A U G U S T 26, 1998 Page B9 CElje JJorUattb ©beeruer - Project Facilitator Project Facilitator non-profit or­ ganization seeks personable individual to provide in-hom e energy conservation education for low incom e seniors and people with disabilities, do home audits for installation of energy saving m aterials. Train and leadvolunteerteam s. M onitor evening and w eekend w ork­ shops Maintain inventory con­ trol. Vehicle required. Position closes on 9/4/98. ContactCom- m unity Energy Project Inc. at 284-9403. CEP is a equal op­ portunity employer. Have Summer Off! Start tomorrow DATA ENTRY - Leading non­ $ 9 -1 5 p/h profit seeks flexible, accurate person for daily processing/ entering of revenue and office tasks. Requires com puter exp., 50 W PM and 10 key. Part-time schedule with sum m ers off. Apply at Oregon Food Bank, 2540 NE R iverside W ay, Port­ land, OR 9721 1 by 9/2/98. Equal Opportunity Em ployer Maintenance OREGON LEGISLATURE PREVENTATIVE REPAIR WORKER Case Manager Case M anager needed to design and docum ent case plans, as w ell as to provide counseling services and agency collabo­ ration to m eet student need (housing, childcare, food, trans­ portation) in a vocational train­ ing school located in Portland. R equires in d iv id u a l w ith a bachelor’s degree in counsel­ ing, social w ork or related field and m inim um of one year re­ lated experience. Please send resum eand letterofinterestto: Laborers, Carpenters, Flaggers, Landscapers, Clean up, Driv­ ers, Framers, M illwrights, W elders, C abinet makers. Apply @ 2700 SE Harrison #D, Milwaukie, OR. 8am -4pm M-F. Veh/ODL/U A 654-0021 $2 ,1 9 1 - $ 2 ,9 4 2 • Operate Chiller and Boiler Systems • Preventative Maintenance of Mechanical Equipment Buslness/Child Care Management Consultant HAVE YOU EVER W A NTED TO FLY JE T S ? Part-time 30 houra/week Salary $18,000/year This person will be providing tech­ nical assistance in business administration to child care cen­ ters and fam ily child care pro­ viders. Bachelors D egree in Business Adm inistration or re­ lated field preferred. A t least 4 years experience in business/ program m anagem ent and ad­ ministration. M ust have own transportation. Please send resum e to: Albina The Oregon Air National Guard 142nd Fighter Wing is looking for men and women for future pilot training positions. M in im u m Q u a lific a tio n s : Excellent Health Bachelor’s Degree Desire to Excel Must Enter Pilot Training Before Age 27 Ministerial Alliance Metro CCR&R P.O. Box 11243 Portland, Oregon 97211 Deadline: S e p te m b e r4 ,1998 Benefits: • Plumbing and Fabrication USAF Flight Training Worldwide Travel Opportunities Pay Lifetime Friendships Retirement C o m e F ly th e F -1 5 E a g le w ith O re g o n ’s R e d h a w k s C o n ta c t: Y o u r A ir G u a rd R e c ru ite r a t 1 -8 0 0 -3 9 2 -1 8 0 1 Sales/Counselor Karen Hupp Employee Services 140 State Capitol, Salem OR 97310 (503) 986-1373 Human Resources 31224 E. Historic Columbia River Hwy. Troutdale, OR 97060 RESPONSES MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN TUES., SEPT. 8,1998 Immediate opening for highly m o­ tivated, w ell organized, self starting Individual. Caring, help­ ful, sensitive, custom er rela­ tional and listening skills e s­ sential. Sales and cold calling experience im portant. M ust have own transportation. Some hourly pay plus com m issions and benefits. Call Julie, River View Cem etery 246-4251. Rideshare/Commuter information is available Applications are also available at The Portland Observer Newspaper As an affirmative action employer, we are seeking qualified m inor­ ity, fem ale, veteran and d is­ abled applicants; however, all qualified applicants will be con­ sidered. 4747 N. E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd W h e n it comes to keeping O regon healthy, we couldn't care more. Portland, OR 97211 Since 19 4 1. Regence BlueCross BlueShield o f Oregon has relied on the efforts o f our exceptional workforce to discover innovative routes to superior health care. Solutions like wellness programs, physician-directed care and assistance to unmsurable Oregonians. Our people understand that while quality often has a price, efficiency and intelligent strategies can keep costs to a minimum. If bettenng the quality o f life in Oregon sounds like a worthwhile pur­ suit to you. consider our possibilities: SUMMERBRIDGE PORTLAND COORDINATORfora non-profit educational program sponsored by The Catlin Gabel School for a diverse group of middle school students. Major responsibilities include program outreach & admissions, planning & coordi­ nating sum m er program , de­ veloping curriculum, recruiting, training and supervising fac­ ulty, and day-to-day logistics of the sum m erprogram . The po­ sition is part tim e during the school year and full time during the summer. Minimum require­ m ents are BA or BS degree, prior experience w orking with children in an educational set­ ting &com puterskills. Formore inform ation check ourw ebsite www.catlin.edu. Send cover letter and resume by Sept. 4th to: JOB OPPORTUNITY ANNOUNCMENT Customer Service Rep 2 High School Diploma, GED or equivalent experience. Basic knowl­ edge of banking principles. PC skills including MSWord, ITI and Excel. Professional telephone skills and excellent customer service skills. Ability to multi-task, with organizational and time management skills. This position will be shared with Operations and the Loan Department. To receive an application, please apply at the Affiliate nearest you, or go to the Human Resources Department located at 702 Church St NE, Salem OR 97301. Please return your completed application(s) to this same address. and recommend changes to improve efficiency and accuracy, as well as benefits, contract administration, eligibility, claim payments and denials develop an understanding o f nsk shanng model reports to ensure proper recording o f provider bonuses o r write-offs You must have a Bachelors You must have a High School diploma. GED. o r equivalent w ork experi­ ence including at least I year o f customer service experience (within the degree in Accounting o r Finance with a minimum o f four years o f accounting w ork expenence, o r an appropnate combination o f education last 2 years). and expenence C la im s A nalysts (|ob #1106) W e are seeking dependable and enthusiastic candidates who have a High R e im b u rs e m e n t A nalyst School diploma (o r equivalent), and a basic knowledge o f medical term i­ üob #991) You will provide reimbursement support to all divisions o f the organiza­ nology, as well as ICD9 and C P TIV coding to analyze and enter reim­ tion. You must have a college degree in business, computer science, math, bursement information into our automated claims system. Attention to o r statistics; o r at least tw o years o f expenence as a programmer statisti­ detail is crucial in this position, as is the ability to perform under pressure cal analyst, or In a position in health care finance. H e a lth c a re A nalyst gob #341) while meeting company standards in a team environment F acility Design S pecialist gob #1343) W e are seeking an experienced designer w ho will maintain and update You will use yo ur excellent analytical and communication skills to develop, coordinate and execute projects to support Regence's ongoing professional and institutional provider performance activities fo r both the indemnity and managed care lines o f business. Candidates must have at lease five years o f experience in the health Gob #1285) In our Salem Office, you will provide accurate and timely information to our customers, brokers, providers, and group administrators regarding insurance, medical, o r pharmaceutical industry. Technology C o n s u lta n t A p p lic a tio n D e v e lo p m e n t Tools gob #304) Parking Facility O perator benefits, contract administration, eligibility, claim payments and denials. You The successful candidate will support our application development tools Immediai« opening for full and parf-fime lot attendant» with Portland'* leading parking Company. We are seeking dependable individual* with a neaf appearance and a positive attitude, must have a High School diploma, GED. or equivalent w ork expenence including at least I year o f customer service expenence (within the last 2 and processes. Although this is N O T a development position, it requires We offer: excellent skills in project management information gathering and analysis, customer relations and service, and w ritten and oral communication. years). Knowledge o f medical terminology Is required. We offer a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package. Pre-employment drug screening is required, and we support a smoke-free w r k e n v r ronmentTo apply, please indicate job number and/or title at the top o f your resume o r cover letter and submit to R egence B lu eC ro ss B lu eS h ie ld o f O re g o n and R egen ce H M O O re g o n , H u m a n R esources, P. O . B o x 1271, P o rtla n d , O R » 7 2 0 7 - 12 7 0 ,T T Y # (5 0 3 ) 2 2 5 -4 7 8 0 . W e are strongly committed to equal opportunity in all phases o f employment ♦ $ 7 .0 0 /h r starting wage ♦ $ 1 0 .5 0 overtime available ♦ M edical and Dental Benefits available ♦ Advancement potential Applicants must have valid driver* license, submit drug test and background check. Apply in pereon daily Seamstress Product Development Small com pany who cares, hiring D irect Care W orkers. No exp. nec. Start at $6.45-$7.30 an hour. W ant to m ake a differ­ ence? Call 669-6622. Hom es Opening soon. our customers, brokers, providers, and group administrators regarding C u s to m e r S e rv ic e R e p re s en tativ e I Sportswear Company® testing, data entry, sales pro­ m otions, m ajor station events. Must have good computerskills, be detail oriented and org a ­ nized. Send resume/references to Human Resources-Entercom Portland, 0700 S.W . B ancroft Street, Portland, OR. 97201. Entercom P ortland (KG O N , KNRK, KFXX, KKRH, KKSN, AM /FM ) is an Equal O pportu­ nity Em ployer-W om en and Mi­ norities encouraged to apply. Oob #1344) You will conduct studies o f present accounting systems and procedures regulations fo r the office environment ^►Columbia Radio Promotion Coordinator For Entercom Portland Ra­ dio Station. C oordinate con­ (Job #1285) In our Salem Office, you will provide accurate and timely information to flo or plans fo r new site installations. Qualified candidates will have a working knowledge o f fire and building codes, as well as OSHA and A D A Human Resources Manager 8825 SW Barnes Road Portland, OR97225 Equal Opportunity Employer C olum bia Sportsw earC om pany has an im m ediate need for an experience d seam stress to w o rk in o u rS a m p le room. This position w ill be tem porary but open ended in duration. Q ualified candidates will have w orking know ledge of sewn construction, ability to con­ struct a total garm ent with m ini­ m al supervision, and ability to gather trims and findings as per specifications. Candidate m ust have w orking know ledge of s in g le n e e d le , s e rg e r, coverstitch, d ouble needle, bartack, buttonhole, and but­ tons. S pecific job experience should include factory sewing, sam ple sew ing and cutting. Send resume to: Columbia Sports­ w ear C om pany, Hum an Re­ sources, Dept. Seam, P.O. Box 83239, Portland, OR 97203, or fax to (503) 735-4597. Equal Opportunity Employer. Financial A nalyst C u s to m e r S e rv ic e R e p re s e n ta tiv e I WEST COAST BANCORP Regence BlueCross BlueShield o f Oregon HMO Oregon between 12:00 and 1:00PM at City Center Parking a t 2 1 5 SW 6th. For more information about career opportunities, call our Job Information Line I - 8 0 0 - 2 3 1 • 16 17 o r v is it o u r w e b s ite a t w w w .b c b s o .c o m Employment S pring the into summer with OREGON DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES #1 P art - time J ob Office of Medical Assistance Programs Program Technician 2 Prepaid Health Plan Coordinator POSITIONS AVAILABLE NOW! 7 n Oregon, opportunity means great benefits, competitive salaries, and a arge variety of careers available statewide. Currently, openings exist in the Rated #/, the Most Admired Company in the nation in the 'package, mail, and freight category ’ by Fortune Magazine! $8.50 - 9.50/hour to start » » » » opportunities for advancement variety of part-time shifts available must be 18 years or older full benefits for employees & dependents DROP BY UPS . . . FOR AN INTERVIEW AND TOUR OF THE FACILITY! 6707 N. B asin A venue , Portland (Swan Island exit from 1-5) 12:30 or 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday ollowing agencies: 3REG0N DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION »rlnclpal E xecutlve/M anager D technical Support Manager f you are a skilled manager with expenence In transportation, we have a josition for you with our Region 1 Technical Support Unit In Portland. Using o u r communication and technical skills, you will provide leadership to 14 apply obta in a nnouncem ent # LE 98 0 28 0 A , a S ta te o f Oregon application (form PD100) and any required aupplementa from a local Oregon Em ploym ent D epartm ent o ffic e , or m oat a ta to agency personnel offices or ca ll (5 0 3 ) 9 45 -5 6 98 . If you have a disability and need an a lternative form at in order to com plete th e application form, you may ca ll th e Exam U nit a t (5 0 3 ) 9 4 5 -5 8 43 ( 11Y (5 0 3 ) 9 4 5 6 2 1 4 ). xofesslonal and technical s ta ff members performing quality assurance jnd control, utility and blcycle/pedestrian coordination and scheduling. Ibu vlll also work closely with other sections of ODOT, local jurisdiction and agency s ta ff and the public. Requires six years experience in supervision, »taff-technical or professional-level work related to transportation »ngineering, including two years experience supervising and managing a xogram . section or unit. Salary * 3 ,4 0 1 to * 4 ,7 9 4 a month plus excellent jenefits: health insurance: paid vacation; sick and personal leaves; nine paid holidays; and fu ll employer-paid retirem ent contribution. Announcement « 0C D T8424. Contact ODOT Recruitment at (5 0 3 ) 986-4030 (TTY (5 03 ) 986-3854 tar the hearing Impaired) or visit Closing date Is September 4, 1998. date Is September 1 4 ,1 9 9 8 . Principal Executive / M anager A OREGON BUREAU OF LABOR f t INDUSTRIES CIVIL RIGHTS DIVISION Program Manager Civil Right» Field Repreeentatlve 2 Apply your managerial experience as the manager of our Property Distribution Program for the Fleet Administration Operation Section of our Support Services Branch. Responsible for the receipt and disposal of the Department s equipment fleet and equipment, maintain accountability in the property operation, including inventory and disposal. Perform supervisory duties relating to the Property D istribution and Feet Administrative Operations. Develop procedures and recommend hiring provide training and resolve conflicts. Prepare biennial and fiscal budgets to include the projection o f revenues, expenses and program needs Monitor expenditures to stay within specific budgets. Salary * 2 .4 1 6 to * 3 ,4 0 1 a month plus excellent benefits; health insurance; paid vacation: sick and personal leaves; nine paid holidays: and full employerpaid retirement contribution. Announcement M C D T 8205A . Contact ODOT Recruitment at (5 03 ) 986-4030 (TTY (5 03 ) 986-3854 tor the hearing Impaired) or visit h ttp ://w w w h ,.d **.s ta to .o iu */)o b * tar application materials. Closing date Is September 1 5 .1 9 9 8 . For other ODOT opportunities call our Recruitment JOBLINE St (5 0 3 ) An Equal Opportunity Employer We are currently recruiting dynamic and creative Individuals to act as Prepaid Health Plan (PHP) Coordinator for our Salem office. The positions are responsible for designing, im plem enting, and operating fully capitated prepaid health plans and related contracts and interfacing with diverse viewpoints and audiences. To qualify you m ust have two years o f experience with responsibility for program or project m onitoring and coordination. The experience m ust have included program evaluation responsibility. Salary $ 2 ,8 1 4 to * 3 ,9 4 0 a month. To 986-3847 Oregon State Hospital Rehabilitation Industries Rep This position, located in Salem, develops and obtains work contracts for the patient benchwork vocation program, and participates in the development of public relations and marketing support Applicant m ust have experience In sales and contracts, prior vocational experience is desired Salary $1,925 to $2,683 a month, plus an excellent benefits package and on­ going training opportunities Contact Employee Relation* at (5 0 3 ) 9 4 5 2 815 (TTY (5 03 ) 9 4 5 2 9 9 6 ) tar an application packet Closing date Is Senior Investigator Responsible for investigating complaints of prohibited discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations, and career schools. Position is located in Salem. Critical thlnking/analytical skills related to c M I rights, law, mediation, personnel, investigation, or related specialized experience required. Salary $2,329 to $ 3 ,2 4 9 a month. To receive application material* through the me», call (5 03 ) 731-4070 In Portland. The job announcement (Including teat question*) and application tone are also available online: http://w w w .hr.da*.»tate.or.u*/)ob*/ Closing date Is September 4, 1998. 2 /h .s e are just some of the current opening* avaflabte with the State of Oregon. For additional information, a oopy of the State of Oregon Application Form and more compta«* announcement H ttngs. ce« the State Jobline (Oregonian Inskta Une) (5 03 ) 225S S 8S # 7 7 7 7 (TTY (5 03 ) 3 7 5 4 6 7 2 ) visit your local Employment Department, or leg onto our web site at http://www.hcdas.stete.ecua/Jotie/. it* division* are proud to be t