•.-..A-!?-? •.tix;--'. " •• (Tltc ÿ a rtü m b O bserver F O C U Page 7 S an-Araerican Arts said epresident ram ini /'P e o p le have looked to oil’s work f< jofourci s series is tw ill gives e m ost pro' buttons o f the W orld ’’ll Mi O f A ttica reecden ted six- res the stories j o f tum ultuous jualityandself- ates the e r e -.4 ? artistic le n r m ent. The th ird evening begins in the 1960s, a tim e o f in tegration an d cre­ ative “crosso v er” when black artists m ake increasin g inroads in H olly­ w ood, on B roadw ay and in popular eof eW orld: A' 1 A rts will , writers,visual»' 1 dancers whochangcd eareas a nationand a ns w ith the trials A frican-A m erican culture and the larger A m erican society,” said the late H enry H am p ton , founder of Biackside,Inc^andexeCTJthepr.Mi,H.i aof the new series that » ill launch B y feijM ^ w fcM ^ ^ iebration <, to bring this ex- I’U M ake M e A \ taKSttk sing free video, (ftP •H istory M onth w h ere it February 1,2 and 3 at 9 ’o rltfiX * lake M ean— 1, and rap the jazz, I) ■fined A m erican m usic, in and poetry that have inventional ideas about lity, race, and democ- cases pow erful vi- nn canvas to m ovie iterpreted the Afri- !rien ce,asw ellas and theater that o f expression isiastic audiences v< music. T o help com m unities launch en ­ gagin g local arts program m in g, it conjunction with the PBS broadcast llackside, Inc. has provided m ini- rants, technical assistance and pro latte m aterials tocoalitions in B altim ore, B oston, is A ngeles, N ash ville, N ew Y ork, N ew ark, P htladeiphia, R hode isla n d , and W ash in gton ,D .C .iy acksidealso in­ vites organizations active in cultural p rogram m in g and ed u cation (c.g. sch o o ls, m u seu m s, libraries, and com ­ m unity cen ters) in other cities to be­ com e p artn er sites andpfamrilMakrMe i on e of . For 3 0 years, he ¡Ratty uniquely ■s available , leona' 1 / o f American documpmary am -Eyes •, America's W ar on Poverty, and many 1 H e r a y H a m p t o t } ^ .le a ^ f /lf e h ln d a f ir s t - t only s h g fp ^ g ia w o r h M y fu r a e n ta r y ;eMe site » k S j h- IKm. t A Century o f M i ih lsm ls slo n b yc eleB n tln g th e 9 A fritan Am erican creative spirit that T years. The nev/ . '■ - r,2 a n d 3 9 K E g g p jn . (ET) on PBS, tThlrteen/W NET. and trie A fr ic a n , d o m .T h ei th rou gh tl W orldW a artists,c still face, 1 sions and 1 E th n ic F ig u r in e s nuchmore. • CJift B a s k e t s S p e c i a liz i n g in S e l f H e lp <& 1 2 S te p I te m s (5 0 3 ) 2 8 8 -1 7 4 7 F A X 7 7 7 -9 6 4 4 407 N E M ason & M L K P o r t la n d , O R 9 7 2 1 1 P Sinipìy Cellular £ Telephone l f t 3939 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd 5^ 280-8000 H r IEE tjsr Cellular Phone Activations xSS"* [No Cred« Required) $15 Activation applies to most phones— w hen you bong an unwrapped toy for a child ag? 8 1 y— » pa y mn»» 11 l y p ii I T y i ' l i * ì & ’.F ' t » ■■ r- ; . « &-r 'A-:. 1 yr to 15 yrs to Sim ply Cellular Does not include airtime Prepaid Cellular •Requires annual contract paid m advance IM B O ffer expires D ec 3 1 ,1 9 9 8