Page B4 MAY 20,1998 (Elje ^Jortlanh ©bseruer P o rtla n d ©bseruer EMI Christian Music Group Launches New Gospel Label utcd worldwide through EMICMG’s network of more than 100 sub-dis­ tributors and licensees in more than 60 countries. "The formation of EMI Gospel represents a major commitment for our business. We have always con­ sidered gospel an important priority, but now with a dedicated label and staff, led by Ken Pennell, one o f the most respected executives in gospel music, we can more fully serve this great musical genre,"said Bill Hearn, President and CEO of EMI C’MG. “Lamar Campbell & Spirit of Praise represents the kind of artist we want is proud to announce the addition of our web-site, http://PortlandObserver.Net to better serve the needs of our Readers and Advertisers. Check it out! to sign - artists of unquestioned in­ tegrity and talent, with a passion to share the gospel through music.” "The mission for our label is to create authentic gospel music that clearly communicates the message ofChrist, to develop artists who have world class talent and a passionate desire to use that talent for the Lord, and to nurture vibrant relationships with the gospel music community, the church, the media and our con­ sumers,” said Pennell. “EMI CMG already has a stellar history in gospel music. EMI Gospel will build on that foundation.” If you want to know m ore about Racial Unity O r about The Baha’i Faith Send us a self-addressed envelope at: The Baha’is of Portland P.O. Box 83297 Portland, OR 97283 or visit our web site: ÌAARK B A P r 1ST Lamar Campbell EMI Gospel Inaugural Release Lamar Campbell & Spirit o f Praise; Ken Pennell Named Managing Director Strengthening its position as the leading producerofquality Christian music, EMI Christian Music Group (EMI CMG) announced the forma­ tion o f EMI Gospel, a new wholly- owned label, and the label’s first signing - Lamar Campbell & Spirit o f Praise. EMI Gospel, which begins op­ erations immediately form EMI C M G ’s c o rp o ra te o ffic e s in Brentwood, Tennessee, will be led by Ken Pennell, who has been named Managing director. The la­ bel will release four to six albums and one video in the first year, with Cam pbell’s debut which was re­ leased on May 19. C'hordant Distribution Group will handle distribution to the Christian retail market while EMI Music Dis­ tribution (EMD) will distribute EMI Gospel to the general retail market. EMI Gospel releases will be distrib- 103 ‘N‘E CMorris Street ‘P ortlan d,(99^97212 (5 0 3 )2 8 7 -7 4 5 7 2736 NE Rodney Portland, OR 97212 Sunday School 9:30£4£M ‘W orshipServicelO :45i4£M ‘W ednesday ¿Activities 6:309*141 ‘Rev. 9V>bert 9 One Day 9' North Portland Bible College Pastor Johnny Pack IV BIBLICAL FAITH MIRACLE SEMINAR "It's more than just a Bible School" — — It’s a community resource, developing new ways to deliver the education and skills people want and need in North/Northeast Portland. We are developing summer and fall classes in computer keyboarding in Windowsand Word software, and in basic English language skills. Contact our office for more details. Trusting God's Promises Beyond the in s ta n t Tangible Miracle with Evangelist W. Pritchett Are von looking for continuing education workshops, to equip you for excellence in serving God in your church and community? We Are Offering Marriage Enrichment Seminar on Saturday, May 23, at the NPBC campus. Free and open to all, the seminar is taught by Dr. Otis F. Brown, our president, and Dr. Johnnie Brown, his wife, well known conference speakers. Are you looking fo r answers concerning the future, from the Bible? Then sign up fo r our summer course, S T I4I: The Revelation. It starts August 4, and is available fo r credit or personal enrichment. Please contact us fo r a list o f workshops available. Don’t miss the opportunities in you£community! North Portland Bible College, 4905 N. Vancouver Avenue, phone 288-2919. who has a proven nationwide ministry’ o f trusting God's promises fo r miracles, healing and needs. One Great Seminar On How To Trust God s Promises. Everyone is Invited Saturday, May 23,1998 Red Lion Inn Coliseum 1225 North Thunderbird Way Portland, Oregon 97227 12 O’clock PM -3:00 PM