Page A2 JUNE 17, 1998 (Cljc P o rt Lutò dW&nramnr The “Why” is Not a Mystery B> R ich C ohen Twenty Year Old Charged In Stabbing Death Of Teenager SW 2nd Ave/SW Pine Street Borlande “ A n d y ’ D. Robertson has been charged w ith M urder in connection with the stabbing death o f 16-year-old A nthony C. Nnoli early Saturday m orning. Just a fte r m id n ig h t Saturday m orning, R obertson in the com ­ pany o f another, becam e involved in an altercation with a group o f three black males in a dow ntow n parking lot. Robertson and a 21- year-old male friend began the in­ cident by engaging in an outside verbal dispute with security m em ­ bers o f the Q uest N ightclub, lo­ cated at SW 2nd Avenue and SW Pine Street. Security agents asked them to m ove on and they reluc­ tantly com plied by crossing the street to the area o f the parking lot located on the southeast corner. In the parking lot, R obertson e x ­ changed words with the victim s and a fight ensued. There was a large crowd o f people m illing around the parking lot at the tim e o f the inci­ dent. Police Investigate Apartment Shooting 5200 Block Of NE Irving Street At approxim ately M idnight Sat­ urday, Portland Police w ere called to the Imperial H eights A partm ents in connection with a H om icide. A resident o f the apartm ent com plex called 9-1-1 to report that shooting had ju st occurred at his neighbors. The caller reported that a neighbor had run into his apartm ent saying that her friend had been shot. Police arrived to find a fem ale victim who had been shot several times about the body. The victim , believed to be in her m id-tw enties, died at the scene. The resident o f the apartm ent in question stated that her friend was visiting her at the time o f the inci­ dent. She had left her friend alone in the living room while she took a shower. She heard several gunshots and exited the bathroom to d is­ cover her friend had been shot. No suspect was seen in or around the apartm ent unit a, the tim e o f the shooting. T here w ere no obvious signs o f forced entry. N am es are being w ithheld pending further in­ vestigation. I n v e s tig a tiv e - S e r g e a n ts D. Rubey and K. Ferrell are assigned P ortland’s 14th hom icide o f the year. UPDATE: Police Identify Victim Of Car Homicide NW Everett/NW "homicide Vic­ tim" Portland has been identified as 33-year-old (DOB 09-30-64) Jeffrey Steven Lange. Lange, who resided at the Victorian Apartments 2255 W. Burnside, was shot multiple times as he drove his 1987 Ford Mustange. His vehicle ended up against a concrete wall on the entrance to southbound Inter­ state 405.No suspects have yet been identified. Victim Panel Speaker Recruitment C la rk C o u n ty C o r r e c tio n s -- T h e V ic tim ’s P an el is r e c r u it­ ing s p e a k e rs w h o se liv e s h av e b een a ffe c te d p h y s ic a lly , fin a n ­ c ia lly , o r e m o tio n a lly fro m the e f f e c ts o f a D riv in g U n d e r In ­ flu e n c e ( DU I ) c ra sh . T h is is an o p p o r tu n ity fo r in te re s te d c o m ­ m u n ity m e m b e rs to te ll th e ir s to r y on h o w t h e ir lif e h as c h a n g e d from s o m e o n e ’s c h o ic e w o f d r in k in g o r ta k in g d ru g s and d riv in g . T he V ic tim ’s Panel is a court m andated in terv en tio n program for D U I, dom estic v io le n c e , and n eg lig en t d riv in g o ffe n d e rs. It is also an e d u catio n al program for tra ffic safety stu d en ts; the v o l­ unteers discu ss the consequences and risks related to im paired d riv ­ ing. A d d itio n a lly , this program p ro v id es in fo rm a tio n to ad u lts and youth about tre a tm e n t and su p p o rt se rv ic e s to c re a te so lu ­ tio n s to in d iv id u a l p ro b lem s re­ lated to the use o f alco h o l and o th e r drugs. For m ore in fo rm a tio n , in te r­ este d in d iv id u a ls m ay c o n ta c t Jan et K alney, C o rre c tio n s C o u n ­ se lo r 11, at (3 60) 737-6141 press 3. A N T E D Nicole Marie Deroche Nicole Marie Deroehe DOB: 5/3/73 Sex: Female Ht. 5’7” Wt. 300 Race: Hispanic Charges: Manu/Del Controlled Sub- stance-SCI-Possession of Controlled Substance In the name o f the State o f C )regon to any Peace Officer of this State, Greetings: it appearing to the court that the above named defendant was conv icted of the above mentioned charges and was placed on probation to the Oregon Correc­ tions Department. Ordered the defendant’s release is hereby revoked and the entire security amount, if any, is hereby forfeited. It is further ordered a warrant be issued for the arrest o f said defendant, and, upon apprehension, be brought before this court. “ S hoot m e, ju s t sh o o t m e !” pleaded 15-yr old Kip Kinkel as he was wrestled to the ground after killing his parents and w ounding 24 fellow students (tw o fatally). The boys who subdued him said they looked into his eyes and saw only emptiness. “ E verything,” they said, “was gone inside o f him .” Why did he do it? Are we really serious about an answ er? Do we have the courage to face the possi­ bility o f our own com plicity? If so, the very best clue to the “w hy?” is found in those empty eyes, not by looking outside the family at guns, media violence, etc. O ur inquiry must begin in the homes that breed children who kill. Yet focusing our attention on what goes on in the privacy o f our homes is som ething w e tend to avoid. It feels too personal and raises ques­ tions about our own responsibility as parents and how we as a com m u­ nity support parenting. It’s easier to talk about controlling guns, even when our experience tells us that another instrum ent o f death can al­ ways be found. It’s easier to con­ demn media violence even when we know that w ithout a predisposition to kill, violent images alone will not cause som eone to kill. I believe the best way to honor the victims and ourselves is not to get caught up again in our fear, by em phasizing control and punishm ent, but instead go to the heart o f the matter, the place where it always begins, in the most powerful o f all human attach­ ments, the parent-child bond—and in the role we have as a eommunity, as an extended family, to support good parenting. Why are we surprised when chil­ dren who are given no access to care, respect, affection, and safety becom e angry, violent, and so em o­ tionally detached that they can pull a gun and kill som eone without re­ morse. Sure, most kids with that history will not kill, but even they will act out their pain and rage in hurtful ways against others and/or them ­ selves. Nothing means more to a child than to feel loved by her parents. It is the basis for self love, self-esteem and how we treat others. If a child is shown love, feels respected, is care­ fully guided, and has sufficient time with one or both parents, that child will never intentionally kill anyone. Show me a killer who had that kind o f family life! I d o n ’t know what kind o f home Kip Kinkel grew up in. Nor does anyone who didn’t live in that house and witness how he was actually treated from Day One. But I’ll ques­ tion anyone’s parenting when their teenage child ends up on a floor begging to be shot to death. As one Springfield student put it, “people just do n ’t do it for no reason.” We can blame guns, the media, police, schools, or liberals, and re­ Graduation Ceremony Honored Slained Youth Students, staff o f alternative school step in as young men ’s fam ily On Wed. June 10,1998 students and staff members from The Gladys McCoy A cadem y filled Bethel A ME Church, to celebrate the hard- won achievements o f the school’s new graduates and to com m em o­ rate the life o f one they lost. An­ thony Nnoli, 16, a sophomore at McCoy Academy, was slain Satur­ day night June 6, 1998 near the Pepsi Festival Center. The homeless youth who looked to the staff o f Oregon Outreach Inc.’s Northeast Portland campus for a new beginning, a chance to earn his high school diploma and learn how to work toward his per- sonal goals, was an above-average and gregarious student. Last week, A nthony’s peers wrote poems and stories expressing what they liked most about the budding rap singer who excelled in music, dance and photography. His fellow students were like siblings, and his teachers were personal role models. “For some students whose fami­ lies are going through crises or are absent altogether," said Oregon O ut­ reach Executive D irector Becky Black, “the staff become a surrogate family.” And as any family would, McCoy Academy students and staff members^vereraisingmoney^^^ro- and bells, were active at the time o f the accident. Upon impact, the car was dragged 50 feet and sustained damage to all four sides including the Real people. Fast, helpful answers. Six days a week. wetlands and environmen­ tal protection. He served 34 years with the US Forest Service, including 11 years as regional director o f engi­ neering in the San Francisco office. Deleissegues has also been an officer for the US Army Corps o f Engineers, earning the rank o f Colonel in the Army Reserve. I Call M etro Recycling Inform ation when you need inform ation about: • • • • • • roof and undercarriage. The driver was life-flighted to OHSU. The driver o f the vehicle has been identified as Jacob Joseph Shaw. C o m m is s io n e r s a p p o in t D e l e is s e g u e s to C l a r k C o u n t y P l a n n in g C o m m is s io n A Hockinson area resi­ dent has been appointed by the Board o f Clark County Commissioners to serve a six year term on the county’s seven m em ber Planning Commission. Dick Deleissegues has extensive experience with civil engineering, land use planning, transportation systems, public facilities, vide Anthony with a proper memo­ rial ceremony and burial, that was on Saturday June 13,1998 at 11:00 am at Allen Temple. Anthony exemplified the type o f young people who seek out Oregon Outreach every year—those who have left the city’s middle schools and high schools, but who under­ stand the importance o f education to future opportunity. Oregon Out­ reach serves 250 students on five campuses. For more information a b o u t th e o r g a n iz a tio n s , or Anthony’s memorial service, please call 281 -9597. We are still accept- ing donations. Metro Recycling Information 234-3000 “Dick has experience on planning commissions and citizen task forces, and will be quickly up to speed,” said Commissioner Betty Sue Morris. “He is pre­ pared to listen to the com­ munity, evaluate all sides of the issues, and develop sound conclusions in the interest o f serving the en­ tire county.” recycling and reuse options garbage disposal ways to prevent waste com posting and natural gardening safer alternatives for home and garden hazardous waste disposal M etro Recycling Inform ation is open 8:30 a.m . to 5 p.m. M onday through Saturday. Call us for a free refrigerator magnet so you’ll always have our num ber handy. Car Crashes Into Moving Train At 2:30 A.M. on May 28. 1998 a vehicle driving southbound on 244th A venue drove into a train as it crossed NE 244th. All warning devices, lights main lost in frustration, or we can recognize the prime influence o f parenting on child developm ent and accept our responsibility as a com ­ munity to support good parenting. In a culture increasingly antagonis­ tic to parenting, parents need all the help they can get! The way to stop the killing is to love our children by show ing affec­ tion, listening well to them, taking their ideas seriously, show ing that their feelings are important to us and that their anger at us is som e­ times allow able and worthy o f our attention and concern. Let them make more o f their own choices, even when we disagree or are incon­ venienced by them, guide and in­ spire them by our exam ple, and give them our time especially in the home after school, at dinner, and at bed­ time. Any solution focus not di­ rectly on the parent-child bond, bor­ ders on negligence. Kip Kinkel deserves the appro­ priate punishm ent, help, and for­ giveness. The victim s deserve our support and prayers, our children deserve to feel safe and to believe that life is to be celebrated, not feared. And parents deserve to feel less isolated and part o f a com m u­ nity that truly values parenting. Rich Cohen is a senior m anager with Excel Com m unications and the founder and form er D irector o f A c­ tion for Children, a Portland O r­ egon-based child advocacy organi­ zation. Tip o f the week: Grasscycling Leave grass clippings on your lawn. You’ll use less fertilizer and spend less time mowing. Call 234-3000 for a grasscycling brochure. 4z W * n L 4f i 'k Visit M etro’s web site at: w w w .m Metro Regional Services Creating livable communities Metro is working to ensure that we have access to nature, clean air and water and resources for future generations. Waste prevention and safe disposal are ways you can create a more livable community. I