Page BIO MAY 5, 1998 (Elje Portland (Observer L 'LASS1FIEDS A N D HMDS B uilding Plan Exam iner ll-$21 39 to $24.77/hr. Open Continuous Reference No 832 Exam No.97-061. Electrician-$20.31 to$22.08/hr. Open Continuous. Reference No 834. Exam No. 97-083. Em ergency C om m unications O perator Trainee (ECOT)-Closes 5/29/98. Reference No. 842. Exam No. 98-060. Engineer (S tructural)-B ureau o f B uildings- $44,723 to $5,205/ mo. Open Continuous. Reference No. 844. Exam No. 98-068. M anagement Auditor-$3,413 to $4,358/mo. Reference No. 824 Exam No. 98-061. closes 5/22/98 of Oregon, Inc. Social Service COMMUNITY DETENTION MONITOR Other Instructio n s: Position closes: May 22, 1993. Mower O perator (Opens 5/6/98)-$13.68 to $16.75/hr. Closes 5/ 15/98. Reference No. 823. Exam No. 98-070. Equal Opportunity Employer Recreation S upervisor (Multnomah Arts Center)-$3,413to$4,358/ mo. Closes 5/8/98. Reference No. 043. Secretarial Clerk l-$20,280 to $28 142/yr. Reference No. 837. Exam No. 97-123. Open Continuous. Secretarial Clerk ll-$21,611 to $30,451/yr. Reference No. 839. Exam No. 97-124. Open Continuous. Senior Management Information Systems (MIS) Support Ana­ l y s t ^ , 591 to $4,587/mo. Closes 5/18/98. Reference No. 825. Exam No. 98-066. Senior Program Analyst-$45,365 to $57,990/yr. Closes 5/18/98. Reference No. 822. Exam No. 98-067. System Analyst/Programmer-$45,365 to $57.990/yr. Open Con­ tinuous. Reference No. 833. Exam No. 97-073. For detailed information, call 823-4573 and choose reference no. from ad. Mailing address: Salary $3,146 to $6,240 monthly, DOE Attorney position in the G overn­ ment Services Section of the General Counsel Division in Salem. Duties include provid­ ing general counsel services to Oregon public safety agencies. Must have excellent writing, analytical and verbal skills. Must be OSB member. To ap­ ply, call (503) 378-5555, ext 321, TTY (503) 378-5938, or in te rn e t at h ttp :// www Applica­ tion deadline is April 30,1998. AA/EOE. f Request for Proposal due by 4:00 PM on: May 29,1998 Proposals will not be publicly opened and read aloud. Proposals m ust be sealed in their entirety, and the packag­ ing clearly m arked with the Proposer’s nam e, address, and RFP num ber. P roposals will be received until, but not after, 4:00 PM, by M ultnom ah C ounty Purchasing, 2505 SE 11th Ave., Portland, OR 97202, for: The Portland Development Commission values diversity in its workforce and is committed to equal employment opportunity and affirmative action. The M ultnom ah C ounty Dept. of C om m unity & Family Svcs., C om m unity P rogram s & P artnerships Div., is seeking to co n ­ tract with one qualified agency to provide intensive com prehen­ sive, cu lturally specific services to African A m erican males, ages 15-17. The youth participants m ust be in the juvenile justice system to the extent that they have been com m itted to the State close security system and are returning to the com m unity, or are currently on probation, but at risk of co m m it­ m ent if th e ir crim inal behaviors escalate. Oregon Legislature Analyst/Advisor Accounting Columbia Sportswear Company* Financial Systems Analyst W e’re seeking a Financial Sys­ tems Analyst who thrives on challenge and is looking for potential to grow with a fast paced, successful company. In this vital position, you will: • Interface with Accounting/Fi- nance and IS management. • Implement financial systems from the user’s perspective. • Audit other system applications for appropriate level of con­ trols. • Establish accurate reporting and data retrieval. • Coordinate projects as assigned by senior management. BS/BA in Computer Science or Accounting/Business Admin or equivalent. 3+ years’ account­ ing systems related experience required; ISauditaplus. Knowl­ edge of accounting/financial systems reporting required. Send resume to: Human Re­ sources, Dept. FSA, PO Box 83239, Portland OR 97283, or Fax to: (503) 735-4597. Equal Opportunity Employer. VAN DRIVER (PAT) to transport clients with mental health and/ or substance abuse issues. Valid ODL, insurable, and clean background check re­ quired. Prior exper. Preferred. Send resume by May 1 to: Otis Clark, 6329 NE MLK, Portland, OR 97211. E> Call For Bid Multnomah County, Oregon Request for Proposal No. P952-95-0338 Computer Minorities, females and disabled are encouraged to apply. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the office of the City Engineer, 244 East Broadway, Eugene, O regon 97401, (541) 682-5560 for a non-refundable fee of $40.00. City E ngineer Portland, OR 97201 1400 SW 5th Ave., Lobby A ll w o rk s h a ll be c o m p le te d b y O c to b e r 1 , 1998. P la n s a nd s p e c ific a tio n s h a ve a d d itio n a l s c h e d u lin g d a te s fo r th e w o rk. Les Lyle, P.E. 1900 SW Fourth Avenue, #100 Personnel Application Center T h is p ro je c t is F e d e ra lly fu n d e d . A p re -b id c o n fe re n c e is s c h e d u le d fo r W e d n e s d a y , M ay 1 3 ,1 9 9 8 ,1 0 :0 0 a.m . a t th e E u g e n e A irp o rt, 28855 L o c k h e e d D rive, E ugene, O re g o n . Dated this 6th day of May, 1998. Please pick up detailed job description and application packet at the PDC. Completed application materials must be received at PDC no laterthan5:00pm, May 15,1998. If outside Portland metro area, call PDC hot line (503) 823-3463 to request a packet by mail. Interim City Hall Oregon Department of Justice Estim ated quantities of major work items to com plete this project are: 17,848 Cu.Yd. Unclassified Excavation; 9,638 Sq. Yd. C rushed Aggregate Base; 25,138 Sq. Yd. Subbase Course; 14,290 Sq. Yd. Cem ent Treated Base; 9,100 Tons AC; 584 Sq. Yd. 15" Concrete Pavement; 298 Sq. Yd. Rotomilling; 2,462 Lin. Ft. of Underdrains; 7,400 Lin. Ft. of Striping. Commission Pick up applications at: Attorney 3. R econstruction of a taxiw ay underdrain system with m anholes Portland Development Effective immediately, any request for open competitive or open continuous examination applications must be accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed, standard, business sized envelope. If requests for applications are made close to our deadline, you may not get the applications in time. Social Services/Social Change/ Domestic Violence Intervention Agency Bradley-Angle House is seeking: Bilingual Spanish Shelter Night Case Manager (40 Hrs/Wk @ $9.40-9.55/Hr, Benefits), T ransition Program Case Manager (40 Hrs/Wk @ $9.92/Hr, Benefits), Youth in Transition Program Coordi­ nator (35 Hrs/Wk @ $9.90/Hr, Benefits) Application packets are required and available by calling (503) 296-8225 or at The Urban League, 3034 NE MLK Jr. Blvd. Closing Date: May 22, 1998. EEO/AA/Feminist Orga­ nization. Women, people o f Color, and Sexual Minorities encouraged to apply. 2. R econstruction of Taxiw ay A & A8 Requires: Specialized knowledge of underwriting low-to-moderate income borrowers; general knowledge of Housing Quality Stan­ dards, building codes, City housing policies; valid driver license. Also requires two years related experience in residential finance/ rehabilitation and loan underwriting, and Bachelor’s degree or equivalent combination of training and experience specializing in real estate financing. Direct experience underwriting Fannie Mae loan products strongly desired. Portland, OR. 97204 ♦ 1. R econstruction of the South G eneral Aviation (G.A.) Ramp $36,133-52,398 Seeking key member of loan production team for Neighborhood Housing Program. Underwrites financial feasibility and program compliance for loan applications for single-family rehabilitation and purchase programs. Ensures that final loan products meet cus­ tomer needs, funding source standards, federal disclosure require­ ments, and City housing policies and goals. Extensive public contact with people of varied social-economic backgrounds. 1220 SW 5th Ave. Room 1000 Events Coordinator - creative, organized team player to coor­ dinate sponsors, plan and implement both local and state­ wide special events. Requires 2 years exp. in event planning; prefer degree in marketing, public relations or related field. Requires excellent skills in communication, planning, and problem solving. Need Car, valid license and insurance. FT + benefits. Send resume & sal­ ary reqs. by 5/15/98 to Oregon Food Bank, 2540 NE Riverside Way, Portland, OR 97211. Equal Opportunity Employer. TAXIW AY A & A8 RECO NSTRUC TIO N Loan Underwriter/Closer Bureau of Personnel Services EUGENE A IR P O R T(M A H LO N SW EET) A IP 3-41- 0018-22 SOUTH G.A. RAMP RECO NSTRUCTIO N The work contem plated consists of, but is not lim ited to, the following: Send Resume/application to: Volunteers of America of Oregon, Inc., 537 SE Alder St., Portland, OR 97214. Closes 5/18/98. Program m er A nalyst (Police)-$40,955 to $52,291/yr. closes 5/ 26/98. Reference No. 840. Exam No. 89-069 J o b 3611 Job opening ad: Field monitor for at-risk youth diverted from secure detention to community supervision. Responsibilities include random face to face visits with youth at home, school, work. Ensure youth comply with court ordered release plan. Report activities. Experience with ethnically diverse populations, good oral/written communication and computer skills. Education: BA/AA + 2 yr or HS/GED + 4yr relevant experience. Special requirements: Reliable insured vehicle, fluency in Spanish/Asian dialect a plus. Hourly rate plus $.29 mileage. 40 hr. per week. Must pass in-depth criminal history check prior to job offer. M editation Program Manager (Sr. com m unity Relations Spe- cialist)-$3,980to$5,084/m o. Closes 5/26/98. Reference No. 848. Exam No. 98065. Police Data Analyst-$3,413 to $4,358/mo. Reference No. 836. Exam No. 98-064. Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Eugene, Oregon will receive sealed bids until 2:00 p.m ., W e d n e s d a y , M ay 27, 1998 at the office of the City Engineer, 244 East Broadway, Eugene, Oregon. All bids will be publicly opened and read at 10:05 a.m. in the conference room, 244 East Broadway, for the following local im provem ent: Volunteers of America Open Continuous Com m unity Police O fficer $30,306 to $49,733/yr. Open Continu ous. Reference No. 829. Exam No. 97-146. Plans shall be available Tuesday, May 5. 1998 ¥ Employment Opportunities City of Portland Clerical Specialist-$1.856 to $2,590/mo. Reference No. 830. Exam No. 97-118. Call For Bids • Provide IT Services to Legislators • Project Leader, Analyst, Designer • Participate in Technology Transition • Client Server and Mainframe For application information contact; Karen Hupp Employee Services 140 State Capitol, Salem OR 97310 (503) 986-1373 “ ‘ There is an O ptional pre-proposal w orkshop May 12,1998, 10:30 a.m., at the Com m onw ealth Bldg., 421 SW 6th Ave., Conf Rm 6A. A ttendance is optional but strongly encouraged. Ad­ denda will only be sent to those agencies attending the W ork­ shop or request a copy of the RFP from C ounty Purchasing. M ultnom ah C ounty reserves the right to reject any or all proposals if not in com pliance with the Request for Proposals (RFP) procedures and requirem ents. S pecifications m ay be obtained from: M ultnom ah C ounty Pur­ chasing, 2505 SE 11 th A v e ., Portland, OR 97202. Phone (503) 248-5111, Fax (503) 248-3252. M U LTN O M A H C O U N TY PU R C H ASIN G Deadline: 5/22/98 SUB-BIDS REQUESTED TWO RIVERS CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION * UMATILLA, OR Bid Package 10A - Cabinetry Bid Date: May 21, 1998 - 2:00 pm Bid Package 10B - Site Furnishings Bid Date: June 3, 1998 - 2:00 pm Pre-Bid Conference for Bid Package 10B: May 13,1998 at Jobsite Advertisement For Bid Sealed bids fo rth e Cordley Hall Elevator M odernization Rebid project will be received by the O regon State Board of Higher E ducation until 3:00 PM, local time, May 26,1997. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud at that time. All bidders must be registered with the C onstruction C ontractor’s Board. DRAKE DUNN Additional inform ation may be obtained by contacting Facilities S ervices, 100 A dam s Hall, Corvallis, O regon 97331-2001 or telephone 541-737-7694. DRAKE/DUNN A JOINT VENTURE 437 N. Columbia Blvd. - Portland, OR 97217 (503) 978-0800 Fax (503) 978-1031 CCB #109192 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises. Advertisement For Bid SUB-BIDS REQUESTED S ealed bids for the Crop Science Exterior R estoration project will be received by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education until 2:00 PM, local tim e, June 2 ,1998. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud at that time. All bidders must be registered with the C onstruction C ontractor’s Board. PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY URBAN CENTER Portland, OR Bid Date: May 28, 1998 • 3:00 pm PDT A dditional inform ation may be obtained by contacting Facilities S ervices, 100 A dam s Hall, Corvallis, O regon 97331-2001 or telephone 541-737-7694. DRAKE CONST. CO. n n n i/c 437 N Columbia Blvd. - Portland, OR 97217 UHAKt (503) 978-0800 Fax (503) 978-1031 CCB #84045 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from disadvantaged, PORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE minority, women, disabled veteran or emerging small business enterprises All Campus Locations Information regarding career opportunities at PCC can be obtained by calling the Job Hotline (503) 978- 5858. Hearing impaired applicants may call TDD (503) 978-5878. Advertisement For Bid Applications for open positions may be obtained by contacting Sealed bids forthe Dearborn Hall/FiIter Plant Reroof project will be received by the O regon State Board of Higher Education until 2:00 PM, local time, May 26,1997. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud at that time. All bidders m ust be registered with the C onstruction C o n tracto r’s Board. PCC Web Site: (Complete application packets including position description, supplemental questions and application form may be printed from our web site.) OR Phone: (503) 978-5857 Fax: (503) 286-0410 e-mail: Additional inform ation may be obtained by contacting Facilities S ervices, 100 A dam s Hall, Corvallis, O regon 97331-2001 or telephone 541-737-7694. As an AA/EEO Institution, PCC actively seeks minorities, women and individuals with disabilities to ! ^enhance its work force and reflect the diversity of its student body. J