* • - „ *• X ‘*»s vi » ¿j > <• W V ^ r r ’FTi 40 *->«-' -**'« • FEB. 10, 1999 Page B3 (Tl|t> I4urtl«»i> (fllwrwer Dorian Harewood Returns on the Action Series “Viper” e’s not a h o u se o f ; client ros beon o f personaliti ing O » d out o f A rthur B workrooms. Wheal ent grows for Greek se s o r desigining fosbioiis for a parade ofD isney stars, p roper proportion by H B u g p r iy o f seam- l ^ o d fitters in Feld pt’s new est skating pro- fey on R epresents Hap- i featuring Hercules key kndlviiniii' / s m ost popular ani­ mated classics, including Snow White and the S even D w arfs, A laddin, Cinderella, and the production's main feature,, the classic o f the classics, m h i W i « w W u . hercules. M ore than 150 costum es, ranging from hum ble to heroic, otherwordly to outageous, are show cased in this star-studded spectacular. However, ie ice in attire befitting an I -ground cult figure. A n irides- f l n a a i n feature Hercult e r in g T ita n s th a t :cia’s greatest creative challenge, a id in g an impressive 10 to 12 ffeet ll, the T itans’ imposing heights are enhanced by three-to four-foot stilts w om by the perform ers The cos­ tumes are m ade oforthopedic foam, a lightweight yet durable material that can be sculpted into various shapes. The basis o f each costum e is a wire form. T hen the foam body parts are added and covered with fabric, painted J j and finely detailed. The process takes^g three to four weeks. In contrast, H ercules’ earthbound® hum ans, the hunky hero him self and " his feisty female friend, Meg, were the easiest to costume. Both wear exquisitely proportioned tunics. (No, the G reeks did not w ear togas; Greeks w ore tunics.) The couple’s costumes w ere designed after extensive histori­ cal research and a perusal o f G reek mythology. H ercules’ archrival, Hades, storms it cape underline in brillant reds, oranges and yellow ttis used to ac­ cenniate his liery temper. A t the other end o f universe. Zeus, king o f the gods, is,really outfitted. The exceptional hand-em broidery o n h isj tunic to o k tw o people cwo-and-a- h a lfw e e k s to c o m p le w ^ s E ' Stories are also told in design details,” said Boccia, who has cre­ ated the costumes fornumerousFeld Entertainment spectaculars. “The characters’ costumes - the colors, the choice o f fabrics, the accesso­ ries, the jewlery - help to convey their personalities.” W heather it’s a p air o f chiffon harem pants that w ork equally w ell for travels aboard a m agic carp et, a g ravity-defying skating d eath sp i­ ral, o r a b ea u tifu lly b ead ed ball gow n for M innie M ouse, B o c cia’s design b rin g s m agical, m em orable m ovie m om ents to life o n ice in vivid color. M en." R ounding o u t H arew o o d ’s v a r­ ied p erfo rm in g b ack g ro u n d are a num ber o f live theater p ro d u ctio n s He has starred in the T ony A w ard ­ w inning m usical "K iss o f the Spider W o m an ,” “T w o G e n tle m e n o f V ero n a,” “ Jesus C h rist S u p erstar,” “ O v er h ere” and m o st re c e n tly “C rum bs From T he T able o f Jo y ,’’ for w hich he w on his th ird N A A C P placed in charge o f the pow erful car consists o f w orld-class driv er Joe A sto r (Jam es M cC affrey), d etec­ tive C am eron W estlake (H eather M edw ay), m echanic F rankie W a­ ters (Joe N ipote) and FBI agent S herm an C atlett (J D ow ning). In the ep isode "S em in ar From H ell,” Julian W ilkes (H arew ood) re­ turns to host a p riv ate presentation to a convention o f m ayors from across the country on the car s in­ credible abilities, unaw are o f the trouble that awaits him. In “Hell Hath N o Fury,” W ilkes is caught in the m iddle w hen m em bers o f a secret experim ental p ro ject he w orked on in the past start d isap p earin g one D orian H arew o o d retu rn s to the aw ard -w in n in g , w eek ly , one-hour, hit action series, V iper, for a special g u est-starrin g ro le in the upcom ing episodes, “S em inar From H ell," air­ ing in sy n d icatio n the w eek o f F eb ­ ruary 1, and “ H ell H ath N o F u ry ,” scheduled to air the w eek o f A pril 26 (check local listin g s). H e reprises his role as D r. Ju lian W ilk es, the brilliant engineer who originally cre­ ated the am azing crim e-fighting Vi- p er/D efen d er autom obile. V iper, cu rren tly in its th ird sea­ son, ch ro n icles the ad v en tu res o f the top secret task force k now n as the V ip er P roject. D isp atch ed by the g o v ern m en t to com bat crim e, the V ip er P ro je ct p o ssesses a stu n ­ ning w eapon: a su p er h ig h -tech au ­ tom obile that m orphs from a D odge V iper into a fu lly -lo ad ed , h eav ily arm o red m a ch in e k now n as the “ D e f e n d e r .” T h e tr u s te d te a m by one. H arew ood is in stan tly reco g n iz­ able to fans as a resu lt o f his m any appearances in telev isio n and m o­ tion pictures. H e is perhaps best know n for this role as S im on H aley (fa th er o f author A lex H aley) in the classic m in iseries “ R o o ts," as w ell as his aw ard -w in n in g portrayal o f O lym pic C ham pion Jesse O w ens in “ T h e J e s s e O w e n s S to r y .” H arw o o d ’s o th e r television work has included app earan ces on "S ev ­ enth H eav en ,” T he T rials o f Rosie O ’N eil,” Strike Force” and the highly ac claim ed N B C series “ I’ll Fly A w a y ,” fo r w h ich he w on the N A A CP Im age A w ard for Best A c­ to r in a D ram atic Series. In addition to his im pressive tele­ vision credits, H arew ood has also graced the b ig screen in feature film s including S tanley K u b rick ’s “ F u ll M e ta l J a c k e t,” “ S u d d e n D e a th ” w ith je a n - C la u d e V an D am m e,” A g ain st A ll O dds,” “The F alcon and the S now m an” and "P a­ cific H eights.” He also recently appeared in the prestigious rem ake o f the 1957 classic “ T w elve A ngry Im age A w ard. V iper is created by lo n g -tim e collaborators and executive p ro d u c­ ers D anny B ilson and Paul D eM eo (“ The S en tin el,” “ R o ck eteer” and “T he F lash” ). V iper is a Pet fly P ro ­ duction in asso ciatio n w ith P ara­ m ount N etw ork T elev isio n . T he Param ount T elevision G roup is part o f the en tertain m en t o p eratio n s o f Viacom Inc. 10 H ottest Couples SupeijockT om Joyner and fitness ex p e rt/au th o r D onna R ich ard so n share their sizzling love story as they are featured am ong the “ 10 H ottest C ouples for 1999“ in the February EBONY “There were fireworks outside, but more inside,” says Richardson. Joyner and R ichardson first m et on the Tom Joyner M orning Show. Richardson designed a fitness program for him and during their long fitness w alks, they sta rted sharing and caring. Joyner says Richardson “inspires and m otivates” him and that she is sexy and m akes him laugh. V alentine's D ay 2000 is the wedding date. O ther hot couples in E B O N Y ’S p o p u la r an n u a l p rese n tatio n are T e r r y M c M illian and J o n a th a n P lu m m e r, S ean (Puffy) C o m b s and K im P o rte r, V ivica A. Fox and Sixx -N in e , and actress J a s m in e G u y and investm ent broker T e r r a n c e D uckett. THE FEBRUARY EBONY ON SALE AT NEWSSTANDS Kids under 12 years should always ride in the back seat. Infants under one year ride in rear-facing safety seats. I 2 Read the safety seat’s instruction manual very carefully — it can help you make sure you’re putting your child in the right seat, the right way. By Oregon law, all children under four years old and under 40 pounds must be properly secured in an approved child safety seat. To make sure yours is buckled in right, call the Child Safety Seat Resource Center at 656-7207 in Portland or 1-800-772-1315 statewide. 3 B u ck le Up. The W ay to G o . Transportation Safety ODOT OmME PRODUCED Affordable Give y our safety seat a checkup. 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