„ » :o . . *» » » « « V* <•. < « • 1 ■ - — •*«* • & ? •5’ & ®l|e F o rtian i» © h scru er Martin Luther King Jr. Special Edition Jan. /■?, 1999 C25 & -A racial segregation on city bus lines is unconstitutional. Dr. King is a speaker before the platform com mittee o f the D em o­ cratic Party in Chicago. M ayor Gayle o f M ontgom ery instructs the city ’s legal departm ent “to file such proceedings as it may deem proper to stop the operation of car pools and transportation system s growing out o f the boycott. T he U nited States S uprem e Court affirms the decision o f the three-judge district court in declar­ ing unconstitional A labam a's state and local laws requiring segregation on buses. Federal injunctions prohibiting segregation on buses are served on ciy and bus com pany officials in M ontgom ery. Injuctions are also served on stte officials. segregation in public schools is un­ constitutional. King is installed by Rev. Martin Luther King Sr., as the 20th pastor of the Dexter Avenue Church, Mont- gomery. 1929 Jan. 15 M artin Luther King Jr., is bom to Rev. and Mrs. M artin Luther King Sr. (the form er A lberta Christine W illiams), in Atlanta, Ga. 1955 King receives a Ph D. degree in System atic Theology from Boston University. The K ings’ first child, Yolanda Denise, is born in M ontgom ery. M rs. R osa P ark s, a 4 2 -tw o - y e a r - o ld M o n to g o m e ry s e a m ­ stre s s, re fu se s to re lin q u ish her bus se a t to w hite m an and is a r ­ re ste d . T h e first day o f th e b u s b o y ­ c o tt. T he tria l fo r M rs. P rks. A m e e tin g o f m o v e m en t le ad ers is held. D r. K ing is u n an im o u sly e le c te d p re sid e n t o f an o rg a n iz a ­ tio n nam ed the M o n tg o m ery Im ­ p ro v e m e n t A sso c itio n , a nam e p ro p o s e d by R e v e re n d R a lp h 1935-1944 King attends David T. Howard Elementary School, A tlanta U niver­ sity Laboratory School, and Booker T. W ashington High School. He passes the entrance exam ination to M orehouse College (Atlanta) w ith­ out graduating from high school. 1947 King is licensed to preach and become assistant to his father, who is p asto r o f the E b en e ze r B a p tist Church, Atlanta. King waits for an ambulance moments after a deranged woman stabbed him with a letter opener at a New York store in Sept. 1958. He later referred to this incident in his speeches whenever he was preoccupied with death. 1948 A b ern ath y . The M ontgom ery Bus Co. sus­ pends service in black neighbor- hoods. King is ordained to the Baptist m in is tr y . H e g r a d u a te s fro m M orehouse College with a B.A. de­ gree in sociology. King enters Crozer Theological Sem inary, C hester, P ennsyvania. After hearing Dr. A.J. M uste and Dr. M ordecai W. Johnson preach on the life and teachings of M ahatm aG anhi, he begins to study G andhi seriously. 1956 1951 King graduates from Crozer with a B.D. degree. 1953 King marries C oretta Scott in M arion, Ala. 1954 The Supreme Court of the United States rules unanimously in Brown vs Board o f Education that racial King and his wife, Coretta. meet with reporters on the steps of the Montgomery County Courthouse before his trail in March 1956 for violating a state law forbidding boycotts. Dr. King is arrested on a charge of traveling 30 m iles per hour in a 25 mile-per-hour zone in Montgomery. He is released on his own recogni­ zance. A bomb is thrown onto the porch of Dr. King’s M ontgom ery home. Mrs. King and Mrs. Roscoe W il­ liams, wife o f a church member, are in the house with baby Y olanda Denise; no one is injured. A suit is filed in federal district court asking that M o n tg o m ery ’s travel segregation laws be declared unconstitutional. Dr. King is indicted with other figures in the M ontgom ery bus boy­ cott on the charge o f being party to a conspiracy to hinder and prevent the operation o f business without “just or legal cause.” A U. S. district court rules that Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy of nonviolent resistance ultimately served as the model for King’s pacifist approach to social change. « ¿ fe *4 ■Z‘, '¿F ft. £ » I 1 •>; $ M ontgom ery buses are inte- grated. 1957 »A ... An unexploded bomb is discovered on the front porch of the Kings’ house. The Southern Christian L eader­ ship Conference (SCLC) is founded. Dr. King is elected its president. Time m agazine puts Dr. King on its cover. Dr. King delivers a speech for the Prayer Pilgrim age for Freedom celebrating the thnd anniversary of the Supreme C ourt’s desegregation decision. The speech, entitled "G ive Us the Ballot,” is given at the Lincoln M em m orial, W ashington, D.C. Dr. King has a conference with the vice-president o f the U nited States, Richard M. Nixon. President Dwight D. Eisenhower federalizes the Arkansas Naional Guard to escord nine Negro Students to an all- white high school in Little Rock, Ark. The first civil rights act since Reconstruction is passed by C on­ gress, creating the Civil Rights C om ­ mission and the civil Rights Division o f the D epartm ent o f Justice. A s e c o n d c h i l d , M a r ti n L u th e r III, is b o rn to D r and M rs. K ing. 'i t ’A ■■ ' »'4 Vi Ài & IN HONOR OF Unintentionally, through a lack of understanding, we don’t value the gifts that give us life... the trees, the air, the water. They speak to us, they sustain us, but we d o n ’t hear and continue the violence against ourselves. We m ust protect our legacy. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. THE CITY OF PORTLAND/MULTNOMAH COUNTY AFFIRMATIVE ACTION OFFICE PLEDGES A COMMITMENT TO "REDEFINING THE DREAM FOR THE NEXT MILLINNEUM” V e r a K a t z , M ayor C it y O f P o r t l a n d B e v e r l y S t e in , C h a ir M u ltn o m a h C o unty Live the dream. R O B E R T P H IL L IP S C ity / C o u n tv A f f ir m a t iv e A c t io n O f f ic e r PORTI AND PARKS N RECREATION For employment Information contact the Affirmative Action Office Outreach & Recruitment Unit at 823-3530 i,