Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 13, 1999, Page 22, Image 22

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(Elje F o rtian i» © b seru er
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and morality which then expresses it­
self in suicide, violence, drug addic­
tion, crime and other hideous deeds.
N ot exactly what Dr. King had in
mind, but nevertheless prophesied;
"W hatever affects one directly, affects
all indirectly ."
Not all transnational corporations
are consciously or unconsciously ex­
ploiting human beings and the envi­
ronment. The winds o f change are out
there. Many small businesses and more
and more transnationals are adopting
w hat might be called “socially and en­
vironmentally resp o n sib le’ business
practices. Specifically they are look­
ing to m easu re th eir p erfo rm an ce
by m u ltip le “b o tto m lin es” adding
em plo y ee n eeds, cu sto m er needs,
com m unity needs and en v iro n m en ­
tal needs to the fin an cial need m ea­
sure. W hen th e se m e asu res are
taken seriously, com panies do w hat
they should do, serv e the needs o f
hum anity w ith o u t ex p lo itatio n o f
peo p le o r the en vironm ent.
But, as Dr. K ing so often said, the
m ain hope is w ith us, the people.
O ur answ er lies in b u ild in g local
com m unity to reduce d ep endence
on tran sn atio n al co rp o ratio n s. W e
est 20% receiving 1.4%.
“ Futureless grow th” has resulted
in the decline o f every m ajor living
system on earth, our oceans, our fresh
water, our air, our forests, our soil, and
most wild life.
“Rootless g row th” refers to the
destruction o f cultures in our neigh­
borhoods and small towns as well as
replacing centuries old local cultures
with hedonism, crass materialism,
destructive competitiveness, and ego­
“Voiceless g row th” is economic
growth devoid o f respect for human
rights and democratic processes es­
sential to society.
To this we might add “ M eaning­
less grow th” when these unhealthy
forms o f growth result in a loss o f
creativity, perspective, meaning, hope
T u rn o f f the telev isio n . P ro tect
our children from the constant b o m ­
b ard m en t o f v io len ce, greed, h ate
and m aterialism w hich is everyw here
on television.
Join the “ sim p licity m o v em en t” :
co n scio u sly p u rch asin g o nly w hat
w e tru ly need, b u y in g o nly item s
w h ich are recy clab le an d /o r o r­
g anic, an d /o r ask in g sales p eo p le if
they know if m aking and d istrib u t­
ing the p ro d u ct in v o lv ed e x p lo ita ­
tio n o f peo p le or the en v iro n m en t.
B uy local and o rganize co m m u ­
n ity buying. Buy item s co llectiv ely
w ith neighbors or colleagues or jo in
an existing cooperative. Shop stores
w ith local sourcing. A sk q uestions.
B uild co m m u n ity b y v o lu n te e r­
ing in local co m m unity p ro g ram s
and churches.
F or in sp iratio n , w e can ag ain
turn to Dr. King:
“C an a n onviolent, d irect-actio n
m ovem ent find ap p licatio n on the
international level, to confront ec o ­
nom ic and political p roblem s? I b e ­
lieve it can .” A nd further: “ I have
the co n v ictio n that the u n iv erse is
on the side o fju stice. C onsequently,
the b eliev e r in n o n v io len ce has
deep faith in the fu tu re.”
B y B rad S mith
M artin L uther K ing advocated
nonviolence as a w ay o f life, so did
M ahatm a G andhi 1 have found that
violence occurs at m any levels in our
lives. In the pursuit o f profits o r ju st
a better incom e, business m anagers
and individual em ployees m ay often
let go o f their integrity, m om entarily.
I believe dish o n esty and a lack o f
integrity are subtle, very costly forms
o f violence. L iving your life in com ­
plete h o nesty, truth, integrity and
love as a w ay o f doing business is a
daily act o f courage and is the h igh­
est form o f no n v io len ce one can
M any o f us have spent tim e g aug­
ing an outw ard effect o f a lie. W hether
the en d w e w an t w ill be b etter
achieved w ith w ords o f truth o r not
or w hether w e w ill feel sham e and
guilt. F ew o f us look in tern ally at
w hat the lapse o f self-caring that
relationship w ith them selves. I ask
them to view the violence they ex p e­
rience, how ever subtle, as a reflec­
tion o f the b e lie f system s they hold.
Ifth ey are the victim s o f violence, do
they hold a victim b elief about them ­
selves or are they v ic tim ize s or both?
I w ork w ith them to grow their skill
for external and internal honesty.
M y successful clients develop their
skill for creating th eir life events
from self-carin g an d self-love.
It is p o ssib le to b u ild a business
and a life on the basis o f nonvio­
lence that holds integrity, dignity,
honesty, creativ ity an d respect for
the individual as the only ac cep t­
able fo u ndation for each decision
made. L ook at w hat it takes for an
individual to flourish, expand that to
custom er relations, m arketing and
business an d you w ill find in that
very su b tle n o nviolence a sy n er­
gism that grow s profits b ey o n d your
allow s a lie to do w ith our internal
relationship w ith ourselves. W hat is
lost in that sort o f internal violence
is self.
A s m anagers in business, w e al­
low subtle violent environm ents.
W hether it is a sexual harassm ent,
discrim ination, negative attitudes or
even ignoring good ideas to foster
our ow n careers, violence o f this
sort is s e lf lim iting and destructive.
It limits creativity, vision, trust, team ­
w ork, and ultim ately profits.
M any o f us have w orked in b u si­
ness w here voicing a negative atti­
tude w as a continual event. H ow
m any o f us d id our very best w ork
there? W ere you excited about go­
ing to w ork each day because that
environm ent fostered your highest
creativity and w illingness to partici­
p ate?
In m y coaching, I ask clients to
look at th eir external surroundings
as an exp ressio n o f th eir internal
We refuse to believe that there
are insufficient funds in the
great vaults of opportunity
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
of this nation.”
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In the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King
Jr., Multnomah County, Metro, the City
of Portland and Port of Portland are
committed to achieving greater economic
and social equity in our contracting and
procurement processes.
' Ü
' H
For recorded information on
contracting opportunities with
M ultnomah County and Metro,
call the hotline (503) 797-1933.
■ ■;-
Multnomah County
www. metro-region .org
City of Portland
Call the purchasing
Port of Portland
For information on
For information on contracting
For information on
Buyline at
opportunities, call
contracting opportunities,
(503) 823-6855
opportunities call
Jerry Walker,
Jim Waki,
For informantion on
contracting opportunities,
"Faxback" at
(503) 731-7592 or
(503) 797-1714
call Loretta Young,
Judy Trotter,
(503) 823-6850
(503) 731-7587
(503) 248 5429
M etro
City of Portland
Creating livable
?/ .
' ; 7 ... ■
MÉ * I
; :
Port of Portland
Regional Services
Violence In Business
Dr. King was urging us to think
and act globally by saying, “O ur loy­
alties must transcend our race, our
class, and our nation; and means we
must develop a world perspective.”
Today, even with the perception o f
unparalleled prosperity as shown on
TV and in our media, human life as Dr.
King envisioned it is threatened by
the mergers, acquisitions, and relent­
less growth o f transnational corpora­
tions w hich m easure success in
money, not in service to human kind.
The consequence o f this economic
growth are not good for either our
env ironment nor for the betterment o f
human beings as envisioned by Dr.
Kang. A recent study by the United
Nations characterized the world-wide
economic growth as “ruthless , “fu-
tureless”, "rootless” and “voiceless” .
"Ruthless growth” is forcingclose
to 2.4 billion people to live in poverty
while358 individual billionaires enjoy
a combined income equal to these 2.4
billion people.The income gap be­
tween rich and poor has grown 100%
over the past 20 years with the richest
20% now receiving over 83% o f the
world’sincome, compared to the poor­
Jan. 13, 1999
Martin Luther King Jr. Special Edition
Dr. Martin Luther King And
The “Global Challenge
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