Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 05, 1998, Page 16, Image 16

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O regon S chool o f M assage
Nourishing Touch For Couples
B \ J i i ik G i . asser am ) A m h o w
“Can you teach m y husband
to m assage my sh o u ld ers? ”
"My g irlfrien d tries to
m assage my hack, but her hands
g e t tired after fiv e m inutes! ”
“ H ow! I wish I could receive
m assages m ore often, but I
cu n 't a ffo rd it. ”
These are statements we often hear
from our massage clients. People be­
come enthusiastic about the results
they feel when they receive massages.
()ne client told us o f how massage has
enriched her relationship with her
“ I have alw ays received profes­
sional m assages once or tw ice a
year. O ne year. I bought my hus­
band a m assage gift certificate for
his birthday. A fter he received his
first massage, he came home beam ­
ing! He suggested we take a class
together to learn how to do m as­
sage at homes. That was tw o years
ago, and now when one o f us is
really stressed out, we have an ­
other way to help each other o ut.”
Regular m assage increases c ir­
cu latio n, reduces stress related
headaches, and can make people
feel healthier. When people receive
m assage through times o f acute
pain, chronic discom fort or dis­
tress, they often experience pro­
longed relief. It is no w onder people
want to know how to incorporate
m assage into their lives every day.
They want the people closest to
them to give them regular “spot”
treatm ents at home.
If done correctly, even a five
m inute m assage can provide in­
credible results.
W eofferclasses for couples who
want to learn more about m assag­
ing each other. In this class couples
are show n a few sim ple m ethods
that will enable them to do m as­
sage at home. Since most people
do not have a professional m as­
sage table, we teach m ethods for
m assaging loved ones in a chair,
on the floor, or even on a couch or
bed. We also teach basic relax­
ation and inform ation about the
m uscle structure and body systems.
M assage is a caring and loving
bond for any tw o people to share.
Learning m assage techniques e n ­
ables a person to interact w ith
people they love in a different way.
Sharing your skills by m assaging
others can fill your life with satis­
fying and rew arding experiences.
For more informatin about N our­
ishing Touch for C ouples, call the
O regon School ofM assag eat(5 0 3 )
244-3420. The next class is S atur­
day, May 9 from 10 AM to 5 PM.
($100 per couple)
A Chimpanzee At Stanford
O n e d a y 1 w as w a lk in g
th ro u g h th e S ta n fo rd U n iv e rsity
ca m p u s w ith a frie n d w h en I
saw a cro w d o f peo p le w ith c a m ­
e ra s an d v id e o e q u ip m e n t on a
little h ills id e .
They w e re c lu s te r e d a ro u n d
a p a ir o f c h im p a n z e e s - a m ale
ru n n in g lo o se an d a fe m a le on a
c h a in a b o u t tw e n ty - f iv e fe e t
It tu rn e d o u t th e m a le w as
from M a rin e W o rld an d th e fe ­
m a le w a s b e in g s tu d ie d fo r
so m e th in g o r o th e r at S ta n fo rd .
T h e s p e c ta to r s w e re s c ie n tis ts
an d p u b lic ity p e o p le try in g to
g et th em to m ate.
T h e m a le w a s e a g e r . He
g r u n t e d a n d g r a b b e d th e
f e m a le ’s ch a in and tu g g e d .
S he w h im p e re d and b ack ed
a w a y . H e p u lle d a g a in . S he
p u lle d b a c k . W a tc h in g th e
c h im p s ' fa c e s, I (a w o m a n ) b e ­
gan to feel sy m p a th y fo r the
fem ale.
S u d d e n ly the fe m a le c h im p
y a n k e d h e r c h a in out o f the
m a le ’s g ra sp .
T o m y a m a z e m e n t, sh e
w a lk e d th r o u g h th e c r o w d ,
M A Y 5 ,1 9 9 8
^Jortlanb ffîbscruer
s tra ig h t o v e r to m e, a n d to o k
my h and.
T h en she led me a c ro s s th e
c ir c le to th e o n ly o th e r tw o
w om en in th e c ro w d , an d she
jo in e d h a n d s w ith one o f th e m .
T he th r e e o f us s to o d t o ­
g e th e r in a c irc le . I re m e m b e r
the fe e lin g o f th a t ro u g h palm
a g a in s t m in e.
T he little c h im p had r e c o g ­
n iz e d us and re a c h e d o u t a c ro s s
all th e y e a rs o f e v o lu tio n to
form her ow n s u p p o rt g ro u p .
Q u o te d fo r F ran P e a v e y ,
a u th o r o f H eart P o litic s
1010 AM
This show is about moving sto­
ries and challenges, experiencing
pain and dealing with relationships,
plus books w hich will change your
The following excerpt is from a
previous radio show session with
Terry Braverman as the guest. Terry
Braverman is the au thorof“ When
The G oing G ets Tough, The
Tough Lighten Up!”
B o u ch er:
T e rry
Brav erman is a recovering stand
up comedian (still in recovery),
professional speaker and seminar
leader. He has also been on Com ­
edy Central and The Improv.
Terry Braverman: When 1 was
1 3 ,1 discovered my talent for hu­
mor and comedy. I used it mostly
to protect m yself by making the
tough kids laugh. It was more a
defense mechanism. As I grew up
and became mature, I started to
see hum or in a different lig h t, not
so much as trying to be funny.
Spontaneity and humor pulls me
word for humor is umare. It means to be
fluid like in water.
H um or is a w ay o f refram ing a
reality or circum stance in a posi­
tive light. 1 began to see it was
m ore im portant to have fun than it
was to be funny. Fun is very in­
When I do a show and people
laugh together, it creates bonds.
Jean Boucher: You write about
Norman Cousins.
I erry Braverman: He was the one
who really brought laughter as a healer
into the mainstream. He was afflicted
with a life threatening illness that had
i never been cured before. It was a
\ collagendiseasedestroyinghisspinal
column and when he went into the
/ hospital, doctors told him he had
I maybe 6-8 months to live. Norman
Cousins said," Hey, if I’ve only got 6-
8 months to live, I’m going to die
laughing. I le asked friends and family
to bring in somethingamusingw hethcr
it was a comedy video of the Marx
brothers or a humorous book, a funny
audiotape - anything that might pro­
voke a laughing response from him.
And after only three weeks ofbeing on
this comedy diet, his disease went into
remission. The doctors wereabsol utely
blown away.
The Spinal Column
Bv B illie F lowers , D.C.
Q: Nothing else has ever really
helped my allergies. What can Chi­
ropractic possibly do?
A: First take a look at the word
itself. “Allergy” is a shortened form
o f“altered energy.” Way back when
patients first complained o f aller­
gic symptoms, it was obvious to the
physician w ho coined the term that
somehow, the body’s energy con­
1010 AM
THE \ O IC E |
back into my power because when I
start laughing at my circumstances, it
puts me back into the moment. That
gives me power over my circum­
figuration had shifted and caused the
problem. Chiropractors now know
that the central nervous system con­
trols the body’s flow o f energy. We
also know that when the spinal col­
umn is out o f alignment, it interferes
with the central nervous system ’s
flow o f energy.
When those nerves leading to the
eyes or nose or throat are being
interferred with, “altered energy”
1010 AM
symptomes result. By correcting the
source o f the problem, not just the
symptoms, Chiropractic can often
provide complete, lasting relief.
Without drugs or drowsiness. For
help with your allergy-related prob­
lems or answers to any questions
you might have about your health,
you will find that Chiropractic is
often the answer. Call us for an
appointment today.
I 1010 AM I
What happened to me was that even through books, seminars and churches, there was no change; I had to have
a wakeup call. Then I realized that I was more than just a body: I WAS A SOUL!
“You only g e t out o f life what you p u t into it! ”
R alph W aldo E m erson
Sundays at 6 PM. Call with your questions and comments
(503)235-1010 1-800-636-1011 Airtouch #1010
Singer M ark O lm stead talks about his new CD, “ Soul Reason”.
Dr. Brian Kreiling discusses how light therapy can help you get through depression during the holidays.
Renee Piane covers getting back into relationships after a breakup or loss.
M inister M ichael M orin with Living Enrichment Center who hosted a radio show for 20 years.
Beth H arding discusses her seminar,’’Stress for Success”.
D errick F oxw orth, commander o f the Portland Police’s Northeast Precinct.
B arry Spilehiick, co-author o f “Chicken Soup for the Soul”.
A lan C ohen, author o f “Dare to be Y ourself and M ore.”
W ayne D yer, author o f “Sacred S e lf’.
Mary Manin Morrissey, senior minister at the Living Enrichment Center and author o f “Building Your Field of
Wednesday, May 6,1998
Cascade Campus
1 la.m. - 6p.m.
O regon S chool o f M assage
Come to the Portland
Community College Career and
Job Information Fair and visit
with over 100 employers.
There will be live entertainment,
keynote speakers, employer
presentations and job
$ ? T h is event if FREE and will take
place outside on the Borthwick
Mall area.
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Licensed Massage Technician
Free Training Previews:
PCC Community College
Cascade Campus
705 N. KUlingsworth
Here are a few of the employers who
will be there!
Bi-Mart Corp , City o f Portland - Bureau of Environmental Science,
Doubletree Hotels, Liberty Northwest Companies, Tektronix, United
Parcel Service (UPS), Fred Meyer, Kaiser Permanente, Legacy Health
Systems, Oregon Lottery, Portland General Electric, Safeway,Inc.
June 25, Thursday a t 7pm
Call for a Reservation for Training Preview
Begin Classes June 22 or Sept 2
Flexible Class Schedule & Payment Plan
sses fu r Everyone.
■ • Couple's Massage
\& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
May 4, M onday at 7pm
M ay 22, Friday at 9am
June 8, Monday a t 7pm
f u r a free Catalogue
• Shiatsu Basi
Nourishing Touch tor Couples Oriental Massagt
Sat, May 9, 10am- 5pm
May 30-31 , ($75
($ 1 0 0 per couple)
Sat/Sun, 9am-4p
9500 SW Barbin Blvd. Suite # 100 • Portland. OR 97219
(503) 244-3420