) W hiteside. She m arried M ajo r G o u lsb y in L os A ngeles in 1970. H e p receded her in death in 1975. B em ice m oved to P o rtlan d in 1980. She w o rk ed as a recep tio n ist for W ynne, H ew itt, D o d so n & S k erritt law offices b e­ M aranatha Church o f G od under the leadership ofDr.T. Allen Bethel, where he rem ained a member until his death Tim m y leaves to mourn: his d e­ voted parents Sadie & H enry Ross, brothers Henry Ross, Jr , William Ross S r., and Darryl Ross S r.; sisters V ersa Lam pkin, Jaquelyn Ross, and Kim Ross; brother-in-law Ray Lam pkin, Jr.; and a host o f nieces, nephew s, and friends. Timm y, w e love you and you w ill be m issed by all. tion to abortion, hut we also defend the lives o f those who have done evil. 1 h i s is not an issue and all o f us need to consider how we will stand up for life, stand for the victim s o f crim e and work for a soc iety that does not solve it problem s with violence North Portland Bible College 4905 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland, Oregon Monday Evenings, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. New Testament Survey III Ministry to Urban Families III Tuesday Mornings, 9:00 - 12 Noon New Testament Survey III Tuesday Evenings, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Bible Lands and Customs Equipping the Saints II Lay Counseling 11 MS Windows 95/Word 97 Wednesday Mornings, 9:00 - Noon Bible Lands and Customs Thursday Mornings 9:00 - Noon Old Testament Survey 111 Educational Ministries of the Church Making Our Programs Ready for 2000 E. Nance, M. Div. Carol Chism, N.S.W. E. Nance, M.Div. Michael Lindsey, M.Div. Brian Fraught, B.A. Jay Held, M.Div. Annett Stanton, B.A. Michael Lindsey, M. Div. James Coleman, M.A. Debra Jenkins, M.A. Thursday Evenings, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. James Coleman, M.A. Old Testament Survey III Gerald Wilson, Ph.D. Celebration and Despair in the Psalms LeRoy Haynes, D. Min. Christian Social Ethics (At Allen Temple) Call 288 2919 to register, or to receive Information M J /.** •.•**«* • ’ . ; <