». , - - • . * » » * • t « • • » - » •• » - J ' ■•- J t £ ». ■ * . j » • »»• V * ». Page A 3 .Ï ■ ' ; li ? ‘ A l G I S T 2 6 , 1998 Vii » '- . z ? *• - .-2. 19^8-99 Tears of Joy Family Series Rum pelstiltskin by Sharon H'hitney W hat can a girl do w hen faced with the im possible? No one can spin straw into gold, can they? Find out in Sharon W hitney’s sparkling adaption o f this classic fairy tale. Tears o f Joy T heatre’s stunning puppets bring the m iller and his daughter, the king and the m ysterious R um pelstiltskin to life. A puppet-m aking activity will accom pany the play. A lice in W onderland by Tim G iugni Join A lice in a treasure-filled V ictorian attic as she begins her w ondrous adventure. Y ou’ll m eet all your favorite characters, including the sleepy D orm ouse, the vanishing Cheshire Cat, the M ad H itter, and, o f course, Tw eedle-D ee and Tw eedle-D um . This m adcap theatrical rom p is per­ form ed with body puppets, rod puppets, m asks, and a “ real live” Alice. Songs and music by Richard M oore will enchant and delight audiences from three to ninety-three. The S ecret o fS in g b o n g a by N athan Scott Exquisite puppets created for Tears o f Joy T heatre in India will tell this folktale o f greedy iron sm elters w ho cut dow n the sacred karam trees. A blanket o f sm oke threatens the life o f all, until S ingbonga com es to show them a better w ay to live. The play w ill be accom panied by an exhibit featuring arts and crafts o f India. The Secret o fS in g b o n g a was funded by The N ational Endow m ent for the Arts. Fabulous Bear-R ym chim chi! by Jan H ilkow ski P oland’s fabulous bear. R ym chim chi, befriends a puppy on the w ay to the market and brings it hom e upsetting his father. W hen a th ie f com es in the night, the puppy ends up a hero and is finally w elcom ed into the family. A puppet-m aking activity will accom pany the play. THE LARGEST, MOST COMPLETE RETAIL FABRIC STORE IN THE WEST 30 OFF I i k I ik I cs all prims ami jacquards, curtain lace. iiplKiIslerx. tim l. awning cam as. headliner A llie s , table pad. Graber & l»rit/ drapery hardware. home dec trims < A '< - ‘ l y ' i . - ' '■ • r • •. * 'i . » « ‘ • • • t. \ < ; 40' FLANNEL II Puppeteer with the queen and her baby from "Rumplestiitskin” by Tears o f Joy Theatre. pending on their schedule. O ur pro­ gram s operate M onday through Fri­ day, opening at 7 am and closing at 6 pm. Y M C A C h ild care p ro g ra m s are safe, fun, co n v e n ie n t an d a ffo rd ­ able. T h ese sta te lic e n se d p ro ­ gram s o ffe r an en v iro n m e n t filled w ith a v arie ty o f m a te ria ls, e n ­ c o u ra g in g c h ild re n to m ak e th e ir ow n ch o ices. D aily stru c tu re d a c ­ tiv itie s such as sc ie n c e , arts & cra fts, hom ew o rk , g am es, m u sic, / o/ /I O F F * ÎU sp o rts, an d c h a ra c te r b u ild in g are o ffered . At the Y M CA w e build strong kids, strong families, and strong com ­ m unities by teaching the principles o f love, honesty, respect, responsi­ bility, and service. It is a part o f everything w e do and interwoven into all activities. These values set up apart from other program s and organizations. T h e co st v aries d ep e n d in g upon y o u r sch ed u le and th e p ac k ag e you Includes Children's & Woven Plaids cho o se. A v arie ty o f full an d part- tim e o p tio n s are a v a ila b le to fit the n eed s o f each fam ily . F in a n ­ cial A ssistan ce is av a ila b le to th o se w ho q u alify to th e e x te n t p o ssib le. R eg istratio n is o n -g o in g , b u t sp ace is lim ited and p ro g ra m s do fill to cap acity . T o re g iste r an d fo r m o re in form ation, p lease call th e Y M C A C h ild C are P ro g ram O ffic e at 287- 4069. Y M C A C hild C a re ..... A good place to grow! nent forever adoptive home. Presently, w e have m o re than 6,000 children in foster hom es creat­ ing a critical need to recruit m ore foster and adoptive fam ilies. O ver 500 are m inority children (H ispanic, A frican A m erican and M ixed races) w ho are ready to be placed adop­ tively. their ages range from 0-14 years and older. Som etim es w e have infants and som e o f them are drug affected. There are also groups o f brothers and sisters. W e are looking for families who are ready to m ake a life tim e com m it­ m ent to these children, families who can give them love, stability and safety, foster parents receive monthly m onetary help for the ch ild ’s care. The ch ild ’s m edical and dental costs are covered by the state. H u n d red s o f c h ild ren are w a it­ ing f o r a fam ily , m a y b e lik e y o u rs, a fam ily w ho can m eet th e ir sp e ­ cial n eed s w h o can p ro v id e them w ith life lo n g lo v e, sa fe ty an d s ta ­ b ility. For m ore inform ation on how to becom e a foster or adoptive parent, please call 1-800-331-0503. D E N IM /ill 0 ÎVOFF* / A »/ Includes Prints & Solids ‘5 .9 9 - ’11.99 ?... . 7 x ?.. ¿■ r >• *z * , 700 SE 122nd Ave., Portland, OR 252-6267 Our 73,000 sq. ft. facility has a 40,000 sq. ft. retail department and 33,000 sq. ft. wholesale department. Our wholesale division carries brand name notions including: large We also stock a large assortment of fabrics. Dritz' notions Coals i CIark thread S lippers Otfray Ribbons We wholesale all these items by the full box or bolt at discounts from 40% to 50% off the suggested retail price. We honor VISA, MasterCard, and Discover cards. Wrights topes A trims Pelion interfacing Gutermann thread Batting, DMC'. To order call toll-free 1 - 8 0 0 - 3 9 2 - 3 3 7 6 Fax 1 - 5 0 3 - 2 5 2 - 9 5 5 6 BE SURE TO CHECK OUR STORE FOR “MANAGER’S SPECIALS" •Discounts do no« apply to special purchase or previously discounted or marked down items 8 18 thru 9 1 1998 RETAIL HOI RS: 1-84 : « r y MOVHW 93Mton-9.(IDpm SATl Rl 9 (Mlam-"pm SI \I> \> IDIlUam -"pni / / 252-9530 Ml ) \ - l Rl " .ADpm s\1 1 R l) V» 9««Mm-Spm Visit our website at www.fabricdepot.com s i \1 )\N 11 HUam-tpm 1-800-392-3376 STARK STREET 7 0 0 S.E. 122nd Ave. P o rtlan d , OR VfHOIESAIE HOI RS: CZ) 1 RETAIL-WHOLESALE ★ • T * - <■*?' E SAFEW AY FOOD & DRUG Look For Your Safeway Weekly 7 Shopping Guide First P lace T rophy. O n S u n d ay A u g u st 16, th e S ec­ o n d A n n u al S tate N ail A rt C o m ­ p etitio n to o k p lac e at N o rth w e st N ail S o u rce S u p p ly S o u rce, lo­ cated at 106 N .E . H alsey. W om en cam e from all around to c o m p e t e G r a n t s P ass, K la m m a th F a l l s , G r e s h a m , Sandy, B end O reg o n , B urlin g to n , W ash, and Idaho. T racey to o k se co n d p lace last y e ar and w as d e te rm in e d to take first th is year. In Y o u r O reg on ian F O O D day in the Portland M e tro Area ...a n d save m ore shopping at Safeway C tU B z Z /Z /Z W T O Boneless Beef London Broil Top Round or Whole Round. SAVE up to $2.00 lb. «S *r '¿ 7 Trio of Savings U-Go-Girl t % • •. i- W h o le s a le /R e ta il The Mission For Services to Children and Families T racey S tad ain ire o fN o rth Port­ land (o w n e r an d F o u n d e r) o f U N - 4 -G e tta b le N ail S alon takes hom e — Z ALL W O O L & W O O L BLENDS YMCA School Age Child Care In Portland The State O ffice for Services to Children and Fam ilies is a child w el­ fare agency w hose m ission is to pro­ tect O regon’s abused and neglected children and to provide them with safe and perm anent families. O ur objective is to reunite children with their biological or extended fam ilies if at all possible. If this is not pos­ sible we either need a safe, tem po­ rary short term foster hom e for a child w hile w e work with the biologi­ cal fam ily o rw e are look fo ra perm a­ . A u g u st 1 8 th r o u g h S e p t. 1, 1 9 9 8 ALL HOME DEC For m ore inform ation call the T ears o f Joy Box O ffice - 360-695-0477 or 503-248-0557 Fall is just around the com er and children will be heading back to school, so now is the tim e to register for Y M CA Before and After School C hild Care program s. Before and A fter School program s are located in sev eral P ortland P ublic S chools throughout the Northeast, Southeast and G resham areas. Y M CA Before and A fter school program s are open to children enter­ ing grades 1-5 in the fall, with care available to som e kindergartners de- ¿¿ a f -, Pop 6-pack, 12-oz. Assorted Regular or Diet varieties. Plus deposit in Oregon. Limit 4 SAVE 59(