Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 17, 1999, Page 10, Image 10

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FEB. 17, 1999
lije Jfortianft (Obeerurr
Woods wins duel with Brown
SAN D IEG O — T ig er W o o d s’
n in e - m o n th v ic to r y d r o u g h t
ended, fittin g ly , back hom e in
su n n y S o u th e r n C a lif o r n ia .
W oods c e le b ra te s his first PGA
T our w in sin ce M ay.
W oods w on the B uick In v ita ­
tional by tw o sho ts Sunday w hen
he sank a 15-foot eagle p u tt on
the 18th hole at T orrey P ines
S o u th , f in a lly p u ttin g aw ay
p esky B illy R ay B row n a fte r the
tw o p u n c h e d a n d c o u n te r -
pun ch ed m uch o f the round.
W oods th ru st b o th arm s in
the air a fte r fin ish in g at 22-un-
der-par 266, tying G eorge B u rn s’
1987 to u r n a m e n t re c o rd fo r
T o rre y P in e s. W o o d s sim p ly
needed to p lay w ell here to a s­
sure that h e ’ll keep his N o. 1
spot on the O ffic ia l W orld G o lf
R anking, w h ich w ill d eterm ine
the 64-m an field for the $5 m il­
lion A ndersen C o n sulting M atch
Play C h am p io n sh ip at La C osta
Feb. 24-28. That w a sn ’t forem ost
on W o o d s’ m ind.
“ 1 h a v e n 't w on on the PGA
T our since M ay o f la st y e a r,”
W oods said. "B u t to fin ally w in
ag ain , that feels a lot b e tte r than
any w o rld ra n k in g .”
W oods had gone w inless in 14
to u rn am en ts since his last v ic ­
to ry , at the B e llS o u th C la ssic .
W oods, w ho grew up in O r­
ange C ounty, said w inning the
B u ick w as sp ecial not only b e ­
cau se he w as 17-under for the
w eekend, but that it cam e in front
o f fam ily and friends.
“ It m eans a lot to me to do this
in fro n t of, in a sense, a h o m e­
to w n c ro w d ,” he said a fte r his
round o f 7-under 65, w hich cam e
in p e rfe c t w eather on the heels
o f his T orrey Pines South C ourse
record 62 on S atu rd ay , w hich
also h ap p en ed to be his best
round as a pro.
“ You c a n ’t really say enough
how m uch that really affects you,
to see people that you do know ,
and are o u t there su p p o rtin g
y o u ,” W oods said. “ Y ou d o n ’t
get to see it every w eek as you
travel all over the w orld. M ost o f
the tim e y o u ’re alone, you and
yo u r c a d d y .”
W oods w ill have p le n ty o f
su p p o rt th e n e x t tw o w e e k s,
LAS VEGAS - Oscar De La Hoya
had knocked down Ike Quartey in
the sixth round and his fans were in
a frenzy when, suddenly, De La Hoya
was dropped by left hook.
“I thought, ‘Hey I ’m going to get
right back up and stay in the fight,”
De La Hoya said. “I’m no quitter.”
"He showed tremendous heart,”
said Gil Clancy, De La Hoya’s co-
trainer. “That’s what won it for him.”
The WBC welterweight champion
won the last three rounds on all three
o fficial card s, knocking dow n
Quartey and almost stopping him in
the 12th round, to retain the 147-
pound title on a split decision Satur­
day night in the Thomas & Mack
“I thought I won this fight,” said
the 29-year-old Quartey, who lost
for first time. “I did everything, he
did nothing. He came to survive.
That’s all he did.”
One judge, Larry O ’Connell of
Britain, scored it 115-114 for Quartey
(34-1 -1,29 knockouts), John Keane
o f England scored it 115-113 and
Ken Morita o f Japan scored it 115-
112 for De La Hoya (30-0,24 knock­
The APscoredit 116-111 forDe La
The fight will be rebroadcast on
HBO at 9:30 p.m .EST Saturday.
“I was throwing all the punches in
the first nine rounds,” said Quartey,
a former WBA champion who was
stripped o f that title.
It appeared, however, that De La
Hoya had the best o f several close
rounds sim ply because he was
Oscar DeLahoya showing the
heart of a champion
Asked if he thought he was in
trouble after 11 rounds, the 26-year-
old De La Hoya said, “Truly, I
thought I was in total control. I never
thought I had to come back dramati­
w hen he plays in the Nissan Open
at R iv iera in Los A ngeles, then
at La C osta, w hich is ju s t north
o f T orrey Pines. B row n, w hose
o n ly top 10 fin ish in the last six
y ears w as a w in at the D ep o sit
G u aran ty G o lf C lassic in 1997,
shot a 66 S unday to finish at 268.
B ill G lasson w as alone at third at
270, w hile C h ris Perry, O m ar
U resti and K evin S utherland tied
fo r fourth at 273. B row n said he
had a fun round until a bad se c ­
ond shot on 18. Brown made more
than a few great shots to keep up
w ith W oods.
Shamel ,
Brown »
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Tiger Woods celebrates his win
over Brown
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