Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 20, 1998, Page 11, Image 11

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Homowo Receives $8,000 Grant
From Portland General Electric
The Homowo Founda­
tion for African Arts and
Cultures has received an
$8,000 sponsorship from
Portland General Electric
to support the ninth an­
nual Homowo Festival of
African Arts and the A fri­
can Arts Day Camp.
PG E ’s contribution is
the largest corporate grant
ever received by Homowo
F o u n d a tio n . T he PGE
grant helps the popular
festival expand to two days
this year and will also un­
derwrite scholarships for
c h ild ren to atten d the
PGE is com m itted to
supporting the concept and
developm ent o f healthy
fam ilies, prom oting ac­
Obo Addy Artistic Director of Homowo pouring libations to begin the
tivities that highlight and festival.
celebrate cultural diversity
and support for minority tiv a l an d d ay c a m p , June 19. The African Arts
initiatives. PG E’s collabo­ H om ow o’s artistic direc­ Day Camp begins on July
13 and will be offered
ration with Homowo has to r O bo A ddy and his
throughout the city at the
grown to a level o f sup­ group, Okropong, will join
port that includes finan­ PGE in the St. Johns Pa­ East Portland Com munity
cial, in-kind and employee rade on May 9 and will C enter, Peninsula Park
p e rfo rm
P G E ’s Com m unity C enter and
volunteer contributions.
To help promote the fes- Juneteenth celebration on Friendly House.
/FCC C f a / F t y tlrea Portland’A rffefc (Jew 4-27
Mixed m edia w orks by Beverly
Bizzell, paintings by R eneeZ angara,
and photographs by Dick Bogle will
b e e x h ib ite d a t th e I n te r s ta te
Firehouse C ultural C enter, 5340 N.
Interstate A ve., June 4-27.
A free public opening reception
will be hosted by the IFCC T hurs­
day, June 4, from 5:30 to 7:30 pm.
IFCC G allery hours are M onday-
Friday, noon to 5:30 pm and Satur­
days, noon to 4 pm. For m ore infor­
mation, call 503-823-2000.
The im ages can be divided into
three groups. T he first deals with the
m igration o f A frican A m ericans to
Portland during W orld W ar II, their
initial settlem ent in Van port, and their
relocation to A lbina after the Vanport
Flood o f 1948.
The second group concerns the
displacem ent that resulted from the
construction o f the M em orial C oli­
seum and the Interstate 5 freeway: an
exam ple o f the d evastating effect the
nation’s U rban Renew al Act o f 1954
had on p o o r m inority com m unities.
The third g ro u p o f w orks con­
cerns the d isplacem ent o f families
due to the ex p an sio n o f Em anuel
Hospital: sig n ifican t in that it also
destroyed w hat w as once a vibrant
business and cultural center.
The individual m em ories, stories
and experiences Bizzell draw s from
lend her w ork an intim acy and im m e­
diacy that strengthens her plea for
cultural preservation. “ D is/Place” is
an outgrow th o f B izzell's thesis work
for the B.F.A. in painting she earned
from M arylhurst C ollege in 1997.
Dick B ogle
Dick Bogle, former City com mis­
sioner in charge o f the IFCC, is wel­
comed with an exhibition o fh is black
an d w h ite p h o to g ra p h y .
L ero y
V innegar, Paulette Davis, Lionel Hamp­
ton and Russell M alonearejustsom eof
the jazz and blues legends Dick Bogle
has captured with his camera as they
perform. “Jazz photography is more
about em otion than motion," says
Bogle. “ I try in my photos to tap into
that emotional moment when the artist
lets m e peer into his or her soul.”
A fifth -g e n eratio n O re g o n ia n ,
Dick Bogle served on the Portland
Police Bureau from 1959-68. In
1968, he becam e the first A frican
A m erican television reporter in the
N orthw est w hen he w as hired by
K A TU -TV. A fter 15 yearsat K.ATU,
and alm ost tw o years as an assistant
to a C ity C om m issioner, D ick w as
elected to the Portland C ity C ouncil.
Dick Bogle
He served tw o four year term s before
retiring in 1992.
O I ul D a r a
O lu Dara circles the floor o f the
dow ntow n N ew Y ork jazz club, glid­
ing betw een tightly arranged tables
and navigating the pinbal I m ovem ents
o f harried w ait staff. W arm sm ells
from the ven u e’s kitchen m ixed with
cigarettesm oke while thein-the-packet
rhythm s o f O lu ’s band are com ple­
m ented by laugh ter and the cadence o f
tum bling ice cubes. T he round New
O rleans hom play from his com et, its
brass w orn like an old penny, rises and
falls as the bell ducks in and around
the people, plants, and other obstacles
in the room.
T here is m otion everyw here as one
person after another feets com pelled
to squeeze into the aisle and dance.
Olu know s w hat h e’s doing. This is a
scene o fh is making... he and the band.
As an artist w ho thrives on his
ability to create m oods and m om ents,
success is in the perform ance. New
O rleans jazz runs headlong into M is­
Olu Dara
sissippi Delta blues, as Olu relates any
num ber o f autobiographical tales over out party. “ I never had the desire to
make a record before. I was ju st in show
a gum bo o f Caribbean and African
business. T hat’s basically a city cul-
rhythms. C om poser, musical director,
band leader, and actor - the
N atchez, M ississippi native
and longtim e N ew Y orker
w eaves together childhood
m em ories w ith concise char­
acter sketches and slices from
the natural world.
A fter m ore than 35 years
o f perform ing and recording
ex p erience--includingastint
as one o f Art B lakey’s famed
M essengers and credits on
For ch ild re n and teens
more than 50 album s (from
Ages 4 -1 /2 to 18
artists including Brian Eno,
Jam es “ B lood” Ulm er, and
Two W eek and
C assandra W ilson) — O lu
One W eek Workshops
m akes his recorded debut as a
b a n d le a d e r w ith “ In The
W orld: From N atchez To
Skill Classes
New Y ork." Rolling Stone has
Peter Rabbit Playhouse
Scene Study
already declared the album to
Comedy A La Carte
be, “the kind o f unpretentious
cross-cultural hybrid that feels
Music Video
like real life. It’s m usic pow ­
The Three Musketeers
ered by beating hearts and
energized by radical colli­
Classes begin June 15
Child Care Available
“You could say it’s just the
right time,” says the 57-year-
old Dara, o fh is 1998 com ing-
Chicken Bacon,
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only $ 3 . 9 9
but in my hometown along the
Mississippi w e never talked about mak­
ing records, w e just played music."
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