pit crew coordinator tor Riley & Scott Racing. Matthews is currently work­ ing on Eliseo Salazar’s No. 15 Reebok-sponsored car. He be- licvcs that African Americans are missing opportunities to be a part of this growing industry. “This is not a hobby, sport or game," says Matthews. “This is a marketing and advertising business. Period. The minority' business owners don’t know what they are missing out on because they dont understand how this business works, how people make money in the busi­ ness. They are not going to the tracks to network." In th e b ro ad cast arena, Merrie Dudley is producing tele- Quartermaster members involved w ith the Race Against Drugs program (from left) Ron Waters, M ike Ricks a n d D onald Ricks pose w ith kids a n d volunteers in fr o n t o f the display in Forestville, t’s no secret that youths are more likely to develop an interest in an activity if exposed to it at an early age. Tiger Woods has proven that with golf and Dominique Dawes has demonstrated diat in gymnastics - both sporting activities largely unknown to African I Americans. The racing industry is no different. , . . David Rosenblum recognized that and, moreover, decided to do something about it. Rosenblum, a race car driver and recovering drug addict, used racing as a means to stay straight. In 1984, Rosenblum started Inner City Youth (ICY) racing to give strug­ gling youths a chance to do something positive with their lives. Rosenblum annually recruits about a dozen drug-tree, male high school students with passing grades, good attendance and some auto shop experience. The program uses The r,g o - of - t o racing to provide a positive experience in a team-onented environ- ""T m odified Saturn SC2 is used for racing in the Sports Car Club of America’s Profes­ sional World Challenge Division. Last year, the ICY team won the divisions champion­ ship. Each summer, the team takes four or five males, age 15 and up, around the cou - tryPwith an adult crew member, allowing them to work around the garage and in the We Make Our Parts To Fit Cars Made In All These Parts. Pi Teams are sponsored across the country by GMii S a t u r n F o r more information, vision shows on the CAR 1 cir­ cuit and racer Chris Miles re­ cently landed a contract to host “Inside CART,” a weekly racing news magazine show, which starts airing May 5 on Fox Sports Network. Miles believes this highly vis­ ible position will open new doors for African Americans in the sport. “This show will cre­ ate a whole new perspective for African Americans and motor­ ists. It starts to change the face of motorsports,” he said. 26 AFRICAN AMERICANS O N WHEELS contact Keith Chartreau at Saturn in Michigan at (248) 528-5321. Another program, headquartered on the east coast, tries to educate and enlighten groups acrosPs the country on the opportunities in racing. Stan Proctor of theiQuar masters, a fraternal association of African-American drag strip drivers and owners re­ cently held a special banquet for about nine black youths who demonstrate a dedication ^ " T h e ^ ln e r m X e ^ ,'h e a d q u a rte r e d in Forestville, Md often travel to scJ ° ° ls “ give talks and make presentations to high school kids. Bringing their cars with them he Quartermasters allow students to sit in a real dragster and get a sense for the level of commitment and dedication that goes into racing. Students get to see the value of using planning and hard work to achieve their go s. The Quartermasters also pass out anti-drug paraphernalia and participate in educa­ tional parades for children. o r a A »S8 To contact the Quartermasters, call Stan Proctor at (301) 868-488 . ACDfko has parts to /it Japanese tars like Toyota, Nissan, Marcia, Honda and Mitsubishi Parts to jit European tars like Saab. Audi. Mercedes, Volvo and Volkswagen And parts to Jit Ameritan tars like Chevrolet, Cadillac, Ford and Chrysler In fact, with over 65,000 replacement parts, including every thing from alternators to batteries to water pumps, we have parts to fit over 95% of all tars and trucks on the road And (hat. more than likely, includes vours The wav we figure, that’s one sure way to put us on the map For more info, contact 1-800-ACDelco or http://\\ ww.acdelto.c om