Page A3 ro 29 ----------------------------- (Ehe Jîortlanô (Observer dtU J / j J J3 ------------ P o rtla n d O IC / R o sem a ry A n d e r so n H ig h School on A U G U ST 19, 1998 I ÍU ' A |,_ i * Will be accepting applications fo r Pre-Registration which began August 1 7 and will be open until August 28, 1998. POIC/ Rosemary Anderson High School will be offering high school courses, GED preparation, school-to-work program. Metals Technology, and CAD. We have recently moved back into our newly remodeled & expanded building. It's going to be a very' exciting year fo r students at POIC/RAHS! So enroll now! POIC/RAHS will also be offering an on-site day care fo r its teen parents with infants from 2 months up to Mxfcsic S c h o la r s h ip s A v a ila b le at L a n g sto n U n iversity There are choir and band music scholarships available for the 1998-99 academic year at Langston University. Outstanding instrumentalists, singers and pianists, are urged to apply for one these awards. Langston Univer­ sity is the only African American institution in the state of Oklahoma, and is celebrating its’ centennial year of service. For more information, please contact: Chairman Department o f Music Langston University P.O. Box 972 Langston, OK 73050 405-466-3417 Fax: 405-466-2936 3 vears o f age during school hours. Teen parents wanting to enroll should do so immediately there will be limited enrollment fo r infants and toddlers. Office hours are from 8:00 am-5:00 pm feel free to drop in or call and set up an appointment with POIC Counselor’s. Please bring in a copy o f your transcript when applying. Accredited by the Northwest Association o f Schools and Colleges H A V E YO U E V E R W A N TE D Portland (and surrounding areas) Families NEEDED to Host Foreign Exchange Students Foreign high school students will be arriving into the local area for homestay program s for the 1998/99 school year and Pacific In tercu ltu ral E xchange (P IE ) NEEDS local volunteer host fami­ lies. PIE is a non-profit educational organization. The students are all between the ages o f 15 and 18 years. They bring their own spending money, have full m edi­ cal insurance and are anxious to share their cultural experiences with their new American fami­ lies. PIE’s academic homestays range in length from one semester to a full academic year, while the students attend local high schools. PIE representatives match stu­ dents with host families by find­ ing com m on in te re s ts and lifestyles through and informal in- home meetings. Prospective host families are able to review stu­ dent applications and select the “perfect match.” As there are no “typical” host families, PIE can fit single parent, a childless couple, a retired couple, or a large family. For 1998/99, PIE has students form Spain, Germany, Belgium, Ghana, Mexico, Yugoslavia, Ar­ menia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Poland, China, Japan, as well as other countries. PIE has spon­ sored more than 13,000 students form 18 countries since its found­ ing in 1975. Families interested in learning more about hosting, should call Teresa Knapp at 1 -800-894-7633, or the international headquarters at 1-888-PIE-USA1. THANK YOU FOR OPENING YOUR HEART AND YOUR HOME! Looking for enjoyable work? REI is now hiring qualified outdoor sales people. Join one of the 100 Best Companies in America. To learn more visit REI’s Job Fair Saturday, September 12 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. PCC Part of National Computer Training Effort for Welfare Recipients Meet REI management team staff, leant about REI and interview! Portland R E I— 283-1300 1798 Jantzen Beach Ctr. Tualatin REI—-624-8600 7410 SW Bridgeport Rd. Winvw^lab« EXVAA Portland Community College and nine other community colleges across the country, including Mt. Hood Community College in Gresham, are part of a $4.9 million high-tech effort that pairs the col­ leges with Private Industry Councils, employers and welfare recipients. The 18-month project, which began July 1, will place over 2,200 welfare recipients in five, high- demand occupations where employers say they are having a tough time recruiting and retaining work­ ers. In addition, people on welfare will improve their long-term earning and learning potential. “This is an exciting opportunity to partner with employers in new ways by offering post-employ­ ment education and training at the worksite,” said Non Poppe, dean of Adult and Continuing Educa­ FOOD & DRUG tion at Portland Community College. Targeted occupations include building mainte­ nance, customer service, home care worker, office worker and security guard. The funds will be used Look For Your in part to give community college instructors a way to monitor workers’ progress from a remote loca­ tion and to communicate electronically with the trainees. The project is sponsored by the American Asso­ ciation ofCommunity Colleges, the National Asso­ n Your Oregonian FOODday ciation of Private Industry Councils and Instruc­ tional System, Inc. in the Portland Metro Area The Oregon Air National Guard 142nd Fighter Wing is looking for men and women for future pilot training positions. M in im u m Q u a lific a tio n s : Excellent Health Bachelor's Degree Desire to Excel Must Enter Pilot Training Before Age 27 B e n e fits : USAF Flight Training Worldwide Travel Opportunities Pay Lifetime Friendships Retirement C o m e F ly th e F -1 5 E a g le w ith O re g o n ’s R e d h a w k s C o n ta c t: Y o u r A ir G u a rd R e c ru ite r a t 1 -8 0 0 -3 9 2 -1 8 0 1 SAFEWAY Safeway Weekly Shopping Guide ...and save more shopping at Safeway B ggî Ribeye Steak Bone-In. Valu Pack, 4 steaks or more. S T . M IC H A E L 'S LUTHERAN EARLY CHILDHOOD CEN TER 6 7 0 0 NE 2 9 ” a n d DEKUM P kkea 3 - YEAR O L D S MEET TU E SD A Y S AND W ED NESDAYS 4 - YEAR O L D S MEET M ONDAYS, W EDNESDAYS AND F R ID A Y S for SAVE up to $2.11 lb. AT Vis t Safeways Web site at Safeway Club Price Golden Ripe Cantaloupes Grown in California. SAVE up to $1.58 on 2 FOR FURTH ER IN FO R M A TIO N C A LL 2 8 2 - 0 0 0 0 OR 2 8 1 - 2 0 2 6 Q U A L IT Y E D U C A T IO N I N A C H R IS T IA N ENVIRONM ENT PRICES EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1998 ra m m *m» « pnrs m «I • » » « * < * « 20 I 21 I for 22 Safeway Club Price r i i Sahw»» « Now the savings are in the Card!