Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 13, 1999, Page 20, Image 20

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Martin Luther King Jr. Special Edition — Jan. 13, 1999
The Illusion Of F reedom
B> B un M issler
“We are called to be a people o f
conviction, not conformity; o f moral
nobility, not social respectability. We
are commanded to live di fferently and
according to a higher loyalty.” - Mar­
tin Luther King
Are we living in an illusion ofFree-
Everywhere you look, one sees
evidence o f control in every aspect of
our lives.
Little by little, our Constitutional
and Sovereign rights to own and use
our property, our rights to travel,
rights o f privacy, freedom o f speech,
rights to bear arms and other legal
rights are gradually being controlled
or taken away from us. Are these
violent manipulations an accident'.’
The rise o f economic chaos, short­
age o f food and energy, confiscatory
taxes, a crisis in education, wars and
threats o f war and other diversions to
condition Americans for a new soci­
etal order.
The techniques used by ill-inten­
tioned manipulators is as old as Poli­
tics itself: It is the Hegelian principle
o f bringing about a three step pro­
1 THESIS is to create a problem
2. ANTITHESIS is to generate op­
position to the problem to get a reac­
tion such as fear, panic or hysteria.
3. SYNTHESIS is to offer a definite
one step solution to the problem,
bring about change which would have
been impossible to impose on people
without the proper psychological
conditioning achieved in stage one
and two.
These powerful and insidious
schemes by subterfuge, create wide­
spread confusion in all human affairs.
The schemes aim to influence, then
control, any and all the natural finan­
cial affairs of every person through
destabilizing, disinformation and dis­
mantling o f the lawful social and po­
litical structures by which free people
govern themselves.
An example o f this is the condi­
tioning o f the people to believe that
we are a Democracy. We are not a
Democracy but a Republic.
In a Democracy, you have a Mob
Rule (where the majority vote rules
right or wrong) and never lasts very
long Historically, it is designed to
fail. That is why our Forefathers set
up a Representation Republic where
we the people do not vote for the laws
that govern ourselves. We are sup­
posed to elect statesmen o f impec­
cable. honest character who will look
after our interest as well as the
country’s and the God Given Rights
o f the People as a whole.
A much more simple story could
be o f the two frogs. You have two
pots o f w ater, one boiling, the other
lukewarm. Put the frog in the boiling
water and he will make every effort to
escape, but put him in the lukewarm
water, he will merely relax and feel
comfortable while the heat is slowly,
gradually turned up till he flops over
dead, not knowing what happened.
Who is the They manipulating
us? Are they the Rich, The Money
Changers, The Obligarchy, The Bu­
reaucrats, The Communists, The
Aliens or possibly Us?
Well, what can we do?
There are several things:
■Get more informed, listen to alter­
native news and get educated.
•Look for the Hegelian signs o f
entities creating the problem, get­
ting the reaction and their just hap­
pening to have the exact solution to
the problem that was created.
Keep an open mind to alternative
Watch for disinformation or con­
trolled bias news.
•Get involved at local as well as at
national levels.
Are we a sleeping giant about to
be awakened? Our apathy and igno­
rance is violence towards ourselves
for not seeking Truth and Freedom.
In the w o rd s o f M a ria n n e
W illiamson, author o f The Healing
o f A merica. “The leader with con­
science must be willing to risk repu­
diation. The person with conscience
must be willing to risk being consid­
ered a whiner by polite society. The
person with conscience has a re­
sponsibility to be a thorn in the side
o f a complacent status quo. The
person with conscience holds up a
mirror to the world, which must in­
clude himself. The person with con­
science is an agent o f awakening in
a world where there is a collective
urge to sleep.”
The Whole World
In His Hands
I f w e c o u ld , at th is tim e , s h r in k th e e a r t h ’s p o p u la tio n to
a v illa g e o f p r e c is e ly 100 p e o p le , w ith a ll e x is tin g h u m a n
r a tio s r e m a in in g th e sa m e , it w o u ld lik e th is :
T h e re w o u ld b e 57 A s ia n s , 21 E u r o p e a n s , 14 fro m th e
W e s te rn H e m is p h e r e ( N o rth an d S o u th ) , an d 8 A f r ic a n s .
•70 w o u ld be n o n w h ite ; 30 w h ite .
70 w o u ld be n o n - C h r is tia n ; 30 C h r is tia n .
•F ifty p e r c e n t o f th e e n tir e w o rld w e a lth w o u ld be in th e
h a n d s o f o n ly 6 p e o p le .
A ll 6 w o u ld b e c itiz e n s o f th e U n ite d S ta te s .
•70 w o u ld be u n a b le to re a d .
50 w o u ld s u f f e r fro m m a ln u tr itio n .
•80 w o u ld liv e in s u b s ta n d a r d h o u s in g .
•O n ly 1 w o u ld h a v e a c o lle g e e d u c a tio n .
A. Philip Randolph leads line o f protestors outside 1948 Democratic National Convention.
Holistic Political Principles
B y M arianne W illiamson
•The pow er w ith in us is
g re a te r th a n any p o w er
o u tsid e us.
•Government should con­
cern its e lf less w ith how
to a llo c a te o u r e x te rn a l
re so u rce s and m ore w ith
how to h a rn e ss our in te r­
nal ones.
•The so u rce o f w ealth is
our c a p a c ity for g en iu s.
C reation o f w ealth through
the stim u latio n o f creativ e
th in k in g is thus the p ri­
m ary so u rce o f econom ic
reco v ery and stim u la tio n .
•The h ig h e s t p o litic a l
dialogue is not ad v ersarial
but ra th e r a s y n e rg istic
c o n v e rs a tio n
b e tw e e n
h ig h -m in d e d lib e ra l v i ­
sions for the c o u n try and
high -m in d ed c o n se rv a tiv e
o n es.
•The p o litic s o f h ate is
a b ra n c h th a t d o es not
b e a r fru it. T h at is why
a n o th e r b ran ch is s ta r t­
ing to grow .
Love is a m ore p o w e r­
ful p o litic a l and so c ia l
to o l th an h a tre d .
•We w ill not m ove fo r­
w ard as a n a tio n w ith o u t
re p e n tin g for our lack o f
rig h te o u s n e s s
to w a rd
o th e r A m e ric a n s in the
p a st and p re s e n t, and all
o t h e r n a tio n s o f th e
w orld.
•We m ust ack n o w led g e
the p o w e r o f th e in n e r
life , th e w isdom found in
s ile n c e , and the p rim acy
o f th e v o ic e o f c o n ­
s c ie n c e .
O th e rw ise , the A m eri­
can e x p e rim e n t w ill end.
It sh a ll have fa ile d .
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- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
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