e ■ ".... .v\*-v—iS»— Ti » •'-• »H . 5. •-sv s ;J ®he F o rtian i» © b seru cr S p e c ia l M LK E v e n t s : ò.’ • ‘.L4 • L ■ a 4 :•:■ ! j M » i l ; ** •;v ¿ * *?••. '.* i < a V>>• .•• • •' ** *.& • '• X- { ; - ■ ' * ^’ ’ V . 1* t*J2 a i r il >/\»- JK' f e ;Z Sai’? 'fo* ' t/ííW fe d • - A ■ ~ Tasting Is Believing! » 5 9 0 7 North Lombard ~ 240-0615 - Beef Ribs - Pork Ribs - Chicken -P a n Fried Catfish • Hot Links - Dine-ln -Take-Out Catering » 2 4 0 -0 6 1 5 -C oupon good for purchase over richment Center, located at 29500SW Grahams Ferry Road, Wilsonville, Oregon, or call 682-5683. The topic o f the forum is Being the Solution. The basic idea is that we can all take a step toward peace in the world, and it can be one that is seem ingly small. The ripple effect that, that step has is enorm ous. This will be a discussion rather than a bunch o f speeches. I think it will be really wonderful and in­ formative. W e’re also inviting several other people to be our expert audience, those potential invitees are Sen. Avel Gordly, C hief Charles M oose, Norm a Paulus, and Superintendent Ben Canada. Rights Center will present D y­ nam ic D ifferences - a com m u­ nity - based anti bigotry training - on W ednesday, January 20, 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. in the Mid C o u n ty C o m m u n ity Room , 16026 SE Stark. This workshop partnerships across cultural dif­ ferences. Pre-registration and confir­ m ation are required, as w ork­ shop space is lim ited — contact L in d a H u n te r at 823-5 136 (V oice/TTY ). If you are a per­ son with a disability and need accom m odation, please call at least 48 hours in advance. Dy­ namic D ifferences is not de­ signed to fulfill training needs m andated by the court system or employers. $ 4 . 9 5 2 miles west of 1-5 on N. Lombard We Honor and salute the Life & Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr As We Celebrate Service To Our Community, We Honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. And The Hope He Brought To People! . the dream o f a country where every man will respect the dignity and worth o f all human personality...” ft is free and open to the public. Dynamic Differences fosters a concept that there is “ good­ Official contest entry forms ness” in all people - that human are available on L aw ry’s Sea­ behavior is based on condition­ soned Salt displays in super­ ing and does not affect human markets nationwide. Kids, ages worth. The goal o f Dynamic eight to 13 can subm it an essay D ifferences is to increase un­ Season for o f betw een 100-150 words ad­ derstanding and mutual respect Nonviolence dressing the them e, “I Have A among all people. Participants Invited guest include: Dream, T oo.” Essays will be will receive a basic overview of A BEHAVIORAL HEALTH CAKE C O W A N T A run G andhi, Rev. M ary judged on originality, creativity various forms o f prejudice and Manin M orrissey, Sr. M inister and relevance to theme. First oppression - past and present. Local Sites: Delaunty Family of Services Living Enrichment Center, Gov­ prize is a trip for three people to There will be an opportunity to 5129 N Lombard Street ernor John Kitzhaber, M ayor W ashington, D.C. plus $1,000 share personal experiences and Vera Katz, Rabbi Emanuel Rose, spending money and a Lawry s exchange ideas that help to bui Id gift basket. One hundred “Our Friend, M artin” music CDs fea­ turing classic Motown tunes will also be awarded. To enter, sub­ he s a id n o t t o c o o u t mit the essay along with Lawry ’ s official entry form or a 3X5 card U N L E S S IT W A S NECESSARY. with the child’s name, complete a d d re ss, date o f b irth and t parent’s/legal guardian’s name and signature to: Law ry’s/Fox “ I have A Dream, Too” Essay Contest, PO Box 8836, M aple Plain, MN 55593-8836. Entries must be received by April 8, 1999. “I Have A Dream, Too” Essay Contest -M : t» * Czaba's Bar-B-Q Sharif Abdullah, Tony Hobson, and Rep. Ryan Deckert. Febru­ ary 13'* at 1:00 at Living En­ Students Write About Their Dreams For A Better Future N ationw ide Essay Contest Honors Living Legacy o f Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Family Trip to W ashington D C., Cash and M usic C D ’s Among Prizes; Contest Sup­ ports World Premiere Movie On the Life and Work o f Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In c e le b ra tio n o f M artin Luther King Day (January 18) and Black History Month (Feb­ ruary), Law ry’s Foods, Inc. an­ nounces a children’s essay con­ test with prizes that include a one-of-a-kind fam ily trip to W ashington, D.C., the site of Dr. K ing’s famous “ I have A Dream ” speech. L aw ry ’s “ I Have A Dream, Too” essay con­ test supports the debut o f "O ur Friend, M artin,” an inspiring new feature-length film about two boys who m agically travel back in tim e and meet Dr. King at various points o f his life. Pre­ sented by CBS/FOX, Tw enti­ eth Century Fox Home Enter­ tainm ent and DIC Entertain­ ment, in association with the family o f Dr. M artin Luther King, Jr., “O ur Friend, M artin” premiered exclusively on home video January 12. Jarr /.?, /999 Martin Luther King J r Special Edition * U nity Inc. Northeast Mental Health Services 4950 NE MLK Blvd. W EATHERM AN ABSOLUTELY T I W AS. Supermarket Rebate S h o p p e rs w h o p u rc h a s e Law ry’s Seasoned Salt (8 oz or 16 oz.) and the “O ur Friend, M artin” video will receive a $2.00 reb ate from L aw ry’s, Seasoned Salt displays in-store. Our Friend, Martin The first only animated movie o f its kind, “O ur Friend, M ar­ tin” m ixes colorful anim ation with actual footageofD r. King’s life, and features an all-star cast o f vocal talent, including Ed Asner, Angela Bassett, Lucas Black, Levar Burton, Danny G lo v e r, W ho o p i G o ld b e rg , Samuel L. Jackson, Jam es Earl Jones, Ashley Judd, Dexter King, Yolanda King, Robert Richard, Susan Sarandon, John Travolta, Jaleel White and Oprah Winfrey. The video retails for $14.98 (suggested price) and is avail­ able at superm arkets and video stores nationwide. Law ry’s Foods, Inc. is one of the oldest and m ost respected food com panies in the United States, m arketing more than 100 products nationally. Lawry s S easo n ed S alt has b ecom e Am erica’s largest-selling spice blend with more than 10 million units sold annually. I t’s a fact. A T he more you get involved in the lives o f children, the less likely they are to use alcohol, Pacific Power, we've tobacco, and illicit drugs. been supplying and Positive, healthy activities help delivering safe, reliable electricity for kids build skills, self-discipline, more than 85 years. We know the and confidence. job. We know the area. And we know G et into the act. there are some things you'd rather not f t - ¡ a ia f i have to think about. The reliability of Call 1.800.729.6686. -- Se habla español. your electric service is one of them. YourTime. Their Future. That's where we come in — no matter Let’s Keep O u r Kids D rug Free. what the weather's like. T D D 1.800.487.4889. h ttp: / / www. health. org < PACIFIC POWER i a A / ’« jilfiC i'iïH '.d ilp tW Recognizing and Reducing oppressive behavior T he M e tro p o lita n H um an ’ * Ays .K- > ’ l U S DEPARTMENT OE HEALTH ANO HUMAN SERVICES Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Adm.nistrahon Center for Substance Abuts Prevention