Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 08, 1998, Page 6, Image 6

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JULY 8,1998
Page A6
(The ^Jortlanb ©bseruer
pàmiiy GDàrreRs: TJhe CUày I r ÜJàs
I’ k o i . M i K im
i x Bi ki
Q uite a lew haxc asked about
those many smal I but x aluable'fam ­
(1924-1933) are my most be'autiful
past and it is becom ing m ore amt
in m em ories fisting until the early
more apparent that recalling "the
I here w ere his trained military cita­
and ilangling part ieipie-' hew a s ' run­
ning w here, child’’ A nd > ou diiln I
way it w as" m a y b e very im portant lo
tions and new spaper articles. On
another w all hung his m andolin
get lix’ resentful or sassy about it.
Dismissal from the table could m ean
(vv hen he w as not play ing it) and his
a special trip to g ran d p a's room ; he
w ho. like the ancient Egyptians. be-
liex eil that a b o y 's ears w ere located
ily ’ interaetions that I eited in the
retirement o f hiseareer. railw aym ail
elerk. A beautiful and giv ing lifeeut
series on "S upper I able Input, or
short by eaneer but leas mg a legacy
"S chix’lyanl Violence.
\ l lirst. I w as quite surprised, tor
that w ill fist forex er.
I ( ollins Scott. college graduate.
Spanish A m erican w ar \ derail, dedi­
not only w as I talking about x ester-
dax' in the fullest senseol thew ord.
but because so many inquiries and
eom m ents w ere from parents (and
the one just before A ctually. the
interest was across-the-board; el-
dersw eresax ing,"that slight.that s
the way it w as."
I e t's stan with grandpa.' the
stem, but kind, m iddle age head ol
the household w hieh my recently
cated lamily man. very learned and
an excellent musician-in the way ol
the strong black men o f his day. here
fused to let v ieious and v iolent rac­
ism completely eireum senbe a bril­
liant m ind o r a liletim eo l 'giv ing.
T he limitations ol a new spaper
article are obv ions, but I will try to
convey as m uch o f the m eaning and
relevance as possible. So, bear w ith
our future.
There w as so m uch co m m ent on
that "respect for personal space." I ll
begin w ith ’space,' a concept vv Inch
in all o f m a n 's cultures and relation­
ships has s e n eel to help him av oid
irritation and even eonlliet.
I ve
s|xiken o f the six m em bers o f o u r
household and then specific assign­
m ents o f space; each had protocols
( irandpa s rixnn vv as a w ondrous
place, guaranteed to gain the undi-
v ided attention o f any vine from sm all
child to adult, even the m ost blase.
dix oreed m other joined w hen I xx as
But, believe me, these
I ooking back. I'd say the w alls w ere
a com bination m useum and art gal­
the atie two. T he next nine vears
w ere im portant limes in shaping the
lery. A special tack held the huge.
me. if a lot sounds like disconnected
heavy rille form the w ar with Spam.
favorite landscape paintings.
( )n a third wall hung photographs
o f friends anil associates. Anil as
with the otherarti tacts in this marv cl­
ous high-ceiling place, any w ell-di­
cluded the dexelopm ent o f a respect
tor the yard space o f a neighbor as
w ell as the reciprocal concept that
neighbors (or their children) did not
intrude upon yours-exeept by ex ­
press perm ission o r by 'tradition.'
As a m atter o f fact, d id n 't English
on Ins behind.
1 efsg o o u tsid elb i awhile. I would
hax e fought the dex il and all the angels
rected question co u ld bring an an­
sw er w hich w as an education in it­
aswell Ibi th ep rix ilege’otlielping my
grundlather take care ot his gardens;
self. If you asked, who'.’; you also
were told 'vvliat' that person did and
eithei tliex egetablesthat supplem ental
why. 11 you query w as concerning a
place you w ere told ol its current and
zinnias. I ong before “Dr. Spock,
wise and respected 'lather figures.'
quite easily persuaded kids to partici­
past role in the schem e ol things.
And, oh yes. just as at the supper
table, you w ere corrected it verbs did
O n e’s outdixir socialization in­
t om m on Law dex elop around this
basic concept o f "space'-an idea
xx liieh w ent far in reducing eonlliet
and x iolenee, betxx een states or be­
tw een neighbors'.’
N ext w eek: W hat the kids did. on
their ow n and in cooperation xx ith
the com m unity. Is it possible for
our supper table, o r his prize-xx inning
pate in many a project that would be
'm o th er figures' to replace the "la ­
ther figure'.’’' Isn't that already h ap ­
rejected today.
not match the subject, lor ehangingl
■person’ in tlie m iddle o f a senteneel
jA Solid & ClecM Fortress
B usiness
Tucker Joins Norris, Beggs, & Simpson
M a rth a T u c k e r h as jo in e d
Norris. Beggs, & Sim pson’s Port­
land o ffice as System A d m in is­
trato r A dm in istrato r and S en io r
M arket A nalyst for the M arket
R e s e a rc h D e p a r tm e n t, a n ­
nounced J. C layton H erin, P resi­
dent for the C om pany.
T ucker in itially jo in e d
N o rris, B eggs, & S im pson in
1989 for three years, rejo in in g
the com pany in 1998 to pro v id e
support as System A dm inistrator
for the com pany. In this c a p a c ­
ity, she will provide technical
Martha Tucker
support, train in g and facilitatio n
to all em ployees. In addition,
she w ill also e n su re all o f the
c o m p a n y ’s c u rre n t h a rd w a re ,
s o ftw a re and p e rip h e ra ls are
m aintained, as w ell as m ake re c ­
o m m en d atio n s fo r fu tu re p u r­
chases and im p ro v em en ts. A n­
o ther key re sp o n sib ility M artha
w ill oversee is N o rris, B eggs, &
S im p so n 's p ro p rie ta ry database.
T u c k e r p re v io u sly w o rk e d at
S&P com pany as an Inform ation
S ystem s M anager, re sp o n sib le
for netw ork a d m in istra tio n on a
Novell 3.12 Local A rea N etw ork.
She also has a B.S. deg ree in
Finance and M anagem ent form
the U niversity o f O regon.
Norris, Beggs, & Sim pson, in
business for over 66 years, is a
regional real estate brokerage, as­
set and property m anagem ent, and
mortgage financing firm w ith of­
fices in m ajor cities in O regon and
W ashington. It is affiliated w ith
the New America International, the
N ation’s largest organization o f
independent industrial and com ­
mercial real estate professionals.
Theft Is Theft. The Need For Copyright
Protection from On-line Piracy
Traffic on the Internet doubles
every 100 days, and growth in elec­
tronic commerce is predicted to reach
an astonishing $300 billion by 2000.
But a new kind o f crime, the illegal
copying and distribution o f software,
movies, books and music over the
Internet threatens U.S. jobs. In 1996,
software piracy resulted in 130,000
lost jobs, $5.3 million in lost wages
and nearly $ 1 billion in lost tax rev­
The House Commerce Subcom­
mittee on T elecommunications, T rade
and Consumer Protection favorably
reported H.R. 2281, a bill that would
extend copyright protections to the
Internet and protect creative works
on-line. And, this week, the full House
commerceCommittee is scheduled to
mark up the legislation. This impor­
tant legislation has already passed the
House Judiciary committee.
Countries around the world are
keeping a close eye on how the U.S.
Congress addresses The World In­
tellectual Property O rganization
(W IPO) Copyright Treaty. The
United States is the global leader in
the information technology arena.
This provides the U.S. with the op­
portunity to take the lead in protect­
ing copyright on the Internet. The
viability o f industries that produce
everything from movies to software
depend on it.
Major Warehouse Facility Slated For Rivergate
T h e P o rt o f P o rtla n d c o m ­
m issio n to d a y a p p ro v e d a s u b ­
s ta n tia l lan d sa le in th e P o r t’s
R iv e rg a te In d u s tr ia l D is tr ic t
th a t w ill so o n be hom e to o n e
o f th e la rg e s t w a re h o u se o p ­
e ra tio n s in th e P o rtla n d m e tro ­
p o lita n re g io n .
T .M . L ee D e v e lo p m e n t C o .,
a S e a ttle b a se d in d u stria l real
e sta te d e v e lo p e r, w ill p u rc h a se
th e p ro p e rty and u se th e site to
b u ild
a p p ro x im a te ly
5 1 6 ,0 0 0 s q u a r e fo o t p u b lic
w a re h o u se . It w ill be lo c a te d
o n an e x t e n s i o n on N o r th
R am sey B o u le v a rd in S outh
R i v e r g a t e , n e a r th e n e w
W e ld e d T u b e C o m p a n y o f
A m e ric a ste e l tu b e m a n u fa c ­
tu rin g f a c ility c u rre n tly u n d er
c o n s tru c tio n .
U p o n its c o m p le tio n , th e
m a s s iv e T .M . L ee D e v e lo p ­
m en t o w n e d s tru c tu re w ill be
le a se d to A & M W a re h o u se s,
In c ., o f A u b u rn , W a sh ., w h ich
c o n tro ls m o re th a n 2 m illio n
sq u are feet o f p u b lic w a re h o u se
sp a c e in th e S e a ttle /T a c o m a
a re a .
G o rd o n M c A llis te r, A & M ’s
p re s id e n t, sa id : “ A & M W a re ­
h o u s e s h a s e x p e r ie n c e d i n ­
c re a se d c u s to m e r d e m a n d fo r
w a re h o u se sp a c e in P o rtla n d .
W e feel th e tim in g is rig h t to
e n te r th e P o rtla n d m a rk e t w ith
a stro n g p re s e n c e . T h is is an
e x c itin g p ro je c t th a t w ill e n ­
a b le A & M to p ro v id e a q u a l­
ity , w e ll-lo c a te d fa c ility th a t
is e sp e c ia lly w ell su ite d fo r our
c u sto m e rs in v o lv e d in in te r n a ­
tio n a l tr a d e .”
He n o te d th a t R iv e r g a te ,
w h ich o ffe rs q u ic k and e asy
m a rin e te rm in a l, fre e w a y and
a irp o rt a c c e ss, is a ra re and
d e s ira b le lo c a tio n fo r se rv in g
th e n e e d s o f b u s in e s s e s o p e r ­
a tin g in th e g lobal m a rk e tp la c e.
4135 NE Mallory
fc Gas stove, refridgerator,
washer & dryer remain
Water filter system - entire
4> 2 car detached garage 220V
4> 3 + Bedrooms
fc Open & Spacious
t> Eat in kitchen
t> Photographers Darkroom
Hardwood floors
4> Park like yard with fenced privacy
éa/br m otion/ a b o u t thiy lwm& catL:
fo r
Carol/ Pa$& ColZC&r
E R A P ounder R ealty
era ;
2 5 6 -0 2 20 (0 )9
1 9 9 8 S<U£M£M‘E‘K
‘R ilT /L Y and <F£4iM<I‘LY
This Year' Theme
"W hat's I n d e p e n d e n c e W ithout J u stic e "
Sat. July 11th
Dawson Park
(N. Vancouver & Stanton)
1 pm til 7 pm
T he_ Day Will Include:
Speakers • Gospel R&B Music • Games for kids •
Booths • Foot
$200.00 worth o f food gifts
certificates gixin to the
fam ilies w ho brings o u t the
largest g e n e ra tio n o f family
m e m b e rs.
-For more information-
Call Joe "Bean" Keller at
C h il d r e n F ir s t
M arian W right E delman
In The Golden Tear, the great
English Poet Laureate Alfred
Lord Tennyson wrote:
Ah! when shall all men's good
Be each man’s rule, land
universal peace
Lie tike a shaft o f light across
the land.
And like a lane o f beams
athwart the sea,
Through all the circle o f the
golden year?
If we were to change it to read:
“When shall all children's good be
each person’s rule...,” the world
would be healed. I think w e’ve
forgotten the primary rule o f all
civilizations and all creatures. A
lioness will die protecting her cubs;
elephants will move about the land
in search o f food and water clus­
tered around their young who walk
at the center o f the group, sur­
rounded by caring adults.
Have human beings, besieged by
drugs, violence, economic distress.
and a culture ready to dump its val­
ues over the side o f the lifeboat for
material gain and power, become
less than the beasts? Sometimes I'm
afraid that w e’re getting there.
Putting children first is not always
the easiest or most comfortable thing
to do. I have been a full-time mother
and the full-time president o f the
Children’s Defense Fund for almost
three decades. I know how hard it is
to remember what is important, to
keep a proper balance between work
and family, to constantly examine
the pages o f my life story by the light
in my children’s eyes. But I know
that nothing else I can ever do will
matter as much. If you’re a parent,
you’ve been here, you know what
it’s like to juggle a dozen things and
wonder how you can make it through
one more day. But you do, because
you must.
But what if you’re not a parent?
Shouldn’t you care about children
too? something disturbing has hap­
pened to us in the past few decades.
People who have no children o f their
own have begun to think that chil­
dren are none o f their business. If
that’s where you are, you’re dead
It is said in the Native American
culture that a grandparent’s job is to
pray for the children. Children, I
believe, are everyone’s responsibil­
ity—a trust that involves working,
praying, and living in a way that puts
children first and provides a model
for adulthood.
if you are involved in glorifying
violence in the media, you are not
putting children first. If you work or
advocate for federal, state, or local
government policy like protecting
guns and cigarettes and marketing
them to children, you are not putting
children first. Ifyou are not support­
ing the life o f a chi Id you brought into
this world with time, attention, and
money, you are not putting children
first. If you are abusing alcohol or
drugs or indulging in violence in the
presence o f children who do what
you do, not what you say, you are not
putting children first. If you are not
teaching and I i ving a love-and value-
based life, you are not putting chil­
dren first.
I believe this is a crucial time in
the world. It should never become
too trite to say our children are our
future. As we approach the new
millennium, we can work to ensure
a future for our earth and our spe­
cies. We can make each year a
“ golden year” by m aking “all
children's good” our own personal
rule. We can put children first in
everything we do. W ecanallw ork
to w ards the goals w e at the
Children’s Defense Fund and the
Black Community Crusade for
Children have made our passion
and our life’s work: to ensure for
all children a Healthy Start, a Head
Start, a Fair Start, and a Moral
Start in life.
Or we can end history in a
Let me end as / began with
Tennyson’s message o f hope:
The deep moans round with
many voice.
Come, my friends,
’Tis not too late to seek a
newer world.