Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 10, 1999, Page 8, Image 8

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St. Helens School District No. 502
St. Helens, Oregon
A d ve rtise m e n t fo r C o lu m b ia C ity E lem en tary “S itew ork
T he C ity o f V a n co u ve r is seeking a third party construction
m anagem e nt, inspection , m aterials testing firm to assist in the
construction o f bridge and approach se gm ent roadw ays of the
Lease C rutcher Lew is, serving as the C onstruction M anager/
G eneral C ontractor (C M /G C )fo rth e St. H elens School D is tric t
is soliciting bids fo r the site im provem ents at C olum bia City
E lem entary in St. H elens, O regon. T erm s and conditions of the
bid are outlined in Lease C ru tch e r Lew is (C M .G C ) Invitation
to Bid” , dated February 8 ,1 9 9 9 , attached to and m ade a part
NW 2 6 * St. B ridge.
R e q u e s tfo rq u a lific a tio n inform ation packets m ay be obtained
from th e o ffice of p u rch a sin g fo rth e C ity of V a n co u ve r located
in the b a sem ent of th e V a n co u ve r F inancial S ervices Building,
100 East 1 3 * St., V an co u ve r, W ashington , (360) 696-8181.
o f the C ontract D ocum ents.
B ids w ill be received at th e offices of Lease C ru tch er
Lew is, 921 S W W ash in g to n S uite 150, P ortland, O regon
Q u alified firm s are h e re b y invited to subm it a statem ent of
q u a lifica tio n s fo r pro vid in g project m anagem e nt, inspection,
97205, until 3:00 o.m. P P T .F eb ru ary 2 3 .1 993 *
the bids w ill be publicly o p en ed and read alo u d B ids shall
be clearly m arked “C O L U M B IA C ITY E L E M E N T A R Y
and m aterial te stin g services.
Q uestions regarding th is Request for Q ualifications should
be d irected to Dan S w en sen , Public W o rks C o n stru ctio n
S IT E W O R K ”” .
C onstruction includes all p h ases of sitew ork, utility in fra stru c­
ture and parking lot im provem ents at C olum bia C ity E lem en­
M a n a g e r at (3 6 0 ) 6 9 6 -8 0 5 0 .
S ealed resp o n se s w ill be received by th e C ity o f V a n co u ve r
P urchasing A g e n t up until the h o u ro f 3:00 PM M arch 3"1, 1999.
R esponse s received la te r w ill not be accepted. T he C ity of
V a n co u ve r is not re sponsible fo r d e la ys in delivery.
tary fo r St. H elens School D istrict.
C ontract D ocum ents m ay be review ed at the follow ing lo ca ­
tions: Lease C rutcher Lew is (C M /G C )/Portland, OR; C onstruc­
tion Data and N ew s/P ortland, W ilsonville, O R C onstruction
M arket D ata/Portland, OR; Daily Journal Plan Center/Portland,
T igard O R ; Im pact B usiness C o nsultan ts, P .C ./P ortland, OR;
O regon A ssociation of M inority E nterprises/P ortland, OR;
O regon C ontractors Plan C enter/C lackam as, OR; Salem C on­
tra cto rs E xchange/S alem , O R ; S outhw est W ashington C o n ­
All responses to this request shall be directed to th e attention
o f the P urchasing A gent, C ity of V ancouve r, PO Box 1995,
V ancouver, W a sh in g to n 98668-1995. All delivered responses
shall he d e live re d to th e P urchasing A gent, B asem ent, F inan­
cial S ervices B uilding, 100 East 13* St., V ancouver, W a sh in g ­
ton. All su b m itta ls shall be placed in a sealed e n velop e w hich
is cle a rly m arked “C o n stru ctio n M anagem e nt A nd Inspection
S e rvices - 2 6 * St. B ridge” R esp o n ses by F A X w ill not be
tractors A sso cia tio n /V a n c o u v e r, W A.
C ontract D ocum ents m ay be purchased in its entirety o r in part
fro m P recision Im ages, (503) 274-2030.
V. M A R C H E L Y J A N D R E A U
All bidders m ust com ply w ith the follow ing requirem ents.
P revailing W a g e Law, O R S 279.350, Licensed with C o n stru c­
tion C o n tra c to rs Board O R S 671.530, R esident S tatus ORS
City Of Vancouver, Washington
Request For Proposal
Economic Analysis Of The
Adaptive Reuse Of 18 Historic
Buildings At Vancouver Barracks,
T O E N S U R E E Q U A L E M P LO Y M E N T O P P O R T U N IT Y (E x­
ecutive O rd e r 11246)” .
Lease C rutcher Lew is (C M /G C ) is com m itted to taking a ffirm a ­
tive action to e n courag e and fa c ilitate the participation of
m inority/w om en-ow ned business enterprises (M /W BE) in State
projects and e n co u ra g e C o n tra cto rs to provide sim ilar o p p o r­
T h e C ity o f V a n co u ve r is seeking a q u alified firm to furnish all
n e cessary professiona l and technical services fo r the prepara
tion of a reuse study fo r 18 historic structures located at
V ancouve r Barracks. T his study will include a condition analysis
fo r each structure, a d a p tive reuse analysis, c a pital costs, and
tunities fo r th e ir S ubcontra ctors.
LE A S E C R U T C H E R LE W IS (C M /G C )
M att P earson
P roject M a nager_______
____ ____
return on in vested capital.
P roposal packets m ay be o btaine d from the office o f P urchas­
ing, F inancial S e rvices B uilding, B asem ent, 100 East 13
Street, V a n co u ve r, W a shington , (360) 696-8231.
There aren’t many careers where customers are also enthusiastic
supporters. But it’s something you’ll just have to get used to at
Washington Mutual. Our reputation for providing the best customer
service in the industry has earned us serious customer loyalty. So
stop by Washington Mutual today. And let us make a fan out of you.
Q u estio n s re g a rd in g th is R eq u est fo r P ro p o sal m ay be
d ire c te d to D avid D iC esare, H isto ric R eserve P ro g ram
Don’t just develop a career.
Develop a following.
M an ag er, at (3 6 0 ) 9 9 2-183 2.
S ealed resp o n se s w ill be received by the P urchasing A gent of
th e C ity o f V an co u ve r, W a sh in g to n up to the h o u r of 3:00 p .m .,
W ednesda y, M arch 3 ,1 9 9 9 . R esponses delivered later w ill not
be accepted. T he C ity of V ancouver is not responsible for delays
PACE - Management
Washington Mutual Bank, a premierfinancial institution and seventh
largest bank in the country, has exceptional opportunities for
professionals interested in pursuing sales-oriented careers.
in delivery.
All responses to this request shall be addressed to the att® ^ n
o f the P urchasing A gent, C ity o f V ancouve r, P O Box 1995,
V ancouve r, W a sh in g to n 98668-1995. All delivered responses
shall be d e live re d to th e P urchasing A gent, C ity o f V ancouver,
Financial S e rvices B uilding, B asem ent, 100 E ast 13 Street,
V ancouver, W ashington 98660. A ll proposals shall be placed in
a sealed e n ve lo p e , w hich is clearly m arked “ E conom ic A nalysis
O f B u ildings A t V a n co u ve r B arracks” . R esp o n ses by FAX w ill
Learn state-of-the-art sales techniques, business concepts, and
Washington Mutual’s products and services. The first portion of the
training is spent learning and utilizing skills at various financial
centers. The last portion is devoted to enhancing your knowledge
while working as a management intern in a financial center. Upon
satisfactory completion of the program, you will have opportunities
to pursue management positions in Washington Mutual Financial
n o t b e accep ted .
T he C ity o f V a n co u ve r is co m m itte d to providing equal o p p o r­
tu n itie s to S tate o f W a sh in g to n ce rtifie d M inority, D isa d va n ­
tages and W o m e n ’s B usiness E nterprises in contracting a ctivi­
ties. (S ection 4 of C h apter 56, Law s of 1975,1 ” Ex. Sess., State
Requirements: Willingness to relocate within 12-15 months after
selection, and 2-3 years sales and retail work experience. Previous
experience in finance/banking highly desired. A valid driver’s
license is required. Availability to work extended hours a must,
including Saturday and possible Sunday hours.
of W a sh in g to n .)
T he C ity o f V a n co u ve r reserves th e right to cancel this request
or reject a n y a nd all p roposals su b m itte d or to w a ive any m inor
fo rm a litie s o f this call if in the ju d g m e n t of th e C ity C ouncil the
best in te re st o f th e C ity w ould be served.
Compensation during this 12-15 month training program includes
salary of $1,824-$2,300 per month DOE and participation in our
comprehensive, flexible benefits program.
If you are interested in this challenging career opportunity, please
mail the following documents postmarked by February 19,1999, or
submit to Human Resources by 5pm, February 19, 1999: 1)
Completed Washington Mutual application packet. This can be
obtained at any Washington Mutual Financial Center. 2) Current
resume. 3) A descriptive paper on a real situation in which you used
your sales and/or leadership ability. Explain the strategy and the
outcome. The paper should be typed, doubled spaced, and no longer
than one page. 4) Two names and phone numbers of current or past
employers as references.
V. M arcelyn Ja ndreau
on the Web! b ttp ://
C o rd le y Hall Z o o lo g y L a b /C la s s ro o m - PH 2
B id D ate: Feb ru ary 1 6 ,1 9 9 9 2:3 0 pm
Additional information may be obtained by contacting Facilities
Services, 100 Adams Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-2001 or
telephone 541 -737-769 4
All bids shall be a d d re sse d to the attention of the P urchasing
A gent, C ity of V a n co u ve r F inancial Services Building, 100 East I
1 3 * S treet, P.O. B ox 1995, V ancouver, W a s h in g to n 98668. All I
bids d e live re d shall be d e live re d to the P urchasing A gent, 1
B asem ent, C ity F inancial S e rvices B uilding, 100 East 13*
S treet. B ids shall be placed in an envelope w hich is sealed and 1
w h ich cle a rly sta te s the n am e of th e bidder, th e date o f the bid 1
op e n in g , and a p p ro p ria te w o rd in g to indicate d e finitely the 1
nature o f th e co n te n ts. Do not send b id s by FAX. Bids
s u b m itte d v ia Fax w ill not be accepted.
T he C ity o f V a n co u ve r is co m m itte d to providing equal o p p o r - 1
tu n itie s to S tate o f W a sh in g to n certified M inority, D is a d v a n - 1
taged and W o m e n ’s B usiness E nterprises in contracting a c tiv i- 1
ties. (S ection 4 of C h a p te r 56, Law s of 1 9 7 5 ,1s1 Ex. Sess., State 1
of W a sh in g to n ).
All bid p ro p o sa ls m ust be acco m p a n ie d by a bid proposal
d e posit in cash, certified check, cashier’s check, or surety bond
in an a m o u n t equal to five p e rce n t (5% ) of th e am ount of such 1
bid p ro p o sa l. Should the successful bidder fail to enter into such
co n tra c t a nd fu rn ish sa tisfa cto ry p e rform ance bond w ithin the
tim e sta te d in th e sp e cifica tio n s, th e bid proposal deposit shall 1
be fo rfe ite d to th e C ity of V ancouve r.
T he C ity o f V ancouve r reserves the right to cancel this invitation 1
o r re je ct a n y and all bids su b m itte d o r to w a ive any m inor
fo rm a litie s o f th is call if in th e ju d g e m e n t of th e C ity C ouncil the
best in te re st of th e C ity w o u ld be served.
No b idder m ay w ithdraw his bid after the hour set for the opening
th e re o f, u n less th e aw a rd of contract is de la ye d fo r a period 1
e xce e d in g th irty (30) days.
P urchasing A g e n t
C la cka m a s C o u n ty D evelopm en t S vcs Bldg.
Bid P ackage No. 3 * M echanical, Fire P rotection, Electrical
C lackam as, O regon
B ids D ate: F e b ru ary 2 4 ,1 9 9 9 * 2:0 0 pm (P S T)
B id to be o p en ed an d read aloud at 4:00 pm (P S T )
Sealed bids fo rth e dorm itory Services Building rem odel project
w ill be received by the O regon State Board of H igher Education
until 3:00 PM, local tim e, F ebruary 23,199 9. Bids will be opened
RL Reimers Co. requests sub-bids from disadvantaged and minority owned
A dditional inform ation m ay be obtained by contacting Facilities
S ervices, 100 A d a m s H all, C orvallis, O regon 97331-2001 or
Stay Clean, Inc.
or (503) 2 4 1-236 1.
B ids shall be in a c c o rd a n ce w ith th e sp e cifica tio n s and o ther I
co n tra ct d o cu m e n ts on file in C o n tra ct A d m inistration, B a s e -1
m ent, C ity Financial S ervices Building, phone (360) 6 9 6 -8 1 8 1 ,1
w here copies m ay be obtained. Bid results m ay be obtained the 1
m orning a fte r th e bid o p e n in g by calling (360) 696-8125.
publicly read aloud on F ebruary 2 4 ,1 9 9 9 at 3:00 PM local tim e.
All bidders m ust be registered w ith the construction contractor’s
Q u e stio n s please call J e ff S ch o tt
(541) 926-776 6 Fax (5 4 1 ) 926-290 8
S ealed bids for the 1 1 * to 13*/W ashington St. Parking Lot
project will be received by the Oregon State Board of Higher
Education until 2:30 PM, local time, February 2 3 ,1 9 9 9 . Bids will
be opened and publicly read aloud at that time. All bidders must
be registered with the Construction Contractor’s Board.
o ffice box w h e re ad d itio n a l inform ation (A ddenda) m ay be 1
d e live re d via U.S. M ail. D o cu m e n ts w ill be d e livered via UPS
or U.S. M ail. A list o f plan ce n te rs that have received sets of I
B idding D o cu m e n ts fo rth e w o rk co n te m p la te d herein is a v a il- 1
able fro m P urchasing at (360) 696-8181. Do not sen d cash. I
Full size plans can be purchased at J-2 Blue Print Supply, 2 3 1 1 1
3939 O ld Salem R oad, S uite #200
A lbany, O regon 97321
P hone (541) 926-7 7 6 6 Fax: (541) 926-290 8
companies on the following divisions: 5,6,7,8,9,11,12,15 and division 16
Washington Mutual
n e c e s s a ry fo r th e c le a rin g an d g ru b b in g of th e b an k I
s lo p e s of th e C o lu m b ia R iver at T id e w a te r C o ve fro m
e le v a tio n 9 fo o t (C o lu m b ia R iver D atum , C R D ) to a p ­
p ro x im a te ly e le v a tio n 30 fo o t C R D . G rad in g , installa-1
tio n of ero sio n co n tro l m attin g and ero sio n control
b lan kets, c o n s tru c t c o n c re te w alkw ay, c o n crete c o l- 1
u m n s, p recast c o n c re te b o llard s, rem o vab le bollards, I
railings, o rn am en tal lighting, and landscaping as called
fo r in th e p lan s an d sp e c ific a tio n s . T h e w o rk under the
c o n tra c t w ill be c o m p le te d by Ju n e 1 5 ,1 9 9 9 .
B idding d o cu m e n ts m ay be exam ined in O w ner’s office, C ity of I
V an co u ve r, W a sh in g to n , Financial S ervices B uilding, B a s e - 1
m ent, 100 E 1 3 * S treet, V a n co u ve r W ashington . Bidding
d o cu m e n ts m ay be o b ta in e d from the O w n e r’s office upon I
p a ym ent o f $ 5 3 .8 0 ($50.00 + $ 3.80 W a sh in g to n State Sales
Tax, if a p p lica b le ) fo r each set o f docum ents. (C ity O rdinance
M -3227) R eturn of th e d o cu m e n ts is not required, and the I
a m o u n t paid fo r th e d o cu m e n ts is n o n -ref u n d ab le. C heck or I
m oney o rd e r shall be m ade payable to C ity of V ancouver Firm s 1
ordering d o cu m e n ts shall provide a street address and/or post I
interested firms, including Disadvantaged, Minority, Women, Disabled Veterans and
Emerging Small Business Enterprises.
Sub-Bids Requested
1 (800) 952-0787 - NATIONWIDE JOBLINE
w ill receive sealed bids up to th e hour of 11:00 a.m ., P acific 1
S tandard T im e, M o n d ay, F eb ru ary 2 2 , 1999, and publicly
o pene d and read alo u d a t th a t tim e on the sam e day in th e I
C ouncil C h a m b e rs, 18' F loor o f C ity H all, 210 East 13* Street,
V an co u ve r, W a sh in g to n , fo r th e follow ing:
T h e fu rn is h in g of all lab o r, eq u ip m en t, and m aterials I
^ 4 3 7 N. C o lu m b ia Blvd. * P ortland, O R 97217
(5 0 3 )9 7 8 -0 8 0 0 Fax (503) 978-1031
C C B #84045
We are an equal opportunity Employer and request sub-bids from Qualified
yo u can n o w /la d us
No Phone Calls P le a s - Only those selected for an interview will be
contacted. Only completed packets will be processed. Equal
Opportunity Employer.
N otice is hereby g iven th a t the C ity o f V ancouver, W ashington, I
P urchasing A gent
Send to: Washington Mutual Bank, Attn: PACE - Management
Trainee Program, Human Resources Dept., 1191 2nd Avenue,
Seattle, WA 98111.
M ain S treet, V an co u ve r, W a shington . Phone: (360) 696-1861
P urchasing A gent
No bid w ill be considered unless received by 3:00 p.m . P D T on
February 2 3 ,1 9 9 9 , and fully com pleted in the m anner provided
by the “ Instructions to B idders” , upon the Bid Form provided.
City Of Vancouver, Washington
Shoreline Path and Bank
Certified Alcohol and Drug
Minimum 6 month experience
Able to w ork with diverse
in cultural specific setting
Submit Cover Letter and Resume
to Sandra Cheeks At281 -7314
Fax Or Call 282-3950 ForMore
te lepho ne 541-737 -7694.
Single family home, three Bedrooms, full basement at
6808 N. Congress,
Portland OR 97217
For more information Call: Chuck at 288-0033 or 287-7382
* »**«*•**