(The ^ n rtla n ò (©bserüer SECTION : n trt m u « i t o a 1 e tt it a r State Fair This y e a r’s O regon State Fair O pen­ ing C erem onies, taking place at the fair­ grounds M ain G ate in Sunnyview , will feature everything from free adm ission and free cam eras to local celebrities landing in a helicopter. O pening cer­ em onies w ill be on Thursday, A ugust 27th. The first 250 people in line will be given free adm ission tickets and free d isp o sa b le c am eras, to p h o to g rap h O pening Day Cerem onies and our spe­ cial guests. Summer Jam It’s back after 10 years. B.E.A.N. Prom otions and G rassR oot News pre­ sents the 1998 End O f Sum m er Jam and Fam ily Picnic to be held on Labor Day Septem ber 7th at Daw son Park from NOON til 7 PM. This y e a r’s sum m er jam will feature m any o f the a rea’s Gospel, R&B groups, community speak­ ers, gam es and m ore. Call 903-2471. Police Ceremony A partnership agreem ent was signed betw een these neighborhood associa­ tions, E astport Plaza, and E ast and Southeast Precincts o f the Portland Po­ lice Bureau. An opening cerem ony took place on Saturday, A ugust 22nd. From 10 AM until N O O N , there was a free im m unization clinic at the com m unity contact office. The com m unity contact office is located in the E astport Plaza com plex at SE 82nd Ave., and SE C en­ ter. Call 771-4667. Japanese Tea Ceremony The Japanese G arden Society o f O r­ egon is pleased to announce a Public Tea C erem ony on Saturday, Septem ber 19th. K ashin Tei Kai, the Japanese G ar­ den T ea C erem ony group, invites you to view the traditional Tea C erem ony at 1 PM and 2 PM in the Japanese G ard en ’s Tea House. This event is free w ith ad­ m ission into the Japanese Garden. Come enjoy the art o f Tea and visit our gift store. Call 223-9233. Y-Fest Concert G alore Paging (Portland) will be of­ fering $50 per person packages for the Y-Fest Old School Jam to take place this Labor Day w eekend, Septem ber 6th at the Tacom a dom e presented by G alore Paging (Tacom a) and Y -104.9 Radio.The Jam will feature Rose Royce, B rick, C o n fu n c tio n , Je ssie P ow ell, Lakeside and M ichael Cooper. For pack­ age inform ation, call Joe Bean K eller at 2 8 8 -9 1 8 0 o r 9 0 3 -2 4 7 1 (v o ic e m a il pager). International Adoption H olt International C h ild ren ’s Ser­ vices, the c o u n try ’s oldest and largest intercountry adoption agency, is look­ ing for fam ilies interested in adopting a child from overseas. H o lt’s E ugene of­ fice will host a free A doption Inform a­ tion M eeting in Portland on Saturday, Septem ber 12th. The m eeting will be from 10 AM to NOON at Providence St. V incent H ospital 7 M edical C enter, 9205 SW Barnes Rd. Call 246-3236. AUGUST 26, 199K Committed to cultural diversity, http://www.portlandobserver.net Volume X X V II, Number «SG , - ,i-- s B N.E. C om m unity Protest by O scar J ohnson ortheast community members and City officials last week pledged to work together in plan­ ning a future "Beach Bash” party following events which brought 35-40 police equipped with riot gear and ‘less lethal’ shotguns to clear about 400 young revelers from a North­ east Portland Park. On Aug. 16, after Police turned partygoers away from Southeast Portland’s Sellwood Park, they met in Irvington Park where a basketball tournament was already under way, only to be driven out by police later that evening. Police also cordoned off sec­ tions of Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. N “ H? are here today to alert the community that the police department spent tax payers ’ money on unnecessary' police force in the Black community', ” Boulevard. No injuries or arrests were reported but the next night when demonstrations marched on Police Chief, Charles Moose’s Northeast Portland home 10 were arrested and one protestor, Travis West, said he received a minor injury from a beanbag shotgun. Following a series of media reports which sometimes disagreed with eyewitness ac­ counts, tensions were quelled when offi­ cials, including Reps. Jo Ann Bowman (D- O R) and Margaret Carter (D-OR) as wel 1 as N o rtheast P recinct C m dr., D errick Foxworth, met with event organizers and other community members. Police said they were responding to com plaints about the loud noise and con­ gested traffic phoned in by local resi­ dents and they were also concerned about the threat o f violence follow ing a shoot­ ing that took place last year at an event hosted by the same event organizer, Daniel Binns. While some community members ex­ pressed similar concerns as Irvington area resident, Randall Dumas, that “police needed to be there to keep the law,” most youth at the event agree with his belief that, “they didn’t need to have that many police out there." Dumas is 71 years old and said he has lived in his house at Northeast 7th Tüeüäeven! was held at Portland Community College with Northeast Precinct Cmdr., Derrick Foxworth. Reps. Jo Ann Bowman (D-OR) and Margaret Carter (D-OR). and Monroe next to Irvington Park for 15 years. “ I c o u ld n ’t understand it,” he said. “They’ve been playing at this park for many years and I’ve never had any problems.” Echoing statements made by many youth, Greg Hobrock, the owner o f Popeye's Fa­ mous fried chicken restaurants, said when problems arise near his two stores on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard it is usually not caused by local youth. “ I th in k i t ’s a sm all handful that com es from Seattle that caused the pro b ­ lem s, th ey w ant to block the driv ew ay s, hang aro u n d and d rin k . M ost o f th o se c a rs o u t th e re had S e a ttle p la te s ,” H obrock said. “ I d o n ’t have a problem w ith the kids from around here. I know th em . H a lf o f them h av e p ro b a b ly w orked for m e.” About an hour before marching on the Northeast precinct, local youth picketing at the comer o f Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Fargo said, although they were unhappy the party was thwarted, they were protesting against an excessive show of police force, harassment and bias media cov­ erage which portrayed the issue as gang re­ lated. “We are here today to alert the community that the police department spent tax payers’ money on unnecessary police force in the Black community,” said 25 year-old Herman Owens echoing the sentiments o f other pro­ testors. “Just because a group o f black men get together doesn’t mean they are gang members.” Owens, who says he has no prior record, was later arrested that evening with other demonstrators. According to police, mace and less lethal beanbag shotguns were used to disperse the crowd. Follow ing another community m eet­ ing on A ug.20, protestors, community m em bers, police and city officials ap­ peared to make additional headway in their earlier resolution to work together but left key questions concerning gang involvem ent and excensive police force unanswered. The Coalition of Black Men Stage the 7th Annual Golf Tournament Women’s Services Clackam as W om en’s Services is cur­ rently looking for volunteers to work w ith adult and child survivors o f do­ mestic and sexual violence in our shel­ ter, on our hotline, on our Latina ser­ vices program , and in our com m unity support groups. O ur next training be­ gins the last w eek o f Septem ber. Please call D elina at 654-2807 for m ore infor­ mation and a volunteer packet. Theater in the Park City Perform ing Arts, a program o f Portland Parks and Recreation, is spon­ soring a production o f “Neil Sim on’s FOOLS: A Comic Fable” for six perfor­ mances at Tabor Com m unity park, 5800 NE Ash in Portland. Perform ances will be presented on the natural am phitheater stage in the crater at the park on Satur­ day, Septem ber 5 & 12 at 2 and 5 PM, and Sunday, Septem ber 6 & 13 at 2 PM. Members of "The Gents" and "Bridge Builders" organization showed up in force to support their 7th annual fundraiser Golf Tournament.