Page A 2 MAY 20, 1998 (Elje p a r tta nò tïllbsraWT Advance Praise for Guilty By Reason Of Insanity ffihserlitng (F a w c e tt C o lu m b in e H a r d c o v e r ; A p r il 1 9 9 8 ) “Although these are tales of depravity and murder, they are told by a gifted physician, whose literary talents and compassion are manifest in every line. In her hands, they become spellbinding narratives in which a skilled teacher takes us on a voyage o f discovery, in order to share her insights and understanding o f minds so disordered that they are capable o f conceiving the vicious acts described here.” Parks Department honors benefactors at 1998 Evergreen Awards The Vancouver-Clark Parks and Recreation Department recently hosted the 1998 annual Evergreen Awards to recognize nearly 70 busi­ nesses, organizations and individu­ als who have donated time, nmc, money, uiv-iivj, skill, and other valuable support to parks and recreation programs. Maureen Pedone, co-chair of the Vancouver-Clark Parks and Recre­ ation Advisory commission, pre­ sided as .»lu.nci Master v/i of v Ceremonies at aiuvu w v iiiu iiiv a at u j the April 29th ceremony a, the Wa­ ter Resources Education Center. Parks and Recreation Advisory C om m ission m em ber D arrell Badertscher, Phyllis Goldhammer, ¡viuiy i uuu n u ic iiM e in , Mary 11viuciuvi, Herdenter, Todd Horenstein, —Dr. Sherwin Nulund, Author o f How H e Die “Dr. Dorothy Otnow Lewis offers a refreshing and compelling look at the workings o f the criminal mind. After years o f interviewing and studying some o f the most heinous killers on death row. Dr. Lewis reveals startling truths, some o f them shocking and some tragic. I like her style; she has stepped down from the ivory tower o f forensic psychiatry and writes with the compassion, humor and insight of a real person. Guilty By Reason O f Insanity will prove fascinating to every student of the psychotherapy and/or organic brain dysfunction that drives killers to do what they do.” Kay McClaskey and Florence wa­ ger presented the awards. Mayor Royce E. Pollard was assisted by Clark County Commissioner Mel Gordon in giving certificates to the nonorecs. honorees. City planner to speak about computer mapping Greg New kirk, :irk, a Senior Plan- ner/G IS A nalyst with the C ity o f V ancouver, has been selected to present his paper regarding the C ensus at the 1998 Envi- ro n m en e n ta l S ystem s R esearch In stitu te U ser C o n feren ce in San D iego. The paper to be presented in July, d iscu sses how to use com - outer annine a an p n p lic a tio n s t to o puter m apping find m ailing ad d resses w ithin neighborhoods, cities and other geographic b oundaries. N e w k irk c o o r d in a t e s th e i m n p t lem e m e en n t tatio a iin n i eo g rap h ic im n o n f f G In fo rm atio n S ystem s (G1S) and c re a te s G IS d ata, m aps and a n a ly s e s fo r th e C ity o f V ancouver. City planners receive state historic preservation award preservation efforts by the W ash­ ington State O ffice of A rchaeol­ ogy and H istoric Preservation. This annual award honors sig ­ nificant accom plishm ents in the id en tificatio n , ev a lu a tio n and protection o f sta te ’s cultural re­ sources. The c ity ’s com m itm ent to W a sh in g to n ’s cu ltu ra l re ­ sources has been praised as an im portant achievem ent and an in­ spiration for others. SAFARI IN Al RICA City of Vancouver Seeks Applicants to Fill Vacancy on Aviation Advisory Committee three years with a three-term maxi­ mum. The committee meets the sec­ ond T uesday o f each month at noon in the Parks and Recreation Depart­ ment conference room, 603 W. Ev­ ergreen. Vocation of a Lifetime A '- ; OR DISIfiN VOIR OWN VACA1I0N g«,»« i , - • 4« lib With Our Newest Scratch it o f said defendant, and, upon ap­ prehension, be brought before this court. Shots Heard Inside Residence. Subject Later Found Deceased 2232 NW Irving Street On Saturday, May 16, 1998, at 3:45 in the afternoon, 9-1-1 re­ ceived a call from a neighbor of 2232 NW Irving Street, who re­ ported hearing what was believed to be two gunshots from within the residence. When attempts to contact an individual who was reportedly in- side the residence failed, and offic­ ers learned from acquaintances o f the individual that the individual was despondent, had been drink­ ing, and had access to firearms, S.E.R.T. and hostage negotiators were summoned, the area cordoned off, and neighbors evacuated. After hours of unsuccessfully try- ing to contact the subject, S.E.R.T. m em bers entered the residence shortly after 9:00 PM and found the body o f a 28-year-old white male, who reportedly lived at the address. Near the body officers found a firearm. Detectives are conducting an in­ vestigation into the circumstances su rro u n d in g the in d iv id u a l’s d e a th , and th e M ed ical Exam iner’s Office will conduct an autopsy to determine the cause o f death. The name o f the individual is being withheld pending notifica­ tion o f next o f kin. The investiga­ tion is continuing. » J »«tys tc , Man Arrested In Fatal Hit And Run At 12:10 a.m. Wednesday, May 13,1998, a 1971 VW Van driven by Gregory Dale Snapp, disobeyed a stop sign while northbound on NE 80th Avenue. This violation caused thevantocollidewitha 1995Nissan pickup traveling westbound on NE Glisan. The collision caused the death of Michael Lee Ross, a pas­ senger in the van. Snapp ran from the scene and was arrested several hours later at his Gresham area home. The accident caused the van to roll on its passenger side killing Snapp’s passenger. Michael Ross, white male, DOB 09-25-77, o f 1204 NE 80th Avenue, was pinned under the vehicle and died at the scene. Alcohol is believed to be involved. David Joseph White, white male, DOB 09-04-59, o f404 NE 69th Av­ enue, the driver o f the N issan pickup, was not seriously injured. Gregory Snapp, white male, DOB 05-21 -70, o f 763 NE 178th Avenue, has been charged with Felony Hit Create your dream vacation to anywhere in the world, plus cash! and Run, Manslaughter II, and Driv­ ing while Suspended. He has been lodged into the Justice Center Jail. A photograph is available in the Identification Division, 12th floor, Justice Center., Portland Police Bureau traffic Fatal Investigator, Officer Peter M Gallucci is assigned the case. $20.000 PRIZE VALUE Injury Involved Single Motor Vehicle Crash Deputies from the Multnomah County Sheriffs Office were dis­ patched at 0455, on May 14, 1998, to the intersection of SE Division Drive and SE Oxbow Drive to a report o f an injury involved single motor vehicle crash at the location. The driver, Donald Marshall Crichton, 25 years old of Troutdale, and a passenger, Geggery Curtis Grear, 21 years old o f Boring, were seriously injured, and transported to the Legacy Emanuel Trauma Center for treatment. A second passenger, Jason Edward Smith, 22 years old of Southeast Portland, sustained fatal injuries. The Multnomah County incident Reconstruction Team (MCIRT) is currently investigating the incident. The MCIRT is an interagency team composed o f members of the Mult­ nomah County Sheriffs Office. the Gresham Police Department, and the Oregon State Police, tasked with investigating fatality involved motor vehicle crashes in the listed jurisdictions. More details to follow as they become available. Contact Deputy Scott Timms o f this office if you have any further questions. See back of ticket for details. Plan where now see this sifln. - IR A K I IM I O R IIN I OR 01 l l ( N tOILR OWN I It* Al ION OR I R l» 11 I III OR I I N I DBCOVtR DOWN ity to act, before the nearest or most accessible magistrate in this court, or if no magistrate is available, to de­ liver said defendant into custody o f the Jailer o f this county. Michael Kristian Thompson Michael Kristian Thompson DOB:5/6/76 Sex: Male Ht. 5’9”Wt. 160 Race: Caucasian Charges: Rape-3 in the name o f the State o f Oregon to any Peace Officer o f this State, Greetings: it appearing to the court that the above named defendant was convicted o f the above mentioned charges and was placed on pro­ bation to: Oregon C orrections D e p a rtm e n t. O r d e r e d th e defen d an t’s release is hereby re­ voked and the entire security am ount, if any, is hereby for­ feited. It is further o rd ered a w arrant be issued for the arrest O prize Natue h IlP IO U t IH I BIANDS Dawn Lee Smith DOB:IO/I4/53Sex: Female H t.5 ’4"Wt. 120 lbs PPDS: 1479298 Race: White In the name of the State o f Or­ egon: To any Peace Officer of this State, Greetings: An indictment having been filed in the Circuit Court for the County aforesaid, charging the above named defendant with the offense(s) of: Count 1-Forgery in the First De­ gree, Count 2-Forgery in the First Degree. Count 3-Attempted Theft in the First Degree You are commanded to arrest the above named defendant forthwith and bring said defendant before me, or, in case of my absence or inabil­ SA U R I IN Al RICA WIN THE Prospective applicants should con­ tact Peggy Fumo, Mayor’s Office, 210 E. 13th St., P.O. Box 1995, Vancouver, WA 98668-1995 or phone, (360)696-8484. Application deadline is Tuesday, June 2. POUCEJXEWS Dawn Lee Smith OR DfSIjJN »OliR 0WN VACAIION related to Pearson Airfield. Topics include future plans, regulations, operations, improvements and spe­ cial issues. There is no residency require­ ment for the position. Terms are D ISIfiN »OUR OWN VACAIION OR The City ofVancouver is seeking applicants to till a vacancy on the Aviation Advisory Committee. This nine-member citizen group is appointed by the Vancouver City Council to advise the city on matters OR SA U R I IN AFRICA The Growth M anagement Di­ vision o f the City o f V ancouver D evelopm ent D epartm ent has been recognized for its historic —Ann Rule