. X , .V - X X I ■■ «.0 4 * * * * Li ---------- — X d i . »>- - ï »*•«»*** — fcíkí ¿>oókey, Jîarber/ Sty li At T o w a n d a p e rry , S ty lió t/O w n e r W ig s • • • • Barber & Beautician W e a v in g H a ir B ra id in g H a ir • S upplies S havin g Supplies H a ir C are • C osm etics P roducts • H o n o r in g B la c k H is to r y M o n th E Cosmetics & Hair Products For Men & Women • UARY 17, 1999 » W ? « SLACK HHTORT M ONTH 1999 P in* “W h e re Y our H a ir Is O u r M a n e C o n c e rn U > alk-ln 6 W e lc o m e 1 Jew e lry & Accessories O p e n Tued - S a t a y a i N X . 7+h A v e (K n o tt St) 707 NE Fremont Portland, OR 281-6525 Tuesday - Saturday * 1 0 am- 6 pm P o r tla n d O K (5-03) 2.87-7664 Shop • (j-o?) 833-7732. pfu)er Office (503) 287-5504 Fax (503) 287-8913 Dr. Billy R. Flowers C h iro p ra c to r R e n ta l W a s h e r Co. 00 O FF $ Life/Health Property/Casualtv Income Protection Retirement Business Post Office Box 12128,2207 NE Broadway, Suite 5, Portland, Oregon 97212 FAX 503-284-7607 PHONE 503-284-6595 D elivery and Installation F R E E T u c s - F r i 9 a m - 6 p m / S a t. Sam - 6 p m Honors Black History Month Honors Black History Month R N E S T WARREN INSURANCE a g e n c y 2124 N.E. H ancock Street Portland, OR 97212 Dean's Barbar Shop Honors Black History Month 7 U N IO N ZAVENUE< giàs V cqmpany $40 P ? hMs°"t'h ” Cnr The set Storm Ooors a n d W in d o w s All types of Plate and Window Glass Storm doors and Windows Honors Black History Month 4709 NE MLK Jr. Blvd. LORRAINE HLAVINKA Woman Owned 7. BEAUTY SALON 1 6 5 7 S E T a c o m a S t. P o r t la n d , O R • 5 0 5 . 2 5 1 . 7 4 1 5 I ! T<â H onors B lack H istory M onth —r 445 NE Killingsworth 503.288.9367 Barber - Beauty Salon N A T IO N A L L Y R E C O G N IZ E D Business Award o f Excellence Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.% Best o f Portland (W illia m ette Week) 281-G554 R u b y Reed Philly Geneva’s Shear Perfection Hair - Nails • Pedicure Facials • Shoe Shine 213 N.E. Hancock Portland, OR 97211 'i ä n b Portland, Oregon 97211 Phone 249-5886 Fax 249-1083 Celebrates Black History Month A.D. Williams • Horace Simpson • (503) 282-2920 2322 N.E. M.L. King Blvd. PtldOre Big City Produce Celebrates Black History Month We must honor the past and learn from our diverse histories. SAVE BIG AT BIG CITY PRODUCE your State Farm Agent: Michael Harper 4004 SW BarburBlvd. Phone:221-3050 Quality Fruit & Vegetables at great prices 5128 N. Albina at Sumner 460-3830 Best Greens in Portland 5601 NEN|L4£j Hours: 9-6 Mcm-Fri: 8-6 Sat 503-285-1159 Quick stop Photo “We Do All T\pe Hair” NAACP ‘99 MEETING SCHEDULE PLEASE NOTE: ALL REGUL A R M E E T IN G S H E L H A I BETHEL A.M-E.CHVRCH • 5828 NJULTH AYE, Auto • Home • Life • Health State Farm Insurance Companies * Home Offices: Bloomington, Illinois * Ace TYPEWRITER COMPANY * T IM E 7433 North L om bard P ortland Sales a n d Service TYPEWRITERS: Selectrics W heelwriters A ll m akes-E lectronics O F F IC E CHA IR S R ibbons & D iasyw heels 1 :00-3:00P.M . 1:00-3:00P.M . 1:00- 3:00P.M. 1:00-3:00P.M . S o ld a n d repaired (new casters) COPY MACHINES Toner and Service 1:00 - 3:00P.M. 1:00 - 3:00P.M. ¿dort/fuc 'Tfppctrn/fri One Hour Color Print Processing ^tawors history /Howtli D owntown P ortland C anby 223-5016 263-1898 T igard P owell 639-5968 774-5209 L ake O swego P romenade 639-5968 659-1786 T anasbourne M c M innville 690-2897 472-4484 (503) 286-2521 I ■ r"- fir.. Li', . - F '■ ' - / j * n- ogu* r ~ i r IfU M fliT V