Page A2 AUG UST 26, 1998 (Ehe {Jorilattò « flW s o w tr P O L IC E N E W S Community Notification of a Sex Offender 7 0 0 0 Block of NE Killingsworth St. The Portland Police Bureau is notifying the com m unity o fa Reg­ istered Sex O ffender living in the Portland area. ORS. 181.588 a l­ lows law enforcem ent agencies to release such inform ation to the public regarding convicted of­ fenders, who are required to reg­ ister. when such inform ation will increase public aw areness and prom ote com m unity safety. The Sex O ffender has been convicted o f a sex offense that requires he register w ith a law enforcem ent agency in O regon, his crim inal history places him in a category which indicates he may reoffend. T his su b ject is not w anted by the police at this time. This O ffender has served his sentence and is no longer being supervised by the O regon D epart­ ment o f Corrections. The purpose o f this com m unity notification is to reduce the chances o f further victim ization by this offender as w ell as to prom ote com m unity aw areness and child safety. In­ tim idating, harassing, or threaten­ ing o f this registered offender will not be tolerated and may be a crime. If you have any inform ation about this offender com m itting ad- ditional crim es, please contact the D etectives o f the Sexual A s­ sault detail at 823-4636. S u b je c t’s nam e is R ichard Jam es Batem an, w hite m ale, 58 years old, 6 ’0", 150 lbs, brow n hair and blue eyes. R ichard B atem an has been convicted o f num erous counts o f Sex Abuse I as well as sodom y I and is no longer under supervi­ sion. Mr. Batem an is a pedo­ phile who has targeted young children ranging in age from 6- 10 years old in the past. It is believed there is a substantial risk Batem an could reoffend. Fatal Accident on N. Marine Drive On Wednesday, August 19, at approximately 6:50 pm, a fatal ac­ cident occurred in the 6100 block o f N. Marine Drive. A 1998 Nissan sedan, driven by Kristine Peisley, 41 years, o f Hillsboro, was travel­ ing south on an access road toward Marine Drive in the 6100 block, when she apparently failed to stop for a stop sign before entering N. Marine Drive. The Nissan was struck on the driver’s side by a 1995 Dodge van, driven by Andrzej Kulesza. 43 years, or Forest Grove, who was traveling west on N. Marine Drive. Three passengers in the Nissan were taken to area hospitals. The driver and one passenger in the Dodge van did not appear to have any serious injuries and were not taken to the hospital. Police Investigate Homicide on West Burnside On Wednesday, August 19, at approximately 11:00 pm, 911 re­ ceived a call of a man down in front of 421 W. Burnside. When police officers and medical personnel ar­ rived, they found a male victim ly­ ing in front o f 421 W. Burnside who had apparently been stabbed. From the investigation it appears that the victim was on the south side o f W est Burnside when he was stabbed and then traveled north across West Burnside where he collapsed in front o f 421 W. Burnside. The victim was transported to an area hospital where he died as a result o f a stab wound to his upper torso. The victim who has not been positively identified at this tim e is a late 30’s to early 4 0 ’s male. There is no suspect in custody at this time. Anyone with information regard­ ing this homicide is asked to call the Detective Division of the Portland Police Bureau, 823-0400. Detec­ tive Sergeant J. Rhodes Suspicious Death Investigation Turns Into Homicide Investigation On W ednesday, A ugust 12, 1998 at appro x im ately 10:50 pm officers o f C entral P recinct re­ sponded to a call in the 2000 block o f SW Front A ve., reg ard ­ ing a m an lying in a field. W hen o fficers and m edical personnel arrived, they found a deceased m ale, 35 years, it w as unknow n at the tim e the cause o f his death. An a u to p sy , p e rfo rm e d on T hursday, A ugust 13, determ ined that the man died o f head traum a and had been deceased for sev­ eral hours prior to being discov­ ered. this case is now being in­ vestigated as a hom icide. The m ale victim has been identified. H ow ever, the nam e is being w ith­ held pending notification o f fam- ily. The victim apparently led a transient lifestyle and frequented m issions, and the old tow n area. Anyone with inform ation is asked to call the Portland Police B u­ reau, D etective D ivision, 823- 0400. D etective Sergeant K erry T aylor and D etective K ent Perry are investigating this hom icide. A “Street of Dreams Ar»t> A Villose For SXle” 111 P r o f . M c K in l e y B i rt A d efin ite shock w ave was cre ­ ated w hen I ‘d a re d ’ to com m ent on th e m in d - s e t o f “ L e w is M um ford," A m e ric a ’s m ost re­ vered urban plan n er; “ A m ajor figure in arch ite c tu re , p lanning and so c ia l th o u g h t (N o rm an C ousins, H erbert J. G ans). As an A frican A m erican , a m em ber o f the group m ost e c o ­ nom ically and socially devastated by that pantheon o f cruel d ream ­ ers w ho p ro v id ed us w ith a “G e­ ography o f N o w h ere” e.g. “U r­ ban Renewal-1 stand fully able and q u alified to criticize the in­ hum anity o f A m erica’s m an-made landscape, and som etim e, the p h i­ lo sophies and p hilosophers who created it. Last w eek, I quoted a w hite p ro fessio n al who spoke o f my com m ents on a co n trad ictio n or d ichotom y in the psyche o f the w hites who first fought d e sp e r­ ately to flee the city cen ters-b u t w ho now fought equally as hard to re tu rn from s u b u r b ia , th e prom ised land. 1 said that, “ Even the renow ned urbanologist, Lewis M um ford was so a fflic te d .” For a sum m ary o f his co n trad ictio n s one need to look no further than pp. 6, 7 o f the in troduction o f that classic, “1 he Lew is M um ford R eader” (D onald L. M iller ed P antheon 1986). “ His ideal com m u n ity is one that com bines the dynam ism and d iv ersity o f the city w ith the v a l­ ues o f the v illag e-o rd er, n e ig h ­ borhood stab ility and com m unity clo se n e ss...b u t he (M um ford) has lived h a lf his life in a reconverted farm house in a “ W alt W hitm an sim p licity in the quiet village o f by A rm enia...a hundred m iles away from the city in w hich he grew up.” O f course, the black people o f the nation had to som e extent en­ joyed the values o f the village, order, neighborhood stability and community closeness— tightly en­ forced by the N ational A ssocia­ tion o f Realtors and by R estric­ tive C ovenants. Som etim es by police and the N ational Guard. A frican A m ericans therefore, w ere ‘im prisoned’ in their ghet­ tos as w ere the Jew s in V enice, Italy in their confinem ent to an island section officially named “G h etto.” But Jew s did have eco­ nom ic liaisons with kin in other countries, and w ere able to ‘break out.’ T hough the blacks, w henever, able developed the hum anities and social infrastructures I have de­ scribed here in such series as “ Family M atters: The Way It Was. T heir land and infrastructure was g reedily devoured by the ‘urban re n e w a l’ specialist (rem oval). As 1 said here earlier I created a shock w ave, daring to critique a god in the urban pantheon, but I alw ays have my docum entation. 1 am rem inded o f the tim e I as­ sailed the alleged findings o f M argaret Mead in her classic 1928 book, “Com ing o f Age In Som oa,” M orrow Q uill, 1961. The D arw inists leaped right on th is ‘p r o o f o f all the sexual myths about dark skins= "corrobroates through practical dem onstration, the psychosexual theories pro­ m ulgated by Freud and his pupil" (DR A.A. Brill). My Samoan students at PSU (urban econom ­ ics class) had brought this m atter to my attention during a break and introduced me to a work based upon years o f research by an A us­ tralian professor. Dr. Freem an. His book, "M argaret Mead and Samoa: The M aking and U nm ak­ ing o f an A nthropoligical M yth." (H arvard, 1983), com pletely re­ futed M ead’s findings o f the same type o f “cultural determ inism ” that A m erican W elfare System s use to describe the black poor. W hen 1 pointed out the schizo­ phrenia in the m akeup o f the plan­ ners there w ere equal scream s o f outrage. So be it. This ‘M ead-referen ce’ is not really a departure from the main them e here, for it is absolutely necessary to understand that it is highly resented by the m ajority population w hen blacks ‘d a re ’ to m ake critical assessm ents o f the gurus who control their econom ic and social w elfare. T he su b u rb a n d e v e lo p e rs are re ach in g for p ick et fences, large p o rc h e s , sm a ll y a rd s , p u b lic squares and narrow streets. Will th is m a rk e tin g ploy su sta in a c o n tin u e d “ w h ite flig h t? " And the c itie s play new gam es w ith the in fra s tru c tu re , cra m m in g , ja m m in g , a n d m a n ip u la tin g c o d e s (n e e d e d s e w e rs, w a te r su p p lie s? ). A re there really going to be any “ Streets o f D ream s” that anyone can afford or safely trod? In any o f the new environs, near or afar? Can a real “v illag e” com e to exist sim ply by saying so in a huge display ad? Can the w arm th and am enities o f neighborhoods be established by fiat? (because I say so). It will be interesting people and politics. Wildland fire danger grows Recent warm, dry w eather has created a potential for fires in local fields and w oodlands that could threaten homes and businesses. According to John Gentry o f the Vancouver Fire Department (VFD), residents in neighborhoods abut­ ting wooded areas should take steps to protect their property by estab­ lishing a “defensible space” around building. The space should pro­ vide a buffer between bui Idings and com bustible m aterials, including dry vegetation. The VFD Fire Prevention Bu­ reau has also increased its em pha­ sis on abatem ent o f hazardous veg­ etation in neighborhoods. So far this summer, over 150 property owners have been contacted by the fire department regarding elim inat­ ing these tire hazards. Some specific ways to create a fire-safe buffer zone in wooded or grassy areas include: * Mowing and raking field grass. ’ Removing dead, woody m ate­ rials from the ground near build­ ings. ’ Removing low limbs and shrubs that a fire could climb into treetops ’ Reducingpotential fuel through re g u la r p ru n in g , th in n in g and proper disposal o f cuttings. Fire resistant plants can also con­ tribute to a safety greenbelt around homes. Examples o f low-growing, tire resistant plants include turf, groundcovers and annuals. Hosta, daylily, ajuga, pachusandra, peri­ winkle and rhododendron are ex­ amples o f plants that do not accu­ m ulate dry, flammable material. “This area can burn.” Gentry warns. He notes that a major w ild­ land fire could strike inside the city— in areas near hillsides, along streams and where urban and rural areas meet. For more tips on planning and managing fire defensible landscap­ ing in areas vulnerable to w ildland fires, contact the VFD Fire Preven­ tion Bureau, 696-8166. New traffic light signals new life downtown New tra ffic p a tte rn s are a n ­ tic ip a te d in d o w n to w n V a n c o u v e r w ith the o p e n in g o f the C ity C e n te r 12-A ct 111 T h e ­ atre on 8th and “ C ” stre e ts th is fall. “T his is w o n d e rfu l," said d e­ v elo p er Eli K assab. “T he new signal w ill give fu ture th e a tre goers the opp o rtu n ity to get used to p ark in g in the M .J. M urdock p arking garag e and safely cross “C ” S treet at the tra ffic lig h t.” T he new tra ffic sig n al w ill be o p e ra tio n a l by noon on T h u rs­ day. The new sig n al sh o u ld slow dow n v e h ic le s as they ex it 1-5. Clark County Posts New Web Page For The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Process g ro u n d w a te r. T he in te n t ot the N PD E S p e rm it is to p ro te c t w a­ te rs fo r use by fish, w ild life , and the p u b lic by c o n tro llin g p o llu ta n ts in sto rm w a te r ru n ­ off. A W ork G roup o f citiz e n s has been estab lish ed to m eet w ith C lark C ounty sta ff to provide input as the ap p licatio n is d e v e l­ oped. C itizens are encouraged to attend and com m ent at a series o f m eeting w ith C lark C ounty sta ff and W ork G roup m em bers. T his web page includes a list o f m eeting tim es, dates, and loca­ tio n s, m in u te s from p re v io u s C lark C ounty has posted a new page about the N ational P o llu t­ ant E lim ination System (N PD E S) perm it on the C lark C ounty W eb Site. C itiz e n s w ho w ould like to get in v olved or learn m ore about the N PD E S a p p lic a tio n pro cess can find w hat they are lo o king fo r a t: h ttp :// w w w .c o .c la r k .w a .u s /s ite / n p d e sl.h tm U n d e r th e fe d e ra l C lean W'a- te r A ct, C la rk C o u n ty is r e ­ q u ire d by th e sta te to o b ta in a w a ste d is c h a rg e p e rm it fo r all c o u n ty o w n e d sto rm s e w e rs th a t e m p ty to su rfa c e w a te r or 3:12 A.M. Y O U ’RE ASLEEP. WE RE M A K IN G SURE Y O U R A L A R M C L O C K GOES OFF. F At Pacific Power, we’ve been supplying and delivering safe, reliable electricity for more than 85 years. We know the job. We know the area. And we know there are some things you’d rather not have to think about. ♦ 1 he reliability of your electric service is one of them. I hat’s where we come in - day or night. # PACIFIC POWER . \ / ’ /t if iC i'I f ’ CrHHfMIIV WWW p <1 ( I I I ( O I ,) ( 0 III m eetings, b ackground and te c h ­ nical m aterials, and a glo ssary o f term s. The application for the NPDES perm it m ust be su bm itted by O c­ to b er 1, 1998. For m ore in fo rm atio n , please call or e-m ail the fo llo w in g sta ff m em bers o f the C lark C ounty P u b lic W o rk s E n v iro n m e n ta l S ervices D ivision: E a rl R o w e ll at erowell(ti co .c la rk .w a .u s o r 360- 737-61 18 ext. 4580 B ria n C a r ls o n at bcarlson@ co.clark.w o f 360- 737-61 18 ext. 4484.