Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 10, 1999, Image 9

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FEBRUARY It). 1099
Commitled to Cultural dixersity. http: > www.portlaiulobserver.iiet
Volume W V 1 III. Number 6
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a I f n h a r
Retirement Of Joil Southwell
Feminine Mysteries
The lecture, Feminine Mysteries in the |
Myth o f Orpheus, by Janice Conklin Tay­
lor, a Jungian analyst in Washington, D.C., I
will illuminate the contemporary problems
between men and women, and between the
human species and nature. Ms. Taylor will
apply images from the myth o f Orpheus in
Greek mythology. The lecture is Friday,
February 19, at the Town Hall, 3704 NE
I Interstate Ave., Portland, at 7:30 PM. The |
cost is $10.
Make-Up Tips
Known as the “make-up artist to the stars,'
I the name SAM FINE has become synony­
mous with African-American beauty. Fans I
will be able to greet-and-meet Sam, see a
make-up demonstration and ask questions.
He will be at Nordstroms in downtown |
Portland on March 6.
Goodwill Volleyball Tour
Sports For Youth Foundation, Inc. is
I currently accepting applications for boys I
and girls aged 15-19, who are accomplished
High School or Club volleyball players and
good citizens, both in their school and com­
munity, to take part in the 1999 Goodwill
Ambassadors World Tours. 1999 marks I
the 16th year that the Goodwill Ambassa­
dors have conducted world tours for Junior I
volleyball players. The 1999 tour will travel
to London, Paris, Geneva, Venice, and]
Rome. Registration deadline is March 15th.
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Healthy Heart
Heart disease can be prevented, treated
and even reversed by lifestyle choices that
affect fitness. Learn healthy preventative
choices in free one-on-one session on Sat­
urday, February 13, 12-4 PM at Natural
Center-East o f the National College of
I Naturopathic Medicine (11231 SE Mar­
*• «s**-*-.
Administrator o f the Vocational Rehabilitation Division, Assistant Director
Department O f Human Resources
r. Southwell work 11 years in
the private sector in positions
of ever increasing authority and
responsibility with Crown Zellerbach and
Portco Corporation. He entered public ser­
vice in 1971 and worked as Director o f the
Board for Multnomah County- City o f Port­
land Senior Adult Service Center for 4
years and then served a Branch Manager
with the State ofOregon’s Adult and Family
Services for 6 years. He became the Admin­
istrator o f the Vocational Rehabilitation
Division (VRD) o f the Department of Hu­
man Resources in December of 1981.
During his time with VRD, Mr. Southwell
invested, shared, and participated in national
organizations such as the Council o f State
Administrators o f Vocational Rehabilita­
tion, the National Council of Disability De­
termination Directors, Howard University
Research Center, the National Commission
on Certification o f Rehabilitation Counse­
lors, and the President’s Committee on
Employment o f Persons with Disabilities,
to name a few, and was able to gain valuable
insights used to improve organizational re­
sults. His involvement in local and state
organizations has also included the Port­
land Metropolitan Club, Urban League,
NAACP, Board o f Directors o f The Center
for Community Mental Health, and the Af­
rican American Legislative Roundtable. The
Joil Southw ell
clear result o f Mr. Southwell’s activities
programs assisting Oregon citizens
was not only a nationally recognized Voca­
their social and economic inde­
tional Rehabilitation program, but most im­
pendence. He has served as Administrator of
portantly, increased and improved services
the State o f Oregon, Vocational Rehabilita­
to Oregonians with disabilities.
tion Division, Department o f Human Re-
Joil has 26 year’s experience managing
I »
sources, for the last 16 years with increasing
success in serving Oregonians with disabili­
ties in becoming gainfully employed and/or
Prior to his current position, Joil served
as a Branch Manager for the State o f
Oregon, Adult and Family Services Divi­
sion o f the Department o f Human Re­
sources. His N.E. Portland office pro­
vided medical, financial, and maintenance
assistance to eligible O regonians. Joil
worked 4 years as the Director for the
Board o f Multnomah County - City o f
Portland Commission Senior Adult Ser­
vice Center in Portland. Prior to joining
the public sector, Joil worked 7 years in
the corporate - private sector for Crown
Zellerbach and Portco C orporation in
Portland, Oregon.
Joil has a Master’s Degree in Political
Science, Urban Studies, and a Bachelor’s
Degree in Business Administration from
Portland State University. Throughout his
professional career, Joil has had a keen
interest in Business and Human Resources
programs and has demonstrated strong ad­
vocacy by participating on numerous boards,
commissions, and organizations. He has
developed strong partnerships with local
and national leaders to ensure their support
o f Oregon initiatives.
Joil and his wife, Cindy, live in Northeast
Portland. Their sons, Joil, age 26, and Marcel,
age 22, are also residents o f Oregon.
I have submitted the notice o f my retire­
ment to DHR director Gary Weeks, effec
five February 28,1999.1 want to express my
profound thanks and appreciation to all staff
and advisory committees, present and past.
I am proud o f all o f the accomplishments we
have achieved over the past eighteen years
on behalf o f Oregonians with disabilities
and their families, said Joil Southwell I
ket). Call 255-7355, ext. 0 for appoint-
I ment. For a complete list o f free screen­
ings, call 499-4343.
Your Child’s Agenda
“Your Child’s Agenda” is a workshop I
based upon the premise that in order to
recognize, honor, and support you child’s
agenda through his or her own unique quali- |
ties, you first need to identify, honor, and |
celebrate your own as a parent. This two-
hour workshop will be held on February 20 ]
at A Teacher’s Space (2755 NE Broadway).
Cost is $35. Participants must pre-register ]
I and pre-pay by calling 288-3577.
Tai Chi Society
The Taoist Tai Chi Society o f Oregon/1
I USA invites you to join us in celebrating its
third annual Chinese New Year Celebra­
tion. An evening ofcultural exchange opens
with a Chinese Lion Dance followed by a
traditional 9-course banquet, including veg­
etarian, seafood, and meat dishes, guest
speakers and demonstrations o f the art of
Taoist Tai Chi will follow. The doors o f the
Great China Seafood Restaurant will open
at 5:30 PM on Saturday, February 20lh lo­
cated at 336 NW Davis, in the heart o f |
China Town. Call 503/223-6193.
Commissioner Jim Francesconi & Staff take
to the Street to Tour MLK Main St. office &
the businesses involved in the, “Imagine >4
Great Street” project. Commissioner
Francesconi chose to familiarize himself &
sta ff with the progress o f the developments
on the Boulevard to better Conceptualize
issues presented to City Council for
Berta Delman, MLK Main Street Manager
acted as tour guide & hosted the
introductions o f the various Businesses to
the commissioner & staff.
Pictured from Left to Right:Diana McKnight;
Business owner, Jim Francesconi;
Commissioner, Larry Hecht; Business
owner, Berda Delman; MLK Main St.
Manager, and Johnny Gage; Admin, asst..
Image Management
Learn how to create powerful style, im­
age, and presence that makes you radiate
and attract others! By simply making ad­
justments within ourselves, we are able to
create incredible results and satisfaction in
our lives. On Saturday, March 6 attend a
House (1737 NW 26,h & Thurman). The
event will begin at 8:30 AM until 12:30
PM. Call Image Resources at 503/452-
Artist Extends Valentine’s Day Cards Line
Kids Come in All Colors, and So Does Children’s Valentine’s Pac
cultural Valentine’s Day cards for kids, which
she introduced exactly a year ago. The
“Children’s Valentine Pac" features a charm­
ing selection o f youthful images, reflecting
kids o f all colors. Indeed, the Valentine Pac
is the only V alentine’s Day greeting card
designed especially for African-A m erican
kids and other children o f color.
Ham pton is a multi-talented artisat who
works a variety o f mediums including paper
and fabric collage, painting on glassware,
and acrylics. She currently has a series o f all
occasion cards, including M other s Day,
Christmas and K wanzaa, wh ich are produced
and marketed through Ethno Graphics Greet­
Stop Smoking
Stop smoking with Chinese medicine.
Smoking affects all aspects o f health, espe­
cially heart and lung systems. Free screen- ]
ing teaches what Classical Chinese medi­
cine can do to help quit smoking. Saturday,
February 20, 9 AM - 1 PM at Natural
Health Center-East, o f the National Col­
lege o f Naturopathic Medicine, 11231 SE
Market. Call 255-7355, ext. 0 for appoint­
ment. For complete list o f free screenings, |
call 499-4343, ext. 103.
PO RTLA N D , O re.- Local artist Athena
Hampton has expanded the line o f m ulti­
ing Card Company.
H am pton got the idea for an ethnic
V alentine’s D ay card line for children after
looking in local stores for som ething sim i­
lar for her ow n children. She soon realized
that a m ulti-cultural grouping o f cards did
not exist and set out to create them . The
concept w as presented to E thnoG raphics,
Inc., a m ulti-cultural, all-occasions greet­
ing card C om pany, and w ithin a short pe­
riod o f tim e, she had designed the ten im ­
ages, which m ade the first “Children ’s Val­
entine Pac.”
The V alentine Pac cards are ideal for
teachers to give students, as well as for kids
to exchange w ith their classm ates, family
and friends. The expanded Pacs include four
each o f five designs (20), w ith 20 mailable
envelopes, packaged in aclear plasatic-hang-
ing bag. Suggested retail price is $6.50.
The “C h ild ren ’s V alentine Pac” cards
can be purchased at the follow ing Portland
retailers: V E SSE L S, “ T ablew are W ith
M eaning,” 2605 NE Martin Luther K ing Jr.
B oulevard c o rn e r o f R ussell; L egacy
Em anuel H osptial A uxiliary G ift Shop,
2801 N. G antenbein; R eflections C offee
& B ooks, 446 N E K illingsw orth c o m e r
M LK Jr. B lvd., Looks Like M e G allery ,
5417N . W illiams Avenue at K illingsw orth;
RAJ Infant & T oddler W ear, 1600 N E
A lberta Stret; and the Paper Tree, 2 9 1 6 N E
F o r a d d itio n a l in fo rm a tio n on th e
“Children ’ s V alentine Pac" cards, call 249-
1952 ■