P age B8 D E C . 2 ,1 9 9 8 (Tliv |Jo rtla n h (0hscruer [O lí Brian McKnight toRelease "Bethelenf for the Holiday oined on new release by Boyz II M en, D ave K oz, Mrs. N at King Cole A nd the M cKnight Family Choir The Brian M cKnight ’s ANYTIME continues to hold strong on the al­ bum charts and has ju st spaw ned a fourth chart rising single, “H old M e,” M cK night changes pace w ith his first holiday release, B E T H L E H E M . T h e m u lti- p la tin u m s in g e r/ s o n g w r ite r to o k p u ttin g B ETH LEH EM together very person­ ally. “T he holiday season is so m uch about fam ily and love,” explains M cK night, "so I asked m y w ife, my brother (a m em ber o f the group T ake 6), m y children, m y m om , and my extended fam ily (aunts, uncles, and cousins) to w ork w ith m e on m aking BETHLEHEM w ith “Hail M ary," and B rian ’s sons BJ and N iko appear on the h eartw arm ing track “ I t’s A ll A bout L ove.” O f course C hristm as can also be a tim e o f reflection and solitude, and M cK n ig h t’s plaint tenor conjures up that side o f the season as w ell, m ost notably on the m elancholy version o f the holiday classic “ H ave Y ou rself A M erry Little Christm as.” Delivering a special holiday m essage on the ‘Si­ lent Night” interlude is M rs. N at K ing C o le , w ho takes the opportunity to J K M H D 8 9 . 1 FM M t Hood Community College THE LARGEST, MOST COMPLETE RETAIL FABRIC STORE IN THE WEST A u g u st 1 8 th r o u g h S e p t. 1, 1 9 9 8 ALL HOME DEC 0, reflect on her special Christmas memo­ ries w ith her late husband. M cK night has been keeping busy over the past year touring. T he Los A ngeles T im es noted in a recent re­ view “(M cK night) conducted a m as­ te r class in the art o f seduction through show m anship.” The N ew Y ork T im es declared M cK night is “ one o f the finest pop singers alive.” Tickets available at all Fred Meyer Fastixx outlets or by phone SOS-224-8499 800-992-8499 30 OFF 0 Michael Allen Harrison Family * Friend« In Concert at THE OLD CHURCH Dec.- 12th - 5pm, 7pm end 9pm Dec- 15th*' 2pm, 5pm * 7pm 14th Hanukkah Show - 7pm Dec> 17 th - 6pm Z (pm Dec| 18th - 7pm 4^9pm liK'hitlcs all prints and )act|tiards. curtain lace. upholsicrv viuxl. awning can\a> headliner. Yeltex. table pad. Gruber & Dritz drapers hardware, home dec trims j? Dec- 19th) 5pm, 7pm pnrf^pm ALL WOOL & WOOL BLENDS Irvington Covenant Church A M eaningful Christmas Where Less is M ore ast Decem ber a letter appeared as l _ / i n the widely syndicated col­ umn "D ear A bby.” It quite eloquently voiced a nagging concern felt by many people during the Christmas season. In part, the letter read: Every year for as long as I can re­ member, I’ve sworn I’11 never celebrate another Christmas like the last one, but the holidays are near again, and I haven’t done anything to change it. Along with the expense comes a feeling o f wastefulness, one gift becom ing lost am ong all the others. M y husband retired this year, and w e’re living on a lot less m oney now, but even if our finances were greater. I’ve lost the de­ sire to contribute to this em pty com ­ mercialism. I don’t w ant to stop giving T completely, but 1 long to have a more meaningful holiday with my family, shar­ ing the gift o f ourselves and not our wallets. The letter was aptly signed. Search­ ing for Answers. In response to Searching for An­ swers many more like her, Irvington Covenant Church, at 4069 NE M artin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard, in the old Cost Cutters building, is presenting a wonderful Christmas series. Each Sun­ day through Christm as, they will ex­ plore the topic, “M aking Christmas Meaningful.” This four-week A dvent celebration includes special worship services cen­ tered on specific characteristics o f the person o f Jesus Christ, whose birth is celebrated December 25. In addition. individuals and families can obtain a tabletop A dvent Calendar. This practi­ cal tool has daily Scriptures, prayers and inspirational readings for each day in December. Even more importantly, it’s filled with easy, low-cost ideas for creating meaningful memories and simple celebrations that will touch the hearts and souls o f family and friends. Irvington Covenant Church wel­ comes visitors during its Advent Cel­ ebration. PastorHenry Greenidgesays, “W e w ant to help respond to folks like Searching for Answers in the “Dear A bby’ column. Far too often our inten­ tions at Christmas are sincere, but our efforts leave us feeling diminished and impoverished! Instead, this should be a delightful time, as people cut back on the trivial and focus on the meaningful. That will happen as we make wise choices and follow through on what satisfies our true longings for the sea­ son. Those longings will never be met through excessive materialism or busy­ ness but through giving to others in a meaningful way, focusing on the real­ ity that G od himself, the Creator o f the universe, cam e to earth.” Pastor Henry Greenidge encourages anyone w ho would like to be a part o f the “M aking Christmas Meaningful" Seasonal A dvent Celebration to visit Irvington Covenant Church, or call 287- 5226 for more information. Worship services are held every Sunday at 10 a m .a n d on Christmas Eve at6:30p.m . FLANNEL 4 O o °FF‘ Includes Children's & Woven Plaids Now You l can Save 20-70' 700 SE 122nd Ave., Portland, OR 252-6267 D u e to recen t changes in F T C law s, y o u can n o w purchase y o u r casket, u rn , h ead sto n e o r m ark er o u tsid e o f funeral h om es. A fter y o u r p urchase w e w ill deliver to th e funeral h o m e o f y o u r choice. W e feature: O u r 7 3 ,0 0 0 sq. ft. fa c ility h a s a 4 0 ,0 0 0 sq. ft. r e ta il d e p a r tm e n t a n a 3 3 ,0 0 0 sq. ft. w h o le s a le d e p a r tm e n t. O u r w ho lesale division carries b ra n d n am e n o tio n s including: Dritz* notions Coots 8 Clark th read 4 zippers Top Quality Caskets 24 Hour Service Offrov Ribbons Wrights tapes 8 trims Pelion* interfacing N ow you have a choice I ■ ■ I I I G uterm ann thread Batting, DMC". Wc arc here to help you in your time of need -Infant Caskets Donated - 76 I I I Bring in this ad and SAVE 10% I on our alrcadg low prices I DIRECT Casket Sales ______ I Show room H ours: M-Sat 9 - 6 1 N E Division St., Main 24 H ours: (503) 492-1571 I Square • Gresham T r u e V in e M is s io n a r y B a p t is t C h u r c h On Sunday, December 6th at 9:30 AM, the True Vine Baptist Church will gather at the O.B. Williams Convention Center, 220 NE. Beech to march to our new and permanent home, located at 47 35 N Commercial Ave. The True Vine Church family and the Paradise Church family have united as one, to be identified as the true Vine Paradise Missionary Baptist Church. The pastor o f this combined congregation is the Reverend Dr. Raymon H. Edwards, Sr. who is the founder and organizer o f the True Vine Baptist Church. All who can, are invited to march with us. If the weather is bad or raining, we will not march, but have a “car cavalcade”. Our morning worship will begin at 11 AM. Dinner will be served in the Dining Hall and at 3 PM, there will be a dedication service including guest speakers, music, preaching and a dedication ceremony. You are invited to worship with us throughout the day as we are a warm-hearted church family evangelizing to save souls and carry out G od’s Kingdom agenda here on earth. Our church is the church where God is Master, Jesus Is Lord, the Holy Spirit is our comforter and he is our guide. So come, walk, eat, worship with us Sunday, December 6, 1998. W e also stock a la rg e assortm ent of fa b ric s . We wholesale all these items by the full box or bolt at discounts from 40% to 50% off the suggested retail price. We honor VISA, MasterCard, and Discover cards. To o rd e r call to ll-fre e 1 - H 0 0 - 3 9 3 - 3 3 7 4 Fax 1 -5 0 3 -2 5 2 -9 5 5 6 Trust Accounts and pre-funding funeral packages available soon. We have one o f the largest showrooms in the Northwest. I I 40or Includes Prints & Solids ‘5.99 - *11.99 W h o le s a le / R e ta il on Your Funeral Costs _ DENIM BE SURE TO CHECK OUR STORE FOR “MANAGER’S SPECIALS” •Discounts do not apply Io special purchase or previously discounted or marked down items 8/18 thru 9/1/1998 y 1-84 a / / ; r STARK STHEET| ★ R U AI I HOI RS: RETAIL - WHOLESALE \1( ) \ - l ;RI 9 HO.un-0 00|-»m %\11 RI>\N 9 M to m “ pm M \ I ) \ X IO W .nn-“ pin 7 0 0 S.E. 122nd Ave. P o rtla n d , OR WHOI I SAI.I HOI RS: 252-9530 M O V I RI “ Ml.im-5 siipm s \11 K l) XX MiMi.im-Spm Visit ou r website at w w w . fa b rie d e p o t .com s| \ l >XN 11 oo.un- «pin 1-800-392-3376 North Portland Bible College A community Bible College in N/NE Portland 4905 N. Vancouver Avenue, at Humboldt St. The school with a multiracial, multi-church Board, Staff, and Student body, where the written Word brings us to the Living Word.NPBC is evangelical and committed to community development Winter Classes start week of Jan 4th. NPBC is offering continuation classes in: • Old & New Testament Survey • Equipping the Saints • Bible Foundation • The Urban Family You may register now for the unique experience of studying at NPBC, for enrichment increased effectiveness-or transferable academic credit. Expanded opportunities are available this year in basic education. Call for a copy of the Winter Schedule:(503)288-2919 North Portland Bible College, PO. Box 11437, Portland, OR 97211 acRas«*