Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 24, 1998, Page 8, Image 8

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A f^eeify Publication From
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¡Venga t> sea testigo
be nuestra Ijtstorta!
Lo» jovenes de la comunidad Villa de Clara
Vista (Grupo Juvenil C ultura Hispana»
han traído a la pantalla chica un proyecto que
refleja experiencias y momentos de
lucha, felicidad y tristeza de la vida de un
inmigrante hispano en los Estados Unidos.
Viernes, 26 de Junio
El Salón Comunal
6856 NE
*Habrá antojitos mexicanos y mucha
♦Programa de baile y poesías*
¡JB o te lo
The Neighborhood Is Chang­
We are growing in numbers,
our incomes are improving, we
are buying houses and assim i­
lating into the USA way of life,
in true fact we are no longer
m igrants in a sense, we may
still do agricultural work and
settli ng down in areas close to
our source o f income, but we
want to achieve the American
dream and be a part o f and con­
tributors to our comm unities.
We want to do business with
those that solicit and ask for
our patronage. You have to earn
our trust and provide us with
goods and services that we des­
perately need and want.
Hispanic M arketing isn ’t for
everyone, but for those m anu­
facturers who feel that their
product could do well in this
market, consider the factors of
a Spanish language m arketing
program, the issue of Spanish
language dependency and other
very important factors will play
a role in determ ining the total
dollar amount allocated to this
marketing effort, interestingly
a Spanish-language program is
cost effective and the results
can be im pressive, one food
m anufacturer found out that the
Hispanic consum er do not use
coupons as their English-lan­
guage counterparts, however
when a coupon was printed in
the Spanish-language and of­
fered at the store level, the re­
demption rate was between 15
and 20%. Ultimately, success in
the Hispanic m arketplace will
be the result of talent, experi­
ence, hard work and the appli­
cation of m arketing principles,
rem arkably sim ilar to the re­
quirem ents for success in any
business, know your product,
and the consumer.
Your Product - usage patterns
among the target consum ers?
Current levels o f aw areness,
consum er market surveys, what
is positive/negative attributes?
U ltim ately you m ust decide
w hether your product makes
sense forthe Hispanic consumer.
The consumer - research the
market to determine what sales
messages will be effective in sell­
ing your product to the Hispanic
consumer, what influences pur­
chase decisions; price, quality,
convenience, etcetera. Simply
translating your English message
into Spanish probably won’t work.
Translate The Positioning -
not the words, One of the most
common mistakes is to create a
great English language campaign
and have it translated to Span-
ish, (or any other language of
the targeted consum er). This
can miss many of the cultural
nuances necessary for success.
We stress establishing a posi­
tioning and then working with
S p a n ish -lan g u a g e talen t to
translate that positioning into
the most effe c tiv e creativ e
Hispanics are buying goods
and services from those that
solicit through their media and
support their comm unities.
All you have to do is look at
the dem ographics of the His­
panic population in the U S.
the Hispanic imm igration ex­
perience is twofold, first to the
U.S., in general, and second
from rural to urban areas within
the U.S. In the Southwest, His­
panics are the largest minority
The overw helm ing m ajority
of Am erican-born Hispanics
are bilingual, with a medium
incom e o f over $26,000.00,
looking at these main points,
language, income, family size,
culture and different level of
a ssim ila tio n , it does m ake
sense to solicit the Hispanic
business through their indepen­
dent Hispanic language media.
Hispanic M arketing/Richard
Luccetti (503) 255-4707
You Can Naw Find Us On The Web!
h ttp : / /w w w .portlandobserver.net
Imagine que somos la familia
en el vecindario
¡Los vecindarios de Porfland y de
toda la nación tienen muchas
cosas en común! Como saltar
a (a cuerda, el fútbol, las
conversaciones en el porche, las
comidas en el jardín y (a familia.
American Family Insurance.
Seguros con coberturas familiares,
en los que se ha Podido confiar
desde 1927. Hoy, encontrará a
nuestros amables agentes en 15
estados, en miles de vecindarios y
cerca de usted en el corazón de su
comunidad. ¡Llame hoy al
Í503J986-5800 mismo y descubra
por qué nadie cuida de Porfland
como la familia!
Toda La Protección Bajo Un Misrno Vi
American Family Mutual Insurance Company and Subsidiaries, Madison, Wisconsin 53783-0001 www.amfam.com
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