Page A2 J U L Y 1,1998 (Ttye { lo r t Lattò School Gun Bill Right On Target Senators Ron Wyden (D) and Gordon Smith (R )ofO regon ha\ e introduced a bill encouraging states to pass legislation m andat­ ing detention for any student found to be in possession o f a firearm on school premises in v io- lation o f federal or state law . S. 2169 would require a period o f observation o f not more than 72 hours to allow for psychological evaluation and a judicial deter­ m ination regarding the student’s potential dangerto him selfor oth­ ers. States which pass such legis­ lation would receive a 25% in­ crease in federal funding under the Juvenile Justice and D elin­ quency Prevention Act o f 1974. “ T his ap proach is one we istrongjv su££on;2 iiiistated Alan Gottlieb, chairm an o f the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bar Arms (CCRKBA). “ Inci­ dents such as the Springfield, O r­ egon, shooting are rarely as spon­ taneous as they appear. Kip Kinkel had been sending signals for a long time: to his peers, to his teachers, to his parents, signals that som ething was going dreadfully w rong in his life. No one read the signals cor­ rectly. S. 5169 will ensure that the appropriate professionals are given the opportunity to interv ene before a tragedy occurs.” President Clinton recently di­ rected Education Secretary Rich­ ard Riley and Attorney General Janet Reno to develop an “early warning guide” to be distributed to school and other public officials to assist in identifying the “danger signs” that troubled youth fre­ quently send. These signs can be verbal or behavioral. Clinton has also endorsed the W yden/Sm ith bill. “The knee jerk reaction to im­ pose more gun controls in the wake o f these incidents fails to address the underlying problem ," Gottlieb observed. “W hile giving the ap­ pearance o f doing som ething, gun control is a band-aid approach to a potentially serious hem orrhage. This legislation goes right to the source o f the problem and focuses on preventive intervention at the right point and the right tim e.” “ It is encouraging to see an effec­ tive, bi-partisan approach to the real £rotdem J one2ha£avoidsjhe divb sive and polarizing issue o f gun control, said Joe Waldron, Execu­ tive Director o f CCRKBA; “The more we can channel our energy into cooperative efforts such as this, the better it is for gun owners and non-gun ow ners alike.” With more than 650,000 mem ­ bers and supporters nationw ide, the Citizens Com m ittee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) is one o f the nation’s premiere gun rights organizations. As a non-profit organization, the Com m ittee is dedicated to pre­ serving firearms freedoms through active lobbying o f elected offi­ cials and facilitating grass-roots organization o f gun rights activ­ ists in local com m unities through­ out the United States. A 19-year-old T acom a, W ash ­ ington man w as shot and killed a n d a 19-year-old Tacom a, W ash­ ington woman is recovering from gunsh o t w ounds after an early m orning incident. At 4:28 a.m ., W ednesday, June 17, 1998, Portland Police w ere called to the R odew ay M otel in conn ectio n w ith a man having been shot in room #128. Police arriv ed to d isc o v e r a 19-year- old black m ale dead ap p a re n tly from a gunshot injury to the head. A lso, shot d u ring the in cid en t w as a 19-year-old black fem ale. She w as the victim o f a g u n shot w ound to the rear to rso and has been tran sp o rted to a local h o s­ pital for treatm ent. Both v ictim s w ere ap p arently shot w hile in ­ side the m otel room . It is believed th at an argum ent o ccurred in the p arking lot area o f the m otel betw een the tw o v ic ­ tim s and at least one other. T he argum ent cu lm in a te d w ith the victim s going back to the m otel room . It is u n clear w h eth er the sh o o ter w as inside or o u tsid e o f the m otel room w hen the shots w ere fired. The v ictim s w ere in ­ ju red by rounds fired from a sem i­ a u to m a tic fire a rm . W itn e sse s stated h av in g seen tw o to four subjects leav e the scene in w hat has been d e sc rib e d as a light blue large A m e ric a n -m ad e a u to m o ­ bile. The victim nam es are being w ithheld p e n d in g fam ily n o tifi­ cations. In v e stig a tiv e S erg ean ts R. H einbach and B. R enna are assigned the case. Oregon to Receive New Funds to Hire Cops P resid en t C lin to n annou n ced $27 m illio n in g ra n ts to be re ­ leased to local and sta te law e n ­ fo rcem en t a g e n c ie s to hire 400 new p o lic e o ffic e rs. T he 1994 C rim e A ct created the C o m m u n ity O rie n te d P o lic ­ ing S erv ices P rogram (C O P S ), w hich has help ed fund the h ir­ ing o f o v e r 7 6 ,0 0 0 p o lic e o f f ic ­ e rs. S in c e th a t tim e , v io le n t c rim e ra te s h a v e d ro p p e d by m ore than 15% and m u rd ers are dow n by m ore than 25% . T he g ran t m oney w ill go to 35 sta te s and te rrito rie s in clu d in g : A la b a m a , A rk a n sa s. A riz o n a , C a lifo rn ia , C o lo ra d o , F lo rid a, G e o rg ia , Iow a, Illin o is, L o u isi­ a n a , M a s s a c h u s e tts , M a in e , M ichigan, M in nesota, M issouri, M is s is s ip p i, N o rth C a ro lin a , N orth D akota, N ew Je rse y , New M exico, New Y ork, O k lah o m a, O re g o n , P e n n sy lv a n ia , P uerto R ico, R hode Island, South C a ro ­ lin a , T e n n e sse e , T exas, U tah, V irg in ia , W a sh in g to n , W isc o n ­ sin , W est V irg in ia , W yom ing. T he P resid en t also signed tw o b ills, the B u lle tp ro o f V est P a rt­ n ersh ip G ran t A ct, and the C are for P o lice S u rv iv o rs A ct. The B u lle tp r o o f V e st P a rtn e rs h ip G r a n t A c t p r o v id e s f e d e r a l m a tc h in g g ra n ts to help states and lo c a litie s p u rc h a se b u lle t­ p ro o f v e sts. T he C are for P olice S u rv iv o rs A ct g u a ra n te e s fu n d ­ ing for co u n se lin g program s that a s s is t th e fa m ilie s o f p u b lic safety o ffic e rs k ille d in the line o f duty. In a d d itio n , P re sid e n t C linton c a lle d on the A tto rn e y G eneral and the S e c re ta ry o f E d u cation to d e v e lo p a plan to p ro v id e c o m m u n ity -b a se d po lice o ffic ­ ers to all in te re ste d sch o o ls. “ T he P re sid e n t and the D em o­ c ra ts are le a d in g the ch arg e to m ake our stre e ts and our sch o o ls sa fe r,” said D em ocratic N ational C om m ittee (D N C ) G eneral C hair G o v e rn o r Roy R om er. “ P olice o ffic e rs w ill have the re so u rc e s they need, and th e ir fam ilies w ill re c e iv e the help they need in the ev en t o f a tra g e d y .” “ T he b ills sig n e d show th at the P re sid e n t and the D em ocrats in C o n g re ss are se rio u s about p ro te c tin g o u r c o m m u n itie s and p ro te c tin g o u r p o lic e o ffic e rs ,” said D N C N a tio n a l C h a ir S teve G ro ssm a n . “ T h e ir stro n g le a d ­ e rsh ip has m ade our hom es and o u r p e o p le m ore s e c u re .” Portland Police Bureau Names New PIO On Monday, June 29, 1998, De­ tective-Sergeant Cheryl Kanzler, as­ sumed the duties as the Public Infor­ mation Officer (PIO) for the Port­ land Police Bureau. Chery l Kanzler, a 18-year veteran o f the Bureau left her duties as a Homicide Detective to take over the responsibilities. The Tigard Police Department, in cooperation with Crime Stoppers, is asking for your help in determ in­ ing the identity and cause o f death o f an infant. On Saturday, April 18, 1998, at about 12:30 in the afternoon, three young children found the body o f an infant while playing in a wetland area in Tigard. The body was dis­ covered in a sw'ampy area behind a building materials business in the 1 would like to take this opportu­ nity to thank my friends with the Portland Police Bureau, Bureau o f Emergency Communications, and the Law Enforcement community for making a difficult job much easier. The continual advances and elec­ 8100 block o f SW Hunziker Street. Highway 217 borders the location on the other side. The infant was found in a pillow­ case tied shut with a cotton cord. The body was wrapped in a maroon, extra large, full-length sleeveless dress, a towel and several garbage bags. The bundle was weighed down by a piece o f cinder block, broken brick and a rock. The body was that o f a male o f tronic growth made by both Law Enforcement and the Media have presented challenges to both sides. Although many hurdles have been met and cleared, continual efforts must be maintained to elevate the openness, trust and information shar­ ing we all desire. To the profession­ alism dem onstrated by the lion’s share o f the media representatives I have worked with, thank you and I hope to see you around. I will continue with PIO duties until July, 6,1998. A tthattim el will assume duties in the Detective Divi­ sion 3800 Block/NE 102nd Avenue o f frien d s and acquaintances. T he suspect is nam ed V iet Tri Ngo. N go is b elieved to be c o n ­ nected w ith a 1985 four door H anda A ccord, w hite in color, O regon Plate 349 AQP. N go is d escrib es as a V iet­ nam ese m ale, 25-years-old ( Date o f Birth Sept. 01, 1972), 5 '6 " , 125 lbs., black hair, brow n eyes, m issing his left index finger, and a scar over his left eye. A nyone w ith in fo rm a tio n re ­ garding the w h ereab o u ts o f Ngo is asked to co n tact P ortland Po­ lice Bureau D etectives K. Ferrell or D. Rubey at 823-0400. a Call us at 288-0033 or fax: 288-0015 : • 7 LITER COK Homicide June 7 , 1998/N W 16th And Everett Ford M ustang w hen he w as shot and k illed . In v e stig a to rs have not been ab le to id en tify a m o­ tiv e fo r th e sh o o tin g . D etectiv es are a sk in g anyone w ith in fo rm a tio n re g a rd in g a c ­ t i v i t i e s in th e a r e a o f NW { 3 a r t l a n h (O b s e im c x * i Portland Police Seek information O n S u n d ay m o rn in g Ju n e 7, 1998, at 2 :3 0 a .m ., P o lice d is ­ c o v e r e d 3 3 - y e a r - o ld J e f f r e y S tev en L an g e, w h ite m ale. D ate o f B irth S ep t. 30, 1964, d ead at the w heel o f his ru n n in g veh icle. L ange w as d riv in g a w h ite 1987 : in unknown race, and may have been at the location for as long as two or three months. An autopsy indicates the infant may have been a newborn. Crime Stoppers is offering a cash reward of up to $ 1,000 for informa­ tion, reported to Crime Stoppers, that leads to a resolution in this case, or arrest in any unsolved felony crime, and you do not have to give your name. Call Crime Stoppers at (503) 823-HELP. Homicide Victim Identified T he victim o f S unday m orn- in g J u n e 2 1 , 1998 h o m icid e has been id e n tifie d as 2 9 -y ear-o ld (D ate o f B irth Feb. 08, 1969) Tri D uong o f S o u th east P o rt­ land. D uong w as stab b ed to death a fte r an a rg u m en t w ith an o th er V ie tn a m e se m ale at a g ath erin g ADVERTISE E v erett, betw een NW 16th and NW 20th A v en u es d u rin g the hours o f 12:30 A .M . and 2:30 A .M . to c o n ta c t D e te c tiv e s W. S v ila r o r D. A n d erso n at P o rt­ land P o lice D e te c tiv e D ivision 82 3 -0 4 7 9 . Reward yourself for joining the fight against bland chicken! Take home a FR EE 2 Liter Coke when you buy 12 pieces or more o f Popeyes’ favor-full, delicious New Orleans Spicy™ or Louisiana Mild™ chicken at regular menu price. H u rry in to this cool can’t last forever, Popeyes...because a deal i especially in this heat! Happy Birthday Dentarais Collins - Love Alway's Mom Community Welcomes State-of-the Art Computer Lab at University Park C ontinued F rom M etro their sister program at the Ray Robinson Salvation Army Commu­ nity Center in Sacramento, Califor­ nia. Jenkins hopes thecommunity open house will make more people aware o f the resources available at UPCC, as well as highlight the importance of collaborations between the city and business partners I ike Intel The Intel Corporation and its foundation pro­ vided a combination o f grants, equip­ ment, and professional services to get the lab up and running. Intel spokesman Peter Broffman says that the p ro je c t d e m o n stra te s the com pany's strong commitment to providing technology education in Oregon and increasing access o f people o f color to careers in this growing field. ■ The need for such opportunities is particularly acute in the Portsmouth neighborhood where University Park Community Center is located. The center is across the street from Co­ lumbia Villa/Tamarack, Oregon’s largest public housing development 1 f the lab is as successful as everyone expects, it could serve as a model for other Computer Technology Centers at Portland Parks & Recreation sites. . _ «Í -V » Check Out These Cool Deals! ••¿HF I*. Pi' I.-, LEGJHIGH, AND ■ ■ BISCUIT Spicy or Mild ■■■■■■■i ■ ■■■■■■ ■ ■■■■■■■■■ ,3 V .-