Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 05, 1998, Page 19, Image 19

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MAY 5,1998
(Elje ^Jnrtlanò (fftbserucr
Director Of Head
fo ra private, non-profit organiza­
tion to develop policy, direct
and coordinate program m eatic
operations of Family Head Start.
Successful candidate will have
a m inim um 4 years experience
as head Start adm inistrator/
coordinator, early childhood
education and non-profit m an­
agement. Hiring range $33,941
- $38,988/year. C loses M ay 5,
1998 at 5:00 p.m. Send c o m ­
pleted A gency application, re­
sum e and cover letter to:
Community Action
2035 D avcorC t. SE,
Salem , OR 97302
Fund Developer
For The
Oregon Coalition Against
Domestic And Sexual
O C A D S V is the statew ide n e t­
w ork of program s serving v ic ­
tim s of dom estic and sexual
violence. O C A D S V has 29
m em ber program s, located in
rural and urban areas through­
out Oregon.
Salary: $ 2 6 ,000-$30,000 A n n u ­
ally plus benefits
Starting date: June 1,1998
A pplication deadline: M ay 14,
For an application packet call
Debbie: 503-223-7411
People of C olor are encouraged
to apply Equal O pportunity/Af-
firm ative Action E m ployer
mfg com pany. R esponsible for
m aintenance of all pkg equip.
M ust have 2 yrs m ech exp,
preferably in m fg or pkg envi­
ronment. Benefits after 90 days.
Apply direct between 8am-5pm
M on-Fri or send resum e with
salary requirem ents to 3580
NE B roadw ay P ortland, Or
Equal O pportunity Em ployer
Health Administrator
S enior executive position, resp
fo r operation of regional m edi­
cal service system . M aster’s
degree req, RN pref, at least 5
yrs exp in health care m gm t w/
s tr o n g
s u p rv s ry
s k ills ,
com m itm t to goals of P lanned
Parenthood. Salary DOE. Send
cover Itr w / resum e to: E xecu­
tive D irector, Planned P arent­
hood, 3231 SE 50th, Portland,
OR 97206 EOE
Sportswear Company*
Computer, High Technology
Work for One Tough Mother
Colum bia Sportswear Company has proven that quality construc­
tion, engineering and innovation in sports apparel is a formula for
success. Join our IS Department in the following position:
W orking knowledge of AS400 systems, JDE application experience
a plus (Robot, Console). Novell/W indows environment and busy
help desk. Familiarity with UNIX OS (AIX/HP-UX) preferred. Pre­
vious Operations and/or basic programming experience.
Colum bia Sportswear offers competitive compensation/benefits
package, and a business-oriented team environment.
Please send resume and salary history to: Human Resources, Dept.
CO, PO Box 83239, Portland OR 97283, or Fax to: (503) 735-4597.
Equal Opportunity Employer.
Washington County
Probation & Parole Officer I
Closes May 15, 1998
Sr. Community Health Nurse
(Field Team Home Visiting Program)
Packaging line set-up me-
chanic/technician needed for
Sportswear Compaiiy-
Floor Supervisor
C olum bia S portsw ear C om pany
has proven for m ore than 50
years that quality construction,
engineering and innovation in
sports apparel is a form ula for
success. O urgrow th has been
built on a foundation of value,
not only in our high quality prod­
ucts, but our em ployees as
W e need a Floor S upervisor at
our S ellw ood O utlet Store to
support m anagem ent, and to
train and m otivate sales staff to
achieve goals and sales objec­
tives. You m ust be a self-m oti­
vated, enthusiastic take-charge
individual with at least 1 year
retail supervisory experience.
Please apply in person at the
store or forw ard your resum e,
salary history, and cover letter
to: H um an R esources, Dept.
SFS, PO Box 83239, Portland,
OR 97283-0239, or Fax to:
(503)735-4597. Equal O ppor­
tunity Em ployer.
Office Manager
for theOregon Coalition
Against Domestic And Sexual
O C A D S V is the state w ide net­
w ork of p rogram s serving v ic ­
tim s of dom estic and sexual
violence. O C A D S V has 29
m em ber program s, located in
rural and urban areas through­
out O regon.
Salary: 24,000 Annually plus ben­
Starting Date June 1 1998
A pplication deadline: M ay 14,
For an application packet call
Debbie: 503-223-7411
People of C olor are encouraged
to apply
Equal O p p o rtu n ity /A ffirm a tiv e
Action Em ployer
$3,371 -$4,097/mo
Closes May 15, 1998
Call (503) 648-8606/TTY (503) 693-4898 for information. County
application and supplemental application forms required.
Apply To:
W ashington County Human Resources Division
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 210
Hillsboro, OR 97124
Women, minorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged
to apply.
Nabisco Inc. currently has openings for entry level production
Qualified applicants will have the following skills and experience:
Claims Examiner
C eres B ehaviora l H ealthcare
System s, a M anaged B ehav­
ioral H ealthcare O rganization
which is a D ivision of G reen
Spring H ealth S ervices, a na­
tional behavioral healthcare
company, is accepting applica­
tions fo r a claim s exam iner
This is a part tim e position (22.5
hours per w eek) w ith responsi­
bility for adjudicating m ental
health and chem ical depen­
dency claim s: data entry; and
interacting w ith providers and
subscribers. R equires ba ck­
ground in m anaged healthcare
orHM O, knowledge of CPT and
BA codes, strong telephone and
custom er service skills, and
proficiency in M S O ffice. M H/
CD claim s experience a plus.
This is a part tim e position and
includes som e schedule fle x­
Ceres offers com petitive sala­
ries, a benefits package includ­
ing 4 0 1 K, plus a great w orking
environm ent. Q ualified a p p li­
cants are invited to send re­
sumes and salary requirements
C eres B e haviora l H ealthcare
System s, LLC
Attn: Human Resources
921 SW W ashington Street,
Suite 550
Portland, OR 97205
Fax: 503/219-6892
e-m ail: jharvey @ gshs.com
Equal O pportunity Em ployer
Full-Time And Part-
Transit Operators
Salem Area Mass Transit District
is now accepting applications
for both full-tim e and part-tim e
Transit O perators to operate
passenger buses over pre­
scribed routes in accordance
with designated schedules. No
previous bus driving experi­
ence required. W e train. Start­
ing w age $1 1.73 per hour. D e­
tailed description of duties,
qualification requirements, and
official application form a vail­
able in our H um an R esources
O ffice, 3140 Del W ebb Ave.
NE, Salem, OR 97303. Official
D istrict application form must
be com pleted and received at
D istrict by 5:00 p.m. M ay 22,
1998. An equal opportunity
• Two years experience as m achine/equipment operators
• Basic math, reading and writing ability
• M inimum High School Diploma or GED
• Excellent com m unication and interpersonal skills
At Below Com petitive Prices
Re-Financing Available
I ncrease The Value O f Y o u r Home,
A t A New Payment I.ESS
Than Y o u r C urrent Combined Total.
A braham Joseph E xterio r Restoration
Call Now 307-7519 #128684
Oregon, opportunity means great
benefits, competitive salaries, and a
large variety of careers available state
wide. Currently, openings exist in the
following agencies:
M onitoring C A C FP participants.
R ecruitm ent and orientation of
new fam ily child care provid­
ers. M ust be w illing to w ork in
M ultnom ah, W ashington, and
C lark C ounties. M ust have ba­
sic understanding of nutrition.
M ust have reliable tra n sp o rta ­
tion and insurance. Deadline to
apply, M ay 2 2 ,1 9 9 8
Apply at:
2 7 N E K illin g s w o rth
Portland, Oregon 97211
Oregon A rm y
National Guard
N on-prior or prior service okay.
W e take G ED 's. Good pay and
Call: 503-557-6034.
\~ k * L ji
Transportation Engineer 3
(Structural Materials Engineer)
We are seeking applicants with technical expertise In structural
matenals tor position in Salem. Will provide expert technical support
In structural and general construction materials, provide expertise in
destructive and nondestructive laboratory testing of structural and
general materials, and write, recommend, coordinate, and review
materials and construction specifications for structural items Must be
a Registered Professional Engineer (PE) In civil or structural
engineering. Requires Bachelor's degree in civil or transportation-
related Engineering AND four years of professional-level experience in
the practice of transportation engineenng; OR seven years of
engineering experience. Three of ths seven years must have been performing professional-level
engineering duties. Salary $3,762 to $5,146 a month plus benefits. ¡Announcement #0CDT8153].
Contact ODOT Recruitment at (503) 986-4030 (TTY 986-3854 for the hearing Impaired, tor required
application p a c k e t Completed application materials must be received by May 2 2 .1 9 9 8 .
Engineering Specialist 1
(Traffic Recorder Technician)
We are seeking applicants to fill vacancy in Roseburg. Will conduct field studies and compile data for traffic
movement, vehicle usage, and vehicle distribution. Requires an Associate's degree in Engineering
Technology from a recognized community college or technical school: OR eighteen months of experience
directly related to engineering; OR a Bachelor's degree in Engineering, Architecture, Geology, Mathematics,
or Physics. Salary $1,659 to $2,243 a month plus benefits. ¡Announcement #0C0T8154|. Contact OOOT
Recruitment at (503) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY 986-3854 for the hearing impaired) for required application
packet. Completed application materials must be received by May 2 2 .1 9 9 8 .
Executive Support Specialist 1
We are seeking applicants for immediate vacancy in Salem. Will provide administrative support to the Right
of Way Section Manager: as leadworker, provide instruction and training to all administrative personnel
assigned to unit, determine work priorities and office procedures and implement policies. Requires three
years of clerical I secretarial expenence which includes one year at a full performance level performing
typing, word processing or other generation of documents; AND lead work responsibility or coordination of
office procedures. Courses or training in Office Occupations or Office Technology may be substituted for
up to one year of the clerical/secretarial experience. No substitution will be made for the one year at the
full performance level. Salary $1.755 to $2.329 a month plus benefits. ¡Announcement #0CDT8155).
Contact OOOT Recruitment at (503) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY 986-3854 for the hearing Impaired, tor required
application p a c k e t Completed application materials must be received by May 2 2,1 99 8 .
Transportation Engineer 2
(Concrete Quality Engineer)
We are seeking a Registered Professional Engineer for vacancy In Salem. Responsible for ensuring the
quality of oncrete provided to state construction projects, this individual will review mix designs prepared
and submitted by contractors, review concrete test reports, analyze failing test material and make
recommendations for remediation. Registration as a Professional Engineer is required. Requires a
Bachelor's degree in civil or transportation-related engineering AND two years of professional-level
experience in the practice of transportation engineering; OR five years of engineering experience. Two of
the five years must have been performing professional-level engineering duties. Salary $3,251 to $4,444
a month plus benefits. ¡Announcement #0CDT8155). Contact OOOT Recruitment at (503) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0
(TTY 986-3854 for the hearing impaired) tor required application p a c k e t Completed application
materials must be received May 2 2 ,1 9 9 8 .
For other OOOT opportunities call our Recruitment JOBUNE a t (503) 986-3847
Principal Contributor 2
Quality Assurance Manager
Position located In Salem. Seeking highly motivated individual with strong Quality Assurance background
to provide managerial planning and direction statewide for all Inmate Work Programs' production and
services functions to ensure quality performance and customer satisfaction. Requires Bachelor's in
Business/Public Administration and two years experience demonstrating responsibility for analyzing
complex systems, identifying problems, generating alternatives, building consensus and implementing
solutions, OR advanced degree and one year of experience. Salary: $3302 $4430. Excellent Benefits. Job
Announcement (#LE980718) may be obtained from any Oregon Employment Department or call (503)
378-6013 or log onto our web site at http://w w w .doc.state.or.us. Recruitment closes May 29, 1998
Y h e s e are just some of the current openings available with the State of Oregon. For additional
Exp. L a b o r-J n . C arp $9-$ 16 p/h
Vehicle/U A/O D L req.
C all 203-5488 or 654-0021
• Ability to work in a team based environment
Prior food m anufacturing experience is a plus. Nabisco offers an
excellent pay and benefits package. No phone calls or applications
will be accepted at the Bakery. Qualified candidates should send
resumes to Nabisco, Dept. OB5-3PT, PO Box 3496, Portland, OR
97208. Nabisco is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Em­
ployer, M/F/D/V.
WTien it comes to keeping O regon
healthy, we couldn't care more.
Since 19 4 1, Regence BlueCross BlueShield o f Oregon has relied on the efforts o f our exceptional workforce to discover innovative routes to superior
health care. Solutions like wellness programs, physician-directed care and assistance to unmsurable Oregonians. O u r people understand that while quality
often has a pnee. efficiency and intelligent strategies can keep costs to a minimum. If bettering the quality o f life in Oregon sounds like a w orthwhile pur
suit to you. consider our possibilities:
C u s to m e r S e rv ic e R epre s en tativ e s
10 Immediate Openings
Rated as the #4 M ost
Employer in the Nation
by Fortune Magazine
interface. You must have a Bachelor's degree in Business (o r a related
field), at least three years expenence leading and implementing the
(|ob #698)
K ick O ff 1998 with the
U ltimate P art -T ime J ob
You must have a strong customer service background and knowledge o f
strategic planning process, and at least five years in product management,
medical terminology The ability to w ork with little supervision in a fast-
development and analysis.
paced. team environment is necessary Additionally, you must have excellent
C la im s C le rk
PC, organizational, pnontizatlon and communication skills as well as the abil­
(Job #347)
ity to type 40 woids per minute. The ability to w ork overtime is necessary
You will contnbute to accurate claims processing by identifying member
C la im s S u p e rv is o r
H o s p ita l U n it
eligibility on new claims and entenng the claims onto the appropnate
processing system, ensunng accurate inventory and tracking o f outstand­
ing claims. You must have a high school diploma, at least six months o f
Oob #788)
You will supervise and direct activities o f the claims processing staff in the
Hospital U nit to ensure accurate and consistent benefit administration,
using efficient coding techniques and system functions to ensure consis­
data-entry expenence. and typing and I O-key skills.
S e n io r Life and D is a b ility U n d e r w r it e r
Qob #736)
tent data fo r statistical reporting and utilization management You must
have three to five years o f expenence in the health insurance industry.
Supervisory expenence o r equivalent training and education is required
You will underwrite risk and rates for groups o f all sizes, including financial
alternatives on alternately funded and key accounts, while maintaining a
competitive position in the marketplace You must have a Bachelor’s
degree, preferably in mathematics, actuarial science, accounting or
C la im s A nalysts
business administration, and at least five years o f expenence in
(Job #573)
You will analyze and enter claim information into our automated claims
group underwriting
processing system. You must have a High School diploma o r equivalent
N e w G ro u p E n ro llm e n t Technician
Qob #720)
Night Shift - 10:00pm
til 2:30 am
$8.50 - $9.5Q/hour to start
►opportunities for advancement
►various part-time shifts available
►must be ,8 years or older
►full benefits for employees & dependents
Drop By...
T echn o lo g y C o n s u lta n t
S o ftw a re C o n fig u ra tio n M a n a g e m e n t
You will review new group and benefit changes to ensure that underw rit­
(Job #742)
ensure that enrollment is completed in a timely manner. You must have a
ing guidelines are m e t enter applicable information into our system, and
The successful candidate will work as a member o f the team which collabo­
High School diploma, o r equivalent, and at least tw o years o f expenence
rates in supporting troubleshooting researching and recommending develop­
in the insurance industry.
ment tods, processes and education.This position requires excellent skills in
M e r it U n d e r w r it e r
project management information gathenng and analysis, customer relations
Oob # 7 9 l)
and service, and written and oral communication.
Responsibilities include calculation o f rates and b e r'.i quotes for
P ro d u c t M a n a g e m e n t A n a ly s t
prospective groups as well as renewal positions, knowledge o f vanous
large group funding and rating alternatives, financial settlements and rating
(Job #773)
You will research, analyze, recommend, initiate, direct and lead product
o f benefit variations for existing groups Qualified applicants will have pre­
management efforts U nit activities consist o f strategic planning, product
vious Merit U nderwnter or equivalent insurance expenence, as well as
life cycle and profitability analysis, project management, com petitor
strong analytical skills, the ability to w o 'k under pressure, and excellent
research, employer and employee satisfaction and advertising agency
w ritten and oral communication skill*.
W e offer a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package Pre employment dnig screening is required, and we support a smoke-free w ork envi­
ronm ent To apply, please indicate job # at the top o f your resume o r cover letter and submit ti
R e g en ce B lu e C ro s s B lu e S h ie ld o f O re g o n and
R e g e n c e H M O O re g o n , H u m a n R e so u rces , P O . B om 1271, P o rtla n d , O R 9 7 2 0 7 - 1 2 7 0 ,T T Y # (SO J) 2 2 S -6 7 8 0 W e are strongly committed
to equal opportunity in all phases o f employment
4106 N. Vancouver Ave., Portland, Oregon
Hrs. 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Monday through Friday
For more Information, please call the
Workforce Center at 503-288-4370
An Equal Opportunity Employer
• *
OF T R A N S P O R T A T IO N _________________
Knowledge o f medical terminology is required.
Specialist 20HRS/
° F
Information, a copy of the State of Oregon Application Form and more complete announcement listings,
call the State Jobline (Oregonian Inside Line) (503) 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 #7777, TTY (503) 3 78 4 6 7 2 , visit your
local Employment Department, or log onto our web site at http://xvwwLhr.das.state.or.us/kibs/. The
State of Oregon and all Its divisions are proud to be equal opportunity employers.
Construction Jobs
Start ASAP
• Com puter skills
Siding Windows
BlueCross BlueShield o f Oregon
HMO Oregon
For more information about career opportunities, call our job Information Une:
1 -8 0 0 -2 3 l - l t 17 o r v is it o u r w e b s ite a t w w w .b c b s o .c o m