Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 27, 1998, Page 6, Image 6

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MAY 27, 1998
Page A6
(Elje JJortlanb (Observer
Little People' Spans the Globe
A Child’s Celebration of the World
Joan Baez
Maria Medina-Serafin
Maria Muldaur
'■ - ¿
Miriam Makeba
M usic For I ittle P eople
is hosting a w orld party,
w ith a dozen top recording
a rtists in the b usiness, in­
viting ch ild re n and fa m i­
lies to jo in in the fun, sin g ­
ing and d an cin g to m usic
that spans the globe. F rom
South A frica to the bayou
and beyond, “ A C h ild 's
C e le b ra tio n
th e
W o r l d ” in c lu d e s F o lk ,
C ajun. A frican A m erican,
Italian, C aly p so , Irish and
even a L atin rap song-all
presented in a tun and e d u ­
cational w ay.
T his is the ninth album
in M u sic
F o r L ittle
e o p le ’s p o p u lar C h ild ’s
C eleb ra tio n S e rie s, c re a t­
ing a m usical mix o f global
tr a d itio n s and c u ltu r e s .
The album features songs
perfo rm ed by R affi, Taj
M ahal, M iriam M akeba,
Joan Baez, Irish R overs,
Sw eet H oney In T he Rock,
L a d y s m ith
B la c k
M am bazo, M aria M edina
S e rfin , C h e n ille S iste rs,
P apillion, Bill M iller and
I reyda I pstein. I lie them e
ol celebrating diversity and
a p p re c ia tin g the u n iq u e ­
n e s s o f e v e r y c u ltu r e
aro u n d the w o rld is re ­
flected th ro u g h o u t the a l­
A lbina Fletar«/ is HaVifig
a Parfe<f afvd Yeu
l iiy it < d !
Albina Rotary is sponsoring it's twelfth annual Peninsula Park Rose
Festival and Family Fun Day at Peninsula Park on May 30 from I pm to
4:30 pm. I he Rotarians are planning a full afternoon o f fun, food and
entertainm ent for the whole family.
I he festivities start with a picnic provided by Albina Rotary and
Northwest Natural (ias, then cheek out the lace painting and bingo.
I verybody loves a parade and what a parade is planned! Groups from
local schools, churches and other organizations will provide the afternoon’s
entertainment. June is officially Black Music Month so we will have
singer, Sheila W ileoxson, play for your entertainment.
I he Rose Festival Queen and Princesses w ill acknowledge four indi­
viduals from the community for their sen ice by planting roses in their
honor in the historic rose garden. This is the only Rose Festival sanctioned
event in NF Portland. I lerc's a chance to meet the Senior Court for 1998.
Pleasejoin Albina Rotary in Peninsula Park, at Portland Boulevard and
Albina Street, on Saturday, May 30th between I pm and 4:30 pm for a
wonderful, family oriented, afternoon to celebrate Spring!
(503) 738-6269 OR
Costs of raising A Child
Continue to Rise
in A ik l M ii i s M orrow
I he cost of raising a child contin­
ues to rise and is highest for families
living in cities in the western United
State, according to the II.S. Depart­
ment o f Agriculture.
In its annual report, “Expenditures
on Children by Families," the USDA
estimates a middle income (making
$35,200to $59,300 a year before
taxes), two-parent family in the ur­
ban West will spend $165,360 to
raise a child born in 1997 to age 18.
Child raising costs in the urban
West are higher than the rest o f the
country primarily because housing is
more expensive, according to Alice
Mills Morrow, Oregon State Univer­
sity Extension family resource spe­
Housing is the largest expense
across all income groups and ac­
counts for 33 to 3 7° ii o f child rearing
expenses. Food is the second largest
average expense, approximately 15
to 20%.
Because single parent households
account f or an increasing percentage
of families with children, the USDA
prepared separate estimates forthesc
I hese estimates show that a single
parent family with before tax income
o f less than $35,000 will spend
$107,100 to raise a child born in
1997 to age 18. While the actual
expenditure is less, it represents a
larger percentage o f income.
“Single parent families have lower
average incomes and spend a larger
percentage o f their income on chil­
dren," Morrow said.
Because the USDA estimates arc
based on averages, they are not use­
ful in predicting what a particular
f am i ly wi II spend. I lowever, they do
illustrate useful trends. Forinstance,
the overall cost o f raising a child
increases as a child gets older, a
signal for parents tocontinually ind
ways to add to their income.
“T hat’s probably not good news
for parents o f pre-school children
who think financial pressures w ill be
less when day care is no longer re­
quired,” Morrow said. “Unfortu­
nately. the savings in child care as
youngsters grow older is more than
offset by increases in other expense
What can new parents do to re­
duce the "sticker shock” o f a new
“New parents really need to sit
down and put their finances on pa­
per," Morrow said. “Good budget­
ing and financial record keeping can
help." For computer savvy parents,
financial softw are programs may
make the job easier.
“ Families also need to look for
w ays to cut back on expenses,”
Morrow said. “The challenge is to
identify what they are w illing to go
w ith o u t" She suggests having each
spouse separately make a list o f ex­
penses t hey wou Id be wi I ling to give-
up or reduce. I hen com pare tile-
lists and find items in common. " If
nothing else, these lists can be a
starting point for discussion,” M or­
row pointed out.
To receive a copy o f the 1997
estimates o f raising a child, send a
stamped, self-addressed envelope to
Morrow at OSU, 161 Milam Hall,
Corvalis, Or. 97331-5103.
Metro Gives a New Name to
an Old Tradition!
Elephants always remem­
ber, but this time there's
something they need to for­
get the name ofw here they
live! Today, the Metro Coun­
cil voted to change the name
o f the M etro W ashington
Park Zoo to the Oregon Zoo.
“O ur zoo is a w orld-class
facility, and we are very
proud o f it. This nam e
change will help us to better
identify the zoo to the people
o f O regon and to people
across the United States,”
said Metro Council Presid­
ing O fficer Jon Kvistad. “ As
I was growing up, the zoo
was a great place to visit and
to learn, and we just wan, to
keep it that way for future
Metro Recycling Information
The new name will also
reflect the growing impor
tanee o f native exhibits at the
zoo. “ We are working to
build a wonderful program
that w ill bring people in touch
with the animals that are na­
tive to this region, the name-
change simply reflects our
changing p rio rities,” said
M etro C o u n c ilo r R uth
McFarland (District I). V ot­
ers in the Metro region ap­
proved the funding to build
the Oregon Exhibit in 1996.
Real people.
Fast, helpful answers.
Six days a week.
Tip o f th e w eek:
Buy th e Earth M achine fo r $25!
You can turn yard debris and vegetable
trim m ings into a rich fertilizer for your
garden. Buy the Earth M achine home
com poster M ay 30 and 31 at various
locations, ( all 234 3000 for times and
Visit M etro ’s web site at:
w w w .m etro-region.org
Call M e tro Recycling In fo rm a tio n
w h en you need in fo rm a tio n a b o u t
recycling and reuse options
garbage disposal
ways to prevent waste
com posting and natural gardening
safer alternatives for home and garden
• hazardous waste disposal
M etro Recycling Inform ation is open
8:30 a.m . to 5 p.m. M onday through
Saturday. Gall us for a free refrigerator
magnet so you’ll always have our
num ber handy.
M e tro Regional Services
Creating livable communities
M e tro is w o rk in g to ensure th a t we have access to nature, clean air and water and resources fo r future
generations. Waste prevention and safe disposal are ways you can create a more livable com m unity.