Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 05, 1998, Page 17, Image 17

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M A Y 5 ,1 9 9 8
rt lauft (Ohsmwr
Full-Time And Part-
Time Transit
Salem Area M ass Transit District
is now accepting applications
fo r both full-tim e and part-tim e
T ra n sit O perators to operate
p asseng er buses over p re ­
scribed routes in accordance
with designated schedules. No
previous bus driving exp e ri­
ence required. W e train. S tart­
ing w a g e $ 1 1.73 p e rh o u r. D e ­
ta iled de scrip tio n of duties,
qualification requirements, and
official application form are
available in our H um an R e­
sources Office, 3140 Del W ebb
Ave. NE, Salem , OR 97303.
Official District application form
be com pleted and received at
D istrict by 5:00 p.m. M ay 22,
1998. An equal opportunity
Continued From Front
Oregon Department
of Justice
Position #9994039
W e are seeking applican ts for a
half-tim e attorney position in
the H um an S ervice Section,
G eneral C ounsel D ivision in
Salem . Salary is (50% of)
$37,752 to $50,65 2 annually.
DOE. duties include providing
advice and litigation services
to branches of the State O ffice
for S ervices to C hildren and
Families (SCF). Familiarity with
juve n ile law or adm inistrative
law is desirable, but not re­
quired. M ust be O SB m em ber,
to apply call 503-378-5555 ext
323, 5 0 3 -3 7 8 -5 9 3 8 TTY or
In te r n e t
a t:
h ttp ://
w w w .doj.state.o r.u s. A pplica­
tion deadline is M ay 2 2 ,1 9 9 8 .
Adm inistration
Support Services
Oregon Department
of Justice
Salary is $1,757 to $2,346
We currently have a position avail­
able with our Salem office of the
G eneral C ounsel D ivision of
the Oregon Departm ent of Jus­
tice. D uties include su pervi­
sion of clerical support staff
w ho perform legal and se cre ­
tarial duties and serving as liai­
son to the co m p u te r related
problem s. A pplicants m ust
have three years of clerical or
secretarial experience. Obtain
state application form (P D 100)
and recruiting announcem ent
#LE980715 from any State Em­
ploym ent D epartm ent local o f­
fice. Filing deadline is M ay 21,
1998. AA/EO E.
Photo 's By M. Washington
Ex-Black Panther Leader Eldridge Cleaver Dies
France during which time he de­
nounced the Panthers to support capi­
talism, saying “I found the systems of
dictatorships and communism to be
absolutely unacceptable."
He was a man who went through
many transformations from convict
to writer to revolutionary to exile to
crack addict to born-again C hristian.
Along the way, he wrote a cookbook,
stole cars to pay for drugs and de­
signed m en’s pants with codpieces.
Cleaver sprang to prominence as
spokesman for the Panthers, a group
famous for its armed confrontations
with police. He joined shortly after
the party was founded by Huey New­
ton and Bobby Seale in Oakland,
California, in 1966.
The Panthers, carrying guns and
wearing trademark black jackets and
berets, gained followers throughout
the United States during the turbu­
lent 1960s when dozens o f cities
erupted in race riots.
When Cleaver was asked to speak
at the University o f California at
Berkeley, then-Gov. Ronald Reagan
expressed outraged. “ If Eldridge
Cleaver is allowed to teach our chil­
dren they may come home one night
and slit our throats,” he said.
Leroy Eldridge Cleaver was bom
Aug. 31, 1935, in Wabbaseka, Ar­
kansas. His father was a dining car
waiter and his mother a teacher. His
family moved to Phoenix, Arizona,
and later to the poor Watts neighbor­
hood o f Los Angeles.
Cleaver spent his teen-age years
in jail. After convictions for bicycle
theft and selling marijuana, he was
convicted o f assault with intent to
murder in 1957 and remanded to
C alifornia's tough San Quentin and
Folsom prisons.
C le a v e r b e g a n to w rite in ja il.
and w hen he w as freed on paro le
in N o v e m b e r 1966, he got a jo b
as a re p o rte r w ith the le ft-w in g
m a g a z in e R am p arts in San F ra n ­
c isc o . O n A pril 6, 1968, C leav er
w as w o u n d e d in a sh o o to u t w ith
p o lic e in O a k la n d . B lack P a n ­
th e r B obby H u tto n w as k illed.
C le a v e r fa c e d c h a rg e s o f a t­
te m p te d m u rd e r and a ssa u lt.
A llo w ed to go free for several
m o n th s, C le a v e r cam p aig n ed for
the p re sid e n c y on the Peace and
Freedom P arty tic k e t. L ate in
1968, a co u rt o rd e re d him back
to ja il and he fled.
W hile in exile. Cleaver quarreled
with Newton and quit the party. In
1975, Cleaver returned to the United
States, saying he had become a born-
again Christian. Under a settlement,
he pleaded guilty to assault and was
ordered to perform 2,000 hours of
community service.
O f his religious conversion, he
once said, “ I saw a path o f light in the
sky, and I said, ‘This is God, and
those are my marching orders.’”
In the m id-1980s Cleaver became
addicted to crack, developing a habit
so strong that he had to recycle bottles
to pay for drugs.
In 1994, he alm o st died from a
blow to the head from a fellow
ad d ict. W ith the help o f his fa m ­
ily, he quit d ru g s and retu rn ed to
e v a n g e lic al C h ristia n ity .
Cleaver married Kathleen Neal in
December 1967, and had two chil­
dren with her. The couple divorced
20 years later.
U n iv e rsity o f La V erne V ice
p r e s id e n t A lf r e d C la r k s a id
C leaver “ was a very d ifferen t man
from the one w e re m em b er from
the 1960s, a m an w ho ta lk e d o f
frie n d sh ip and b ro th e rh o o d in ­
stead o f c o n flic t."
P ortland C o m m u n ity C ollege
F aculty Federation seeks an
o rg a n ize r to assist in the d e ­
velopm ent and im plem enta­
tion o f a strategic plan to in­
crease m em bership participa­
tion and involvem ent.
This is a half-tim e position with
salary approxim ately $16,000
plus benefits. E xperience in
the labor m ovem ent and/or
higher education is preferred.
Call 503-977-4180 for m ore
inform ation. S end co ve r letter
and resum e by M ay 2 0 ,1 9 9 8
to PC C FF, PO Box 19389,
P ortland OR 97280.
Many Openings.
No Experience.
W e T ra in . PT Positions.
Benefits & R etirem ent
Call Keith Staples
US Naval Reserve
Security Guard
In -h o u s e S e c u r ity G u a rd
needed for NE Portland Li­
quor Outlet. Salary DOE.
Call Robert at 284-3691
Experienced C ook needed to
o p e ra te NE P o rtla n d soul
Food R estaurant.
Salary DOE.
Call Robert 284-3691
The “I Have a Dream ” Founda­
tion - O regon is accepting re­
sum es with references from
applicants with at least two years
of college or equivalent experi­
ence to w ork with m iddle and
high school students prim arily
in North and N ortheast P ort­
land Schools. Both full-time and
part-tim e positions are a vail­
able for the 1 998-1999 school
year. A m eriC orps m em bers
serving w ith the Foundation
receive living stipends, tuition
awards and free credits at Port­
land State University. Form ore
inform ation, call Brain Detm an
at287-7203-office o r202-4964-
voice m ail.
Mental Health
Program Director For
Girls’ Residential
Do you want to m ake a real differ­
ence in the lives of young
w om en? Are you an advocate
fo r e x p a n d in g s e rv ic e s for
young wom en? Are you a team
developer? do you understand
valuing differences as a g u id ­
ing principle? D oes you e xp e ­
rience include m anaging a resi­
dential treatm ent m ilieu and
staff supervision? Are you
ready for a new challenge in
yo urcareer? Step into the role
as a leader for one of O regon's
largest youth agencies. Excel­
lent com pensation package. A
M asters degree in a related
social service field plus revelant
experience is preferred. BA
plus relevant experience will be
considered. S e n d re su m e a n d
salary requirem ents to: Job
Search, c/o T h e Postal Station,
2000 NE 42nd Ave., Suite 229,
Portland, Or. 97213-1305. Po­
sition open through M ay 18,
Oregon Department
of Justice
Attorney Position in the Tax and
Finance Section in Salem. Sal­
ary is $3.146 to $4,221 monthly.
DOE. D uties include repre­
senting the O regon Dept. of
R evenue in litigation p roceed­
ings before the Tax M agistrate
and R egular D ivisions of the
O regon Tax Court, and before
othercourts. T ra in in g o re xp e -
rience and aptitude for litigation
is essential. Know ledge of and
experience in tax law, real prop­
erty law and property or b u si­
ness valuations, or a com bina­
tion thereof, desirable. In addi­
tion, the attorney will advise the
Dept. of R evenue concerning
tax laws. A pplicants should
posses superior analytical and
verbal skills. M ust be O SB
m em ber. To apply call 503-
378-5555 ext 321, 503-378-
5938 TTY, or Internet at http://
w w w .doj.state.or.us. A pp lica ­
tion deadline is June 2 6 ,199 8.
Mediation Program
Mediation Center
City of Portland, Oregon
T his position m anages a p ro ­
g ra m w h ich p ro v id e s fre e
c o m m u n ity m e d ia tio n s e r­
vices to Portland area resi­
dents on a w ide variety of
disputes: neighbor-to-neigh-
bor, la n d lo rd -te n a n t, sm a ll
business and schools. The
position supervises a sm all
staff of professional m edia­
tors and a corps of volunteer
m ediators. The position is also
re s p o n s ib le fo r m a n a g in g
b u d g e t, fin d in g a d d itio n a l
funding sources, and m ain­
taining effective w orking rela­
tionships w ith funders, refer­
ral sources and elected o ffi­
cials. Please note: this is a
one-year tem porary position
w ith the C ity of Portland.
A p p ro x im a te s a la ry ra n g e :
$3,980 to $5,084/m onth
A pplication packets are a vail­
able at the Bureau of H um an
R esources fo rth e C ity of P ort­
land, located at 1400 SW Fifth
A venue, P ortland, O regon.
The deadline fo r applications
to be received by the C ity is
M ay 26, 1998.