Page B6 SEPT. 9, 1998 (The IJortlanb ©beeruer [ Œ O iT [ Martin Lutheran Memorial Lutheran Church along with Lutheran Inner City Ministries cordially invite you to a reception to meet our new Pastor/ V CEO Rev.Herman Hawkins On Sunday, September 20, 1998 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. at 4219 NE MLK, Jr. Blvd., Portland, Oregon. Pastor Hawkins is a native Oregonian. He was born and raised in Northeast Portland, Oregon, attended Concordia University and graduated from Concordia Seminary in 1985. He has since served ministries in San Jose, and Fresno, Chicago and Milwaukee, Wiscon- sin. ter. Looking forward to our fellowship together. A Virtues Project Workshop-Raising Morally Responsible Children in a Changing World c c If you have a chance to talk with Barbara Waldron, you will find a woman who is enthused with the Virtues Project as a way of addressing the moral issues that challenge all o f us in our daily lives. How do we embark upon a life of service to prin­ ciple—principles like truth, kind­ ness, courage, or humility—to name a few. The Virtue’s Project is a model for the education of the human spirit. We as a nation are ques­ tioning our values, out ethics, our character and our morality, how do we as parents raise mor­ ally responsible children? What can we use as a yardstick for addressing our own character development? Many are cham­ pioning the Virtue’s Project as a way to approach this important work of spiritual and moral de­ I Í0 g f |N velopment. It is proving to be an invaluable aide and is being used in schools, colleges, government in stitutions, com m unities of faith, recovery programs, pris­ ons, social service agencies and even businesses. Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon brought the training to Portland in June of 1995. B arbara W aldron, LCSW and Virtues Project Fa­ cilitator, is offering a weekend training at the Teacher’s Space at 2755 NE Broadway in Port­ land on September 27 and 28 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Bar­ bara has been an educator and counselor for 25 years and has been in private practice since 1986. If you are interested in attending, please call 285-4663. This unique project be­ gan in the hearts of three people, tion, the three developed an edu­ cational program that places vir­ tues at the center of our families and relationships. The virtues become the boundaries and pro­ vide a guide for our relationships. The Virtues Project teaches not only how to use virtues to set boundaries but also how to use virtues to acknowledge and en­ courage each other. Through this training individuals learn to use difficulties as opportunities for growth. They also become adept at non-defensive communication which helps us to find our own truth in the context of virtues; in other words, I might ask, “What virtue could help you in this situ­ ation." People of various faith background and of no particular faith have wholeheartedly em­ braced this training program. Linda Kavelin Popov, a psycho­ therapist and spiritual director, Dan Popov, Ph.D., a child psy­ chologist and scholar of sacred texts, and John Kavelin, a Disney art director. The three of them thought the answers to these ques­ tion would be found in the spiri­ tual texts of the world’s major religions. This is where they be­ gan their search. This search led them to the virtues—over 300 of them. The virtues were bound to be the thread of unity throughout all the sacred texts. They chose 52 virtues that were universal to all religions. These virtues were then defined in terms of our inner behavior with ourselves and our outer behavior with others. Each definition begins with a quote from one of the religions. Using the virtues as a founda- Cox Funeral Home Inc. (503) 281-4891 A.A. COX, SR. Mortician & Funeral Director OBITUARIES Septem ber 19th 1998 10 - 3PM CHARLENE COX TANNER Manager Ideila Cage Walker Temple C.O.Q.I.C. JEROME G. TANNER A. Funeral Director April 2, 1914 - August 30, 1998 Idella Cage was bom in Eldorado, Mississippi, she was 84 years-old. Cage belonged to Mt Sinai Commu­ nity Baptist, she was also a “mother” at the same church. She enjoyed fishing and she has lived in Portland since 1984. 402 3 N Michigan The Loss o f a loved one is always a traumatic experience. But it can be made easier i f you contact a facility that has your interest at heart. Great Bargains & Great Food! Chicken Basket 2736 NE Rodney, Portland, OR 97212 The Church o f The Living God P. G. o f T. #5 4122 N. E. Martin Luther King Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97211 Stephan Kyle Avritt Enter To Worship - Depart To Serve ♦♦♦♦*♦*♦*♦♦***♦******** March 5, 1960-Sept. 1, 1998 Stephan Kyle Avritte was bom in Portland, Oregon he was 38 years-old. His occupation was a Dancer. Avritt injoyed dancing, cooking, and music. He lived in Portland all of his life. Every Sunday 10 00 a. m - Sunday School 11:00 a. m - Morning Service 7:30 p m. - Night Service 309 N. Killingsworth Wednesday 7:30 p. m - Prayer - Bible Study Portland, Oregon Open Monday thru Saturday 9am-10pm Sun­ day 10am-9pm (Refreshments) Senior Pastor ■ Elder S. Green III EVERYONE IS WELCOME HI COME SEE US TODAY! North Portland Bible College A Community Bible College in N/NE Portland 4905 N. Vancouver Avenue, at Humboldt St. 430 N. Killingsworth Street Portland, Oregon 97217 503/283/1976 CompUte Funeral Package Starting at $2895 (includes casket) : Complimentary videotapes and books are available on coping with grief. Proud to be am emberof the world's most experienced family of funeral homes The school with a multiracial, multi-church Board, Staff, and Student body, where the written Word brings us to the Living Word. NPBC is evangelical and committed to community development. The summer class in the Book of REVELATION starts August 4th Telephone registrations accepted now. Call 288-2919 This course counts as an elective in the Bible Certificate Program. Fall classes begin soon "Equipping the Saints", a disciple making class for serious followers of Jesus, begins September 4th. Call to register: 288-2919 irtE Regular Fall classes start September 28 You may register now for the unique experience of studying at NPBC, for enrichment- increased effectiveness - or transferrable academic credit. Expanded opportunities are available this year in basic education Call for a copy of the Fall Schedule: 288-2919 North Portland Bible College, P.O. Box 11437, Portland, OR 97211 ET» • .r ii • ì w.