Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 03, 1999, Page 11, Image 11

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EEB. 3, 1999
H iv
Broncos become model franchise for others to copy
Kordell Stewart to get his head on
straight. In San Francisco, the team is
old and the owner is persona non
grata with the commissioner.
Meanwhile, the Broncos have suc­
cessfully accomplished what only the
Packers, Dolphins, Steelers (twice),
49ers and Cowboys have done. They
won back-to-back Super Bowls. And
now the remaining NFL franchises
are poised to do what they always do
after a Super Bowl copy the winner.
But the trouble there is the Bron­
cos are more than just a balanced
team, with playmakers on both sides
o f the ball and a legendary quarter­
back who may or may not return next
The Broncos have the NFL’s reign­
ing MVP inTerrell Davis, the league’s
hottest coach in Mike Shanahan and
one o f the N FL’s top four or five
owners in Pat Bowlen.
W ho said ther's no such thing
anymore as a free lunch? The “Bron­
cos way” o f doing things that may be
best exemplified by Shanahan’s deci­
sion to provide each player with a
breakfast and a lunch, compliments
MIAMI- Like the leather helmet and
affordable Super Bowl tickets, the
days o f the NFL dynasty are gone.
The reasons are fairly simple, par­
ity, salary cap and a constant green
light for free-agency traffic. In this
league, coaches are fired at the pro­
verbial drop o f a hat and players are
willing to jump from team to team for
raises that baseball free agents would
find insulting.
But out from this mountain ofm e-
diocrity and movement spring the
reigning two-time Super Bowl cham­
pion Denver Broncos, a team that has
become the next-best thing to being
a dynasty in the making. The Bron­
cos instead are the N FL’s newest
"model franchise” — andjust in time.
In Green Bay, Mike Holmgren is
history and possibly so is the Pack­
ers’ most successful run since Vince
Lombardi. In Dallas, Jerry Jones can’t
stay o ff the sideline and the Cow­
boys can’t stay in the playoffs.
In Pittsburgh, the Steelers didn’t
even make it into the postseason, and
nobody is quite sure if there is a
couch big enough in Pittsburgh for
o f the team, not only before a game
but every practice day as well.
Small thing. Big results.
As soon as Elway does retire,
Bowlen is prepared to offer the 38-
year-old quarterback a piece o f the
team. Elway has responded by say­
ing he would be interested in being a
Broncos’ minority owner, although
he has been a little too busy over the
past 16 years to think much about it.
Riverside Little League Sign-Ups
Baseball/Softball - Ages 5 to 16
Ainsworth United Church in church basement
2941 NE Ainsworth Portland, OR
Thursday, February 4, 1999 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Wednesday, February 10, 1999 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
(Above left) Shanahan definitely had somrthing to smile about as he
dominated his old boss Dan Reeves and the Falcons. (Above) As fans
show their appreciation, a parade was set for the Bronco's in Denver.
(Above right) John Elway sets his sights on retiring a winner, as he
won the votes for Super Bowl MVP.
Registration Fee: $45
Maximun o f $90 per family
3 pieces o f verification
Surprise adjournment of
arbitration hearing
a rb itra tio n h earin g into the drug
case ag ain st M ary Slaney was
su rp risin g ly a d jo u rn ed Sunday
u n til A pril 24.
T h e In te r n a tio n a l A m a te u r
A th letic F e d e ra tio n gave no re a ­
son for the adjo u rn m en t.
S lan ey ’s law yers and the IAAF
both agreed to the decision.
“ It w as ag reed that m ore tim e
w as needed to exam ine the c ase,”
IAAF spokesm an G iorgio R eineri
said .
It had been exp ected that the
case in w hich S laney w as su s­
p en d ed then re in sta te d w ould be
decided early this w eek. The hear­
ing b egan Friday.
S la n e y , c o n sid e re d the b e st
w o m e n ’s d istan ce ru n n er in U .S.
h isto ry , gave a u rine sam ple d u r­
ing the 1996 U .S. O lym pic tria ls
th a t sh o w e d a te s to s te r o n e -
“It would be a natural,’ ’ Bowlen
told the Denver Post this past week,
referring to selling a small part o f the
team that he has owned since 1984.
“I’m not selling very much o f it to
anybody, I can tell you that." Bowlen
and Shanahan, they see the big pic­
ture. Bowlen sees Elway as more than
just a wealthy man with a good head
for business. He sees Elway as a
lifetime Bronco.
ep itestosterone (T -E ) ratio above
the 6-1 lim it.
The IA A F su spended S laney,
claim ing that USA T rack & F ield
was slow in v estig atin g the m at­
U SA T F im posed its su sp e n ­
sion. B ut Slaney c h a lle n g e d the
ruling, and in S eptem ber 1997,
the U .S. federation c leared her
The IA A F later a lso cleared
S laney to com pete, b u t referred
Address required
For more information call:
Player Agent - Rhonda Williams: 286-0383
Player Agent - Vicki Davisson: 283-8739
President - Narsha Gruhler: 281-4663
the case to arb itratio n .
Slaney w as w orld cham pion at
1,500 and 3,000 m eters in 1983.
Peninsula Little League 1999
Boys & Girls - 5 to I f years of age
5 & 6 years old
For question» p le a il oonuct
Peninsula Park Community Center —
Michael Smith
5 2 9 -I4 4 I
( 700 N Portland Blvd. )
Challenger Program
Saturday - January 30, 1999 10 am - 2 pm
Tuesday - February 2, 1999 6:30 - 8:30pm
Thursday - February 4, 1999 6:30 - 8:30pm
Saturday - February 6, 1999 10 am - 2 pm
Tuesday - February 9, 1999 6:30 - 8:30pm
(All ages with special needs)
For questions piea« contact
Nancy Smith
Matt Dishmcn Community Center —
( 77 NE Knon St. )
Black History
Í C ’
( Serving the Youth of lone: North and Northeast Portland )
Saturday - January 30, 1999 10 am - 2 pm
Tuesday - February 2, 1999 6:30 - 8:30pm
Thursday - February 4, 1999 6:30 - 8:30pm
Saturday - February 6, 1999 10 am - 2 pm
Tuesday - February 9, 1999 6:30 - 8:30pm
Softball Programs
Minor - ages 7 - 9 years cld
Major - ages 10-12 years old
Senior - ages 13-16 years old
For questions please contact
D em ck
Lynn Butcher
Self Enhancement Incorporated (SEI) —
( 3920 N Kerby S t )
Tuesday - February 2, 1999 6:30 - 8:30pm
Thursday - February 4, 1999 6:30 - 8:30pm
Saturday - February 6, 1999 10 am - 2 pm
Baseball Program
Farm - ages 7 & 8 years old
Minor - ages 7 - 9 years old
Major - ages 10-12 years old
Junior / Senior- ages 13-16 years old
For questions plea« contact
Brian Butcher
Things to bring when you sign-up
Blazer’s Boys & Girls Club —
( 5250 NEM .LK. Jr B lvd.)
✓ Birth certificate
✓ Proof of address
Tuesday - February 2, 1999 6 pm - 8 pm
Thursday - February 4, 1999 6 pm - 8 pm
Oregon Driver Licenses
Utility Bill
/N am e & Number of Doctor
/N am e & Number of Insurance carrier
Portland Police Precinct
( 449 NE Emerson St. )
Family Rates
$30 for I player
$50 for 2 players
$75 for 3 or more players
Saturday - January 30, 1999 10 am - 2 pm
Saturday - February 6, 1999 2 pm - 5 pm
$5 late fee
foe wge-epa a fte r F eb raary 9 *
Equal Opportunity Employer
Larry Matthews
v///z7?z O fyp fe C & ir h v w
S ^ T S A -Y L T l
3120 NE
Martin Luther King
Jr. King Blvd.
5949 NE
Martin Luther King
Jr. King Blvd.
We Deliver
$30.00 Minimum Purchase Mon-Thurs. 11AM-1 AM
112 NE Killingsworth St.
Fri-Sat. 11 AM-3 AM
Portland, Oregon 97211
Closed on Sun.