Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 05, 1998, Page 7, Image 7

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Ms. Senior A m erica Louis G.
Stuetley, Jackie Clinton Wheeler, and
Juanita Nixon are among eight gor­
geous grandm others who share their
secrets for staying beautiful and vi­
brant, in the May EBONY.
“ 1 dance all the time, especially
while cleaning the house,” says Jackie
Clinton Wheeler, 5 1, who is the glam­
orous grandmother o f six. “ Every
morning, 1 take one hour ot quiet
tim e ... before taking on the pressures
and stress o f the day." Louise G.
Stuetley, 61, who holds the title for
Ms. Senior America is the grand­
mother o f four and says, "1 have a
treadmill, a stationary bike and a
stairmaster. I do a halt an hour on the
machines in the m orning and 45 min­
utes at night.”
Juanita Nixon, 42, former wife o f
Sugar Ray Leonard, has two sons
and one grandchild and says, “Once
you get older gravity works against
you, so I fight back with aerobics and
weight training.”
also featured am ong the most
“G lamorous Grandm others” is Ruth
Thomas, 57, o f Fredericksbur, Vir­
ginia, grandm other o f twenty-two;
Claudia Turner, 58, o f Silver spring,
Maryland, grandmother o f three; and
Etta King Hart, 74, o f Park Forest,
Illinois; grandmother o f two.
photo caption
Jackie Clinton W heeler, 51, is
among eight gorgeous grandmothers
who share their secrets for staying
beautiful and vibrant, in the May
most Hispanic grandparents raising
children in New York live in extreme
poverty, and only one in five can speak
English well.
The study finds the greatest barrier
to these grandparents using govern­
ment services is not knowing they are
available, even though three in four
reported at least one unmet health or
social service need. Almost all o f the
women in the study are poor or nearly
poor. The study finds that half are
separated or divorced women, and
P overty
Professor Denise Burnette, who
ran the study, calls for aggressive
outreach efforts at the local level to
improve grandparents’ awareness o f
entitlements and service benefits for
themselves and their grandchildren.
Outreach materials must be in Spanish
and English, at an appropriate reading
level. She warns of the effect o f wel­
fare reform on grandparent caregivers,
especially time limits on income ben­
efits, eligibility for food stamps, re­
quirements for employment, and the
effects o f immigrant status on benifits.
Metropolitan Learning Center (MLC) hosts its
8th annual Spring Renaissance Faire at MLC on
Friday, May 8, 1998, from 3:00pm 7:00pm. MLC
is located at 2033 NW Glisan Street.
E njoy an afternoon and evening o f celeb ra­
tion and fun in honor o f Spring and the arts.
B ring your fam ily, friends, and your neighbors
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You will find a variety ofdinner items including,
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Crafts and Booths
You will also enjoy zany and fun events and
projects. The Faire includes theatrical performances,
clowns, games, archery, face painting, plant sale,
crafts, music, and exploration o f the arts.
Ticket Sales - M ay 4-8
Admission is Free
Presale tickets available outside MLC Main
Office for 1/4 o f an hour before school, Monday
through Friday and after school, Monday through
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Help us to help our community by
promoting community awareness.
-l.uwereme Dark,
Urban League
of Portland
-Carmen Thompson,
Agent, State Farm
Insurance, Portland
“We must
create a culture
in our homes
and our
which sends
the message
loud and clear
to our children
that learning is
one very
important way
to illustrate,
M atters”
about the same proportion had less
than eight years o f schooling.
Three in four o f the grandparents
surveyed reported at least one unmet
health or social service need. Seventy
percent rated their own health as poor
or fair, and nearly half showed signs
o f at least mild depression. In com­
parison, a 1996 national study of grand­
parent caregivers found 27 percent in
fair or poor health, and a 1993 study o f
African-American custodial grand­
mothers found 47 percent in fair or
poor health.
t :
“State Farm
wants to recog­
nize the talents
ot young people
in our communi­
ties who are
doing the right
thing, and cele­
brate their spirit
of accomplish­
ment through
the national
G randparents R aising K ids
A Columbia University study finds
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M A Y 5 ,1 9 9 «
(Lije ^Jortlanò (Obsrriwr
Ç lam orou s g r a n d m o th e r s
S h are ‘B eau ty S ecrets
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N obody does it B etter ’ for L ess .