JULY 1,1998 ÎFlie fjortlanb (0b»eruer Page B6 CLASSIFIEDS Domestic Violence Advocates D o m e s tic V io le n c e P rogram seeks A dvocates C om m itted to Social C hange. C hildren’s A dvocate (P/T): Indiv/G roup W ork, C hildren’s Intakes, A d­ vocacy, P arenting Support, S upervise Volunteers. Fam ily A dvocate (F/T) o r P/T): Shel- ter/C risis Line Coverage. Case Mgt. Facilities Mgt. Life Skills Education Coor. Positions Req DV Exp And/Or Rel. Education. Must have one of the following : Exp. W /D iverse Populations, from com m unity of color, Bi- Lingual(S panish), O r Bi-Cul- tu ra l. R e s u m e /A p p to Kris Billhardt by July 13. Accounting Team Leader Vancouver Housing Authority Immediate opening. Responsible for accounting functions of VHA. The position acts as team leader for a team of five people within the Finance Department. Degree plus three years progressively re­ sponsible experience as a professional accountant, preferably in government-related accounting, A CPA certificate desirable. Must have experience as a team leader or supervisor and excellent written and oral communication skills. Starting salary $3081 per month, excellent benefits. Call (360) 694-2501 to request required applica­ tion materials. Resumes without applications will not be accepted. Completed application must be received by 5:00 p.m. Monday, July 13,1998. Vancouver Housing Authority, 500 Omaha Way, Vancouver, A d m in is tra tiv e S p e c ia lis t I $1,690 - $2,054/mo $ 7 . 0 0 / h r starting wage $ 1 0 . 5 0 overtime available M edical and Dental Benefits available Advancement potential Applicants must have valid drivers license, submit drug test and background check. Apply In percon d a ily between 12:00 and 1:00PM at City Center Parking at 215 SW 6th. Since 19 4 1. Regence BlueCross BlueShield o f Oregon has relied on the efforts o f our exceptional workforce to discover innovative routes to superior A d m in is tr a tiv e S p e c ia lis t II ity often has a price, efficiency and intelligent strategies can keep costs to a minimum. If bettenng the quality o f life in Oregon sounds like a worthwhile health care Solutions like wellness programs, physician-directed care and assistance to unmsurable Oregonians. O u r people understand that while qual­ pursuit to you. consider our possibilities: (Non-bilingual AND Bilingual - Spanish/English) R ig h t-o f-W a y A g e n t Bachelor’s degree in Communication, English o r a related field. A mini­ M ed ical M a n a g e m e n t C o o rd in a to r I $ 1 ,9 5 9 -$ 2 ,3 8 1 /mo Call-503-557-6034. mum o f tw o years o f expenence in communications, w riting public Gob #950) speaking and/or public relations is required. You will perform advanced medical case assessment management and intervention, as well as concurrent medical review. You must have a cur­ B e n eficiary S ervices R e p re s en tativ e rent Oregon RN's license and at least three years o f active practice in a $3,540 - $4,304/mo Gob #1098) hospital setting o r recent precertification expenence. You will provide information in response to inqumes from beneficianes, Closes July 10, 1998 providers and the general public concerning Medicare benefits and exclu­ B arco de A n a ly s t Call (503) 648-8606,T T Y (503) 693-4898 for information. County application and supplemental application forms required. A p p ly T o : Washington County Human Resources Division sions. as well as provide accurate and timely specific daim payment o r Gob #1103) You will ensure all mail leaving Regence BlueCross BlueShield o f Oregon is denial informabon to beneficianes o r their legal representatives and delivered to the Post Office accurately, efficiently, and safely by applying the providers. You must have a High School diploma, or equivalent and the U.S. Postal Service mail preparation rules and regulations on a daily basis ability to w ork well under pressure and communicate effectively and pro­ You must have a High School diploma o r equivalent, and knowledge of fessionally in a team environment USPS First Class and bulk mailing procedures C u s to m e r S ervice R e p resen tatives 155 N. First Avenue, Suite 210 Gob #698) In te rn a l M ail P rocessor Hillsboro, OR 97124 Women, minorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. In this position, you will sort document, property identify and process You will serve as our liaison to provide informabon regarding benefits, incoming corporate mail on a daily basis To qualify, you will need a valid contract administration, eligibility, claim payments and denials. You must Oregon or Washington dnvers license and the ability to lift boxes weigh­ have a strong customer service background and knowledge o f medical ing up to 75 pounds, 50 pounds from ground to waist level. terminology.The ability to w ork with little supervision in a fast-paced, team environment is necessary. A d m in is tra tiv e S u p p o rt Specialist City Of Portland Bureau Of Purchases Advertisement for Bids Bid invitations, specifications and applicable forms may be picked up at the aforementioned office, or may be ordered by mail by calling (503) 823-6855. Bid specifications include de­ scriptions of EEO, workforce Training, and Good Faith Effort Requirements. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud at the time stated. Bids received after the time fixed for opening will not be considered, although the prices offered will be publicly listed along with all others. RFQ # 98235 Bureau of Transportation Request for Statement of Qualifications You will prepare monthly and quarterly cost and budget reports; assist and contnbute to the efficiency o f the division. You must have High with the preparation o f annual budgets fo r Medicare, FEP and National School diploma, o r equivalent and at least three years o f related work Accounts; and file monthly, quarterly and annual cost reports as required expenence. Effective communication skills, understanding o f computer by Regence and federal agencies. You must have a Bachelor's degree with terminology, and the ability to operate office equipment are required. an emphasis in Accounting and at least one year o f cost accounting expe­ nence, o r you will need a minimum o f five years' financial o r cost #1 P art - time J ob W e are seeking expenenced. energetic instructors to teach step aero­ issue. Specifically, you will develop and implement communication plans qualifications: expenence in lead’ng group exercise classes, current CPR with our Corporate Communications Departm ent on publication ofY2K- certification, and ACE.ACSM, AFAA aerobic certification. Days and related matenals and response to media inquines.You must have a hours to be arranged. Rated #/, the Most Admired Company in the nation in the ‘package, mail, and freight category ’ by Fortune Magazine! environment.To apply, please indicate job number and/or title at the top o f your resume o r cover letter and submit to: Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon and Regence H M O Oregon, Human Resources, R O. Box 1171, Portland, OR 97207-1270,T T Y # (503) 22S-6780. We are strongly committed to equal opportunity in all phases o f employment Regence BlueCross BlueShield o f Oregon HMO Oregon For more information about career opportunities, call our Job Information Line: I -800-231 - 1 & 17 or visit our website at www.bcbso.com employer-paid retirement contribution. Announcement «OCDT8353. Contact OOOT R e cru itm e n t at (5 0 3 ) 9 8 5 4 0 3 0 (TTY 9 8 5 3 8 5 4 tor the hearing Impaired) tor requked application p a c k e t Completed For more information, please call the W orkforce Center at 503-288*4370 An Equal Opportunity Employer Production savvy, task oriented, well organized individual wanted as a Located in Salem at the Oregon State Photocopyist in our Reprographic Services Unit Ir Salem. Skills sought are indepth knowledge of large document duplication and ability to read and interpret construction plans, blueprints and maps as well as the operation of the physical plant in Penitentiary. Physical Plant. Directs computer hardware and software instruction manuals. Ability to a maximum security environment, m antainirg the grounds, buildings, and services and ensunng safe salaries, and a large variety of careers available state-wide. organize, schedule and coordinate the work of yourself and others operation of security, communication, and general facility systems. Currently, openings exist in the following agencies: Duties include operation of large engineenng document copier, diazo Requires six years in lead work, supervision, staff-technical or professional-level work related to Physical or Industrial Plant blackline pnnter, 35m m microfilm reader/pnnter to produce paper pnnts. mylar positives, and vellum intermediates or pnnts. Requires: OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION one y e a of expenence or formal training in the operation and routine maintenance of varied photocopy a reproduction equipment, and a Program Technician 1 (Intelligent Transportation Systems Coordinator) We'» rely on you to use your knowledge of transportation system operation, project development and construction and strong communication skills for our Salem vacancy. The person in this position will assist the intelligent Transportation System Unit with development, deployment, evaluation and documentation of ITS technologies and projects Assist with scoping, developing projects, developing contract documents, agreements and grant applications; collect current data on ITS technologies and assist with data analysis; develop presentations Requires three years of experience administering or coordinating parts of a project or program. A Bachelor's degree in Business Administration. M an^em ent. Public Administration or a field directly related to the position will substitute for two years of the required expenence Salary $ 2 3 0 6 to $31 57 a month plus benefits Announcement HOCDT8338. good math skills. Salary $ 1 3 6 0 to $ 1 8 4 3 a month plus excellent benefits: health Insurance; paid vacation, sick and personal leaves; 9 paid holidays; and full employer-paid retirement contribution. Announcement A0CDT8351 Contact OOOT RacruHmont at (5 0 3 ) 9 8 5 4 0 3 0 ( T T Y -9 5 5 3 8 5 4 tor the haartog Impaired) tor required appUcatton packet. Completed application matenals must be received Maintenance. Degree or related course work may be substituted for up to three y e a s SALARY IS $ 3 1 4 6 -1 4 4 3 0 a month plus excellent benefits. Oregon Employment Appdcatton and Job Announcement LE 98O 972 may ba obtained from any Oregon Emptoymont Department or c a l (5 0 3 ) 3 7 5 8 0 1 3 a log onto our web alto at http://w w w.doc.oteto.ocuo. Recruitment closes July 1 7 ,1 9 9 8 Principal E xecutlve/M anager D Fiscal Services Operations Manager Located in Salem. Provides overall management of Fiscal Services with by July 1 0 ,1 9 9 8 . responsibility tor developing oolicy and directing the operations in the For other OOOT opportunities c a l our Recruitment J0BUNE a t ( 803 ) fiscal support of the Department. Requires six years in lead work, 9853847. supervision, staff-technical, or professional-level work related to accounting and Business Management. Degree or reiaed course work may be substituted for up to three years. SALARY IS $ 3 1 4 6 $ 4 4 3 0 a OREGON DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES month plus excellent benefits. Oregon Emptoymont A p p iu tto n and Job Oregon Health Division State MCH Director Announcement LE 980958 may ba obtained from any Oregon Emptoymont Department or c a l (5 0 3 ) 3 7 8 8 0 1 3 a tog onto our web •Ko at http ://w w w .d o catete.o tu o . Recruitment closes July 1 4 ,1 9 9 8 Contact OOOT RoctuNment a t (8 0 3 ) 9 8 5 4 0 3 0 (TTY 9 8 5 3 8 5 4 tor the hearing Impaired) tor required application packet. Completed Senior mare^ement level position to direct Center for Child and Family Health (CCFH). providing oversight tor a staff of eighty employees and Corrections Production Coordinator 3 application matenals must be received by July 1 7 ,1 9 9 8 . an annual budget of over $ 7 5 million. Working closely with county health departments. CCFH Coordinates a wide array of services in M all Services Coordinator Engineering Specialist 3 (Lead Laboratory Technician) areas of women's and reproductive health, child and adolescent health, immunization, and WIC. Qualifications include a graduate degree in a health or management related discipline (MC. RN, MPG); Broad, indepth knowledge of matenals testing needed for this engineenng position with Oregon Department of Transportation In Salem This position serves as the inhouse expert on specified testing Perform routine, complex, and specialized tests; train provide information to customers. Requires an Associate's degree in Engineenng Technology from a recognized community college or technical school of engineenng and four years of experience directly related to ergineenng: OR five and onehalf years (66 months) of sub­ professional engineering expertence. A Bachelor's degree in Engmeenrg, Architecture. Deology. Mathematics or Physics may be five years current practice in management and administration, and maternal and child health experience To apply ptoaaa srtxntt by July 1 7 , a cover latter daacribtog career goats and a ciaricitoan vitae to CCFH Director Search Committee. Oregon Health DMaton, Room 925 , 8 0 0 NE Oregon S t , Portland, OR 9 7 2 3 2 , 5 0 3 -7 3 1 4 0 0 0 . Located in Salem. Provides coordination and direction to the inmate work force to ensure quality control, efficiency, and safety to the day- today operation of the Mail Room and other office support units. Requires two years experience in a mail operation with one y e a of lead work. SALARY IS $ 2 4 7 2 -1 3 2 4 6 a month plus excellent benefits Oregon Emptoymont AppBcatton and Job Announcement LE 980928 m ay Do obtained from any Oregon Emptoynwnt Departm ent or c a l (9 0 3 ) 3 7 5 8 0 1 3 or log onto our w eb site at h ttp ://w w w doc .state.ocua. Recruitment closes July 8 .1 9 9 8 . Oregon Hearth Division Program Representative 2 (Tuberculosis Epidemiologist) Trades/M alntsnance Supervisor 2 Located in Ontario a the Snake River Correctional Institution. The Oregon Health Division. Center for Disease Prevention & Directs the vaiety of skilled tradespeople in the maintenance, operation, and repair substituted tor the Associate's degree in Engineenng Technology. Epidemiology is recruiting tor a Tuberculosis Epidemiologist at the of buildings. equipment, grounds, and construction of structures Requires three yea s of joumeylevei trades experience maintaining and S a lay $ 2 3 0 6 to $ 3 1 5 7 a month plus benefits. Announcement POCDT8339 Contact OOOT Reenitonent at (5 0 3 ) 9 8 5 4 0 3 0 (TTY 9 8 5 3 8 5 4 lor the htarin g b n p o M ) tor required appttoatten pachat Program Representative 2 level. This is a fulHime. permanent position, located in Portland. This position supports and coordinates the delivery of tuberculosis services at the Ioc8l level by providing repairing buildings a n d /a physical plant facilities and one y e a in the capacity of a trades/mantenancc supervisor S a lay is $258 6 4 3 4 6 6 a month plus excellent benefits. Oregon Employment AppBcteton and Completed application matenals must be received by July 1 7 .1 9 9 8 . ongoing training, consultation and assistance This position directly Job Announcement LE 980180A may bo o ttakw d bom wry O ogon Emptoymont Doprebnont or c a l (8 0 3 ) 3 7 5 8 0 1 3 or log onto our web ■Ito at http ://w w w .doc atate at ua Recruitment closes July 1 3 .1 9 9 8 . coordinates the statewide system for identifying and managing tuberculosis cases This position also trains local Health D epartm ent staff In diagnosis, treatm en t, and follow-up of Personnel Technician Please see our line ad under the keyword "professional'' DROP B Y . . . THE NORTHEAST WORKFORCE CENTER, INC. 4106 North Vancouver Ave, Portland 8 a.m. -3 p.m. Monday through Friday Photocopyist J 7 n Oregon, opportunity m eans great benefits, com petitive other technicians; work with computerized d a a base prograns. and opportunities for advancement variety of part-time shifts available must be 18 years or older full benefits for employees & dependents OREGON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Principal E xecutive/ Manager D Physical Plant Manager application matenals must be received by July 1 7 ,1 9 9 8 procedures $8.50 - 9.50/hour to start bic and sculpting classes. Interested candidates should have the following W e offer a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package. Pre-employment drug screening is required, and we support a smoke-free w ork and brochures; develop and maintain ITS project tracking system POSITIONS AVAILABLE NOW! A e ro b ic /F itn e s s In s tru c to rs Gob #1097) In this 2-year position, you will facilitate internal and external awareness o f Regence BlueCross BlueShield o f Oregon's response to the Year 2000 The Bank is now open for you. into summer with accounting expenence with proven technical and analytical skills. Y e a r 2000 C o r p o ra te C o m m u n ic a tio n S pecialist Proposals due by 4:00 p.m., July 8,1998 A complete description of the project, specific requirements and evaluation criteria may be obtained from the Bureau of Pur­ chases, Room 1313,1120 SW Fifth Ave, Portland, OR 97204. Responses shall be received by that office until 4:00 p.m., July 8,1998. opportunity, fo r more information call M.C. Richmond - 283-5474 Gob #596) Information Services Operations Departm ent to accomplish objectives Workforce Training Program Urban Tree Planting Project - NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd Let me introduce you to a great income C o s t A c c o u n ta n t Gob #1050) You will provide administrative and m inor technical support to our 6 For 6 » » » » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Closes July 10, 1998 Closes July 10, 1998 the W e offer: When it comes to keeping Oregon healthy, we couldn't care more. Washington County Non-prior or prior service okay. W e taxe G E D ’s. Good pay and benefits. S pring and a positive attitude. Equal Opportunity Employer JL The American Red Cross Oregon Trail C hapter seeks a D irector of A ccounting and Finance to plan, organize and m anage fi­ nancial and inform ation te ch ­ nology activities of 100 paid and 1,000 volunteer staff serv­ ing the five county area. Lo­ cated at our offices near dow n­ town Portland, this position will oversee general accounting, payroll, A/R, A/P, cash m an­ agem ent, budgeting, inform a­ tion technology and be a inte­ gral part of our m anagem ent team . U pgrade and integrate existing com puter system s. R e q u ire m e n ts in c lu d e a Bachelor's degree in account­ ing, business or related field, 7 years progressively respon­ sible accounting experience with at least 3 years in a m an­ agem ent role, and inform ation system s involvem ent. N on­ profit experience preferred. W e offer excellent benefits. Drug screen required. W e are an Equal O pportunity Em ployer. Please send cover letter with your resum e to: Am erican Red C ross Oregon Trial C hapter Hum an R esources Dept PO Box 3200 Portland, OR 97208-3200 Parking Facility Operator Immsdials opening for full ond part-time lot attendant* with Portland'» leading parking Company. W e ore seeking dependable individual* with a neat appearance WA 98661. Oregon Army National Guard Director of Accounting and Finance ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Join the fight against hunger. Provide essential support to variety of depts. Requires flex­ ible, detail oriented team player with excellent com m unication skills, know ledge of record keeping system s, typing of 60 WPM, and com puter exp. (Pre­ fer WordPerfect, Publisher and Access). FT + great benefits. Send resum e & salary reqs. by 6/30/98 to Oregon Food Bank, 2540 NE R iverside W ay, Port­ land, OR 97211. Equal O ppor­ tunity Em ployer tuberculosis cases and contacts and promotes awareness of public Property Specialist 2 Supply Specialist health aspects of tuberculosis among private physicians, private Experienced Supply Specialist with excellent organizational skills w aited for shipping, receiving, and inventory control fix our Supply Operations. Support Services Branch in Salem. too will be responsible tor prepanng packaged items tor shipping for an efficient and timely delivery, and receiving delrveries ensunng accuracy of all items Will maintain computerized Inventory control using various programs Must have experience performing store room and inventory work; and training or experience providing knowledge of inventory control systems, transportation agencies and shipping methods Salary $ 1 ,5 4 6 to $ 2 .1 2 2 a month plus excellent benefits health insurance, paid vacation, sick and personal leaves; 9 paid holidays; and toH laboratory personnel, and other health care providers Applicants must have 4 years of technical or professional level experience analyzing or advising and /or Instructing the public concerning specific programs or processes, m onitoring a program, or performing participant reviews Preference in hiring may be given to applicants w)th a M aster's degree in Public Health an d /o r knowledge and expenence in Tuberculosis Epidemiology and control gained from supervisory or managerial roles In Tuberculosis control programs S a la y range $ 2 .6 8 3 to $ 3 ,5 7 5 monthly. Closing date is July 1 3 , 1 9 9 8 For appttcatton totanwaMon, eaB ( 5 0 3 ) 7 3 1 4 0 0 5 , or TTY (BO3) 7 3 1 4 0 3 1 betw een Ute k e e n of 9:OO am an# noon. Principal E xacutlva/M anagar A Fiscal Services Warehouse Manager Located in Ontario at the Snake River Correctional Institution. Manages the Warehouse Operation whicn includes the purchase, receipt, inspection, and storage of supplies and equipment. Requires tour years in lead work, supervision, stafffechnical. or protessionaHevel work reiaed to warehouse operation and property control Degree or reiaed course w o k may be substituted for up to three y e a s Salary is 1 2 3 4 6 $ 3 3 0 2 a month plus excellent benefits Oregon Emptoymont Aauaoatton and Job Arewuncomont LE98O9S3 may bo otta k w d bom «V Oregon w Emptoymont Ooportmont or -------’ o o l(B O 3 ) 3 7 8 8 0 1 3 « l o g WIJ ip ■ ■ j — — -F - —------------ — onto o « wob rito a t h ttp ://w w w id o e jto to .o iu t. Recruitment doses July 1 0 ,1 9 9 8 .