Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 24, 1998, Page 2, Image 2

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JUNE 24, 1998
(Lite p o r tla u b <1^bsowtr
Vancouver Police invite community to
Central Precinct open house
The Vancouver Police Department
will celebrate the opening ot its new
Central Precinct facility at 2800
Stapleton Road with an open house
Saturday, June 20, from noon to 3
The event will feature tours, a free
hot dog barbecue, refreshm ents and
fu n Wagon activities for the kids.
Visitors will also have a chance to
meet with their com m unity police
officers. Mayor Royce E. Pollard
and other local officials are expected
to be on hand to formally open the
facility to the community.
The Central Precinct building, in
the former Pan Terra School, offi­
cially opened for service on J u n e l. It
serves the area between Grand Bou­
levard and 1-205 with around the
clock patrol shifts. It features a com ­
munity room wnich can be used by
neighborhood associations for their
The Central Precinct was esta b ­
lis h e d as p a rt o f th e p o lic e
departm ent’s com m unity O riented
P olicing and P roblem S o lv in g
(C O PPS) program in an effort to
decentralize the departm ent and
bring local law enforcem ent se r­
vices c lo se r to the area being
Summer camp will focus on literature and art
V aneouver-C 'lark Parks & R ec­
reation D ep artm en t w ill o ffe r a
L it/A rt cam p Ju n e 2 2 -2 6 for c h il­
dren a g es 6 -1 2 . T h e cam p runs
M o n d ay -F rid ay , 9 am to 3 pm at
Im a g e E le m e n ta r y , 4 4 0 0 NE
122nd A ve.
e. T he c o st $130 p per
cam per.
Lit Art C am p will blend aw ard
w inning ch ild re n ’s literature, c re ­
ativ e arts, and dram a projects.
T h is y e a r ’s c a m p th e m e is
N e w b e ry sa n d C aldecotts: A w ard
W inning L iterature. C a m p e r’s
will ex p e rie n c e over 80 years o f
the best in c h ild re n ’s
's literature
and create art projects "in the style
o f"aw ard w inning illustrators. On
the last day o f cam p, p articip an ts
will have a L itA rt festival w here
they will display finished projects
and perform scenes from these
acclaim ed books. For m ore in­
form ation call 696-806
Half-day science camps offered for
children ages 6 to 12
Vancouver-Clark Parks & Recreation will offer two halfday Mad Science Camps from June 22-26, for children ages
6 to 12. Campers will enjoy interactive science experiments, learn earth awareness and secret codes, build a space
shuttle, and much more. Cost for the camp is $105 per child. There are two sessions to choose from:
Fircrest Elementary
Bagley Community Center
12001 NE 9th St.
M onday-Friday
9 am to noon
4100 Plomondon
1:3O-4:3O PM
For more information please call 696-8065.
Fire marshal issues hazardous vegetation caution
Extremely wet w eather during
May and the resulting plant growth
has raised concerns about potential
hazardous vegetation fire danger in
local fields and lots.
V a n c o u v e r Fire M arshal Rick
A tk in s rem in d s re sid e n ts to cut
and m ain tain tall g ra ss and w eeds
to p rev en t p o te n tia l fire hazards
as d r ie r su m m e r w e a th e r a p ­
pro aches.
“We require property owners with
open spaces to cut them to prevent
development o f a hazardous vegeta­
tion situation,” says Atkins.
He adds that the fire department
will follow upon complaints and will
vigorously enforce the fire code,
which allows tor fines and other civil
and criminal action. Atkins says.
“We typically receive voluntary com­
pliance in about 98% o f the hazard­
ous vegetation cases."
Complaints about hazardous veg­
e ta tio n s itu a tio n s in sid e the
Vancouver city limits should go to
the Fire Prevention Bureau at 696-
8166. Residents in other locations
should contact their local fire sen ice
First Open House Scheduled For June 25
to Discuss Road Improvements
Clark County citizens are again
being asked to help decide which road
improvements will be built in the next
6 years.
The Clark County Public Works
Department is continuing the process
o f developing the 1999-2004 Trans­
portation Im provem ent Program,
which identifies and prioritizes the
county’s transportation improvements
for the next six years. The develop­
ment o f the Six Year Program in­
cludes an extensive public involve­
ment Team (TIPI I ). TIPIT is a 15
member group comprised o f private
citizens, business representatives,
school districts, city representatives
and county staff. They w i l l be meet­
ing several times over the next 3
months to assist in the dev elopment of
the 1999-2004 Transportation Im­
provement Program.
The public will have an opportu­
nity to learn m ore about Clark
County’s Transportation Improve­
ment Program and discuss potential
projects within the Six Year Program
at a public open house scheduled for
Thursday, June 25, 1998, 4:00-7:30
PM at the Jason l.ee Middle School
Cafeteria, 8500 NW 9th Avenue,
Vancouver, WA.
If you have any questions pertain­
ing to this matter, please contact Ki \ in
G ray -T ransportation I mprovi mi nt
P rogram M anager a I 360-737-61 18,
ext 5358 or R yan L opossa -T rans -
portation I mprovement P rogram
E nginei r at 360-737-6118 ex i . 4572.
Vancouver Fourth of July public safety sheet
V ancouver’s renowned Fourth o f
July celebration is again expected to
draw thousands o f people to festivi­
ties at the V ancouver National His­
toric Reserve.
Official holiday fun begins with
arts and crafts vendors at 10 am Sat­
urday, July 4. The fireworks display
is at 10 PM. Participants are strongly
encouraged to use mass transit to get
to the site. Several roads will be
closed and parking will be restricted
around the event site.
Public safety for the Fourth o f
July celebration is coordinated by
the Vancouver Police Department.
Fireworks sales, music, concessions
the fireworks display are coordinated
by the non-profit Fourth o f July Com­
Festival officials suggest visitors
leave their cars at home or Park &
Ride sites and take advantage o f a
very good deal-free C-TRAN bus
Express service to the festival site
starts Saturday at 2 PM and runs
every 30 minutes from the park and
ride lot at Salmon Creek on 134th
Street, from the Evergreen Transit
Center on NE 18th Street, and from
Vancouver Mall (upper north park­
ing lot near M ervyn’s). Most regular
routes will run on an extended Sun-
day/Holiday schedule. Express bus
service will also run before and after
the fireworks display. Portland's
Tri-Met buses will offer service to
and from the fireworks at regular
A fter the firew orks show, C-
TRAN and Tri-M et buses will be
parked along Fort Vancouver Way
between Evergreen Boulevard and
Mill Plain. For more information,
call 360-695-0123 or 360-695-2760
(TDD hearing impaired), or visit C-
TRAN’s web site at www.c-tran.com.
SWIFT to grant $350,000
Appi ications are now available for
1998-99 SW IFT grants. The South­
west W ashington charitable organi-
zation raised $350,000 this fiscal year
in cum ulative fundraising events, in­
cluding the spring gala auction.
b u se s w ill a p p e a r th is fall on
ro u te s :
♦ 8 - N E 1 5 th A v e /J a c k s o n
P ark
♦ 5 6 -S c h o lls
F e rry
R oad
* 5 4 - B e a v e r , on - H ills d a le
H w y.
* 7 5 -3 9 th
A ve-
L o m b a rd
Im p ro v e m e n ts w ill begin th is
fall an d low flo o r b u se s w ill
a r r i v e by J a n u a r y 1 9 9 9 on
ro u te s:
* 4 - Di v is io n /F e s s e n d e n
Portland Police Bureau in v es­
tig a to rs , in c o o p e ra tio n w ith
C rim e Stoppers, are asking for
your help in locating and a p p re ­
hending J a m e s A llen C u r tis .
An arrest w arrant is on file
charging C urtis with A tte m p te d
M u rd e r, .A ssault, an d R o b b e ry .
The charges stem from an in ci­
dent that occurred Friday, N o­
vem ber 14, 1997, at P o rk y ’s T av­
ern, at 835 N Lom bard Street.
D uring that incident, C urtis e n ­
tered the tavern and asked to see
a plaque that was behind the bar.
The plaque contained the nam es
o f m em bers o f a m ushball team
sponsored by the tavern. A fter
looking at it, C urtis dem anded to
T h o m as G iffo rd C u rtis is an
1 8 -y ear-o ld w h ite m ale, w ith a
d a te o f b irth o f O c to b e r 18,
1979. He is 5 ’9" ta ll, w e ig h in g
135 po u n d s w ith brow n h air and
b lu e eyes.
C rim e S to p p e rs is o ffe rin g a
cash re w a rd o f up to $ 1,000 for
in fo rm a tio n , re p o rte d to C rim e
S to p p e rs, w h ich le a d s to an a r ­
re st in th is c a se o r an y u n so lv e d
fe lo n y c rim e , and y o u can r e ­
m ain a n o n y m o u s. C all C rim e
S to p p e rs at (5 0 3 ) 8 2 3 -H E L P .
plaque, and w alked out o f the tav­
ern with it.
W hen the bartender attem pted
Crime Stoppers, in cooperation
with the Sheriff’s D epartm ent in
Sonoma County, California, and
the Police Departm ent in A lbu­
querque, New Mexico, is asking
for your help in locating and ap­
p re h e n d in g G e o r g e P i e r r e
A longe.
An arrest warrant is on file in
Sonoma County, charging Alonge
w ith P ro b atio n V io latio n and
Grand Theft. In addition, investi­
gators in A lbuquerque wish to
speak with A longe regarding a
series o f frauds in the city.
New Mexico investigators have
to prevent C urtis from taking the
plaque, C urtis shot him w ith a
handgun. The bartender, w ho suf­
fered a gunshot w ound to the
chest, survived the injury.
Jam es Allen C urtis is described
as a 30-year-old black m ale, w ith
a date o f birth o f S eptem ber 1,
1967. He is 6 ’2" tall, w eighing
betw een 240 and 300 pounds,
w ith black hair and brow n eyes.
C rim e Stoppers is offerin g a
cash rew ard o f up to $ 1,000 for
inform ation, reported to Crim e
Stoppers, w hich leads to an arrest
in this case or any unsolved felony
crim e, and you can rem ain anony­
m ous. Call C rim e S toppers at
(503) 823-H E L P.
reason to believe A longe may be in
the Portland area with his 76 year
old mother.
G eorge P ie rre A longe is de­
scribed as a 36 year old white male,
with a date o f birth o f July 6, 1961.
He is 5 ’9" tall, weighing 160 pounds,
with brown hair and hazel eyes.
Crime Stoppers is offering a cash
reward o f up to $ 1,000 for inform a­
tion, reported to Crim e Stoppers,
which leads to an arrest in this case,
or any unsolved felony crime, and
you do not have to give your name.
Call Crime Stoppers at 503-823-
Man’s Body Found Behind The
Troutdale Police Department
M ultnom ah C ounty S h e riff’s
D etectiv es w ere called to the
s c e n e o f a m a n ’s b o d y in
T routdale, at approxim ately 1:00
am on (5/26/98). A man w alking
his dog early this m orning found
the man, identified as David Bruce
Stew art (A pril 14, 1954), dead.
The body was found behind the
T ro u td a le P o lic e d e p a rtm e n t.
T routdale and Fairview Police co r­
doned off the area w hile rescue
personnel attem pted to revive him
with no success. S h e riff’s office
detectives are investigating the
death but do not believe it is a
hom icide. Mr. S tew art is from
K alispell, M ontana. D etectives
believe the death m ay be drug
related and are w aiting for the
results o f an autopsy scheduled
forthis m orning by the M ultnom ah
C ounty M edical E x a m in e r’s O f­
Deputy Holoch Initiated A
Traffic Stop
M ultnom ah C ounty S h e riff’s
DeputyJim Holoch isahard worker
and a very courteous driver. Deputy
Holoch politely allowed a driver
into his lane o f travel. The driver
immediately made an illegal left-
hand turn.
Deputy Holoch initiated a traffic
stop at the 39th & SE Gladstone. Sub­
sequently, he found the license plates on
the vehicle were switched, the car was
stolen, and the driver gave at least three
different names to the officer.
Portland Police Officer Utte also
responded as cover and noticed prop­
erty and addresses on that property
matched a burglary just reported
The suspect/driver was lodged at
MCDC after interviews with Port­
land Police Detectives on charges o f
Unlawful use o f Motor Vehicle and
First Degree Burglary. At the time
o f this release he has not been posi­
tively identified.
R eported by: S ergeant Brett
Study V o lu n t e e r s N eeded
Application deadline is August 10,
1998. Call SW IFT at 360-694-5941
for an application.
Tri-Met plans bus stop improvements
on seven routes to make boarding
easier for everyone
T ri-M e t w ill im p r o v e m an y
b u s s to p s on s e v e n ro u te s to
a c c o m m o d a te 118 n e w lo w
f lo o r b u se s th a t m a k e b o a rd in g
e a s ie r fo r e v e r y o n e .
L o w - f lo o r b u s e s r e p r e s e n t
T ri - M e t’s fle e , o f th e fu tu re by
o f f e r in g e a s y b o a r d in g , v id e o
s u r v e illa n c e c a m e ra s fo r
h e ig h te n e d s a f e ty a n d a ir c o n ­
d itio n in g fo r a d d e d c o m f o r t.
B us s to p im p r o v e m e n ts w ill
b e g in th is m o n th an d lo w - f lo o r
P o rtla n d P o lic e B u re a u D e ­
te c tiv e s , in c o o p e ra tio n w ith
C rim e S to p p e rs, a re a sk in g for
y o u r h e lp in lo c a tin g and a p ­
p re h e n d in g T h o m a s G if f o r d
C u r tis A n a rre st w a rra n t is on
f ile in M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty ,
c h a rg in g C u rtis w ith m u ltip le
c o u n ts o f R o b b e ry in th e F irst
D e g r e e , w ith b a il s e t a t
$ 7 5 0 ,0 0 0 . C u rtis has been id e n ­
tifie d as a su sp e c t in a s e rie s o f
arm ed ro b b e rie s th a t o c c u rre d
b e tw e e n N o v e m b e r 1996 a n d
N o v e m b e r 1997.
* 7 2 -K illin g s w o rth /
8 2 n d A ve
* 1 9 -G lis a n /W o o d s to c k
Im p ro v e m e n ts are a c o o p e ra ­
tiv e e f f o r t in v o lv in g T ri-M e t,
th e C ity o f P o rtla n d and o th e r
lo c a l g o v e r n m e n ts .
T ri-M e t
w ill c o o r d in a te c h a n g e s w ith
n e ig h b o r s , b u s in e s s e s and c u s ­
to m e rs . T h o s e w ith q u e s tio n s
o r c o m m e n ts can c o n ta c t T ri-
M e t's P e te T a y lo r a, 2 3 9 -6 4 14,
o r ta y lo r p @ tr im - e t.o r g .
African American volunteers are needed fo r a 30 week hypertension research
medication study If you are 18 years or o ld er with high blood pressure and in general
good health, you may qualify. Volunteers will be thoroughly screened by the
research team and their private physicians consulted. Study medication,
study-related clinic visits and testing will be provided at no charge for these who
qualify. Reimbursement for travel will be given. For information call 228-3217,
Mon.-Thur. 9 to 4, F r i.- 9 to 1 .
Clinical R e s e a r c h G rou p o f Oregon
1221 S.W . Y a m h i l l , S u it e 3 0 3
P o r tla n d , O r e g o n 9 7 2 0 5