Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 17, 1999, Page 11, Image 11

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    March 17, 1999
Vo rtlanb (Observer
NBA Lockout
Sends Calipari
Riding High
having a w ithdraw al from basketball
because 1 ca n ’t have contact with
a n y o f o u r p la y e r s ,” h e sa id .
“N orm ally, I w ould be w orking out
players or flying to their cities to work
out w ith them. T h at’s w hat I enjoy
m ost about coaching.”
In anticip atio n o f the lockout,
C alipari w ork ed o ut several N ets in
June instead o f his usual Ju ly 15
start date, and added h e ’s confident
the players are p rep arin g for the
season even w ith o u t b eing u nder
his w atchful eye.
“ K now ing our guys, the guys that
w e have, I know that their appetite
has been w hetted a little bit. I imagine
our guys are working really hard right
now ,” Calipari said. “I don’t have any
doubt that our guys are playing and
training and preparing them selves.”
A nd w hat does a coach do w ithout
a team ?
“ I’m exercising every day, I’m back
to the w eight training, so I’m lifting
and running and I’m golfing a little bit
m ore than I have in the past,” he said.
C om ing o ff a season w here he guided
the N ets to 43 w ins and their first
p lay o ff berth in four years, Calipari
w asn ’t w orried about the N ets being
hurt by the layoff.
“ W hen they tell us w e’re going to
start, w e ’ll be ready,” he said.
B y M ichael J ames
D aily N ews S ports W riter
B ecau se o f the N B A lockout,
Jo h n C a lip a ri has beco m e a coach
w ith o u t a team . B u t he h a s n ’t
sto p p e d coaching.
U sually at this tim e o f year, the
N e ts’ coach w ould be w orking out
p la y e rs an d p re p a rin g fo r th e
u p co m in g season, but the w ork
stoppage prohibits contact w ith his
te a m . C a lip a r i, w h o le c tu r e d
y e ste rd a y at the N e ts ’ su m m er
basketball cam p at River Dell H igh in
O radell, N. J ., said he’s been keeping
busy scouting in Europe.
“The two trips I ’ve m ade to Europe
(w ere) to see the young players
w ho are 18 and you n g er at the
E urocam p in T reviso, Italy, earlier
this sum m er and 1 w as at the 22-and-
u n ders, w hich w as in S icily ,” he
said. “ (It w as) ju st to get a little read
on w h o ’s w ho in E urope, so w hen
people com e back and tell m e w h o ’s
w ho, I have an idea.”
C a lip a ri also said he d id “ six or
sev en ” coaches clinics w ith Italian
c o a c h e s , as w e ll as s e s s io n s
alo n g sid e L ute O lse n an d M ike
“ I ’ve b e e n b o u n c in g aro u n d ,
because I can’t do anything (relating
to the N ets) and I ’ve been kind o f
S ta te S e n a te C o m m itte e o n
Investigations, said his panel w ould
hold hearings on the fight in New
Y ork City Thursday.
N ew Y ork A ttorney G eneral Eliot
Spitzer said he was opening an inquiry
into the controversial decision in New
Y orkC ity Friday.
A report in London’s Daily Mirror
newspaper Monday said the Federal
Bureau o f Investigation was launching
a probe into whether the fight was ngged.
but FBI officials in Washington would
not confirm such an investigation.
The fig h t intended to produce an
undisputed heavyweight champion o f
the world, instead plunged the boxing
world into controversy once again with
some observers wondering whether
the judging might have been rigged.
by J oanna W eiss
N ewholse N ews S ervice
Judge Stanley Christoudoulou of
South Africa scored the fight 116-113 in
Lewis. American Eugenia Williams had
Holyfield winning 115-113. Judge Larry
O ’ConnellofBritainhaditeven, 115-115.
H o ly field retain ed his W orld
Boxing Association and International
Boxing Federation titles and Lewis
Isaiah Rider scored a season-high 3 0 points, 2 3 In the first half,
to lead the streaking Portland Trail Blazers to a 1 06 -9 1 victory over
the Dallas Mavericks on Monday night.
Damon Stoudamire added 1 8 points, Arvydas Sabonis had 1 5
points and 1 6 rebounds, and Brian Grant 1 0 points for Portland,
which has won 1 0 of its last 11.
Michael Finley’s 2 1 points paced the Mavericks. Erick Strickland
had 1 3 points and Gary Trent added 1 2 for Dallas.
H appy
B irth d a y
Scott Trent.
G o o d m a n ’s c o m m itte e h as
investigated boxing before following
the death o f a boxer in the ring and
spearheaded reform s in the sport.
“It’s quite evident that something
was bizarre in the ultim ate decision,
said G oodm an, who attended the
M adison Square G arden fight.
Trent said he did not think the various
probes w ould conflict.
“W e w ant to get to the truth,” he
said. “G reater scrutiny and a closer
look can only have the effect o f
revealing the truth in an expeditious
manner, w hich we w elcom e."
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Edwards had long demanded money
in ex ch an g e for influencing the
Louisiana Gaming Control Board and
se c u rin g D e B a rto lo a co v e te d
riverboat-casino license. After years
o f resistance, DeBartolo had decided
to pay. That day, DeBartolo says, he
learned the price.
T h a t sc e n e , a n d o th e r v iv id
descriptions o f the dealings that won
D eBartolo his license, is outlined in a
seven-page court docum ent federal
p ro s e c u to rs file d y e ste rd a y . It
a c c o m p a n ie d th e p le a b a rg a in
D eBartolo m ade in exchange for
testifying against Edwards.
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BATON RO U G E, La. - In the bar
overlooking the sw im m ing pool at
th e R a d is s o n H o te l, fe d e ra l
prosecutors say Edw in Edwards sat
next to Edward DeBartolo Jr. 19 months
ago and showed him a slip o f paper.
O n it, the p rosecutors say, w as
scrawled a figure: $400,000.
That M arch 5, 1997, encounter
sealed a fateful deal, according to court
d o cu m en ts, b etw een the form er
Louisiana governor and the Califomia
millionaire who owns the San Francisco
49ers football team. Investigators say
kept his W BC crown.
T he probe conducted by state
a th le tic c o m m is s io n c h a irm a n
M elville Southard Jr. is expected to
take place over the next seven days.
“ The governor’s concern is to insure
that the pu b lic’s confidence in the
integrity ofth e matches is protected,
said athletic com m ission spokesman
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Jack Mula, the quarterback’s agent,
said Friday he w ould not comment on
the financial aspects or the length o f
F lutie’s contract.
The 5-foot-10 Flutie, the 1984
H eism an Trophy w inner for Boston
College, is due to return M onday to
his hom e in N atick, Mass.
Bills coach Wade Phillips told Flutie
by telephone last w eekend he would
have a chance to com pete for the No.
1 q u a r te rb a c k p o s itio n , th e
new spaper reported.
The team is expected to acquire at
least one m ore quarterback through
free agency o r the draft to go along
w ith F lutie an d holdovers Todd
Collins and A lex Van Pelt. Third-
stringer Jim Ballard will be sent to the
W orld League o f Am erican Football.
A six-time MVP in the Canadian league.
Flutie failed in previous NFL chances
with Chicago and N ew England from
1986 through 1989.
B U FFA LO , N Y . — Q uarterback
D oug F lu tie, w h o has failed in tw o
attem p ts to p lay in the N F L , has
a g re e d to a c o n tra c t w ith th e
B uffalo Bills.
Bills spokesm an Scott Berchtold
said the team reached an agreem ent
with the 35-year-old Flutie late Friday
afternoon. He w ill sign a contract
som etim e next w eek w hen he returns
from a vacation in Hawaii.
T he Buffalo News reported Friday
that Flutie was to approve a two-year
deal that w ould pay him a base salary
o f $300,000, the minimum for an NFL
veteran, and a signing bonus ofabout
S e v e ra l in c e n tiv e c la u se s —
in c lu d in g in d iv id u a l s ta tis tic a l
acco m p lish m en ts an d league-w ide
h o n o rs — co u ld b rin g th e total
valu e o f th e c o n tra ct as high as $5
m illio n o v e r tw o s e a so n s, the
n ew sp ap er rep o rted .
Documents Show
Ex-governor’s Role
in Gambling Deal
Three Investigations Launched
Into Lewis-Holyfield Draw
B y L arry F ine
N EW Y O R K (Reuters) - Three
separate N ew Y ork State inquiries
in to th e c o n tro v e rs ia l E v an d e r
H o ly field -L en n o x L ew is b oxing
decision w ere announced Monday.
Gov. George Pataki asked the New
York State Athletic Commission to
in vestigate the draw d ecision in
Saturday’s heavyweight title unification
bout that appeared to most observers to
have been decisively won by Lewis.
N ew Y ork State Senator Roy M.
Goodman, chairman ofthe New York
Flutie makes NFL
return with Bills
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