Page A2 AUGUST 19, 1998 3ZI|c fflortüwfr rimnr P O L IC E NEWS Portland Police B ureau Investi­ gators, in cooperation w ith Crim e Stoppers, are asking for your help in identifying and apprehending a rape suspect O n June 5, 1998. at approxi­ mately 10:30to 10:45 in the evening, a w om an in her fifties w as getting out o f her parked car, in a crow ded grocery store parking lot at N E 69th Avenue and Sandy Boulevard, when she w as confronted by a subject w ho threatened her w ith a knife. T he victim w as forced to drive her car to N E 84th A venue and NE H alsey Street, w here she w as taken behind a brick office building and sexually assaulted. D uring the at­ tack, the suspect struck the victim w ith his fists and cut her w ith his knife, the suspect was last seen on foot, fleeing w est across NE 84th Avenue. The suspect is described as a male, white, 35 to 40 years o f age, 6 ’00" tall, 155 to 160 pounds, w ith black curly/w avy hair and a black beard. At the tim e he w as w earing earrings, possibly silver hoop type, in both ears, blue jeans, and a w hite T-shirt, the suspect also had w hat the victim described as an “unusual” accent. C rim e S to p p ers is o ffe rin g a cash rew ard o f up to $ 1 ,0 0 0 for in fo rm atio n , rep o rted to C rim e S to p p ers, that leads to an arrest in th is case, o r any u n so lv ed felony crim e, and you do not h av e to give y o u r nam e. C all C rim e S to p p ers at 503-823-H E L P . Lewis Named Vice President at United Way C arolyn L ew is has been nam ed vice president o f H um an R esources at U nited W ay o f the C olum bia- W illamette. Lew is has been w ith U nited W ay for 16 years, w orking in the C am ­ paign D ivision for her first six years before m oving to Human Resources. S he’s been part o f the ex ecu tiv e team for m ore than tree years. Prior to U nited W ay, L ew is w orked in human resources at First Interstate Bank (now W ells Fargo an d C o m ­ pany). Lewis currently is presid en t o f E xecutive W om en International, a M eng V ang a m ale A sian. 16 years old. V ang is Laotian and recently m oved to Portland from the south­ ern C alifornia area. He had been staying w ith fam ily in SE Portland. V an g ’s body w as taken to the M ult­ nom ah County m edical E xam iner’s D eputies learned from w itnesses at the scene that the victim was sw im ­ m ing andjum ping into the water along w ith approxim ately 10 other family m em bers w ho w ere at the park w ith a larger group o f family. T he victim either fell or jum ped into the river from a large rock east oftheT routdale bridge, w ent under w ater and cam e up yelling for help. A tw enty year old m ale cousin to the victim at­ tem pted to rescue him but w as being pulled under and had to escape him ­ self. T he victim w ent under a second tim e and did not resurface. The victim w as described as being a weak sw im m er by fam ily members. T he victim is being identified as In th e early m orn in g hours o f A ugust 1 3 ,1 9 9 8 , uniform officers o f N E P recinct arrested W alter S ham su d -D in the IV , m ale, 19 years, for his involvem ent in the abduction and sexual assault o f a 1 3 -y e a r o ld g irl. A p p a re n tly S ham sud-D in approached the v ic­ tim and a second 13-year old fe­ m ale, w ho w ere w alking hom e at 3:20 am , in the area o f N E 21st and N E E m erson St. Sham sud-D in ap ­ parently ordered the victim into his vehicle, a 1982 O ldsm obile at gun­ point. T he second fem ale fled im ­ m ediately called the police. R e­ s p o n d in g o f f ic e r s lo c a te d th e su sp e ct’s vehicle at N E 17th and NE E m erson St. w ith Sham sud-D in and the victim still inside. Sham sud- D in w as taken into custody, the victim and the second 13-year old apparently d id not know th e sus­ pect. The investigation is being con­ ducted by the M ultnom ah County Child A buse Team. Sham sud-D in will be lodged at the Justice Center Jail on the charges o f K idnap I and M u ltn o m ah C o u n ty S h e r if f s O ffic e R iv er P atrol d ep u ties w ere called to th e scen e o f a m an o v e r­ b o ard on the C o lu m b ia river. At ap p ro x im ately 4 :3 0 pm th e d e p u ­ tie s resp o n d ed to th e K elly P oint park area w here a fam ily w as riding in a rental boat. A t ap p ro x im ately 4:2 0 , w est o f th e park , on th e C o ­ lum bia, a m ale ad u lt o n b o ard d e ­ cid ed to ju m p fo rm th e b o at that w as trav e lin g ap p ro x im ate ly 30 m ph. T h e m an d id not resurface. T he R iv er patro l. C oast G u ard an d th e P ortland Fire 3 u re a u conducted a search o f a large area o f the riv er w hich w as ham p ered by the lack o f r e lia b le in fo rm a tio n a b o u t th e m a n ’s en try point, th e search is b ein g con d u cted v isu ally and w ith rad ar in an area w here th e w ater is appro x im ately 60 feet deep. T he m ale victim is id en tified as M att A. C ritch ett, a m ale caucasion b o m in D ecem b er o f 1954. he was on the b o at w ith his w ife, d au g h ter and the d a u g h te r’s tw o y o u n g ch il­ dren. T h e fam ily and victim are from B eav erto n , OR. T h e re w e re lif e ja c k e ts on b o ard , h o w ev e r M r. C ritc h e tt w as n ot w ea rin g one. A lco h o l is b e ­ liev ed to be in v o lv ed a n d th e in c i­ d en t is still u n d e r in v e stig a tio n by th e M u ltn o m ah C o u n ty R iver p atro l. office. T he dive team from C lackam as C ounty is m ade up o f divers from Lake O sw ego, G ladstone, T ualatin, and Estacada fire departm ents as w ell as th e C lac k am a s C o u n ty S h e riffs office. D ivers from the M ultnom ah County S h e riff s office also searched for Vang. T his is the second drow ning in the sam e area in the past three weeks. Suspect Arrested In Abduction And Sexual Assault I was afraid that 1 might have failed to make several important points last week, but one response in particular tells me otherwise. A reader says that almost a decade ago in a talk before her church group, I anticipated the ulti­ mate direction o f “gentrification.” This was a tim e when African Americans were using the term to de­ scribe the urban phenomena where whites were ‘ moving back’ to the inner city in increasing numbers, to streets and villages o f another time and place, o f another way oflife. The people were just beginning to recover from the trash­ ing o f massive Urban Renewal pro­ grams, when economic and social hopes were dashed again. Suburbia was not ‘nirvana’ as much o f the fleeing middle class was to dis­ cover, and the return swing o f the real property pendulum had not nearly so much to do with pressures created by Metro and growth boundaries as it did w ithabelated realization that the “Vil­ lage” and its social covenants exists for us all, for all humans, all levels, how ­ ever disguised. Last year I wrote a three-part series on the first phase o f this phenomenon, the outward flight. I chose for a title that o f the angry book by James Howard NN Total Digestive Care “30 Day Miracle” Works! MCR Health Care P.O. Box 1120/1 Portland, Oregon 97211 Toll free 1(000) 935-6240 Concluded next week. These Before They Fly B p o in t. . T h is in v e stig a tio n is co n tin u in g in co n ju n ctio n w ith th e M ultnom ah C o u n ty D istric t A tto rn e y ’s o ffic e w h o w ill rev iew th e c a se w h en the in v e stig a tio n is c o m p leted . You Can Now Reach Us On The Web! http : I / www. portlandobserver. net or e-mail Dangerous poisons, bile, fatty acids, heavy mgtaisl8d ditivgs amkhgmfc cals can build up in your body like “toxic sludge.” After years of accumu­ lation, this sludge can clog your organs and blood stream, damage and even destroy your body’scells, weaken your body's defenses and literally steal away your health - opening the door to disease and illnesses. 30 supply of TDC powder and tw i special reports for ONLY $39.00 plus$4.50s/h.Total $43.50 (plus any applicable sales taxes) Created by Dr. Jack W atkins.Try it. Money back guarantee. You risk nothing. Call or write today: ploys o f the realestate developers in their efforts to deal with this kind o f uncertainty in the prime market: “ Vil­ lage for Sale, a new dream for old- fashioned community.” And, ofcourse, there is the perennial shoppers mall for mansions, "Street o f Dreams." And I talked at length with a suc­ cessful white professional, a subscriber o f the Portland Observer who under ordinary circumstances would be a prime prospect for the ‘plastic’ Vil­ lages or Streets. He frequently comes by to peruse some rare books I'm not about to let out o f the house - and he returns the favor, expanding both our reach. He said, “my brother moved out to suburbia ten years ago and now he’s trying to get back as hard as he can-at any price. It’snot just that th e ' hurry-up- and-develop’ boys didn ’t do the kind, o f job with transportation, water, sewers, schools and other public services you’d expect in a well-planned' community. His families’ problem is a mind-set’." “You said it very well in that De­ cember 17 article, American Philoso­ phy o f Land and Space'. Something about a contradiction or dichotomy in o u r’ psyche. Even the renowned ur­ ban analyst, Lew is Mumford had this.” »To • 2000 Block SE 88th o f th e resid e n ce . A t th is tim e. D ete ctiv es h av e te n ta tiv e ly id e n ­ tifie d th e b io lo g ical m o th er o f th e fe tu s, b u t are not rele asin g the nam e o r o th er in fo rm atio n . N o c h a rg e s h av e been filed at th is Kunstter.'TheGeographyofNowhere: The Rise and Decline o f America’s Man-Made Landscape” (Touchstone Simon & Schuster, 1994). We are all o fu s too familiar with the Urban Renewal phase o f the deliberate destruction o f the economic and social structure o f America’s principal inner cities. No need to rehearse that painful chapter except as it relates to that “re­ turn swing o f the pendulum o f white flight.” In my communications with former students in other cities, that pendulum does seem to be gaining momentum-not just in Portland as some readers have observed. Several weeks ago the Port­ land Observer featured a major article w hichciteda visiting lecturercarryinga m essage from the National Urban League: “Hold on to your property, it is more valuable than you think. Alert yourelderly parentsand neighbors (sev­ eral decades late with the message?).” And the pressure is not going to relent, that is why my suggestion that “nirvana” is not to be. Developers are becoming aware that more and more o f the white middle class is coming to realize this-even those who did not end up on undeclared flood plains or un­ stable slopes. Last week I spoke o f the marketing Rape 1. Suspicious Death Investigation Update O n S u n d ay , A u g u st 2, 1998, D e te c tiv e s o f th e P o rtla n d P o lic e B u reau w e re c a lle d to th e 2000 b lo ck o f S E 8 8 th A v e., re g a rd in g th e re m a in s o f a fe tu s w h ic h w as du g up b y a d o g in th e b ac k y ard Carolyn Lewis A "Street Of Dreams" And "Village For Sale" II Bs P rof . M c K inley B i rt At approxim ately 2:55 on A u­ g u st 11th, M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty S h e r i f f s o f f ic e d e p u tie s an d T routdale police w ere called to G lenn O tto park, on the Sandy River, in Troutdale. O fficers found that a 16 year old m ale had jum ped o r slipped into the river and had not resurfaced. D eputies called the C lack am as C o u n ty in ter-agency D ive R escue team and the M ult­ nom ah C ounty S h e riffs D iveT eam to the scene, the dive team s w ere in the w ater searching w ithin 45 m in­ utes o f being called and eventually found the victim s body approxi­ m ately 30 yards from w here he had entered into the river board m em ber o f Fish Em ergency Services, a trustee for N orthw est A gencies Trust, and a m em ber o f th e N o rth w est H um an R esource M anagem ent A ssociation. U nited W ay funds are disbursed to agencies for specific program s, such as those that strengthen fam i­ lies, help children and youth, en ­ hance senior independence and meet em ergency needs. T he 78-year-old local U nited W ay raises m oney and d istrib u te s fu n d s in C lack am as, M ultnom ah and W ashington co u n ­ ties in O regon and in C lark C ounty, W ashington. 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