Page B3 AUGUST 26, 199M H jf {lortbmfr (Elje |Jortlanò ffihsettwr ENTERTAINMENT BJ’s Asks Public To “Top This!” Can you tap dance on your knee caps or play “Rhapsody in Blue” on a kazoo without taking a breath? Maybe you can recite War and Peace-word for word. If you possess a unique ability or tal­ ent to perform these or any other unusual human tricks, it could earn you a trip to Hawaii and dinner for two in their Lahaina resta u ra n t courtesy o f B J’s Pizza, Grill & Brewery. “Top This” is being conducted in honor of BJ’s 20th anniver­ sary, where for two decades the fam ily-style restaurants have earned “top” honors for quality and value. Those who boast an unusual talent are encourage to partici­ pate by submitting a brief de­ scription of their unusual talent or trick along with their name, address and phone number, to enter either fax the description to 562-491-0211, e-m ail to frankgroff@, visit a BJ’s location where entry forms are provided or simply call 562-491-1000 with the de­ tails. While outlandish feats and talents are welcome, only non­ offensive entries will be con­ sidered. Deadline for “Top This” is Friday, September 11 at noon. Those qualifying will be in­ vited to participate in one of several semi-finalist rounds that will be held at various BJ’s lo­ cations during the month of Oc­ tober. Those selected in each of these rounds will participate in the final competition. Prizes will also be awarded to second, third, and fourth place semi-fi­ nalists. The grand prize winner, who will selected by a panel of judges, will receive “top” hon­ ors, a commemorative plaque and the trip to Maui. “We’ve been fortunate enough to be ‘tops’ in our field for 20 years and wanted to celebrate our 20th anniversary with a fun and unusual promotion. ‘Top This’ is the ideal vehicle to celebrate this milestone,” re­ marked Paul Motenko, president of Chicago Pizza & Brewery, Inc. “W e’re looking forward to selecting the individual who pos­ sesses the most outrageous tal­ ent to enjoy a vacation in Maui during the week of Halloween, when one of the largest parties in the world takes place. As part of their grand prize, the winner will be the guest of honor at the BJ’s Pizza & Grill in Lahaina.” Lifetime Television presents intim ate Portrait: Phylicia Rashad.” Lifetime Television presents “Intimate Portrait: Phylicia Rashad.” An hour-long documentary detailing the actress’s life and career, premiering Saturday, Au­ gust 29, from 10-11 pm ET/PT. Before she was known as Claire Huxtable, the stern but devoted mother on “The Cosby Show," actress Phylicia Rashad paid her dues on Broadway and on daytime dramas. Today, she is happily mar­ ried and is again starring oppo­ site her friend Bill Cosby on his new television series. The Program is narrated by Rashad’s “Cosby” co-star and feature film actress Madeline Kahn. Kenny Burrell-Love Is The Answer & Nnenna Freelon-Maiden Voyage Kenny Burrell-Love Is The Answer For nearly half a century, Mr. Burrell’s tasteful playing has virtually defined jazz guitar. Love Is The Answer is a project Kenny had been creat­ ing in his heart as well as on paper for many years. This CD features the inspir­ ing vocal talents of The Boys Choir Of Harlem performing w orks w ritten by K enny Burrell. The message may have been said many times, but sel­ dom so eloquently. It’s a mes­ sage worth repeating. ** voice that is Nnenna Freelon, is a project the singer herself de­ scribes as “a joyous celebration of fem inine s p irit and passion...stories both new and familiar.” ’ ■ Nnenna Freelon-M aiden Voyage She’s been hailed interna­ tionally as “the greatest female vocalist to come along in three decades.” Winner of the Billie Holi­ day Award from the prestigious Academie du Jazz in France and the Eubie Blake Award closer to home, she’s also been nomi­ nated tw ice for Gram m y awards. Maiden Voyage, the newest recording from the original jazz Kenny Burrell FREE CONCERTS IN YOUR PARKS! Çkeàrs B R IN G Y O U R F A M IL Y , F R IE N D S & A P IC N IC B A S K E T F O R F U N -F IL L E D A F T E R N O O N S O F M U S IC A N D A R T S . Nnenna Freelon r r PARK ENTW O O D ® 60lh «' D“ke 'X - l Movies on the Move! Portland Parks Takes Films and Fun to the Neighborhood Portland Parks & Recreation is hoping to make Friday nights a fun night for hundreds of y o u n g sters in low incom e n eig h b o rh o o d s w ith “ T he T rav elin ’ Movie Jam .” The pilot program will bring PG and G-rated movies, plus special activities, to four dif­ ferent housing developm ents every Friday night from August 21 to Septem ber 11, 1998, 7:00-10:30 pm. “Portland Parks and Recre­ ation want:, all children to have access to positive recreation,” said Parks D irector Charles Jordan, “And, sometimes that means we go to them.” Thomason Auto has donated a van which will be outfitted with a 16mm projector and screen. The van will travel to se­ lected housing developments where kids will be treated to gam es, p rizes, refreshm ents and a movie showing. In addition to Thomason A uto, P e p si, and K a iser Permanente are partnering with Mim. <„»*■■«'H““ tüuiu, « s s i x ’s s í * * Portland Parks & Recreation to reach out to these communi­ ties and provide entertainment through this unique project. Look for The T ra v e lin ’ Movie Jam at the following sites: W HEN; W HERE; M OVIE August 21 Columbia-Tama- rack Village “George o f the Jungle” A u g u s t2 8 B re n tw o o d - D a rlin g to n Com m . C enter “George o f the Jungle” Septem ber 4 Hillsdale Ter­ race “Mulan” S ep tem b er H E lProgram o Hispano “Mulan” According to “The Jam ’s” coordinator Carol Aquino, “I’m hoping that next year we’ll take it to center which serve home­ less children, and a long range goal is to also make the movie van available to neighborhood associations for their use at community activities, but we’ll have to see how things go this year. We hope to reach 300 kids over the next four weeks.” » NE I F E R IM H IL L 42nd North — . oí . 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