AUGUST 19, 1998 Page B4 ÿ o rtla n b (©bseruer Environmental Justice And Convent C ontinved F rom E ditorial chloride manufacturing plant in Convent. This $700 million plant, which will be a mile-long in size, and will receive a ten year industrial property tax exemption o f some $94.5 million and a $35 million sales/use tax rebate, amounting to a $800,000 tax abatement per job. The proposed site for the plant is just a little over a mile away from the local elementary school, where many of the children already suffer from serious cases of asthma and other respiratory ailments. All roads in Convent are dead-end and empty out onto the River Road, running parallel to the Mississippi. It would be nearly impossible, then, to evacu­ ate either the schools or the homes if an accident were to occur in that plant. The most frightening part of the decision to locate the Shintech plant in Convent is the danger of toxic emissions from the plant. Polyvinyl chloride manufacturing means diox­ ins will be released into the atmo­ sphere and dioxins have been proven to cause cancer. In an area already besieged by high incidence of cancer in both the young and the old, it is difficult to understand how Convent could have been chosen for yet an­ other plant. As the Environmental Protection Agency studies whether to allow the Shintech plant to be built, the poli­ tics of Louisiana have taken over. The Governor, who backs the plant vocally, held a press conference say­ ing that he had asked the residents of Convent if they wanted the plant and they had all indicated they did. When we visited Convent this spring, we had trouble finding people who had been questioned by the Governor. Indeed, the governor has even threat­ ened publicly the Tulane University Law School clinic for its legal as­ sistance to the people of Convent who are fighting the plant. Stories of state and private contracts going to those who support the plant abound. Meanwhile, the people o f Con­ vent are the ones suffering. Fami­ lies tom apart between those who support the plant and those who do not. Children, already sick, facing even more pollution in the air they breathe and the water they drink. Women facing high miscarriage and cancer rates. Men are also sick and many are unemployed. If ever there was a case o f envi­ ronmental racism, Convent, LA is it. While the legal and political arguments rage, the people en­ dure. PARAG S ecurity/D ispatcher Provides evening security for all Paragon facilities and maintainscommunication between field personnel,customers, office employees, and public emergency response personnel. D is p a tc h e r is r e lS ^ K ^ ^ ^ ^ W e c u r ity a n d ^ ^ ^ q u ip m e n f^ e ^ ^ ^ e r ^ respond quicklyinttleeventthatanemergencysituation arises.The dlspatcherisresponsibieforloggingfacb' g and access, relaying information received from inbound cust0™e^ ' 9 » ^ troublesnooting repair problems over the phone with customers. Candidate must learn and properly operate var ous communication tools (radio, pagers M.D.T. and our current billing system C S.G.M _ _— Minimum Must have qualifh Windows-based c o m ^ í S f l ^ ^ B e m o n s t r a t e d customer service, and communications skills. Prior Security We offer competitive salary, commission program and comprehensive benefits as part of one of the largest media companies in the world. Qualified applicants should mail or fax resume and cover letter Wl T H salary requirements Ito: A Tlme-Wamer Company 3075 NE Sandy Blvd. Portland, OR 97232 EmaH: Proud to be and Equal Opportunity and ADAEmployer_ INNOVATIVE PROGRESSIVE VALUE DRIVEN If you are seeking a career opportunity with an orga­ nization that offers challenge and opportunity, con­ sider Southwest Washington Medical Center. Lo­ cated in Vancouver, Washington, just minutes from most points in the Portland Metropolitan areas, we are a growing dynamic acute care medical facility. We are seeking individuals who are highly guest service oriented, creative, and team players in a vari­ ety of areas and specialties. From Physical Therapists to Food Service Workers, Radiology Technicians to Registered Nurses, Respiratory Therapists, Speech Pathologists and Housekeepers, opportunity and chal­ lenge await. We offer competitive salaries and an excellent benefits package. For more information about our openings please contact our Job Line at: 1-800-455-4443 or Fax: 1-360-256-2267 or Doug Williams, Human Resource Specialist at 1-360-256-2097 or 1-360-256-3244 TTY. Equal Opportunity Employer .k A : ? À •'*•-