Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 19, 1998, Page 18, Image 18

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(Elfe |jo rtb tu ò Cftbscruer
Corrections Officer
♦ Columbia
You Can Make a
S portsw ear C om pany® T h e Y M C A o f C o lu m b ia -
D a r t T im o Q a l« «
W illam ette is now hiring enthu-
e o aea
siastic and energetic staff with
As a Sales Associate, you will be
responsible for selling, stock­
ing, cashiering and other duties
w hile providing sales assis­
tance and service to the great­
est people in the w orld...our
custom ers.
You m ust be self-m otivated, w ill­
ing to w ork flexible hours, and
have previous apparel sales
experience along with the abil­
ity to provide a very high level
of custom er service.
We offer a com petitive wage,
sales incentives, m edical/den-
tal insurance, em ployee dis­
count and the training you will
need to be successful with us.
Please forward your resume, sal­
ary history and cover letter to:
Human Resources, Dept. LOSA
Colum bia S portsw ear PO Box
83239 Portland OR 97283-
0239, or Fax to: (503) 735-
4597. Equal O pportunity E m ­
Sportswear Company®
Print Production
We need a Print Production Coor­
dinator to work with our C re­
ative Director and design team
to create print production time
lines from creative concept de­
velopm ent stage through print
production and delivery. Re­
sponsibilities include produc­
tion coordination, m anaging
vendor relationships, m onitor­
ing related expenses, tracking
collateral inventory and pro­
cessing purchase orders.
Qualified candidates will possess
strong organizational abilities
along with a working know l­
edge of digital pre-press and
print production methodologies.
C andidate m ust be able to pri­
oritized tasks and activities,
frequently with deadlines. BA/
BS degree or equivalent in
Graphics and Print Production,
Marketing or related field and 4
+ years print production expe­
rience or 5+ years production
coordination preferred.
Please send resum e and salary
history to: Human Resources,
Dept. Print, PO Box 83239,
Portland OR 97283, or Fax to:
(503) 735-4597. Equal O ppor­
tunity Employer.
at least one year of child care
experience to im plem ent B e­
fore and After School programs
for K-5th graders. Program s
o p e ra te th r o u g h o u t th e
G resham , P ortland, Forest
Grove, Hillsboro, Beaverton,
Tigard, and W est Linn areas.
For m ore inform ation or to a p ­
ply, please call:
Eastside program s 287-4069
W estside program s
841-3345, ext. 107
$2247-32833 per month
The C o m m u n ity C o rre c tio n s
Dept. needs C om m unity C or­
rections O fficers to directly
supervise and m onitor a ctivi­
ties of clients' w ho are on w ork
release. M ust pass a back­
ground investigation, possess
a valid d river’s license, good
driving record, pass a job-re­
lated physical exam and be at
least 21 YOA. Shift w ork re­
County Em ploym ent Application
Required. Application m ateri­
als available at C lackam as
County Personnel, 900 Main
Street, Oregon City, OR 97045,
(503) 655-8459. C losing date
Septem ber 1,1998, 5:00 PM.
EEO Employer
Sportswear Company®
COO R O N ATO Afora non-profit
educational program sponsored
by The Catlin Gabel School for
a diverse group of middle school
students. Major responsibilities
include program outreach &
admissions, planning & coordi­
nating sum m er program , de­
veloping curriculum, recruiting,
training and supervising fac­
ulty, and day-to-day logistics of
the sum m er program . The po­
sition is part tim e during the
school yearand full time during
the summer. Minimum require­
m ents are BA or BS degree,
prior experience working with
children in an educational set­
ting & computer skills. For more
inform ation check our website
Send cover letter and resume
by Sept. 4th to:
Radio Broadcast Assistant En­
gineer - Im m ediate full-tim e.
Radio broadcast experience
with studio, transm itters and
com puter equipm ent. G ood
people skills, efficient, en e r­
getic, self-motivated. Resum e/
re fe re n ce s to L a rry H oltz,
Entercom Portland, 0700 S.W.
Bancroft Street, Portland, OR
97201. EOE
TRACK-HOE & operator needed
fo r O D F W jo b in U m a tilla
County, Pendleton, Oregon.
Interested parties can contact
First Aid/CPR
The American Red Cross is seek­
ing 3 First Aid/CPR instructors
and bilingual (Spanish/English)
First Aid/CPR instructors. This
is a part-tim e job with a varied
schedule. You will be requested
to w ork either w eek days, eve­
nings or w eekends. M usi suc­
cessfully com plete Red C ross
instructor certification course
prior to official hire (we will
train) and be able to transport
equipm ent to class sites. You
will be paid for hours w orked,
set-up tim e and m ileage. Drug
scree n required. W e value d i­
versity/ Please send cover let­
ter with resume and/or applica­
tion to:
American Red Cross
Oregon Trail Chapter
Human Resources, Dept. A
PO B ox3200
Portland, OR 97208
Human Resources Manager
8825 SW Barnes Road
Portland, OR 97225
Equal Opportunity Employer
Equal Opportunity Em ployer
Insurance; paid vacation; sick and
personal leaves; ten paid holidays; and full
employer paid retirement contribution.
Announcement #0C D T 8 4 21 . Contact
0D 0T Recruitment at (5 0 3 ) 986-4030
(TTY 986-3854 for the hearing Impaired) or
visit http://www.hr.das.state.or.us/jobs/
for application materials. Closing date is
September 4 ,1 9 9 8 ,
$3,240 - $4,348 / Month
Three limited duration positions for the 1999 Legislative Session.
May also be used to fill Committee Administrator positions for the
1999 Legislative Session.
Legal Research
Legal Opinions
. 7 n Oregon, opportunity means great benefits, competitive salaries, and a
Amendments to Measures
following agencies:
Develops Legislation
large variety of careers available state-wide. Currently, openings exist in the
Environmental Program Coordinator 2
Project Manager
For application information contact:
Use your management and technical skills to direct environmental project
development activities with the Oregon Department of Transportation.
Provide project team leadership for research and engineering activities, and
contribute expert environmental and project development advice and
guidance to the Department. Requires two years of resource project
management or environmental analysis experience and a Bachelor's
degree with thirty quarter or twenty semester hours in an environmental
science, a physical science, a natural science, engineering or a closely-
related field, such as sociology, land use planning, economics and cultural
resources. Three additional years o f qualifying resource project
management or environmental analysis and technical writing experience
may substitute for the Bachelor's degree. Salary $2,4 23 to $3.4 74 a
month plus excellent benefits: health insurance; paid vacation; sick and
Karen Hupp
Legislative Administration Committee
140 State Capitol, Salem OR 97310
(503) 986-1373
Job Line (503) 986-1375
Deadline: 9/8/98
personal leaves; nine paid holidays; and full employer paid retirement
contribution. Announcement #OCDT8449. C ontact 0D 0T Recruitment at
(503) 986-4030 (TTY (5 03 ) 986-3854 for the hearing Impaired) or visit
h ttp ://w w w .h r.d a s .s ta te .o r.u s /jo b s / for application materials. Closing
Rideshare/Commuter information is available
date is September 4 ,1 9 9 8 .
Applications are also available at
Engineering Specialist 3
Permit Specialist
The Portland Observer News Paper
Top-notch communication, collaboration and technical skills are critical for
this position with our District 2C Office in Troutdale. You will perform
technical inspections and investigations including location, design and
construction o f u tility projects; co nsu lt with governm ent o fficials,
contractors, engineers, planners and attorneys on permit laws related to
comprehensive plan amendments, zone changes, longterm planning and
corridor studies; enforce applicable laws and regulations; review and write
permits; and review and approve construction plans. Requires an
Associate's degree in Engineering Technology plus four years engineering
experience, or sixty-six months of sub-professional engineering experience.
Salary $ 2 ,3 0 6 to $3,3 07 a month plus excellent benefits: health
4747 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd.
Portland, Oregon
Support Specialist 3
$1,8 1 0 -$ 2 ,6 6 4
Senior & Disabled Services Division
Assistant Admlnlstrator/Research and Finance Section
The Senior and Disabled Services Division (SDSD), a Division of the
Department of Human Resources, administers Oregon's longterm care
and adult protective services programs, and determines eligibility for a wide
range of programs benefiting the elderly and persons with disabilities. It is
the state unit on aging. SDSD is recruiting an Assistant Administrator for
Research and Finance. The person who fills the executive staff position
must be a strong leader with experience representing her/his organization
with a wide range of stakeholders. Strong management skills and the ability
to communicate with, and develop consensus among effected stakeholders
are needed. Salary $4,142 to $5,8 24 a month. Please apply to state job
announcement »ES411001. Application materials and a detailed job
announcement may be obtained by calling the DHR Job line at (5 03 )
9 4 5 5 7 4 2 (TTY (5 03 ) 9 4 5 6 2 1 4 for the hearing Impaired) or visit our web
site at http://www.hr.das.state.or.us/jobs/. All application materials
must be submitted to DHR Records & Recruitment Unit. 500 Summer St.
NE, Salem, OR 973 1 0 . Closing date is September 1 8 ,1 9 9 8 at 5 p.m.
Laundry Coordinator
Corrections Production Coordinator 3
There are two positions located in the Laundry Division of Oregon State
Penitentiary. These positions direct the inmate worker force in all
phases of the laundry operation. Requires two years working in an
industrial institutional laundry, one year as a lead worker. Salary $ 2 ,4 7 1
to $ 3 ,2 4 6 a month plus excellent benefits. Oregon Employment
Application and Job Announcement «LE980756 may be obtained from
any Oregon Employment Department or call (5 0 3 ) 3 7 6 6 0 1 3 or log
onto our web site at h ttp ://w w w .d o c .s ta te .o r.u s . Apply soon,
screening could begin at anytime.
- Z h .s e are just some of the current openings available with the State
of Oregon. For additional Information, a copy of the State of Oregon
Application Form and more complete announcement listings, call the
State Jobline (Oregonian Inside Line) (5 03 ) 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 H i m (TTY (5 03 )
3 7 6 4 6 7 2 ) visit your local Employment Department, or log onto our web
site at http://w ww.hr.das.state.or.us/jobs/. The State of Oregon and all
Its divisions are proud to be equal opportunity employers.
• Full Time, Continuing Position
• Administrative Support to Legislative Fiscal Office
• Committee Assistant duties
W hen it comes to keeping O regon
healthy, we couldn't care more.
• Fiscal Impact Coordinator
Karen Hupp
Legislative Administration Committee
Since 1941. Regence BlueCross BlueShield o f Oregon has relied on the efforts o f our exceptional workforce to discover innovative routes to superior
140 State Capitol, Salem OR 97310
health care. Solutions like wellness programs, physician-directed care and assistance to uninsurable Oregonians. O u r people understand that while quality
often has a price, efficiency and intelligent strategies can keep costs to a minimum. If bettenng the quality o f life in Oregon sounds like a w orthwhile pur­
(503) 986-1373
suit to you, consider our possibilities:
Job Line (503) 986-1375
M anager o f Electronic C o m m erce Business
C u sto m er Service Representatives
Deadllra: 9/8/98
Rideshare/Commuter information is available
Applications are also available at
The Portland Observer News Paper
This position plans, leads, directs, and manages business plan and customer-
contract administration, eligibility, claim payments and denials. You must
related aspects o f the Regence Group Electronic Commerce efforts. A
have a strong customer service background and knowledge o f medical
Bachelor's degree in Business Management Computer Science o r related
terminology. The ability to w ork w ith little sufiervision in a fast-paced,
field is required, as is at least four years professional level expenence.
EM C Electronic D ata Analyst
(job #1298)
Medical M anagem ent
C o o rd in ato r I
In this position, you will record, prepare, analyze, and verify the accuracy
(job #959)
and submissions o f all electronically submitted claims and encounters for
You will perform advanced medical case assessment, management and
processing into proper |ob streams. To qualify, you must have a HS educa­
4747 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
intervention, as well as concurrent medical review. You must have a cur­
tion (o r equivalent), problem solving skills, ability to w ork a flexible sched­
Portland, Oregon
rent Oregon RN’s license and at least three years o f active practice in a
ule and a demonstrated proficiency with personal computers including
hospital setting o r recent precertification experience.
Windows, DOS commands and utilities.
SUBSIDIZED UNITS may be available at this time. If not,
qualified applicants may be placed on a waiting list. Guardian
Management Corporation is committed to “Equal Housing
IT A u d ito r
M anager o f Electronic C o m m erce
Applications D evelopm ent
(job #230)
(Job #1077)
This position plans, leads, directs and manages technical aspects o f the
Bethea Park Apts
4300 Addey St *3 7
Washougal, WA 98671
consolidation and common system conversions. You will need a bachelor's
its business partners w ith specific emphasis on Internet technologies.
degree in Business Administration, Accounting o r Com puter Science, as
You must have a Bachelor's degree in Statistics, Math, o r C om puter
well as a minimum o f 2 years o f IT audit expenence (preferably in man­
Science including knowledge o f software, data, operating systems,
aged care o r insurance industry).
ments. prepare journal entnes, review cash receipts fo r all lines o f busi­
(job #1036)
You will plan and direct the migration and re-engmeenng o f the Core
ness and subsidiary companies, and prepare the daily cash summary
Business Applications to meet the needs o f corporate business strategies
coursework and have one year o f accounting w ork expenence
report. You must have completed one year o f principals o f accounting
Claim s Analysts
nents and oversee the creation o f data structures that are reusable across
the enterpnse. A Bachelor's degree (o r equivalent expenence) in
Statistics, Math, o r C om puter Science curriculum supporting advanced
$2,223 - $2,702/mo
(Marketing Specialist)
You will reconcile general ledger accounts, issue monthly financial state­
and technology architecture directions, as well as create reliable compo­
Facilities Maintenance Worker
M aintain production schedules
and track status of production
orders. Requires com puter en­
try, filing, distribution, m ainte­
nance and auditing of all pro­
duction orders. Position re­
quires attention to detail and
ability to w ork within a team
atmosphere. Excel experience
Send resume to: Columbia Sports­
w ear C om pany, Hum an Re­
sources, Dept. PSS, PO Box
83239, Portland OR 97283, or
Fax to: (503) 735-4597. Equal
Opportunity Employer.
G eneral Ledger A ccountant
(job #1331)
M anager o f Business
Applications A rch itectu re
Washington County
Closes August 28, 1998
tant in various corporate and IT projects, such as Year 2000, data center
(o r equivalent experience).
Planning Support
Specialist I
In this position, you will be required to participate as a controls consul­
Regence G roup Electronic Com m erce efforts between Regence and
programming languages, interfaces, and system analysis technique
(Job # 1 2 1 1)
(Job #1104)
You will serve as o u r liaison to provide information regarding benefits,
team environment is necessary.
Sportswear Company®
(job #1106)
You will analyze and enter claim information into our automated claims pro­
cessing system. You must have a High School diploma or equivalent
knowledge o f computer science.
Knowledge o f medical terminology and ICD9 and CPT IV coding is required
M anager ofTechnology
A dm in istratio n
Management Analyst I
A d m inistrative Assistant
(job #1322)
(job #1210)
This management position is responsible fo r IT contract management
business resumption planning and other technology administration areas
You must have a Bachelor's degree in Business Management Finance,
$2,989 - $3,632/mo
Accounting, Com puter Science o r related field A t least four years profes­
Closes August 28, 1998
sional level expenence in technology administration, contract manage­
Utility Worker
$2,032 - $2,455/mo
In this position, you will provide secretanal support, including typing min­
utes, answenng calls, maintaining files, sorting mail, and managing reports
and spreadsheets To qualify, you will need at least one year o f secretanal
expenence, o r equivalent and excellent organizational skills. You must also
be able to type 55 words per minute and possess PC skills including
Windows 95 and Office 97
m e nt o r a related business o r technical field is necessary.
W e offer a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package Pre-employment drug screening is required, and we support a smoke-free work envi­
ronment To apply, please indicate job number and/or title at the top o f your resume o r cover letter and submit to Regence BlueCross BlueShield of
Closes August 21, 1998
Oregon end Regence H M O Oregon, Human Resources, R O. Box 12 7 1, P ordw d, OR 97207-1270.TTY # (SOJ) 2254710. W e are
Call (503) 648-8606/TTY (503) 693-4898 for information. County
application and supplemental application forms required.
strongly committed to equal opportunity in all phases o f employment
Apply To:
Washington County Human Resources Division
BlueCross BlueShield o f Oregon
HMO Oregon
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 210
Hillsboro, OR 97124
4l,\l jS-ylz
For more information about career opportunities, call our Job Information Une.
Women, minorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged
1-000-221-1017 or visit our website at www.bcbao.com
to apply.
MBOk A dii*
Entercom Portland R adio Sta­
tions. A dvertising/B roadcast
sales exp. a plus. Excellent
o rg a n izatio nal/w ritten/verbal
com m unication skills. Send re-
sume/references to Human Re­
sources, Entercom Portland,
0700 SW Bancroft St., Port-
land, Oregon 97201. EOE.
Distribution Center
Perform routine and preventive
maintenance for all warehouse
and office equipment, including
an extensive conveyor system .
Tw o to four year minim um in­
dustrial m aintenance experi­
ence and one year experience
m aintaining and repairing con­
veyors with sort system s pre­
ferred. Experience working with
PLC ’s and com puterized sys­
tem s helpful. Must be able to
w ork any shift.
Send resume to: Columbia Sports­
w ear Com pany, Human Re­
sources, Dept. RVGMM, PO
Box83239, Portland OR 97283,
orFaxto: (503)735-4597. Equal
Opportunity Employer.
Radio Advertising Sales - For
Maintenance Mechanic
A U G U S T 19, 1998