A U G U ST 19, 1998 Page B5 - lije JhirtUtth CONCORDIA NEIGHBORHOOD C oncordia C hairperson ’ s A ddress : Park. Later this month, A u­ the room. The room can also J.C. K izak Concordia N eighborhood be reserved and rented for gust 23rd, we expect a huge other com m unity g a th e r­ crow d at Fernhill Park for runs from NE. 42nd to NE. the Oregon Symphony con­ 22nd (east to w est) and ings; we have a slid in g cert. 'rom C olum bia Boulevard schedule o f fees depending The Livability Committee on the proposed use o f user. to Prescott (north to south). neighbors drafted the commu­ C oncordia featu res the Much o f the planning and nity room agreements, got work for our neighborhood Kennedy School (NE. 33rd them approved, then took on ju s t n o rth o f activities is com pleted by the responsibility for maintain­ K illin g s w o r th ) , a v ario u s c o m m itte e s. We Mcmenamins Pubs & Brew­ staged both a general clean ­ ing and renting the room. At our September general mem­ e rie s’ neighborhood com ­ up and a hazardous waste bership meeting, Safety Com­ plex: gym; soaking pool. clean-up this year. CNA C oncordia N eighborhood participated very success­ mittee neighbors will present A s s o c ia tio n (C N A ) and fully with a tour and p o t­ their proposal for enhancing neighborhood safety. The m any in d iv id u a ls in the luck for NUSA conference Land Use Committee again has neighborhood expended a visitors earlier this year. a chair and will be handling great effort to resurrect the C oncordia has som e old those activities. CNA’s board K e n n ed y S c h o o l; CNA trees, e.g. shady A insw orth lack several members, but we gained the dedicated use of Blvd., but is also actively are functioning; certainly, replanting an urban forest our own com m unity room w e’d like a few more good through Friends o f Trees; for the next 10 years. neighbors to become involved. The association currently Maggie W hite, co-chair and And thank you, thank you to u ses th is sp ace fo r our chair for this project for the everyone who has been pitch­ m onthly neighborhood as­ p ast tw o y e a rs , is a lso ing in! s o c ia tio n m e e tin g s , fo r CN A ’s Treasurer. Friends C o n co rd ia has a large board m eetings, and for our of Trees honored her this pool o f neighbors and busi­ various co m m ittee m eet­ year as N eighborhood C o­ ness people who may not ings. We acquired used fur­ ordinator o f the Year. p a r tic ip a te re g u la rly at O ur S ocial C o m m itte e nishings through various m eetings but who are fully n e ig h b o rs o rg a n iz e d our sources including Nike and involved in prom oting our Saturday F arm er’s M arket the City o f Portland; w e’ve neighborhood, e.g. Sabin and ran our annual allocated some o f our funds CDC is actively involved in for ongoing m aintenance o f Concordia picnic at Fernhill bv ntlGHDORnOOD HEWS 6 EVfflTS Kenton Kenton was recognized as the Neighborhood o f the Year by the Mayor’s Office. They were the recipients of the “Spirit of Portland” award given out last Fall. Residents o f Kenton were praised for their spirit of cooperation. They’ve taken on many issues in the neighborhood, including cleaning up intersections and illegal dump sites. The neighborhood also welcomed the siting of a new Multnomah County jail. Pearl Come and watch an outdoor movie showing on the side of a building. Bring a lawnchair, food and refreshments. On August 22nd, the Pearl Neighborhood is hosting this entertaining event, showing “Priscilla: Queen o f the Desert” at dusk on the side of the Dehen Knitting Building. This is a fund-raiser for the Pearl District and a chance for some family fun. Other city neighborhoods in Seattle, Berkeley and Boulder have tried this with much success. Hollywood The Green Neighborhood Network (GNN) is a partnership created to enhance the communities environment. The Hollywood business district and surrounding NE. Portland neighborhoods are GNN’s target area. It is a two - year effort to build on environmental programs o f local govern­ ments, Pacific Power, and non-profit groups in the areas of energy efficiency, recycling, water efficiency, neighborhood tree planting, tran­ sit, pedestrian and bicycle activities, and more, to create a resource efficient community. GNN will be at the Hollywood Farmers market on September 19th. Call 823-7725. Cathedral Park North Beach is the last underdeveloped corridor of land along the Willamette River inside the City o f Portland. One hundred seventy-five acres of land. North Beach stretches two miles from the University of Portland to Cathedral Park under the St. Johns Bridge. Ripe for develop­ ment, North Beach is an undiscovered river front asset for the entire metropolitan area. The best view is from the Willamette Boulevard bridge over the railroad cut. You can see the future Willamette Cove Park to the right (west). the A lberta Streetscaping project and spearheaded our Alberta Street Fair. We have art galleries, a v in ­ tage video shop, ethnic res­ taurants. We have m urals - check out the most recent e ffo rt o rg a n iz e d by AmeriCorps volunteers on 42nd & K illin g s w o rth ; also, the mural in progress at Guardino Studios (co r­ ner o f 30th & A lberta). We celebrate diversity in o u r sh o p s, c h u rc h e s , schools (C oncordia U ni­ versity is one o f our good neighbors!), restau ran ts, h o u ses and n e ig h b o rs . W hile we aren ’t one big, happy fam ily, more and more, we are cooperating as neighbors to improve this space we call home, Concordia N eighborhood. If you are one o f o u r C oncordia neighbors, do consider a more direct in­ volvem ent in some o f our activities; if you live else­ where in Portland, come visit; w e're shaping o u r­ selves into another great corner o f Portland. CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY U ndergraduate M ajors Biology Environmental General Molecular Pre-Medical Pre-Physical Therapy/Sports Medicine Business A dm inistration Accounting & Financial Management Economics Environmental Management Health Care Management Human Resources Management International Business Marketing Nonprofit Managemnt Small Business Entrpreneurship Sabin To better meet the needs o f customers and the community. Nature’s Fresh Northwest is moving from its current location on 24th and NE. Fremont, to 3535 NE. 15th. The relocated store will open in the spring of 1999. It will be significantly larger than the current store and will also offer greatly expanded off-street parking. Nature’s has a social mission to help people enjoy healthful eating and for people to vote with their purchase for socially and environmentally responsible food production and distribu­ tion. Chemistry Director o f Christian Education (DCE) Alameda r:: Education Early Childhood Elementary Middle School HighSchool English Health and Fitness Management Humanities Interdisciplinary Studies The Alameda Community Association is committed to promoting understanding and acceptance o f all people. They created a Statement of Unity three years ago to say that their neighborhood welcomes and values all people. Alameda’s Board has decided to sponsor and attend an evening o f Diversity Training. They have asked the Metropolitan Human Rights Center to provide a night of training to the Alameda Community on October 26th. The two and a half hour session will be fun and eye opening. Call 284-1314. Psychology Social Science History Political Science Psychology Sociology Social Work Theatre Theological Studies Apostolic Ministry Church Staff Pastoral Ministry Campus Activities Chi Beta Chi (Business Club) Concordia Choir Concordia Handbell Choir Concordia Jazz Ensemble Epsilon Pi Delta (Professional Church Workers) Missions Club Poetry Club Psychology club Sigma Tau Delta (English Honor Society) Concordia University has a new 245-bed residence h a ll. The $4.9 million project has enabled Concordia to fulfill its long held objective o f enriching the campus community by welcoming about 200 more students who wish to reside on campus. Neighbors were invited to tour the dorms and celebrate this landmark achievement. "In the past, we've had to find other housing for students who would have preferred to stay on campus. The addition o f the new residence hall will not only create the student housing we sorely need, but also result in a more diverse student mix that is certain to make campus life richer for all o f us, ’ says Dr. Mark Wahlers, Vice President o f Enrollment and Student Services.) A t o u r sm all university, happen. Minds stretch, begin take hold and m ake their w ay tw oard reality, start o f begin again People discover a p lace to grow in a setting strenghtened by values and ethics. m ake it happen at C oncordia U niversity. 2811 NE Holman Street • Portland • Oregon 1-800-321-9371 • http://www.cu-portland.edu PORTLAND 97211-6099 OREGON Intramural Sports Christian Life Ministry Residence Hall Association Concordia CorpR (Community Service) The Promethean (Literary Arts Journal) Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA): Men's Soccer, Men’s Basketball. Men's Baseball Women's Soccer. Women's Volley­ ball, Women's Basketball. Women's Fastpitch C O N C O R D IA CHI