Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 20, 1999, Page 10, Image 10

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__ ____ __________ H k Portland tfMwruer-------
S p o r ts
“ I feel like I’m calm er n o w co m ­
ing dow n the stretch ,” S lum an said.
“I ’m h an d lin g it b etter. B u t also
things ju s t seem to b e g o in g m y
w a y m o re th an th ey u se d to .”
Jets mistakes doom
Super Bowl bid
DENVER- R em em b er how the
N e w Y o rk G ian ts w o n tw o S u p er
B o w ls u n d e r B ill P arcells? T h ey
w o u ld p o u n d you o n th e g ro u n d ,
tu rn th e b all o v e r ab o u t o n ce a
m o n th and m ix in an efficien t p ass­
in g gam e.
T h e p assin g g am e w as OK. on
S u n d ay , b u t m ista k e s an d a 1-
y a rd -a n d -a-clo u d -o f-d u st gro u n d
attack doom ed P arcells ’ N ew Y ork
Jets to a trip h o m e a n d a lo n g er
w ait for th eir first S u p e r B ow l ap ­
p earan ce sin ce 1969.
“ W e m o v ed the b all w ell ex cep t
fo r so m e c o stly tu rn o v e rs,” w id e
re c e iv e r K e y sh aw n Jo h n so n said
o f th e Jets ’ 2 3 -1 0 lo ss to D e n v e r in
the A F C cham pionship gam e. “ W e
knew if w e m ade as m any m ¡stakes
as w e d id ag ain st Ja c k so n v ille (in
th e J e ts ’ first p la y o f f g am e), w e
w o u ld lose, an d th a t’s w h at h ap ­
p e n e d .”
KO Punch Turned
Around Tyson Bout
L A S V E G A S - M ik e T y so n
w in ced in p a in as h is cu t m an tried
to stop the b le e d in g aro u n d his
rig h t eye. T h e lo o k o n th e face o f
tra in e r T o m m y B ro o k s w as o n e o f
g ro w in g co n c e rn as h e im p lo red
T y so n b e tw e e n ro u n d s to try an d
g et so m eth in g tog eth er.
T y s o n ’s w ild p u n c h e s w ere h it­
tin g n o th in g b u t a ir an d F ran co is
B o th a w as m ak in g h im p ay fo r it
w ith w ell p la c e d co u n ters. W o rse
y et, B o th a w as talk in g trash, ta u n t­
ing the fig h te r w h o se m ere p re s­
en ce in th e rin g o n c e te rro rized h is
o p p o n e n ts .
T h is w as n o w a y fo r th e b a d d est
m a n o n th e p la n e t to start a co m e­
Corretja, Venus
Williams Win; Rios
Drops Out
M ELBOURNE, Australia-
M a r c e lo R io s , g o n e . G o ra n
Ivanisevic, gone .Alex Corretja, al­
m ost gone.
W ith Pete Sam pras staying home,
the Australian O pen faced som e gap­
ing holes in the men \ oinks on its first
day, and cam e aw fully close to losing
V enus W illiam s, too.
A stress fracture in his back
knocked out the top-seeded Rios,
the 1998 runner-up. D octors advised
him to rest until March.
For No. 11 seed Ivanisevic, a three­
tim e W im bledon finalist, it w as a
pinched nerve in die back.
DIMagglo Released
From Hospital
Joe DiMaggio, Yankee Stadium.
Yes, that’s correct. A fter 99 days in
intensive care, after lung cancer sur­
gery, pneumonia, and an infection that
nearlykilledhtm andlefthtm inacom a,
Joe D iM aggio w ent hom e Monday.
N ow h e 's getting ready for a return to
the Bronx, w here he hopes to throw out
the ceremonial fust pitch o n opening
day April 9. The 84-year-old Y ankee
Chpperrecerved last ntes afterhe lapsed
into a com a last m o n th But each time
doctors said he probably w ouldn’t
survive,DiMaggioprovedthem wrong.
Check Out Next Week
Doing the Bird: Atlanta revels in
Falcons’ first Super Bowl
Sluman pulls out
fourth career win at
Sony Open
HON O L U L l-JeffS lu m an seem­
in g ly cam e o u t o f n o w h ere S u n ­
d a y a n d h e ld o f f so m e o f »he
w o rld ’s b e st p lay ers, p o stin g his
seco n d straig h t 4 -u n d e r-p a r 6 6 to
w in th e in au g u ral $ 2 .6 m illio n
S o n y O p en at the W aia lae C o u n ­
try C lub.
T h re e sh o ts b e h in d T o m m y
T o lies to start the ro u n d , S lu m an
c lo se d w ith co n se c u tiv e b ird ie s to
fin ish at 9 -u n d er 271. T he d im in u ­
tive F lo rid a S tate g ra d u a te w o n b y
tw o shots an d to o k h o m e th e first
JAN. 20, 1999
A T L A N T A -S tart flapping those
arm s and ju m p on the b andw agon —
the A tlanta Falcons are going to the
Super Bowl.
Ih e city aw oke M onday w ith a giant
"D irty B ird" hangover, celebrating a
gritty team that pulled o f f a stunning
upset in the din o f the M etrodom e,
conveniently forgetting all those years
w hen the Falcons w ere treated like the
crazy unc le that everyone in the fam ily
tries to ignore.
“G o B rav es— and take the Falcons
with you." was a popular bum per sticker
in the 1980s w hen both team s w ere at
the bottom o f their respective sports.
W ell, the B raves have tom ahaw k-
chopped their w ay to seven straight
postseason appearances in the 1990s,
but it to o k the N F L ’ s w inningest coach
and a strutting group o f has-beens and
never- w eres to take the Falcons to their
first cham pionship gam e after 3 3 years
A tlanta, w hich defeated M innesota
30-27 in overtim e Sunday for the N FC
title, w ill m eet the D enver B roncos in
the Jan. 31 Super B ow l in M iam i.
T he team w ill b egin its preparations
o n W ednesday, w hich left a couple o f
days to savor the m om ent. A ctually,
the party began S unday night w hen
the team arrived at H artsfield A tlanta
International A iip o rt and w as greeted
by m ore than 5,000 people. N ary a
m ention w as m ade o f those three years
w hen the team failed to sell out a hom e
“Y ou felt like you w ere in a dream
w orld,” said linebacker Jessie Tuggle,
w h o has been w ith the Falcons for a
dozen, m ostly losing seasons. “Y ou
alw ays talk about being in a Super Bowl
and now w e ’ve d one it. W e earned the
rig h tto g o to M iam i. It m eans a lot when
it all sinks in, the w ay everything fell
to g eth er.”
A nother4,000orsorevelersjam m ed
the team ’s suburban training com plex,
creating a rush hour-like traffic jam in
the m iddle o f the night. T he scene w as
surreal w hen the players appeared on
a second-floor balcony, saluting the
crow d that had spilled onto thepractice
fieldbelow .
“ It w as absolutely nuts,” T uggle
said. “It w as like a rock concert in
Suwanee, G eorgia.”
C oach D an R eeves, w ho underw ent
heart bypass surgery ju st five w eeks
ago. endured a w hirlw ind schedule
M onday. A fter gettingonly4{ h o u rs o f
sleep, he appeared o n A B C ’s “G ood
M orning A m erica,” stopped by P ied­
m ont H ospital for a routine check-up,
and held his usual post-gam e new s
conference in Suw anee.
O f course, there w as nothing rou­
tine o r usual about this day. T he Fal­
cons have never played at this tim e o f
year, suffering through 25 losing sea­
sons in their first 32 years.
A fter R eeves w as hired as coach,
the Falcons lost seven o f their first
eight gam es in 1997. Since then, they
have w on 22 o f 26 d o u b lin g the
franchise’s p la y o ff victories from tw o
to four in the span o f eight days.
“I t’s incredible w hen you think
about it,” R eeves said, “com ing from 1-
7 halfw ay through you first year to be
in the Super B ow l in the second year. I
can ’t say enough about our players.”
B ut m uch o f the focus w ill b e on
R eeves at this S uper B ow l. H e ’ll be
fa c in g th e te a m he
coached for 12 years and
took to three title games.
H e ’ll also be facing the
coach he fired for alleged
subordination and the
quarterback w ho said
playing for R eeves w as
R e e v e s, w h o w as
fired by the B roncos af­
ter the 1992 season, in­
sisted M onday that he
has buried any hard feel­
ings for M ike Shanahan
and Jo h n Elw ay.
“ I d o n ’t live in the
p a s t ,” th e F a lc o n s
co ach said. “ I f y o u ’re
going to b e a football
coach and you preach
and teach to the players
that they should look to
the nex t p lay an d not
think about the last o n e ,
I think y o u have to go
through life the sam e
w ay.
Falcons defeated the Minnesota
Settlement Again Delayed; Pippen,
Sprewell Trades Set
N E W Y O R K - All sorts o f deals are
being m ade, from Scottie Pippen head­
ing to the H ouston Rockets to la tre ll
Sprewell going to theN ew Y ork Knicks.
B ut those transactions will have to
wait som e more, as the N BA informed its
team s T uesday that training cam ps will
not open on W ednesday, delaying any
trades or signings until Thursday at the
B ut the waiting gam e hasn’t stopped
teams from having deals ready to go
w henever the lockout does end.
T he C hicago Bulls agreed to a sign-
and-trade deal sending Pippen to the
Rockets for forward Roy Rogers and a
second-round draft pick, and the Knicks
were set to acquire Latrell Sprewell from
G olden State for John Starks and Chris
A ls o , to p fre e a g e n t A n to n io
M cD yess w as expected to choose be­
tween D enverand Phoenix by the end o f
the day.
A lso:M innesota,Toronto and D en­
ver agreed on a three-way trade sending
guard Chauncey Billups to the N u g ­
gets, center Dean G arrett and guard
B obby Jackson to the Tim berwolves
and guard M icheál W illiam s and tw o
No. 1 picks to the Raptors.
T he Bulls signed and traded guard
Steve Kerr and center Luc Longley, with
Kerr going to San Antonio, and Longley
N ew Jersey reportedly acquired cen­
ter Jim M cllvaine from Seattle for for­
w ards M ichael C age and D on Mac Lean.
T he Los A ngeles Lakers sent for­
w ard T ony Battie to Boston for center
Travis Knight.
V lade D ivac is w aiting for M cD yess
to decide before he goes to Phoenix,
D enver o r Sacram ento.
All o f those deals cannot be com ­
pleted until league and union lawyers
put the settlem ent into writing. In addi­
tion, both sides are trying to resolve
several differences that have arisen.
T he biggest disagreem ent concerns
the new average salary exception, w hich
allows team s already over the salary cap
to sign an extra free agent. T he union
w ants the exception to be used for six-
year contracts; the league w ants it lim­
ited to three-year deals.
T he Bulls w ill sign Pippen to a deal
w orth $67.2 million for five years before
trading him.
A lthough the salaries for Pippen and
R ogers d o not m atch, the deal is allow­
able under N B A rules because Houston
will have enough salary cap room to fit
in P ippen’s contract. His salary for this
headed to Phoenix for forw ard M artin
M uursepp, forward-center Mark Bryant
season will be $ 10.6 million.
Pippen, a six-tim e cham pion with the
Bulls, had talked to the R ockets about
signing w ith them as a free agent. He
apparently agreed to the sign-and-trade
deal because it aliows him to make more
m oney than H ouston could have of­
and guard-forward B ubba Wells.
The acquisition o f Pippen should
clear the w ay for C harles Barkley to re­
sign w ith H ouston for the $ 1 million
m inim um , giving the Rockets a form i­
dable front line o f Barkley, Pippen and
HakeemGlajuwon. and allowing Barkley
to keep his Larry Bird-exception rights
for another year.
“ I am excited about my new career in
H ouston, and even though everything
seem s to be changing, I hope Bulls fans
everyw here will understand that it is
tim e for a new era to begin in C hicago,”
Pippen said.
“Chicago has beenm yhom efom early
halfm y life, and w ith family and friends
here 1 will alw ays treat thecity as home.
I only hope the city o f C hicago will
continue to treat m e as one oftheir own.
Thanks for all the great m em ories.”
Sprewell, a three-time All-Star, drew
the longest nondrug-related suspen­
sion in league history last season for
choking his coach, P.J. Carlesimo.
The Knicks will send Starks and Mills
to the W arriors, tw o league sources said
today. New Y ork originally offered Mills
and guard C hris Childs.
The Knicks, H eat and Pacers had
been know n to be the leading bidders,
and the AP learned that a com plicated
four-team trade involving Golden State,
M iam i, C leveland and Boston also w as
In that scenario, Sprewell would have
gonetothelleatalongw ithB im boC oles
and C larence W eatherspoon, w ith
Peninsula Little League
Boys Girls - 5 to 16 years of age.
Peninsula Park Community Center-f700NPoi-tland Blvd.)
Challenger Programs
Saturday - January 3 0 ,1 9 9 9 aO am - 2 pm
T uesday-F ebruary 2 ,1 9 9 9 6 : 3 0 - 8 3 0 pm
T hursday-February4 , 1 9 9 9 6 ;3 0 -8 :3 0 p m
Saturday - February 6 ,1 9 9 9 10 am - 2 pm
T uesday-F ebruary 9 ,1 9 9 9 6 : 3 0 - 8:30 pm
M a tt D ish m an C o m m u n ity C en ter - (77 N E K n o tt S t )
M in o r - ag es 7 -9 y ears old
M ajo r - ages 10-12 y ears old
S e n io r - ages 13-16 years old
Saturday - January 3 0 ,1 9 9 9 10 am - 2 pm
T uesday-F ebruary 2 , 1 9 9 9 6 :3 0 -8 :3 0 p m
T hursday-February <, 1 9 9 9 6 :3 0 -8 :3 0 pm
Saturday - February 6 ,1 9 9 9 10 am - 2 pm
T uesday-F ebruary 9 ,1 9 9 9 6 : 3 0 - 8:30 pm
SetfEnhanconent Incorporated (SEI)-(3920N Kerby St)
T uesday-February 2 , 1 9 9 9 6 :3 0 -8 :3 0 p m
T hursday-February 4 ,1 9 9 9 6 :3 0 -8 :3 0 p m
Saturday-February 6 ,1 9 9 9 1 0 a m - 2 p m
Blazer’s Boys & Girls Club - (5250 NE MLK Jr. Blvd.)
T uesday - February 2 ,1 9 9 9 6 pm - 8 pm
Thursday February 4 ,1 9 9 9 6 pm - 8 pm
Portland Police Precinct - (449NE Emerson St.)
Saturday - January 3 0 ,1 9 9 9 10am - 2 pm
Saturday- February 6 ,1 9 9 9 2 pm - 5 pm
T ee-B a ll5 <ft 6 years o ld
F o r an y q u estio n s p lea se co n ta ct
Michael Smith
G olden State getting Brent Barry, D an
M ajerle and Bobby Sura. B oston would
have received Jam al M ashburn and
V italy Potapenko, and Cleveland would
have received Paul Pierce and A ndrew
M cD yess is expected to decide to­
day betw een re-signing w ith Phoenix or
going to Denver. The R ockets and Bulls
w ere am ong his earlier choices.
“H ouston and C hicago are out o f the
picture,” agent Jam es B ryant said.
“T ony has analyzed the situation care­
fully, and h e ’s m ost at hom e w ith those
tw o options: Phoenix is going to stay a
w inner and D enver is going to be a
If M cD yess stays in Phoenix, the
N uggets are expected to m ake a final
push for D ivac or Tim berw olves free
a g e n t fo rw a rd T o m G u g lio tta . I f
M cD yess returns to D enver, w here he
played in the 1995-96 and 1996-97 sea­
sons, the Suns' fallback plan w ould be
to sign D ivac to play alongside Longley.
R eports out o f B elgrade said Divac
w ould sign with Sacram ento, but to do
so the K ings w ould have to renounce
the rights toC orliss W illiam son to have
enough cap space to pay Divac.
The three-w ay trade revolving the
Tim berw olves, R aptors and Nuggets
had been rum ored since Sunday.
The A P learned o fth e Battie-K night
trade from tw o league sources It will
reunite K night with the Lakers, the team
he played for before signing with Bos­
Scottie Pippen will not be
returning as a Bull.
O ther previously undisclosed deals
in the works: Clippers free agent forward
Loy V aught w as close to accepting a
fi ve-year offer from Detroit for about $23
million. Rockets guard M att M aloney
w as expected to re-sign w ith Houston.
H aw ks free ag en t g u ard E ld rid g e
R ecasner w as c lose to agreeing to a deal
w ith Chai lotte for four years and $5
million. Celtics center Popeye Jones w as
expected to re-sign w ith B oston for $8
m illion over three years. W izards for­
w ard H arvev G ran t was headed to Phila-
delphia for tw o years. T he league and
u n io n a lso w e re sq u a b b lin g o v e r
changes to “circum vention” rules. The
league w ants to prohibit w rek-and-nod
deals in w hich a team w ould sign a free
cided on exactly w ho it w ould send back
to the Bulls, although M onty W illiams
agent for one y ear w ith the unw ritten
understanding that a long-term deal
w ould follow using the B irdexception.
T he union contends changes to that
rule w ere n ever discussed.
“ I think w e have a realistic chance o f
getting it done by the end o f (T ues­
day),” union law yer Jeffrey K essler
w as a possibility.
ton as a free a g e n t Ih e Lakers acquired
Battie from the D enver Nuggets in last
June’sN ick V an Exel trade.
K err w ill sign w ith the Bulls for $ 11
m illion over five years, then be shipped
to the Spurs. San A ntonio was unde­
For any questions please contact
Derrick & Lynn Butcher
Baseball Program
Farm - ages 7 & 8 years old, M inor - ages 7-9 years old
M ajo r - ag es 10-12 y ears old
Ju n io r / S en io r - ag es 1 3 - 1 6 y ears old
For any questions pleasecontact
Brian Butcher
Things to bring when you sign-up
B irth certificate
P ro o f o f address
ie. O reg o n D riv er L icen ses
U tility Bill
N am e & N u m b er o f D o cto r
N am e & N u m b er o f In su ran ce c a rrier
Family Rates
$ 3 0 fo r 1 p lay er
$ 5 0 fo r 2 p lay ers
$75 fo r 3 o r m o re p lay ers
$5 late fee for sign-ups after February 9th