I It*' I iR A N D P R IX Fours Seasons Review The Chrysler Sebring JXi onvertibles are really cool when the The style is fresh and sleek; definitely a stand corners of the car. This new design first ap­ weather is hot. But it wasn’t until out in a crowded parking lot. The leather peared with the Dodge Intrepid, Chrysler the dead of winter that the Sebring interior is comfortable, and the sound sys­ Concorde and now defunct Eagle Vision. Some annoyances: moving the seat up tem is respectable. The seats easily adjust to JX i made its way to me. This head-turn­ ing coupe was in a minority among the vour favorite position, with the electronic and back is awkward when trying to let rear passengers in, or when I'm trying to climb sport-utility vehicles hogging the roads ol buttons conveniently located on the bottom out. Nearly 12,000 miles into our year-long the M otor City from January through of the driver’s seat. I especially like the seatbelts, which are test drive, some little irritating things are March. So, I wondered, how would this warm- mounted on the seats instead of the door, cropping up. T he driver-side window weather mobile handle in snow, sleet and providing a much more comfortable fit. In squeaks when you raise it up or down. And fact, this is the first time ever that I hon­ that creaking sound in the steering wheel on rain-drenched roads? First thing first — in northern climates, estly enjoyed wearing my seatbelt — it didn't that was serviced prior to our last review is often the most important feature on a car cut across my neck or cut into my shoul­ back. Overall, though, this seems to be a con­ is its heater. The 1997 Sebring warms up der blade. Another neat feature is the Autostick vertible for all seasons; not one that has to quickly, and the defroster did a terrific job o f clearing those icy windows many a transmission control system, available only hibernate in a garage through a blusters' morning. The dials and controls are con­ with the V6 engine, which allows the driver winter. veniently located within arms reach, and to shift gears manually without the hassle don’t require a degree in meteorology or of a clutch. Getting in and out an understanding of weather symbols to SPECIFICATIONS o f the S ebring is operate. easier than I imag­ Windy, blustery days didn’t intimidate ............$24,660 Base price................. the light-weight Sebring. It hugged the ined, even though it road, never losing control and becoming sits low to the ............ $26,525 Price as tested.......... sidelined. Fortunately, we had a fairly mild g ro u n d . T h e high rear-end, evidence of winter in Detroit this year, so I couldn't ......2.5-liter V6 Engine..................... assess the Sebring’s ability to plow through C hrysler’s cab-for­ ward design, holds a the snow that usually packs Michigan 168@5800 rpm sizable trunk, suitable Horsepower............ roads. Still, it never warmed up enough for me for carrying grocer­ ........10 seconds Acceleration (0-60) to be tempted to let the top down, either. ies, dry-cleaning and The convertible top was certainly much stur­ other cargo. Chrysler ... 17city/21 hwy dier than 1 imagined it to be. It stayed in pioneered the cab- Fuel economy......... tact: no shakes, rattles, groans or signs of forward design in the early 90s by pushing leaks during heavy rains. ..............15.8 gal Tank capacity.......... the wheels out to the There’s a lot to like about the Sebring. C 36 AFRICAN AMERICANS O N WHEELS öra* I T h e w o r d h a s s p r e a d . P r e s e n tin g th e a w a r d - w in n in g W id e T r a c k " G r a n d P rix b y P o n tia c . T h e o n e v e h ic le e n g in e e r e d to h a n d le m o r e th a n ju s t c o m p lim e n ts . Its u n iq u e W id e T r a c k d e s ig n s e ts th e w h e e ls w id e r to c o n n e c t a ll a v a ila b le 2 4 0 s u p e r c h a r g e d h o r s e s to th e r o a d fo r b e tte r c o r n e r in g , c o n tr o l a n d g rip . C h o o s e c o u p e o r s e d a n a n d s e e fo r y o u r s e lf: W id e r is B e tte r. C A L L 8 O O -B E -W ID E R C R U I S E w w w . p o n t ia c . c o m P O N T IA C D R I V I N G E X C n i= A Z U = N T