AUGUST 26, 1998 Page B5 Bod Spirit J NATURAL MANAGEMENT OF MENOPAUSE M enopause is a normal, natural tran­ sition o f life that every w om an will pass through. It will occur for m ost w om en betw een the ages o f 40 to 55, averaging 51-52. T here are over 20 mi 11 ion w om en most effective in alleviating symptoms. Som e basic choices include: ♦Increase consum ption o f soy foods, nch in phytoestrogens having an estro­ genic balancing effect. ♦Eat plenty o f green leafy vegetables daily, rich in nutrients such as calcium in the U nited States today that are expe­ riencing m enopause and this num ber will grow to around 60 million by the and antioxidants ♦Avoiddairy products, especially non­ organ ic sources, since they may contain year 2010. M enopause is defined as the loss o f hormones. ♦Avoid sodas, alcohol, nicotine, sugar and ju n k foods as they deplete minerals and are dam aging to bone health. ♦Avoid caffeine (coffee, tea, colas) because it m ay disrupt pH and worsen sym ptom s, in addition to depleting the body o f needed m inerals and vitamins. ♦Reduce red m eat and animal fat w hich m ay also certain hormones as well as deplete calcium levels in thebody w hich are important for bone health. ♦Drink plenty o f bottled or filtered by M aureen O ’C onnor B arnhart , NJ). ovarian function w hich leads to the ces­ sation o f menstrual bleeding. It usually begins as a gradual process, term ed perimenopause, w liich can occur for 3- 10 years before the onset o f m enopause due to erratic fluctuations in horm onal levels. Menstrual periods becom e irregu­ lar and m ay be lengthened o r shortened with dim inished menstrual flow. This can be contusing to a w om an, as it be- com esdi llicult to detenu inc w hether she is actually in m enopause