Page B3 ------ (The JUrttatti* PIL S ta n d in g s W edn esd ay, D ecem ber 2 C e ntury M adison "MBX Var Jesuit Jefferson Tim e 7:3 0 PM Rose Garden 7 :3 0 PM SW All TBA TBA D ishm an 7 :3 0 PM W BX Var Cleveland G ladstone G ladstone 7 :3 0 PM Hom e Team D D ouglas Location D Douglas- Tim e 7 :3 0 PM MBX V ar T hursd ay, D ecem ber 3 Sport Level A w a y Team Franklin M B X «V ar M adison DEC' 2 1998 — — --------------------------------- -— The Seattle Seahawks nurse Playoff Hopes The fans have been screaming fo r Jon Kitna fo r weeks T he Seattle Seahawks m ight be trudging toward a 10th straight season w ith ou t a p la y o ff berth, but Springs wants to play one more game Dallas St M a ry’s W ilso n B enson Colum bia Colum bia 5 :0 0 PM 7 :0 0 PM W B X Var W B X Var Franklin Benson C a nb y W e stvie w C anby W e stvie w 7 :1 5 PM 7:3 0 PM H a w aii as much anyone else, and it ’s WR A ll interceptions for touchdowns, and came A ll Lake Oswegoi Lake O swego T ournam ent Lincoln Lincoln T ournam ent 4:0 0 PM WR M adison & W ilso n M arshall, S un set & M cM in nville C latskanie, A lo ha & P arkrose SW SW All A ll after the New Year The second-year comerback feels he deserves a tnp to d iffic u lt to argue w ith him. Springs has returned tw o o f his five WR All w ith in a broken tackle o f running back a 4:0 0 PM third. He has broken up 15 passes He has allow ed on ly one touchdown pass R oosevelt Roosevelt T ournam ent to be completed against him in the first 4.0 0 PM 12 games. In Sunday’s victory over the Tennessee O ilers, Spring allow ed only one pass to be completed against him , a Friday, D ecem ber 4 H om e Team S port Level A w ay Team A lo ha G rant M B X V ar C e n tu ry M arshall M BX Var D D ouglas Franklin M BX Var E vergreen Benson M BX Var G lencoe Cleveland M BX Var Ft V a n co u ve r R oosevelt M BX Var T ualatin M adison M B X V ar W ils o n TBA M B X Var SW *SW Location A loha C e n tu ry D D ouglas Evergreen G lencoe R oosevelt T ualatin W ilso n Tim e 7 :3 0 PM 7 :3 0 PM 6 :3 0 PM 7 :0 0 PM All C leveland M adison D ishm an All Sunset Linooln PCC Friday D ecem ber 4 - Continued H om e Team Sport Level A w a y Team A lo ha G rant W B X V ar H illsboro R oosevelt W B X Var Lincoln S kyview W B X Var M adison G lencoe W B X Var M arshall S prague W B X Var W ilso n H u dso n Bay W B X Var WR A ll WR A ll G rant & F ranklin Benson S aturday, D ecem ber 5 S port Level A w a y Team G rant M BX Var G ladstone W e s t Linn 5-yarder The reason Springs has taken to stum ping fo r votes is that he realizes he has several things w o rking against him. 7 :3 0 7 :3 0 7 :3 0 7 :3 0 7 :3 0 PM PM PM PM PM First, there is the overall disappoint­ ment o f this season fo r the Seahawks, w ho are 6-6. Then, there is the fact that the defense is ranked in the bottom thud o f the league, a m isleading statistic be­ cause the b ig -p la y u n it has kept the Seahawks in alm ost every game they have lost— in fo u ro fth e irs ix losses, the Location A loha Hillsboro Lincoln M adison M arshall W ilso n G ladstone T ourn am e nt W e s t Linn Seahawks could have w o n o r tied the Tim e game b y scoring on their final posses­ 7 :3 0 7 :3 0 7 :3 0 7 :3 0 PM PM PM PM sion. H is to ry also is w o rk in g against Springs, since o n ly one comerback in club history has been voted to the Pro B o w l — Dave B ro w n in 1984. Recent history hasn’ t been kin d to Springs 4 :0 0 PM either, because his touchdown returns 4 :0 0 PM came in the first tw o games o f the sea­ son, and against N F C opponents. B ut Springs is the one player w ho is H om e Team A loha Location A loha G rant R eynolds C leveland A lo ha F ranklin M cM in n ville A loha F ranklin M cM in nville Hudson Bey Wilson Wilson Jefferso n W e stvie w W e stvie w standing out in an otherwise undistin­ Tim e guished secondary. H e knows he needs another big play o r tw o in this week’s W BX W BX W BX Var Var Var •WBX Var WR A ll game against the N ew Y o rk Jets at the 7 :3 0 PM 7 :3 0 PM Meadowlands to help produce a late flu rry o f votes just before balloting by players and coaches for the Pro B o w L .. The Seahawks gear up for a possible 10th playoff berth 8 :0 0 AM Ì Ì