, V ’ Page 11 Focus Wip $ o ri!n n ìt (©bseruer V • • First Lady Entertainment FIRST LADY ENTERTAINMENT merges with national touring company for an evening at the Schm tzer. . . . When critically acclaimed national playwright producer-director Delilah Rashell Williams was in the market for a Local Representative for her upcom­ ing hit stage play “ Somebody Oughta Tell God Thank You” coming to the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall Friday January 8 at 8pm one phone call to KBMS radio let her straight to Dee BakerofFirst Lady Entertainment “She was professional and enthusiastic, well connected and ready to roll” says Williams who has repeatedly brought quality sold out shows to the Schnitzer with some o f the best entertainment in the country including “Things Aint What They Use to Be" “Gods Trying to Tell You Something” and The “Tour ofl jfe”.,“Her reputation proceeded her and 1 was honored to be considered as a representative” injects Baker. Will­ iams’ continued “1 was hesitant be­ cause this business is a high risk busi­ ness at best lending true to all the adages “don’t count your chickens before they hatch”, “believe half o f what you see and none o f what your hear’’and“talkischeap, ittakes money to buy land" and the one 1 live by “if a persons word is no good, neither are they". W e so far Dee Baker has landed high marks in all categories delivering the chickens and the loot to boot and her word has been as good as gold, says Williams. “I found her to be refreshing, a force to be reckoned with, a lady o f integrity, honesty, drive and determination worthy o f leading the e*’*. » would emerge First Lady Entertain­ An educated woman with d degrees ment “affordable entertainment with a in business management this widely personal touch specializing in personal versed mother of2 has rightfully earned care right down to every detail Soon thetitlea“JillofallTrades”. Acompas- Dee would be arranging and hosting sionate person with 2 teenage sons she weekend outings on a much larger scale headed a haven for youth and called it including cruises, lavish parties and “Hot Friday Nights" a safe environ­ out o f state tours. With big dreams and ment for teens to congregate and have limited dollars Dee saw this as achance fun during the summer. Answering to to earn free tickets by bringing so many the beat o f a di ff erent drummer, Dee did paid patrons to the bargaining table. not seek to reward troubled teens but Successfully heading weekend trips good teens instead. With strict paren­ like Hot Summer Nights Travel; an an­ tal control she enforced a safe and nual event celebrated in Reno, Nevada welcome atmosphere with no cursing, a trip down memory lane as thousands no smoking, no drugs and no sagging gather making the annual voyage the pants, that hundreds o f teens through­ largest o f its kind in the USA complete out the city enjoyed. Sponsored by Dee Baker in front o f the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall with “classic cars and the sounds of Coca-Cola and several local businesses classic R&Bmusic in 1995 when nearly including ’ Cafe, American Linen,Cap­ 100 people joined her on this exciting Bahdu to name a few. The first o f its turing the M om ent photography, in a class all her own. To keep her tnp and First Lady Entertainment made kind it will take place at the Portland’s KBMS Radio and Lewis Limousine. clientele informed Dee publishes a it all worth while. “Fun for them and Civic Stadium nght here in Portland “So many people believed in me and monthly newsletter “First Lady Enter­ work for me” says Dee as she person­ with an estimated attendance o f over supported my efforts it was imposs ible tainment Review, with distribution of ally tended to every last detail from the 10,000. not to succeed" says Baker, "and for nearly a thousand containing informa­ plane flights to the charter busses to Dee says “while I was praying for a that 1 am forever grateful and forever tion on upcoming events and address­ the luxurious hotel right down to the fundraising vehicle to launch this event committed.” ing current issues in the community as tipping o f the bellman and making sure , when I got up o ff my knees the phone hall began in 1992 when Dee had the well. Ifonceam onthistoolongforyou each clients luggage was physically rang offering me the opportunity to job o f collecting the cover charge at the to wait, you can find F irst Lady Enter- delivered inside their rooms not hold­ serve as Local Representative for the door o f a local club at which her boy­ ta in m e n t on th e w eb at ing in a hotel closet allowing patrons to national touring company o f “Some­ friend was a DJ “I liked it said Dee it lady 1 (acnnw.net .Although Dee is look­ rush o ff the to casinos and began the body OughtaTell God Thank You" and was exciting greeting and meeting so ing forward to “Somebody OughtaTell fun, combining this with top of the line believe me I do every day” . But 1 can’t many different people.” Being an op­ God Thank You”, she is also looking entertainment like Etta James, Barry wait till the curtain rises to tell GOD portunist Dee saw this as not just a fun beyond it for her largest event to day White and BB King just to name a few. Thank You once again because He has job but a catalyst to network an estab­ “Global Fest 99” a multi-cultural event, Dee has set a precedent second to sure been good to me, God is the driver lish a business o f her own. Her first pledging a day o f cultural unity setting none. When entertaining in Portland at I’m just the passenger” says Dee and ventures were with her ex-boyfriend aside “bias” to understand other cul­ her Annual Virgo Birthday Bash, every its obvious she’s enjoying the ride. whoDeeJayed. He spinned the records tures; . . . . “W orking together collec­ Virgo receives flowers and a custom­ For more information about First and she play ed host and loved doing it. tively fo r one cause "; celebrating with ized song and food for everyone. Lady Entertainment andbestavailable The combination was very successful food/crafts clothing dance and R&B/ Going the extra mile makes all the seats to “Somebody Oughta Tell God as people packed the clubs enjoying Jazz&Gospel entertainment includmg difference and that’s what First Lady Thank You” call Dee at (503)285-4009 the music and special touch o f hospi­ the Temptations, Hiroshima, and Erica Entertainment is all about leaving Dee tality served up by Dee. From this effort to support our companies name “Standing Room Only" greatly assist­ ing us in filling up the Schnitzer once again.” “I’m not easily impressed” says Williams from herCalifonuahome “there are so many shysters in this business. On my last venture to this region. 1 trusted a Christian book store in Seattle and after paying them thou­ sands o f dollars for their work, they in retumstoleover$5,000!! to say I’m gun shy is putting it mildly. But one would have to stop and take notice o f this phenomenal lady". “She has an awe­ some system" says Baker and I’m proud to be an implimentor o f what she has already put in place." The two continue toexchange flattering compliments and shared admiration’s o f one another until Williams says “hey this story is not about me Dee its about you, so lets back up and start all over again. ” So where do we start? Dee Baker Was the first black woman construc­ tion worker for the city o f Portland and went on to become a foreman or should we say forewoman “from a ditch to a building give me a hammer and watch me work" says Dee from the jack hammer to the dump truck she’s done it all. < • < They Used To Bel" comes the nexr n.v . Somebody Oughta Tel • fiO D Thank You!" A * A ’ 'V.z •**/ :as if • ' Coming Io lo the the Arle Arlene Coming Schnitzer Concert Hall One Show only! Friday, i January 8, 8 :0 0 P.m. Tickets available al the Box otice, .ill i lit ketWaster Outlets, One I Slop Records, I he Best of All u Worlds, .«nit and House »louse of oi Sound. For group sales and best available seals call Dee Baker (5 0 3 )2 8 5 -4 0 0 9 S i. V, ; • .y JA ! ! -K. & & s &