Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 05, 1998, Page 8, Image 8

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MAY 5, 1998
H jv pprtUuib (Obeerurr
Mother Love Through Quilts
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Happy M other’s Day Mom. You 're a
wonderful and loving mom, who
deserves to he happy on this day and
forever. “IL love you m om !”
Love, your daughter Margo Taylor,
your son Gregory' Taylor, and the
fam ily
•'s A
An Oregon Quilting Bee. Circa 1900.
(Courtesy o f the Oregon Historical Society.)
B y J oy R amos
It is to connect with the “spirit"
Her.spirit is in the quilt she made, connection to my roots, to my
M other’s love is one
imbued within the quilt during
Sometimes, it I m really agoniz- grandmother. I know that she
ofgiving. When a quilt
dream time.
ing over something. I'll just go spent a lot of time, although the
is hand-m ade, it is
Women have understood that
and get the quilt and just put it on quilt looks very simple, but there
fashioned from her heart. the
It is power
o f quilting comes from
me to feel her warmth and pro- was a lot of labor and her will of
thing of beauty, a power to be­
the making. It is grounding your­
tective spirit.
|ove that went into the making of
hold. Mothers have given quilts
self to something humble and
It is a connection to her, a the quilt."
with good intentions o f being
being in the moment. There is
passed on.
nothing like quilting to help you
From a mother to her beloved,
appreciate that because it’s very
L o v e T o À A o il\t’ Cs O n
quilts are a reminder of her gra­
p S
slow. Your lifejust sort o f winds
cious and loving bond.
down to a very slow stroll.
D a y . AAay 1 0+K
Women gathering to make a
Women make quilts to glimpse
quilt become a communion of
eternity. In quilting, you have
spirits. They openly share, know­
moments of that where you know
ing that an equality exists among
that this is eternity. This very
each other. Collectively, they
moment is eternity,” explains
hold a power to manifest as they
Maya Angelou, an author.
are creating from the heart. The
Quilting has been a medium
pieces of fabric come together as
for many women to sense their
a mosaic that gives simplistic ex­
own connection and transm it
pression of how a woman nur­
their highest intentions. As moth­
A f f o c e n t H c C , P e e lin g C Â ard s,
tures, supports and establishes
ers do the same with their chil­
deep connections.
o lle e tild e d o lls k / I d a d d y .L o n g L e g s
dren, quilts preserve the good­
During the 18()()’s, women of
ness of all that.
¿ J e w e lry , a n d O t h e r O if+ s
the Oregon Trail held quilting
I hey are handed down as
bees. “ It was in a circle of friends
keepsakes to be treasured long
that women shared news, rem­
after their existence.
I'd o r a i K o u q w e fs S t a r t i n g a t $ 5 . 9 5
edies and companionship. It was
Camille Cosby, a well known
here where seeds of community
W n lm d 1 ’«»»•!< K t ’ f tu l G e n f e r
society figure reflected on her
were planted, seeds that grew into
ties to a grandparent. “ I just feel
446 A).£. Killingswarth PoHland, OK 9 7 2 1 1
churches, schools and support
that my grandmother is with me.
system s,” cites Susan Butruille,
a historian. “W omen’s need for
each o ther’s help and compan­
ionship was a matter o f psychic,
if not physical survival. So they
reached out to each other and
shared resources. Needles were
so precious that they were passed
around from woman to woman
and carefully guarded.”
Travelling the 2.000 mile Or­
egon frail took several months
that was fraught with danger.
Quilting sustained and protected
emigrant and pioneer women and
their families. As one writer put
it, “A woman made utility quilts
as fast as she could so her family
w ouldn’t freeze, and she made
them as beautiful as she could so
M ay 10th M o th e rs Day
her heart w ouldn’t break.”
Free adm ;ssion fo r M om The Heritage Gardens are in bloom and the
Quilts can leave lasting im­
Willamette Trades and Craft Workshop is open for hands on activities for the
entire ramily
pressions. Roland Freeman, a
I n t e r p r e t iv e C en te r
historian relates, “W hen I was a
M ay 3 0 -3 1 “ P io n ee r Living and Trail Tales
child, quilts were special, even
Featuring a pioneer encampment with the Trails End Free Trappers, storytelling,
magical to me. They could heal
pioneer craft demonstrations and entertainment Hyalite, Inc. presents stories of
and they could curse; they could
A ilean American contributions to the westward expansion An afternoon
$5 50
adventure for the whole family
capture history and affect the
future; they could transform pain
$4 50
Open D aily 9 - 5
to celebration.”
With every African American
1-205 to Exit 10 • 503.657 9336
quilt Roland has collected, he
1 72 6 W ashington S tre e t, O regon City
sleeps under each one as a ritual.
To A ll O f My Mothers On This
Mothers D ay
D arn eil Lake, Little Momma,
Patricia Williams
You Truly Are The Women O f My
LifetM ay This Day Bring You
Many Blessings
. -
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