£t JiJortlanb © bacruer Martin Luther King Jr. Special Edition Jan. 13,1999 C24 From Diversity To Inclusivity B\ Jov R amps M artin Luther King was a rem arkable visionary in fur­ thering the concept o f Unity in Diversity. Dr. King was a spokesm an. He gave definition to our Self as having inherent rights, de­ serving o f equality and respect. It was a loving rem inder o f w ho we are, having hum an rights, idealized by our Found­ ing Fathers. T h ro u g h M a rtin L u th e r King, we recognized the Self in im portance to the W hole. King gave us greater vision to em brace D iversity. He called for Diversity in schools. Diversity in B u s i n e s s , D i v e r s i t y in communities.. .everywhere! It is now com m onplace. M artin Luther King was very progressive in his thinking. We are now recognizing K ing’s m essage o f Unity to also mean Inclusivity. This was not a prophecy. It was a realization that once we accept D iversity, we could progress to the next level. Diversity teaches us to honor differences. Inclusivity as an emerging culture requires a col­ lective shift in awareness. It is an a lte r n a tiv e to th e adversarial m odel that helps create com m on ground and shared vision. “The end goal is to develop a sense o f com m u­ nity in w hich m em bers recog­ nize that they depend on each other. My fate is linked with y o u r s ,” e x p la in s S h a r if A b d u lla h , fo u n d e r o f the Com m onw ay Institute. Practicing Inclusivity allows us to respect our inter-related- ness by thinking in whole sys­ tem s. It is a nonviolent means o f creating w in/win solutions. S h a r if fu rth e r adds th at Inclusivity builds cooperative relationships that respect the highest in each person. It re­ le a s e s en em y im a g e s, e n ­ hances self-esteem , allow s us to u se in tu itio n an d “attunem ent” in decision-m ak­ ing and shifts us from a m echa­ nistic to spiritual, value-ori­ ented perspective. C ollectively, we can go in several future directions with D iv e rs ity and I n c lu s iv ity . There are two very interesting paths before us. A d v a n c e d te c h n o lo g ic a l ch an g es, G lo b alizatio n and Low Econom ic G row th can steer us tow ard a return to com m unities, ancient ethnic identities, local econom ies and traditional spirituality. There is another way. A d v a n c e d te c h n o lo g ic a l ch an g es, G lo b a liz a tio n and High Econom ic G row th can create a future cherished by people, voluntary sim plicity and reverence for traditional societies. M artin Luther King made his hopes clear: Honor the Self, Em brace D iversity and Live in Unity. This living challenge are con­ ditions for all o f us to co-cre- ate as we enter the new m il­ lennium . Can we accept it? A huge rally at Soldier Field in Chicago on July 10,1966 held by Martin Luther King supporters. DECLINING PARADIGM EMERGING PARADIGM “I’ cannot reach fulfillment without “thou”. The self cannot be self without other selves. Self-concern without other- concern is like a tributary that has no outward flow to the ocean.” -Martin Luther King Change comes from all. Change comes from an intelligentsia, Trained, educated and dedicated. Advocates o f particular interest groups. Participation and change takes place with identified groups and identified Advocates o f the Whole. Everyone participates and “leads”; everyone is included. Truth emerges from the Interplay o f the whole, (win- win scenarios). Community=everyone affected by an issue. ‘ ‘Improvising Community Vision-induced change. Change increases social capital. Err on the side o f too much Information. Management at the lowest Possible level. Community empowerment. Servant leadership models. Taoist community-building: When the work is finished, the people say: “We did this ourselves! ” Truth emerges from and adversarial Process (winners and losers). Community=those who agree with you ‘ "Constructing Community” Change which is induced through fear Change at the expense o f social capital. Information must be controlled. Management at the highest possible level. ; Personal empowerment of“leader” Temporal leadership models. ‘ ‘Power-over’ ’ community development: When the work is finished, the people say: “Hail to the Happy Birthday Martin Luther King Lilian Sevier 1101 NE Alberta Portland OR 97211 R.D. Sevier & Son, Inc., Garbage Service 287-0262 M id -k B eau ty Supplies Salutes D r. M a rtin L u th e r King's 70th B irth d a y ! CHICKEN & BISCUITS In M e m o r y M a r t in L u th e r K in g , ] r Equal Opportunity Employer "All progress is precarious, and the i solution of one problem brings us face to face with with another problem," -Dr. Martin L. King Jr Strength To Love 3120 NE Martin Luther King Jr. King Blvd. 5411 N.E. Martin L. King Jr. Blvd. 503-335-0271 5949 NE Martin Luther King Jr. King Blvd.