♦ - • * • _» ■ ' « VS Page B9 A U G U S T 1 9 ,1 9 9 8 ® J|e J l o r t l a n h ( O b s e r v e r BUSINESS 6 For 6 ' The Bank is now open for you. 7r E X TR A IN C O M E FOR <98 Let me introduce you tp a great income Earn $500 - $ 1000 w e e kly stuffing envelopes. For details - RUSH $1.00 w ith SASE to: opportunity, fo r more information call M.C. Richmond - 283-5474 Between The L in e s Bookstore e n d Coffee Bouse T R E E Cup o f coffee l l "J I GROUP FIVE 6547 N. Academy Blvd., DepL N Colorado Springe, CO 80918 Catalina B r in g th is coupon fo r --Y Coin Op Laundry , 5 5 1 4 & 5 5 1 6 B E 16th 3 8 2 7 - 3 8 1 7 ME MLK B lvd. P o rtla n d , OR 9 7 2 1 2 (5 0 3 ) 3 3 5 -9 9 0 5 H o u rs M on - Fri 9 :0 0 AM - 9 :0 0 PM S at-S un 7 :0 0 AM - 9 :0 0 PM ( o ff K illin g s w o rth ) '2 ^ 2 - lT 0 6 • ■ ■. •»’ -7< - > . .-■ *>• ■ * V - Parking Facility Operator Immediate opening for full and part-lime lot attendant) with Portland1» leading parking Company. We are seeking dependable individual» with a neat appearance and a positive altitude. B U Y A N D SELL S harpning 9 :3 0 T o 3 :0 0 287 6610 PORTLAND OR 97212 b e tw e e n 1 2 : 0 0 a n d 1 :0 0 P M a l C ity C e n te r P a r k in g a t 2 1 5 S W 6 th . DIXON'S ■DOUBLE J TIRE CENTER NEW • USED • NEW CAPS T a x e s , M o u n t in g & B a la n c in g in c lu d e d S is te rs O f T h e R a a b C x fe , In c . DEVELOPMENT MANAGER FULLY GUARANTEED 6841 N.E. MLK BLVD. PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 TELEPHONE (503) 283-9437 •T R Y U S O N C E , Y O U 'LL C O M E SACK A G A IN ." $ G et C ash N ow S CALL todayfo ^ “The Secrets To Getting Need Cash? Don’t wait for your money! AbsduteTop SDollar For You can sell your structured settlement, Your Income Stream” annuity, disability, inheritance, mortgage / Thia vital information can business note, even lottery winnings mean $$$ thousands o f FO R T H E CASH YO U NEED NOW ! extra dollars to you, ----------T------------------ 7 ---------------- Z ---------- A N D IT ’ S FREE! C all : I ntegrity F unding S ources Matties C's Fresh Fish & Meat Market Featuring Cleaned Chitterlings U-BUY/ w e Don’t be cut 1 -8 8 8 -5 F U N D M E ! 493-2577 f r y f is h Homemade Peach Cobbler & 7up Cake short! 7406 N. Vancouver We gladly accept food stamps N A IM S CANNON’S Hair Connection =FU B EXPRESS= F u ll Service Salon Chicken • Pork Ribs • Beef Ribs C a te rin g & T a k e -O u t 4603 N. W illia m s Ave. P ortland, O R 97217 (503) 288-3171 Wayne & Juanita Cannon (Proprietors) Our Specialty: Real Hickory Smoked Bar-B-Q Mon-thur 11:30am-9:00pm • FRI-SAT11:30am-11:00pm* Sun 1:00pm-7:00pm 288-3836 3 3 2 8 N .E . K IL U N G S W O R T H M IL L E N N IU M Kevin’s Personal Touch Car Cleaning M Voice M a il Pager 2.17-6777 Portland. O regon A t i£ r O f f l n (503) 282-2551 « 4929 N .E . Frem ont St. 97213 One, possibly two lim ited dura­ tion attorney vacancies in the Business T ransactions Section of the G eneral Counsel Divi­ sion in Salem. Salary $3,240 to $4,348 a month. DOE. duties include providing general coun­ sel services to Inside Oregon Enterprises, the program pro­ viding inm ate labor forces to the business community. Must have excellent writing, analyti­ cal and verbal skills. M ust be O SB m em ber at time of appt. To apply, call (503) 378-5555 ext 321, (TTY (503) 378-5938) or In te r n e t at h ttp :// w w w .doj.state.or.us. A pplica­ tion deadline is August 25’ 1998. AA/EOE. M onday thru Friday P R O P E R T IE S F » <503) 282-6827 Ph. 240-0565 WE DO CATERING Portland, OR 97217 Christopher Guin Q j in Sales Associate 4:00 PM-8:00 PM and Saturday 7:00 A M -I:00 PM By Appointment Only F or add ition al in fo rm a tio n , please call Kevin H ow ard @ 503-285-0379 ASHANTI G IFT BASKETS 7 Afrocentric gifts for all occasions Exquisite gifts and gift baskets filled with products inspired by the heritage and beauty of African, Caribbean & African American cultures Beautiful artwork and mugs, delicious cakes & cookies, books, aromatic teas and coffees, snacks and more W e take care of all your gif, giving a, cvee&H! BIG CITY PRODUCE 5128 N O R T H A L B IN A S T R E E T (A T S U M N E R ) 460-3830 Call 1-800-416-0523 for a FREE CATALOG. needs QUALITY AT LOW PRICES BEST GREENS IN PORTLAND Shown Precious Moments basket Mrs Bethune Teacakes, Coconut coffee, African art mug, photo book ) * “A G i f t f o r Y o u " G eneral Education Instructor - Responsible for instruction and supervision of students in the Portland Street Academ y for the academic school year 1998- 99. R equires a Bachelor’s de­ gree in Education or related field. To apply, please contact: 1724 NE Alberta Portland, OR • Products recognized for their quality and effectiveness • Complete line of skin, color, body and nail care products Discover a more beautiful you with Jafra's state-of-the-art Skin Care Tuesday - Saturday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM C all m e T O D A Y I SANDRA SALAS (903) 817-9173 Request FREE Catalog Vint our Wetoute at hRpVAwww.iafra.com Jafra C C B #123677 GENERAL Attn: Christy Huff (503)280-2636 The Urban League of Portland is and Equal O pportunity Em ­ ployer. P H IL L Y C A FE CONTRACTOR - 445 N.E. KILUNGSWORTH R O O F IN G Calderon’s Roofing C C B * 129843 Roof Recovers 288-9367 Fish & Chips Terriyaki Chicken & Beef .Hamburgers R e c o v e r s -N e w -R e p a ir s -R e m o d e lin g Licensed • Bonded • Insured Quality Service A t An Affordable Price i The Urban Leaguo of Portland S tylist — E arl Commettes international Q uality Service A t An Affordable Price Phone: 255-4707 • Fax:255-0779 S m a ll House, $ 1, OOO. 0 0 M edium H ouse $1,500. OO R egular H ouse $2, OOO. OO MONDAY - SATURDAY. 8 :3 0 a.m. ; 9 :00 p.m. SUNDAY, 8 :3 0 e.m. - 6 :0 0 p.m. Vtoaneltbflin I • i ■' : V ’ < . 7 X '• m .- *• 7 K u - W - •■■•¿i • •’ 7 ? •• ♦î-’t t \ > ',4*7 » S- A T- • .>T<* A; : J ¿ : i'f .» . - > 7 il P ? ¿ 3 7 3 A S • ' i . < - O V -S l .V * W £ il- - ’ ’ .i'Z'---. Í . ' a ■ ï , . ^«7.*- '-1 WEST COAST BANCORP... ..is now accepting applications for t i / K-ZA * » ; M r ' employment. For a listing of current job opportunities in the financial services industry, please call our job line at 1-800-393-6129. Radio Traffic Director -M u s t E a r l’s B arber Shop Learn how to care for your skin with Information Technology Manager Office of Transportation EOE M/F/D/V Education Complimentary Facial Experience ' T- ' Sisters O f The Road Cafe, an 18 Beautiful Portland, OR seeks an experienced IT M anagerto pro­ yearold non-profit organization vide strategic leadership as part com m itted to alleviating hun­ of our senior management team. ger and poverty in an atm o­ A successful candidate can cre­ sphere of non-violence and ate & execute a strategic plan gentle personalism , has re­ for an efficient, reliable, & easy- opened our search for a full to-use computing environment tim e Developm ent Manager. & inform ation system s includ­ Responsibilities include donor ing IMS, GIS, program m ing, cultivation, coordination and hardware & desktop support, & im plem entation of various de­ netw ork adm inistration. This velopm ent program s, design newly created position leads all and coordination and implemen­ IT staff & m anages a $3.3 m il­ tation of various developm ent lion annual budget. We are look­ programs, design and coordi­ ing for an excellent com m uni­ nation of special events, per­ cator who understands the dy­ sonnel and program m anage­ namic & changing environment ment and public relations. Suc­ of information technologies plus cessful candidates m ust be has a proven track record of com m itted to a philosophy of strong m anagem ent and cre ­ non-violence, have a minimum ative problem solving skills. of 3 years experience in fund The successful candidate must developm ent, be highly orga­ be able to build & carry out nized and have excellent w rit­ broad IT policies while creating ten, verbal and com puter skills. effect teamwork. Annual salary Salary: $22-280 - 24,960 with range: $63,728 to $81,455 with benefits. Send resume, writing generous benefits package. sample- and letterof interest by C om pensation of IT jobs is be­ 8/28/98 to: Genny Nelson, 133 ing reviewed. C loses on M on­ NW 6th Avenue, Portland, OR day, August 3 1 ,199 8. M inori­ 97209. Call for more inform a­ ties and w om en strongly en­ tion (503) 222-5694. couraged to apply. EEO. For application packet call (503) Oregon Department 823-4169. Apply in person, PDX Bldg. 1120 SW 5th Ave, or our Of Justice website: www.ci.portland.or.us Attorney 5 8 0 4 N IN T E R S T A T E A V E N U E PO RTLAND, O R EG O N 97217 (5 0 3 ) 2 8 9 -6 0 6 2 HOURS MON.-FRI. 9 TO 6, SAT. 9 TO 4 ■ 7 . - ♦ Medical and Dental Benefits available ♦ Advancement potential Applicants must have valid drivers license, submit drug test and background check. A p p ly in p e rs o n d a ily Facial N ail Technician 407 Northeast M ason, #8 (Mason & M .L .K in g B lv d .) Portland, Oregon 97211 S at .. . f ♦ $ 1 0 . 5 0 overtim e available (503) 331-1655 8 :3 0 T o 5 :3 0 T hru F ? 4- ; ♦ $ 7 .0 0 /h r starting wage JVcu/& S mall E ngine R epair h? ' *-<■ - • : ■X We offer: B racey & JAY'S MOWER & CHAINSAW 328 NE SHAVER ST. * • » have prior traffic and/or conti­ nuity experience. Com puter skills, good verbal and written com m unications skills. Detail oriented. Send resume/refer- ences to Traffic M anager - Entercom Portland, 0700 S. W. Bancroft Street, Portland, OR 97201. EOE Secretary/ Receptionist A private alternative school needs a reliable, organized punctual FTE. Must be, professional en­ thusiastic. Exc verbal/written and com puter skills. C om peti­ tive salary, H/D + paid holi­ days. Mail o r fax resume. M inority Encouraged to Apply Albina Youth Opp. Sch, Inc. 3710 North M ississippi Port, O re 97227 Fax:282-9682 t