MAY 20,1998 Page B7 CLASSIFIEDS Counselors: Innovative agency S o c ia l S e rv ic e s Associate Program Director: O ffic e S u p p o rt - F/T serving children, youth & fam i­ Head Start of Yam hill C ounty is lies in a w ide variety of settings now accepting applications for seeks m otivated, respectful, the position of O ffice S pecial­ creative, diverse, and deter­ ist. O ne year general office mined people who want to make experience preferred. M ust be a difference. Excellent learning a self-starter, organized, and & skill developm ent opportuni­ have ability to prioritized m u l­ ties. Regular, volunteer and tiple tasks. A bility to w ork with substitute positions available. m ultiple supervisors is n eces­ O btain required application at sary. M ust have experience Janus Youth Program s, 738 with desktop computers, as well NE D avis, Portland. Call job as database and word process­ line, 233-6090, ext. 2997, for ing software. info on current openings. W e B ilingual-E nglish/S panish p re ­ value diversity. EEO_______ ferred. Federation For C hildren is now $9.92-$11,69perhourdepending recruiting Treatm ent Foster on experience. C losing date is Parents for school age chil­ June 15th, 5:00 p.m. dren up to age 12. Candidates Position requires ability to m eet single or partnered, must have basic physical qualifications, a B achelor’s Degree in a be­ current ODL, and insured v e ­ havioral sciences field or a com- hicle or acceptable alternative, bination of 3, years work, e du­ available for use on the job. cation, training or volunteer ex­ A pplication and job description perience. Need to be empathic available at 800 NE Second St, and com m unicate effectively M cM innville or by calling (503) with m ultiple system s, under­ 472-2000 ext O. Include re­ stand m ental health concepts, sum e with application. and im plem ent interventions Head Start of Y am hill C ounty o f­ based on a treatm ent plan cre­ fers an excellent benefits pack­ ated by the team . Treatm ent age. EOE Foster Parent’s hom es must m eet SCF certification stan­ dards. Ongoing supervision and support provided. R eim burse­ ment for Treatm ent Foster Pro­ viders is approxim ately $1300 Che per m onth per child. For infor­ m ation call Sue or M onica at IJ a v th tn h M orrison Center, 256-3040. Do you w ant to m ake a real difference in the lives of street- dependent youth? Are you a team developer? Do you under­ stand valuing differences as a guiding principle? Are you fa ­ m iliar w ith C om m unity Youth D evelopm ent and staff super­ vision? Are you ready for a new challenge in your career? Step into the role as a leader for one of Oregon's largest youth agen­ cies. E xcellent com pensation package. Relevant experience preferred. Send resum e and salary requirem ents to: Street Youth c/o T he Postal Station, 2000 NE 42nd Avenue, Suite 229, Portland, OR. 97213-1305. R eplies m ust be postm arked no later than M ay 2 3 ,199 8. ï O re g o rfA rm y N a tio n a l G u a rd N on-prior or prior service okay. W e take G ED 's. Good pay and benefits. Call-503-557-6034. Advertise In Librarian - C h ild ren ’s Services (P art-tim e 20 hour per w eek vacancy) - C ity O f M ilw aukie, OR. Salary $14.82-$18.92per hour (effective July 1, 1998), DOQ. W ork assignm ents in the area of ch ild re n ’s services in­ volve reference and readers’ advisory service; planning and im plem enting a variety of li­ brary related recreational and educational program s; a ssis­ tance in selection of m aterials; and public instruction in use of library on-line com puter sys­ tem s that include C D -R O M applications. Includes evening and w eekend work. Minimum Requirements: Education: M ust possess a four year co l­ lege degree in library services or related field with major course w ork in ch ildren's services. Desirable to possess a master1 s degree in library science. Prior W ork Experience: Four years of library operations experience with tw o of those years involv­ ing experience in children’s services. Equivalent combi­ nation of education and ex­ perience: M a y in c lu d e a m aster’s degree in library s ci­ ence to replace four years ex­ perience when degree includes emphasis in children’s services. Application materials: City of Milwaukie, Hum an Resources, 1 0 7 2 2 S E M a in S tre e t, M ilw aukie, OR 97222, no later than 4:00 PM, Friday, June 5, 1998. For m ore inform ation: (503) 786-7507 or TD D #(503) 786-7555 or FAX #(503) 652- 4433. Prior to hiring, require satisfactory com pletion of drug test. All qualified applicants en­ couraged to apply. EOE. (O h s e r ti e r Assistant to the Vice President Grants/Contracts Manager Intensive Phase Coordinator (Family Enhancement Program) Evening Recep­ tionist (part-time) Applications and job descriptions are available at the C enter for Self Enhancem ent located at: 3920 N. Kerby Ave. Portland, OR 97228 R esum es m ay be faxed to: (503) 249-1955 W hen sending your resum e, please indicate the position(s) you are interested in applying for. T ra n s p o rt D riv e r W e are looking for an experiance T ransport Driver. M ust have C lass A, C D L and 2 years e x­ perience or 1 year experience plus com m ercial driving school. E xcellent pay and benefits. P lease apply directly to North P ortland E m ploym ent O ffice, 30 N. W ebster. Ref# 1128107. W e are an E EO /AA Em ployer. You Cun Now Find Vs On The H eh Call Robert at 284-3691 C ook W h e n it c o m e s to k e e p in g O r e g o n h ealth y, w e c o u ld n 't care m ore. Experienced Cook needed to o p e ra te NE P o rtla n d soul Food Restaurant. Salary DOE. Since 19 4 1, Regence BlueCross BlueShield o f Oregon has relied on the efforts o f our exceptional w orkforce to discover innovative routes to supenor health care Solutions like wellness programs, physician-directed care and assistance to unmsurable Oregonians. O u r Call Robert 284-3691 people understand that while quality often has a price, efficiency and intelligent strategies can keep costs to a minimum If bettering the quality o f life in Oregon sounds like a w orthw hile C o n s tru c tio n pursuit to y o u consider o u r possibilities: Opportunities For Veterans C O B L o ad Specialist (C o o rd in a tio n o f B e n e fits ) (Job #807) Many Openings. In this position, you will analyze information from COB and Medicare investigation letters, claims, No Experience. NoBasicTraining. member applications, and correspondence to determine the pnmary, secondary, tertiary order o f benefit payment responsibility for members w ho have more than one insurance coverage You must have a High School diploma o r GED and at least one year o f general office We T rain. PT Positions. Benefits & R etirem ent Possible. Call Keith Staples US Naval Reserve 503-283-2136 expenence. including comprehensive knowledge o f ACPS and COB regulations and data entry expenence M e r it U n d e r w r ite r (Job # 7 9 l) Responsibilities include calculation o f rates and benefit quotes for prospective groups as well as renewal positions, knowledge o f vanous large group funding and rating alternatives, financial settlements and rating o f benefit vanations fo r existing groups Qualified applicants will have Area Millionaire previous M erit U nderw riter o r equivalent insurance expenence, as well as strong analytical skills, Looking for 5 entrepreneurs who a re m o tiv a te d , s u c c e s s minded, self-starters and w ant to m ake serious m oney. C all 1-888-309-2575 the ability to w o rk under pressure, and excellent w ntten and oral communication skills C la im s A nalysts (Job #573) You will analyze and enter claim information into our automated claims processing system You must have a High School diploma or equivalent. Knowledge o f medical terminology and ICD9 C u s to m e r S e rv ic e R epresen tatives (Job #698) You will serve as our liaison to provide information regarding benefits, contract administration, eligibility, claim payments and denials. You must have a strong customer service background and Parking Facility Operator knowledge o f medical terminology The ability to w ork w ith little supervision in a fast-paced, Immediate opening for full and part-time lot attendants team environment is necessary. with Portland'» leading parking Company. W e are seeking dependable individuals with a neat appearance P h a rm a c y S ervices R e p re s en tativ e (|ob #658) and a positive attitude. Salem Office You will provide support fo r the administration o f our prescription drug programs. You must W e offer: have a least tw o years o f recent expenence in customer service as well as tw o years o f PC ♦ $ 7 . 0 0 / h r starting w age ♦ $10.50 overtime available ♦ M edical and Dental Benefits available ♦ Advancement potential experience w ith MS W indow s and a database. W e offer a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package. Pre-employment drug screening is required and we support a smoke-free w ork environment To apply, please indicate job # at the to p o f your resume o r cover letter and submit to Regence BlueCross Applicants must have valid drivers license, submit drug test and background check. Apply in parson daily B lueShield o f O re g o n and Regence H M O O re g o n , H u m a n Resources, P. O . Box 1171, P ortla n d . O R 9 7 2 0 7 -12 7 0 ,T T Y # ( $ 0 3 ) 125-4780. W e are strongly committed to between 12:00 and 1:00PM at City Center Parking at 215 SW 6th. C nil 503-288-0033 08 and CPT IV coding is required. ¥ Volunteers of America of Oregon, Inc. S o c ia l S e rv ic e Job opening ad: Field monitor for at-risk youth diverted from secure detention to com m unity supervision. Responsibilities include random face to face visits with youth at home, school, work. Ensure youth com ply with court ordered release plan. Report activities. Experience with ethnically diverse populations, good oral/written com munication and computer skills. Education: BA/AA + 2 yr or HS/GED + 4yr relevant experience. Special requirements: Reliable insured vehicle, fluency in Spanish/Asian dialect a plus. Hourly rate plus $.29 mileage. 40 hr. per week. Must pass in-depth criminal history check prior to job offer. Other Instructions: Position closes: May 22, 1993. Send Resume/application to: Volunteers of America of Oregon, Inc., 537 SE Alder St., Portland, OR 97214. Equal Opportunity Employer Advertisement For Bid S e a le d b id s fo r C h ille r R e p la c e m e n t fo r S cie n ce B u ilding II, P o rtla n d S ta te U n ive rsity, P o rtla n d , O re g o n w ill be rece ive d at P o rtla n d S ta te U n ive rsity, U n ive rsity S e rvice s B u ild in g , 617 S .W . M o n tg o m e ry , S e co n d Floor, P ortland, O re g o n , until 3:00 p.m ., P D T , ju n e 11, 1998. A d d itio n a l in fo rm a tio n is a va ila b le fro m C B G C o n su ltin g E ngineers, co n ta ct B ruce B arney at (503) 6 2 0 -3 2 3 2 o r fa x at (503) 6 2 0 -0 3 4 6 . equal opportunity in all phases o f employm ent Regence C o n s tru c tio n J o b s S ta rt A S A P BlueCross BlueShield o f Oregon HMO Oregon Exp. Labor - Jn. C arp $9-$16 p/h Vehicle/U A/O D L req. Call 203-5488 or 654-0021 For more information about career opportunities, call our Job Information Line: (800) 231-1617 or viwt our website at Employment ,7 n COMMUNITY DETENTION MONITOR O re g o n , o p p o r t u n it y m e a n s great benefits, competitive salaries, and a large variety of careers available sta te w id e . Currently, openings exist in the following agencies: OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Principal Executlve/Manager F (Roadway Engineering Manager) We are seeking an experienced manager for the Salem area. Provide leadership and direction to unit and design team m anagers. D irect and provide oversight to all activities of the Roadway Engineering Section; approximately 75 employees; provide leadership and direction toward m eeting ODOT's State Transportation Improvement Program by managing project delivery through partnerships with other sections of the Technical Services Branch and Regions; coordinate project development and delivery efforts of various ODOT sections, various governmental units and private engineering firms. Qualified candidates will possess registration as a Professional Engineer (PE), a Bachelor's degree. 4 years of management experience in a public or private sector, including responsibility for s ta ff and budget management; development of program rules and policies; development o, long- and short range goals and plans; and program evaluation. Salary $3,8 30 to $5.389 a month plus benefits. (Announcement #0CDT8326) C ontact ODOT R ecruitm ent at (5 0 3 ) 986 -4 0 30 (TTY 9 8 6 3 8 5 4 for the hearing Impaired) for required application packet. Completed application materials must be received by June 5, 1998. ODOT is an AA/EEO Employer committed to a diverse work force. K ick O ff 1998 with the U ltimate P art -T ime J ob UPS IS HIRING! The follow ing are positions cu r­ rently open at Self E nhance­ m ent, Inc. T hese positions are open until filled. S e c u rity G ua rd In -h o u s e S e c u r ity G u a rd needed for NE Portland Li­ quor Outlet. Salary DOE. 10 Immediate Openings Rated as the #4 M ost Adm ired Employer in the Nation bu Fortune Magazine Night S h ift-1 0:00 p m til 2;30 am $8.50 - $9.50/hour to start ►opportunities for advancement ►various part-time shifts available ►must be 18 years or older ►full benefits for employees & dependents Drop By... THE NORTHEAST WORKFORCE CENTER, INC. 4106 N. Vancouver Ave., Portland, Oregon Hrs. 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. Monday through Friday For more Information, please call the Workforce Canter at 503-288-4370 An Equal Opportunity Employer Program Technician 2 (Specification Development Technician) We are seeking an individual with experience as program technician to assist Fleet Operations Manager and mechanical engineer in the planning, development, organization and preparation of the Department's biennial fleet purchasing plan. This position will provide independent research, developm ent, design and preparation o f equipm ent rental fleet specifications that will do the required work at the lowest ownership costs. Requires two years of experience with responsibility for program or project monitoring and coordination. The experience must have included program evaluation responsibility. Salary $2,806 to $3,837 a month plus benefits. (Announcem ent # 0 C D T 8 1 9 lj. C o n ta ct ODOT R ecruitm ent at (5 0 3 ) 9 8 6 -4 0 3 0 (TTY 9 8 6 3 8 5 4 for th e hearing Im paired) for required application packet. Completed application materials must be received by to the Pavement Design Field Crew In obtaining highway pavement data necessary A -, to prepare pavement designs fo r the